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Fake Marriage (Contemporary Romance Box Set)

Page 18

by Ajme Williams

  “Did you call the sheriff?”

  “They leave when we tell them we're calling. They’re wily, Mo. I don’t think Salvation is the only town they’ve bullied.” I made a mental note to investigate that idea further.

  He sat back, steepling his fingers as he thought. “The governor called, asking what was going on. He’s invested in this project. He wants to show Nebraska is moving forward and creating jobs.”

  “By taking family farms?’ I shook my head.

  “Sometimes the old ways have to go. Where would we be if we preserved buggy-making to stop the advancement of cars?”

  “That’s apples and oranges. People eat. They need farms.”

  He shrugged.

  “You and the governor might consider that being on the wrong side of this fight will suggest you're against families. Stark is a big corp and you’re not only enabling him to terrorize families, but also to basically steal their land. You can be sure that will be used in negative campaign ads next election cycle. For the governor in particular, that could be bad. Nebraska is a farming state.”

  “I don’t want this to be a fight between us, Sinclair, but you have to support the mayors’ office stance.”

  “Firstly, I thought we were neutral on this. Secondly, I always support your agenda at work, but on my own time I support my husband and our community. It’s still America. I can have my own views.”

  His jaw clenched. “I admire your strength, but you need to remember that farmers aren’t the only people in town. We need jobs.”

  “So, look at bringing in jobs that don’t require forcing people out of their homes. We’ve got empty buildings in town that could hold tech companies or other businesses.”

  He studied me for a minute.

  “Are you going to reprimand me or fire me?” I asked.

  His lips twitched up in amusement. “I hired you because you keep me on my toes. A good mayor needs that.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  He laughed. “I’m sure you will.” He dismissed me after that. I hoped that I’d made an impact and he’d tell Stark to stop his thuggish ways.

  I felt good about the meeting. I felt Mo heard what I said and would consider it as he made decisions.

  As I left work, my mind turned to a more immediate issue. How did I tell Wyatt that he was Alyssa’s father?



  Being a man, one would think the thing that would be foremost in my mind as I headed home was how I’d just had sex with Sinclair on her desk. In the mayor’s office. And while that was wonderful, what was really hanging over me was her response to my asking about adopting Alyssa. I couldn’t read her. One thing was clear; she wasn’t thrilled about the idea and that hurt. Still, she hadn’t completely nixed the idea either.

  I told myself that she had to think about Alyssa and what she’d want. Would Alyssa want me to be her father? Was the father out there somewhere and they were both waiting for him to come back? I’d never heard anyone talk about who the father was when I was around townsfolk, although I never asked. Perhaps it was because I didn’t want to know.

  I arrived at Sinclair’s parents’ house to pick up Alyssa. She chatted the whole way home about this and that. She had me smiling and laughing. I wondered if life had ever been this free and easy for me. Maybe when I was with Ryder and we were off getting into mischief as boys.

  I watched as Alyssa tacked up her horse, checking the girth before helping her on. Then I led her to the ring for a lesson. She was learning quickly and I determined that next time, I’d saddle up with her and take her out into the pasture.

  After her lesson, we headed back into the house. She ran upstairs to clean up while I went into the kitchen where my mother was making supper.

  “You don’t have to cook for us all the time,” I said, putting my hand on her shoulder and looking over it to see what she was making.

  “Just doing my share. You and Sinclair work so hard all day.”

  I went to the refrigerator and pulled out a beer. Popping the top and tossing it in the trash, I leaned against the counter.

  “I asked Sinclair if I could adopt Alyssa.”

  My mother’s gaze jerked to mine. Her eyes twinkled. “You did? So, this marriage isn’t fake?”

  I shrugged because while things were going well, I couldn’t say if they were real. “Whether it is or isn’t, I want to be her father. Seems like a girl should have one.”

  My mother’s eyes misted. “You’re such a good man, Wyatt. I’m so proud of you.”

  “So, you’d be alright with that?”

