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Through Love's Eyes

Page 15

by C. A. Popovich

  Brit’s words of encouragement came back to her. It was true she was financially stable, but what Brit didn’t understand was she didn’t know how to be anything but a model. It was all she knew and all she was. What else was she passionate about? She hadn’t had time to cultivate other interests. And now there weren’t any to lean on. She hated feeling so perplexed. She began to pace, becoming more agitated with each step. She left her room, intending to walk until she cleared her mind and made room for answers.

  She started uphill toward the fort and continued until she was out of breath. She spotted a shady area with an open bench and sat. She watched a few people walk past and two trotted by on horseback. One of the carriage tours rolled by and the group on board waved and chattered. She waved back and forced a smile. She leaned forward with her elbows on her thighs and cradled her head in her hands. What the hell am I going to do? A warm hand on her shoulder startled her.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you, but I was worried about you. You looked down when we left the store and worse when I dropped you off at the hotel. I thought you might need some time on your own, but then I thought maybe I was wrong and it would have been better for you to talk it out. Now you look miserable. Can I do anything?” Brit sat next to her with their legs touching.

  “I wish you could, sweetheart.” She leaned back on the bench.

  “Is it Peter? Did he upset you?” Brit looked intense.

  “No. I haven’t talked to him.” Erika figured this was as good a time as any to ask about Brit’s intentions. “I’m concerned about what my future’s going to look like. I hate feeling in limbo, and I have no idea how to tell my parents.” She didn’t know how to approach the subject of the key.

  “I’m sorry you’re so upset. I know you can do whatever you set your mind to. You’re intelligent and beautiful, and I know your parents love you and are proud of you.” She kissed her lightly on her cheek.

  They were nice sentiments, but they felt empty when she had nothing to attach them to. And talking about her fears about losing her career, yet again, seemed pointless. Erika leaned toward her. “Why did you give me a key to your apartment?”

  Brit leaned away and cradled her face in her hands. “Did I upset you with that? I’m sorry, you don’t have to keep it. I like having you there, and I wanted you to have an alternative to that hotel room. I didn’t mean to push you in to anything.”

  Erika felt like a jerk. She knew Brit’s intensions were innocent, but she had no idea how to express her concerns, and she’d unintentionally hurt her. “Oh no. No, Brit. You didn’t upset me. I was surprised, that’s all, and I didn’t want…” She turned her head and kissed one of Brit’s palms before continuing. She assessed her feelings before she spoke again to confirm the sincerity of her words. “Never mind. I have to give up the hotel room next Wednesday. I could just leave tomorrow and stay with you until then. If you’ll have me.”

  Brit’s wide grin encouraged her. “Definitely.”

  Erika’s problems weren’t solved and she knew she was falling for Brit, which didn’t make anything easier. But spending a few more days and nights on the island with her would be no hardship. At least, not in the short term.

  * * *

  Erika pulled her suitcase out of the closet and opened it on the bed. She packed her few essentials and called the hotel laundry to make sure she didn’t have anything left there. She packed everything she had hung in the closet and considered the wet bar but changed her mind. She could pick up a bottle of wine at the store if she wanted one. She sat in one of the parlor chairs and watched the water through the window. She’d miss this view, but there were many gorgeous views from the island. This was a beautiful hotel, as nice as any she’d ever stayed in around the world. She looked forward to staying in Brit’s small apartment because she was there. A luxury hotel was no match.

  She carried her suitcase to the checkout, settled her bill, and began her walk on the path to Brit’s. She was halfway there when Brit surprised her.

  “Did you think I’d let you carry your suitcase all the way?” Brit gave her a quick kiss and grabbed her bag.

  “Thank you. I’m sure I could’ve managed it.” She snorted.

  “I’ve got a chicken roasting in the oven. Does that sound okay?”

  “It sounds great. I was going to grab a bottle of wine from my room, but it felt like stealing. Do you want me to pick one up at the store?”

  “I’ve got a bottle of white wine, if you’d like.”

