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Pucks & Penalties: Pucked Series Deleted Scenes and Outtakes Version 2.0 (The Pucked Series)

Page 12

by Helena Hunting

  She’s still holding the cabinet pull with one hand, her gaze fixed on my cock as the head disappears. Once I’m past the piercing I give it a few seconds for her to adjust before I go any farther.

  Her eyes flutter shut and she utters a soft fuck when I go deeper. Once I’m all the way in, I cradle her cheek in my palm, fingers slipping into the hair at the nape of her neck.

  Tenley tips her head up so I have access to her mouth. She sucks my bottom lip, then sweeps my mouth with her tongue, and I meet her stroke in a slow, warm tangle. I don’t move for a good minute or more, savoring the way it feels when she’s wrapped around me like this. This woman is my everything.

  Tenley digs her heel into my ass, a sure sign she wants some friction. I pull out, maybe halfway, and ease back in.

  She moans my name, running her hands over my shoulders and into my hair. The way she grips it is a litmus test for what she wants, and how hard she wants it. I’m more inclined to go easy on her, based on our location—granite counters aren’t very forgiving—but a change of position can make all the difference.

  I slide my hands up the outside of her thighs, feeling the raised scar on her leg from the accident she was in before we met. Pulling her even closer to the edge, I reverse the motion until the crook of my arms meets the back of her knees. “This okay?”

  She nods and pulls her knees up higher so her toes touch the counter.

  “You sure? It’s not uncomfortable?”

  “It’s perfect, and it’ll be so much better when you really start moving.”

  So I do, with long, slow strokes we can both watch thanks to her angle and the way I keep her open for me. She slips two fingers into her mouth, then lowers them, rubbing circles on her clit that pick up speed as I do.

  The pulse of her orgasm hits me as she lets out a soft moan, and then I come, hard and fast, pulling her tight against me while my vision blurs and sensation rules my world for a few seconds.

  When I can do more than just feel again, I ease her legs down slowly, one at a time, and then massage her hips while I kiss her. I’m still inside, because I’m still half hard, and she’s warm and snug. If it wasn’t already after nine thirty, I might consider taking her back up to bed for another round, but I seriously need to get to the shop.

  I need time before my consult to get my head in the game. While I may have put Randy’s sleeve on him, that’s a lot different than having the entire Inked Armor team work on him and a group of his friends.

  Tenley doesn’t bother to put her tank back on since I’ve used it as a towel. She runs off to the bathroom, a slight hitch in her step, probably from being in that cramped position for as long as I had her. I used to feel guilty whenever she limped after sex, or anytime really, but I understand now that it’s residual from the accident, and it’ll always be that way, no matter how gentle or not gentle I am.

  I wash my face and hands in the sink, getting soap in my mouth in the process. It’s better than me smelling like my girlfriend’s pussy, though. I root through the silverware drawer for a knife and use it to slather two cupcakes in icing while Tenley’s still in the bathroom.

  I peel the wrapper off the first one and take a huge bite, chewing a couple of times before I shove the rest in. They’re the best when they’re still warm. Tenley comes back—wearing an entirely new outfit—just as I start on cupcake number two.


  “What? I’m hungry,” I tell her through a mouthful. I doubt she can understand me, but when it comes to cupcakes, I don’t think I really need to explain.

  “It’s too early to eat these!” she scolds.

  “It’s never too early for cupcakes.” I take another giant bite and lean it to kiss her, but she puts a hand in front of my face to prevent me from getting too close.

  “Finish chewing first, please.”

  I do as she asks and go so far as to pour myself a glass of water to wash it all down. Then I go in for the kiss I want. I throw in a little tongue just because. “Come by the shop when you’re done with this, and I’ll introduce you to Randy.”

  “Okay. Do you have a full schedule today?”

  “Nope. Just the consult and a couple of sketches to get ready for tomorrow.”

  She puts her hands on my chest. “So I can have you to myself later?”

  “If that’s what you want, kitten.”