  “Absolutely. She fits so well with our family. She even looks like us.” She went back to stirring the sauce in her pot.

  “Is that a thing where people end up looking like their dogs?”

  She laughed. “No. She has a sweet temperament, enjoys the farm, and she has your coloring. Even your eyes.”

  I thought about that for a moment. I supposed she did.

  “You know, I remember seeing Sinclair with Alyssa not long after she was born. I’d gone to the clinic for something and she and her mother were with the baby. She was home from school and Alyssa couldn’t have been more than two or three months old. She was such a beautiful baby and I remember thinking how she had those big green eyes like you did.”

  “Don’t all babies look alike?” I took a swig of my beer.

  “Oh no. I remember thinking that if you and Sinclair had still been dating, I’d have been sure Alyssa was yours.”

  Something shifted in my gut, but I pushed it aside.

  “It bothered me some that she’d replaced you so quickly. I mean she must have met the father the first week of class.”

  That uneasy feeling flared again. “Why would you say that?”

  “Because Alyssa was born right at the end of the school year. If she wasn’t pregnant when she first went to college, she had to have been soon after.”

  Everything inside me went still. If she wasn’t pregnant when she first went to college… Could she have been pregnant before? Yes, because the first time I had sex with her, I didn’t use a condom.

  I shook the idea away because surely Sinclair would have told me.

  “She has your smile too. Have you noticed?” My mother grinned at me. “Are you sure you’re not the father already?” Her tone was teasing, but I didn’t find it funny. Not when there was a possibility that it was true. But no. She wouldn’t keep that from me. Would she? Shit, inside my head was a whirling dervish of confusion.

  I heard a car pull up and a door shut.

  “Excuse me.” I strode through the living area and out the front door, meeting Sinclair before she could come in the house. “I need to talk to you.” I took her arm and led her over to the large yard by the side of the house.

  “Is everything alright?” she asked, looking up at me with a concerned expression. “Is Alyssa-”

  “She’s fine.” I bit out. When I was far enough away from the house that I felt we had some privacy, I stared down at Sinclair, wondering if I was about to be destroyed. “Who is Alyssa’s father?”

  Her eyes went wide like the proverbial deer in headlights.

  “Is it me? Am I her father?”

  Her breath hitched. “Oh god.”

  That was all I needed to know the truth. All the air left my lungs. My heart felt like it had been buried under a ten-ton boulder. “What the fuck, Sinclair?”

  “Wyatt, I was going to tell you.”

  “When.” Jesus, I couldn’t breathe.


  Raw emotions of anger and pain coursed hard through my blood. “Because you couldn’t be bothered ten years ago?”

  “You were gone when I found out.” She reached out to touch me, but I jerked away. “I tried to find out. I asked Ryder to help, but we-”

  “Ryder knows?”

  Her face was filled with apology but I didn’t buy it. “He’s the only one. And only because I was trying to find yo
u so I could tell you. We tried for a long time, but we never did find you.”

  Okay, so maybe it was my fault I didn’t know about being a father for the last ten years, but what about now?

  “I’ve been back for some time, Sinclair. Hell, we’re married and you’re living in my house, and you still didn’t think I should know?” I leaned closer to her. “You think I’m not dad material or you just didn’t want to share?”

  “Wyatt.” Tears fell down her face, but I wasn’t swayed by them. She was only upset because I’d found out. “I know I messed this up.”

  “You sure as fuck did.” I leaned closer to her. “You’re the one that has always wanted to tell the truth. You insisted Ryder should know about us ten years ago. We had to tell our families the truth about this fake marriage. But me knowing about my own child…for some reason that was okay to withhold.”

  She looked completely deflated. Good. That’s how I felt too.

  “Tell me, why didn't I deserve to know?” I demanded.

  “You did. I was just afraid‐”

  “Afraid? Of me?”

  “Afraid that if this thing with Stark didn’t go our way that you’ll leave again, and I didn’t want Alyssa to have to go through that.”