  “Good, because I’m not sure where the store is.” She took Brit’s hand, thinking how boring their conversation sounded and how perfect it still was.

  Brit opened the door when they arrived and Erika shook off her unexpected shyness. She was never shy. She’d shared hotel rooms with other models before, but never lived day to day with anyone. She took a deep breath and stepped inside. This was different from anything she’d experienced, and she looked forward to every minute of it.

  “Is everything okay?” Brit asked.

  “Yeah. I’ve never done this before. Lived with anyone I mean, even temporarily.”

  “Hey.” Brit wrapped her in her arms. “You can leave anytime you want. I’m not taking you prisoner.”

  “I don’t want to go anywhere.” She snuggled into Brit.

  “I need to check on dinner. Why don’t you go unpack?” She squeezed her before heading to the kitchen.

  Ericka took her suitcase to the bedroom. She opened the closet door and smiled. Half of the wall-to-wall closet was empty, and several wooden hangers hung empty for her. She hung up her few items and looked for a place to put her suitcase. She planned to keep her underwear in it until she noticed the bottom drawer of Brit’s dresser open and empty. She shook her head and grinned. Brit wanted her here. And not because she was a model, or because she wanted anything from her. Just because they were sharing something special. It was exhilarating. And terrifying.

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  “Dinner’s ready,” Brittany called from the kitchen. She went to look for Erika and found her putting her Victoria’s Secret underwear into the drawer she’d emptied for her. “Glad you found things okay.” She leaned against the doorframe.

  “Thank you.” Erika set her suitcase on the floor in the closet and closed the door. “It’s great. Did you say dinner was ready?” She strode to her and pressed her body against hers.

  She kissed Erika then held her at arm’s length. “The chicken will get cold, and the wine warm.” She pulled her to the table.

  Erika speared a piece of chicken, a carrot, and a piece of sweet potato with her fork and stuffed it into her mouth. “This is fantastic. You’re a good cook.”

  Brittany drank her wine. “Thanks. Do you think you’ll be comfortable here? It’s not exactly the Grand Hotel.”

  Erika swallowed before speaking and reached for her hand. “I want to be here, Brit.”

  “Okay, good. I believe you, it’s just I know you’re used to fancy hotels and room service.” Brittany began to worry she’d made a mistake inviting Erika to stay with her, but she wanted the opportunity to get closer to her, especially if she planned to go back to New York.

  “Honestly, sweetheart, I get tired of traveling and staying in hotels. It’s nice to feel like I have a home.” She crammed another forkful of food into her mouth. “And this is definitely a home cooked meal.”

  Brittany breathed a sigh of relief. If Erika called her sweetheart again she might invite her to make this her forever home. Now all she needed to figure out was the sleeping arrangements.

  The day they’d been to the burn clinic and she’d told Erika the details of her accident had been emotionally upsetting but cathartic as well. She’d felt exposed and vulnerable, but in Erika’s arms, sheltered and protected. She’d delighted in her presence next to her all night. She thought that Erika had sensed it, too, and they’d spent a quiet, peaceful night sleeping together. Was that why she’d asked her to stay with her? Her own needine
ss or something else? Something deeper and more vital? She had no idea when Erika would return to New York, but she was certain she’d leave behind a hole in her heart.

  After dinner, Brittany put her teapot on the stove and retrieved two cups. “Chamomile or green tea, honey?” she called from the kitchen.

  Erika entered the kitchen barefoot, wearing a sleeveless T-shirt and panties. Her smooth bare legs looked longer without pants on. Brittany blinked and tried but couldn’t speak.

  “Chamomile, please. Can we drink our tea in bed? It’s been an emotional day, and I’m about to crash.” She took her cup and headed to the bedroom.