  She rises up on her toes and kisses the bottom of my chin. “Yes, please.”

  I leave before I get another hard-on, which happens often, and head to the shop.


  Lisa, our piercer and bookkeeper, is already there when I arrive. Her lavender hair is pulled up into a complicated ponytail. It makes her look like she just stepped off the set of Leave it to Beaver. Her dress, which is also lavender, looks like it’s from that era as well. The combat boots and tattoos make her look badass, though.

  She points her pen at the clock over her head; it’s already ten. “I thought you said you’d be here at nine thirty.”

  “I got distracted.”

  “Did you now? Does she happen to be five two with dark hair and a thing for baking cupcakes?”

  I give her a look, but don’t bother to respond. Tenley’s always my number one distraction.

  Chris, my business partner and one of the other tattoo artists, comes out of the private room with a stack of folders. “Finally decided to show up, huh?”

  “Why’re you here this early?”

  “Because you said you were coming in to show Ballistic the designs, and since I’ll be working on more than one of those guys, I figured it’d be good to be here in case he has any questions about the ones I sketched.”

  “But the rest of the guys from the team aren’t coming in for at least a couple of weeks.”

  Chris shrugs. “I just wanna be prepared. It’s kind of a big deal to be working on these guys.”

  He’s got a point. I’ve done Randy’s sleeve, and Chris has put a couple of pieces on Waters, the team captain, but now we’re designing tattoos that are variations on a similar theme, and Chris will be modifying a design that’s already on Waters’ arm. It’s a cool project, and it’ll be even cooler when we have five different pieces on five different NHL players. We’re also pulling in Jamie, the third tattooist in the shop, to work on one of the guys.

  “Tenley’s coming by later,” I tell Lisa as I pass the folder of preliminary designs over to Chris.

  She glances up. “Really? Does she know who your consult is this morning, by chance?”

  I stop leafing through Randy’s folder. “What?”

  “You told her who your consult is?”

  “Well, yeah…” I don’t get why Lisa suddenly looks all smug.

  “You know she thinks he looks kind of like you. Only, you know—” She motions to my face and then the rest of me. “—with a beard and fewer tattoos.”

  “We don’t look alike.” I turn to Chris for confirmation.

  He shrugs. “I guess I can kinda see it, except you’re all Gumby skinny, and he’s a tank.”

  “I’m not fucking skinny,” I snap. I turn back to Lisa, since Chris is no help. “So does Tenley actually like hockey?”

  “She likes hockey for the same reason all girls like hockey, Hayden.”

  “Which is because…”

  “It’s full of hot guys with lots of stamina.”

  “I have excellent stamina.”

  Lisa rolls her eyes. “You sound jealous.”

  “I’m not jealous.” I’m kind of jealous.

  She pats my cheek. “I’m messing with you, Hayden. Tenley loves hockey. She knows all the Chicago stats. It’s almost creepy.”

  “Why am I just finding this out now?”

  “Maybe because you spend most of your spare time with your tongue in her mouth, and she hasn’t had an opportunity to tell you?” Chris offers with a smile.

  I don’t bother answering. I just take my stuff to the private room where I’m meeting with Randy.
/>   We’ve learned to do consults with high-profile clients away from the windows, so passing fans, or other clients who are fans, don’t turn a half-hour consult into a two-hour fangirl session, which very well may happen anyway with Tenley coming by later.

  Chapter Three

  cupcake-wrapper porn


  NO ONE’S SITTING at the jewelry counter, which doubles as reception, when we arrive at Inked Armor. The shop is quiet apart from the low tones of rock music filtering through the sound system.

  “Why don’t you have a look around while we wait?” I tell Lily, who’s hanging off my tattooed arm. Mostly I need her to stop touching me so I don’t get another hard-on. I had to work to contain one the entire trip over here while she talked about how she really likes the idea of an inner thigh tattoo.

  It’s my own damn fault since I’m the one who suggested it in the first place.