  I stared at her, my heart ripping into a million pieces. My eyes were hot and filled with tears. “What the fuck kind of man do you think I am? Jesus. You think I’d leave?”

  “You did before.”

  “Jesus, Sinclair. I was eighteen years old and scared shitless that my dad was going to send me to jail.” I shook my head, realizing the woman I thought I knew, who I was ready to give myself over to heart and soul, was a stranger. “I asked you today if I could adopt her. Adopt her! And you didn’t say a word.”

  “I didn’t want to do it there. I wanted the right time.”

  I laughed derisively. “You’re lying. You had plenty of time. Down by the river, shortly after I got back. The day you moved into my place. During our fake honeymoon. You had plenty of time, Sinclair.” I walked away, feeling overwhelmed by emotion.

  “Wyatt, I’m sorry. I just wanted to do what was best for Alyssa.”

  I whirled around. “Do you hear yourself? By saying that, you’re suggesting there’s something wrong with me. That something about me is not best for her.” I strode to her, wanting to look into her eyes. “What’s wrong with me?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with you, Wyatt. I’ve been warring with myself-”

  “You’re selfish, that’s what you are.”

  “Mama, Wyatt, supper’s ready.” Alyssa called from the side door off the kitchen porch.

  “Fuck.” I ran my fingers through my hair. Then I turned to Sinclair. “Tell her.”


  “Yes, now! Jesus, how heartless are you?”

  She inhaled a shuddering breath. “Yes, of course.” She looked toward the house. “Alyssa, baby, can you come here for a minute?”

  Alyssa trotted across the lawn. I looked away, working to pull my emotions together.

  When she reached us, I turned to her, noting the worry in her expression as she looked from Sinclair to me and back again. “What’s wrong?”

  To her credit, Sinclair mustered a smile. “There’s nothing wrong, baby. In fact, it’s good. I think you’ll be happy.”

  “Then why do you both look so sad?”

  Sinclair looked down. “Because I made a mistake and I hurt Wyatt. And…it might hurt you too. I’m sorry for that. I really am.”

  Alyssa’s brows furrowed together. “What’s going on?”

  Sinclair took a deep breath. “Remember when I told you that your father was gone?”

  “Yes. He didn’t know about me otherwise he’d have stayed.”

  Sinclair looked at me, probably because she wanted brownie points for not painting me as a fucking asshole.

  “Yes, that’s right. Well, he’s back.”

  Alyssa’s face looked stricken, and my heart fell.

  “Is he going to take me away? I like it here with you and Wyatt.” Alyssa looked up at me. “Can’t you be my dad?”

  Jesus, how much could a heart take.

  Sinclair put her hand on Alyssa’s shoulders and bent over to look her in the eyes. “Honey, Wyatt is your father.”

  “What?” Her brows furrowed together as she looked between us both.

  “When I learned I was having a baby, he’d already left and I couldn’t find him. But now he’s here and he wants to be your father.”

  “Like adopt me?” She didn’t seem to be grasping what Sinclair was telling her.

  “No, baby. He’s your real father.”

  She still looked confused. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, looking at me.

  “Wyatt didn’t know either. Not until now. I’m sorry. It’s my fault.”

  Alyssa stood quietly, apparently processing everything. She looked at me. “Does that mean I can call you Daddy?”

  I choked up at the well of emotion that bubbled up. “I’d be honored if you called me Daddy.”

  Then she smiled. “We’re a real family.” She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me. I finally had what I wanted, except now, it was tainted. I couldn’t imagine ever forgiving Sinclair.



  My dreams were crashing and burning. I could see it in Wyatt’s eyes. Whatever he’d felt for me before was gone. Now, he felt resentment and loathing toward me. The only sweet spot in this moment was Alyssa asking him if she could call him Daddy. The emotion that swept over his face was so raw and real. It was the final confirmation that I was a terrible, terrible person.