  Brittany picked up her cup and followed her. Her sleeping question had been answered. Erika sat on the right side of the bed with her pillow supporting her back. Her watch and cell phone were on her nightstand, and she held her cup with both hands as she took a sip. She looked entirely relaxed and at home, and Brittany quivered. “I’ll be right in to join you.” She set her cup on her nightstand and went to the bathroom to change. She returned within five minutes and copied Erika’s seated position with her pillow at her back and cup in hand. Was this what George meant when he told her he and his wife fit? That things were easy and just fell into place?

  “I’m glad you agreed to stay with me. I like having you here.” Brittany sipped her tea and hoped for a positive response.

  Erika adjusted her pillow so she could rest her head on it before she moved close and placed her hand on her belly. Erika’s hand was hot and her muscles jumped involuntarily. She never wanted it to end. “I like being here with you.” Erika slipped her hand under her T-shirt and drew small circles on her stomach inching upward until she lightly stroked the underside of her breast.

  Brittany set the cup on the nightstand with her shaking hand and whimpered as tendrils of need wound through her. The tendrils coiled like a spring, and she craved release when Erika squeezed her nipple between her fingers. She tugged her hand against her breast and bucked her hips searching for relief until the tingle of the gentle orgasm unfurled from her center to her toes. She lay on her back, still clasping Erika’s hand until she caught her breath. Brittany heard Erika’s soft chuckle and felt her smile against her neck before she kissed it.

  She stretched out, gently slid her arm over Erika, and drifted into sleep to the melody of her breathing.

  * * *

  Brittany awoke and turned toward the warmth of Erika. She slept on her side with one arm under her pillow, the covers tucked under her chin and over her shoulder. She shifted to her back slowly so as not to wake Erika and stared at the ceiling. She’d taken the day off to spend time with Erika, but she wasn’t used to sleeping past six o’clock. She glanced at the clock radio, surprised it was seven. She didn’t know what time Erika usually woke. There were many things she didn’t know about her and she hoped they’d have enough time together to learn. She closed her eyes and ran through possibilities of things they could do with their day. They’d talked about going back to Mackinaw City and touring the fort and lighthouse. She ran the ferry schedule through her mind and began to plan their day.

  “You’re mumbling.” Erika turned on her back and stretched. “What time is it?”

  “Seven o’clock.” Brittany struggled to focus when Erika’s bare leg pressed against hers. Feelings from the previous evening surfaced. They were under the covers. It was quiet and private. If she turned to face her, she could reach most of her body, but she didn’t know if that’s what Erika wanted. She knew what she wanted, but she wasn’t certain how to begin. Memories of Erika’s touch launched an ache and a flood of wetness between her legs.

  Erika remained quiet but turned toward her. Her fingers were soft and warm. Her touch was gentle enough to tickle as she glided them down her neck to trace her collarbone to her shoulder and down her arm. She interlaced their fingers and squeezed gently before she moved their joined hands to the waistband of her panties. Her grip tightened and her breathing became ragged as she pushed lower.

  Brittany raised herself onto her elbow to continue the exploration Erika offered. Her soft curls were slick with her wetness, and she was hot. Erika fisted the sheets and pushed her center against her fingers. Brittany pressed her fingers against her and, going by instinct, stroked her stiffening clit. She grew wetter and Brittany slowed her pace to catch her breath. Erika grumbled and released the sheets to push harder. Brittany reached inside her own panties and touched herself. She mirrored her caresses with Erika’s on herself until they were both writhing, and Erika stiffened and shuddered as she thrust Brittany’s middle finger inside her. Brittany’s orgasm rippled through her, surpassing anything she’d ever read about and nothing like she’d imagined. Her clit was so sensitive, she was certain she’d come again if she touched it, but the emotions encasing her heart seized her attention and threw her off balance. She’d never been so overwhelmed with feelings. They spun through her, jumbling her thoughts. The softness and heat of Erika’s skin and the scent of her arousal generated a longing so foreign yet so intense that she trembled with need. She wanted her. All of her. Body and heart. Her reflection was interrupted by Erika’s insistent mumble.

  “Mmm. I need you naked.” Erika tossed her own panties and tank top to the floor.