  She lets go of me and wanders around the shop, checking out framed designs on the walls. This isn’t like most tattoo shops in the area. The sign out front reads By appointment only, and stock designs aren’t typical here. Intricate custom pieces in various stages of completion cover the walls. Custom albums labeled with the name of each artist sit on the coffee table. My sleeve is in Hayden’s album.

  Lisa, the lavender-haired piercer, comes out of the office and squeals her surprise. “Randy! Does Hayden know you’re here?”

  I smile and lift a hand in greeting. “We’re a little early.”

  She looks over to Lily, who’s stopped her perusal to check out the female voice associated with the enthusiastic greeting. Her expression is a mixture of mild shock, awe, and if I’m not mistaken, a hint of jealousy. I like Lily in green. A lot.

  “Lisa, this is my girlfriend, Lily. She wanted to come along today and maybe see about Hayden designing a piece for her, too.”

  “Oh? Awesome!” Lisa clomps across the hardwood floor, her heavy boots a serious contrast to her lavender dress, and extends a hand to Lily, whose lips turn up in a tentative smile. “It’s really nice to meet you, Lily.”

  “You, too.”

  “Hayden doesn’t have appointments scheduled until later this afternoon, so it shouldn’t be a problem to discuss a design for you.”

  “He didn’t do that because of me, did he?” I ask.

  “You know what he’s like. He doesn’t want any kind of divided focus. Oh, and Chris is here, too, so you can talk about the team designs, if you want.”

  “That would be awesome. Hayden mentioned he had some preliminary sketches worked up.” My excitement over the new sleeve becomes more real now that I’m here, in the shop.

  Hayden comes out of the private room where I had my sleeve done. He’s tall and kind of lanky, with full sleeves. His typically serious face breaks into a smile.

  “Hey, man! You’re early.” He holds out his hand, and we shake while bumping shoulders.

  “Is that okay? You know how it is when the excitement kinda takes over.”

  Hayden pats me on the back. “I got you. I’m getting the itch again, but I’m running out of skin to put it on.”

  “I’ve got a long way to go before that happens.” I glance over at Lily, who’s migrated to the jewelry counter with Lisa.

  She’s not looking at the contents of the glass case. Her gaze is fixed on us, and it’s bouncing from me to Hayden. I motion her over and throw an arm around her shoulder. “This is my girlfriend, Lily. She wanted to come along and maybe talk to you about a design.”

  Hayden turns his grin on her and extends a hand. “It’s great to meet you. We can definitely talk ink designs once we go through Randy’s, sound good?”

  “That sounds great. Awesome. Thanks. Nice to meet you.” Lily shakes his hand a little longer than necessary, her cheeks flushing as she looks over his arms and the lick of vine crawling up his neck.

  Hayden takes us to the private room so we won’t have any interruptions. He’s always super organized—Lisa calls him anal—and he seems to get razzed for it a lot.

  He goes into professional artist mode as soon as he flips open the folder. Bright bursts of color decorate the page, and the designs look almost three-dimensional. Hayden’s been working with watercolor images lately, and these are fantastic.

  “So I know when we first started talking about this, we thought we’d start shoulder down, but I think that really depends on where you plan to get the team tattoo.” Hayden flips over another page.

  “Oh my God! That’s incredible.” Lily grabs my arm with one hand and reaches out with the other, but stops abruptly and looks to Hayden. “Can I touch that? It looks so real.”

  A half-grin quirks up the side of his mouth. “Yeah, go right ahead.”

  Lily brushes over the design and glances at the naked arm she’s stroking. “That’s going to look amazing.”

  “I think so, too.” The hockey puck looks as if it’s being shot toward the net, a spray of ice framing it. It appears as if it could come flying off the page and hit me in the face. The rest of the tattoos have a similar three-dimensional feel.

  Hayden and I quickly get into the fine details, talking about shading, placement, and which designs I like the best.

  After half an hour of Lily hanging off my arm, offering her opinions, and bouncing in her seat, I’m about ready to take her home and bang the excitement right out of her. But we still need to talk about her tattoo.