  “What’s going on out here? Supper is getting cold,” Peggy called from the house.

  “Go tell your grandma that we’ll be right in,” I said.

  Alyssa beamed. “She’s my grandma. Can I tell her, Mama?” She spun to Wyatt. “Can I tell her that you’re my daddy?”

  He nodded, although I wasn’t sure he fully agreed. “Tell her we’ll be in in a minute.”

  Alyssa ran off, with Wyatt and I watching her. When the door shut, I knew I was in for more of his anger. I deserved it, though. If he kicked me out and divorced me, I’d deserve it. The only thing I had to hope for was that he didn’t try to take her from me.

  “Wyatt, I’m so sorry. Honest to God, I spent the whole drive home tonight trying to figure out how to tell you.”

  “‘Alyssa is your child’ was too hard?”

  I looked down, feeling ashamed. “I was hoping to find a way to tell you so that you wouldn’t be angry or feel betrayed.”

  He laughed derisively. “You kept the truth about my being her father from me and you thought I wouldn’t be angry?”

  There was no answer to that because I knew he’d be mad. That was why it had taken so long to tell him. There was no way he wouldn’t have been mad unless I’d told him that first time I saw him. The longer time went by, the angrier he’d become, and so my desire to tell him and not lose him had been lost for some time.

  His green eyes were hard as he stared down on me. “All this time, I’ve been so fucking in love with you.”

  I gasped at his words and then immediately felt pain as I knew that love was gone now. For one split second I’d had my dream, but then I killed it with my deception.

  He shook his head at me. “I’ve been trying to make this marriage real, but it’s been a sham the whole time.”


  “That’s the way you wanted it, isn’t it, Sinclair? That’s why you didn’t want Alyssa here, because you were afraid I’d find out the truth.”

  I couldn’t deny it because at one point that was true.

  “That’s why you wanted to stay in her room, because you didn’t want me to get too close to you or her. You were planning to never tell me.”

  “No, Wyatt. I was going to tell you. I really was.”

  He sneered at me. “I don’t believe you. Does your boss know you’re a liar?”

sp; I flinched.

  “Maybe it won’t matter to him. Unless you have a child of his hidden away too.”

  “Wyatt.” I understood his anger so I took it. “Please. Let me-”

  “Explain? What is there to explain? You purposefully didn’t tell me I had a child. Let me tell you something, Sinclair, you won’t keep her from me.”

  “I don’t want to.” But a shiver of fear ran down my spine as I worried that he’d try to take her from me. “You’re a wonderful father, Wyatt.”

  He scoffed. “So, is that what you were waiting for? I had to pass some sort of test before I could find out about my own daughter?”

  I couldn’t completely deny that either. “We can work this out, Wyatt. We can be a family. We can be real.”

  “No. No fucking way. That ship has sailed, Sinclair.” He leaned toward me. “How can I build a life with you when I don’t trust you? When you’re the type of person that would keep me from knowing I was a father. Especially since I’d made it clear that I loved her. Not even then did you deem it important enough to tell me the truth.”

  I swallowed as my world truly crumbled. “I should go, then.”

  “Oh no. We have an arrangement, remember? Or are you going to betray me and other farmers on that too?”

  I supposed I couldn’t blame him for striking out at me like that, but God, it hurt so bad. “No. I’ll stay if you want.”

  He pointed at me. “What I want is for you to move into another room. From this moment forward, our arrangement is just as we’d initially set it up. As soon as I can get papers, you’ll sign them saying I’m her father. You’ll get a new birth certificate naming me as the father.”

  I nodded. “Yes, of course.”

  He looked at me with such a mixture of pain and anger. “How could you? You’ve destroyed me.”

  “I know and I’m so, so sorry. What can I do to make it up to you? Please, there must be something.”

  He shook his head, his expression turning sad. “It’s over. Whatever we started, it’s done. I can’t even hardly look at you.”

  I burst out crying, knowing all this pain was my fault. “Why couldn’t you have stayed?”


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