  Brittany stripped and drew Erika on top of her so she straddled her with her knees. She cradled her breasts in her palms and brushed her nipples with her thumbs. Erika covered her hands with hers, and she felt her wetness against her stomach as she moved above her. Brittany gently squeezed Erika’s nipples and thrust her hips as she lost herself in the beauty of her climax and tumbled into her own.

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  Erika’s body felt like lead, and she loved it. She kissed Brit softly, but coherent speech eluded her. She snuggled into her arms and drifted into contented sleep. She awoke when the bed shifted when Brit got up. “Where you going?”

  “Sorry. Nature calls.”

  Erika rolled to her side and placed her hand on Brit’s side of the bed. Her body heat reminded her of her warm touch. Her instant excitement when their legs touched took her by surprise. She’d lost control and had to have her. She sat up, worried she’d taken advantage of the situation. She didn’t think Brittany had ever been with anyone before, but she might be wrong. She would have stopped if Brit hadn’t wanted to go any further, wouldn’t she? She swung her feet off the bed and stood as Brit returned.

  “Are we getting up now?” Brit’s grin eased her tension.

  “I just started to worry that you were okay.” She wrapped her arms around her and squeezed.

  “Oh, I’m more than okay.” She put her hands on her waist and began to move her feet.

  “Are we dancing?” Erika stepped closer and swayed along with her.

  “Yeah. Dancing with joy.” Brit kissed her. “Is there someplace you’d like to go today?”

  Erika seriously considered taking Brit back to bed and having her way with her for the entire day. Her better sense took over when she reminded herself she might be heading home soon. She didn’t want to hurt her by getting too involved, then leaving. Her stomach dropped. She’d have to figure something out with Peter. Maybe she’d get a spread with a travel magazine here on the island. She put her dilemma out of her mind. They were going to spend the day together. One day at a time.

  * * *

  “You were right about this view. It’s magnificent.” Erika sat next to Brit on one of the benches at the beach below the lighthouse. She sat quietly watching the gulls soar across the waves with the view of the expanse of the Mackinac Bridge in the background. “Thanks for letting me hit all those shops.” She held up her bag of assorted items.

  “No problem. I like seeing you happy.” She took her hand and kissed it.

  Erika shifted in her seat and pulled her to sit next to her. She leaned against her, remembering their morning and their closeness. Her reticence to have sex again seemed ages ago. The line had been crossed. No reason to deny them what they both want
ed. “Can we go back now?”

  “Sure. Are you okay?” Brit looked concerned.

  “I just have an urgent need to be alone with you.” She kissed her hard, not caring about people around them.

  Brit took her hand to tug her off the bench. “Let’s go.”

  On the ferry, Erika rested against Brit’s shoulder, and then she held her hand as they walked to Brit’s apartment. Erika touched Brit’s trembling hands when she fumbled with the key to unlock the door. She wanted her desperately but going slow wasn’t the end of the world. Brit was endearingly nervous, and she wanted her at ease. “It’s a beautiful afternoon. Let’s walk by the water before we go inside.”

  Brit looked surprised, but relief passed over her face as she smiled. “I have another place I’d like to show you. Come on.”

  Erika followed her along their usual path to an overgrown trail she never would have noticed. Brit walked ahead of her moving branches aside as they hiked. She caught the scent of the water and the sound as it splashed against the shore. Brit took her hand as they broke through the brush, and she sucked in a breath when she caught the first view of the Straits. The Mackinac Bridge stood in the distance as the only reminder of the human presence in this unspoiled environment. Words escaped her for a long moment as she took in the view. She imagined the explorers the first time they stumbled upon this scene, who must have been awestruck. Even minus the bridge. “Wow.”

  Brit put her arm around her waist and drew her close. “This is my favorite spot on the island. It’s my special place where I come to think and restore my serenity. I’ve never seen another person here.”

  “Thank you for sharing it with me.”

  “We can head home anytime you’d like.”


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