  Hayden marks the designs in order of preference and makes notes on the changes we’ve discussed before neatly writing Lily’s name on the top of a new folder.

  “Let’s talk about you,” he says.

  Lily does this blinking thing and looks up at me before she turns back to Hayden. “Um, okay?”

  Hayden laughs and taps his pencil on the desk. “Do you have any ink already?”

  “Oh! No. This will be my first.”

  “Ah. Very cool. So we’re popping your ink cherry, then, yeah?”

  Lily’s cheeks turn pink, and she nods. “Uh, yeah, I guess.”

  “Do you have any ideas for designs?” he prompts.

  “Oh! Yes! I found a few yesterday online.” Lily pulls her phone out of her purse and scrolls through her pictures, showing Hayden a watercolor-looking heart. “I don’t really want just a heart, but, like, I figured maybe we could take a pair of skates and set them inside the heart, you know, ’cause I’m a skater.”

  “Gotcha.” Hayden flips through the images for a minute and starts drawing right away, which is typically how it goes when we talk designs.

  “Oh! But can we have one skate black and one white?” She tucks her hair behind her ears, exposing her earrings. “Like these?”

  Hayden glances up and then leans in so he can check out the earrings. “Those are cool.”

  “Randy got them for me for Valentine’s Day.” And she’s back to blushing.

  Hayden spends a little more time asking questions, getting a feel for Lily’s favorite colors and the designs she seems to like.

  Once they’re finished, he looks to me. “If you want, we can review the preliminary sketches for the team tattoos. Chris came in this morning to work on them a bit, and Jamie’s probably here by now, too, so we can look them over, and you can tell us what you think and if we’re on the right track.”


  Hayden steps out, giving us a few minutes of privacy while he gets the other artists and the first-round sketches.

  “So, what do you think, luscious?”

  “You’re right about him being intense, but he’s nice.”

  “I don’t mean Hayden. I mean the art.”

  “Oh.” She shakes her head. “I’m excited to see what he does with the ideas, and I think your sleeve is going to be super sexy.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  She nods. I don’t have a chance to ask more questions because Chris, Hayden, and Jamie come in armed with folders. Lily stays for the first few minutes, but after a while Lisa pops her head in and asks if she wants to
hang out with her while we talk details and business. Lily kisses me on the cheek and jumps up, leaving us to it.

  It’s another good half hour before we come out of the private room. Lily and Lisa are sitting behind the jewelry counter with a laptop and Hayden’s custom album spread out in front of them, discussing their favorite tattoos. Hayden crosses over to his station and drops down in his chair, opening a drawer where he files his folders. The door tinkles, and a petite, curvy brunette holding a cupcake comes into the shop. It’s not a real cupcake, but some kind of Tupperware deal that looks like a giant pink plastic cupcake.

  Lisa hops off her stool and comes out from behind the jewelry display to hug her. I catch a glimpse of the back of the girl’s shirt—or what there is to the back. It’s tied behind the neck and one thin band cuts across the middle—and that’s it, allowing most of her tattoo to be displayed. It’s a set of wings that look incredibly familiar. It’s definitely Hayden’s work.

  Hayden leans back in his chair. The ball of his tongue ring pops out and slides between his lips as he gives her a once-over. “Hey, kitten, perfect timing. Did you bring me some treats?”

  She holds the cupcake container close to her chest, as if she expects him to try to steal it from her, and stays close to the jewelry counter. “They’re for sharing.”

  “That’s my least favorite word in the world.” He inclines his chin, encouraging her to come closer. “Did you leave some at home?”

  “What do you think?”

  Lisa peeks inside the container, which apparently contains some kind of snack—maybe cupcakes like the shape implies—and snickers.

  He beckons her closer. “Why don’t you bring them over here and let me see?”

  When she’s within reach, he cranes to see in to the container.

  She puts a hand out, warding him off. “Can you exert some self-control for a few seconds?” She gives Hayden a meaningful look, her eyes darting my way for a moment.


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