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Pucks & Penalties: Pucked Series Deleted Scenes and Outtakes Version 2.0 (The Pucked Series)

Page 19

by Helena Hunting

  “Charlene and Darren have anal?” That’s news to me.

  “Don’t say that word!” Violet snaps.

  “What word? Anal?”

  She shivers. “Stop saying that.”

  Violet’s reactions to this topic are highly entertaining. It’s difficult not to laugh at her when she’s freaking out like this. “Okay, fine. I’ll stop saying the ‘A’ word. But you’re telling me Darren gets in the back door?” I can’t believe he’s never mentioned it, not once. But then, Darren is pretty quiet about what happens behind closed doors with Charlene. Based on some of the things Violet has said, it might be a little on the right side of kinky with those two, which could account for his secrecy on the subject. He’s also a private guy.

  “That’s what she’s led me to believe. I’m assuming that means he’s not hung, or at least not hung the way you are, unless she previously had a career in porn that I don’t know about.”

  I shrug. “He’s not small.” We all walk around the locker room naked. Junk is junk.

  Violet holds up a hand. “I already know more than I’d like about their anal antics. I have no interest in knowing the dimensions of Darren’s doodle.”

  “So you can say anal and I can’t?”

  “When you say it, your voice gets all low and growly, like you’re thinking about an invasion.” She glances at the plug in my hand. “Can you please put that thing down? Just looking at it is making me anxious.”

  “It’s still in the packaging, Violet. It’s not going to bite you.”

  “And that’s exactly where it’s going to stay, so don’t get any ideas.”

  I hold my fingers up and wiggle them. “It’s not like it’s any different than these.”

  She snatches it out of my hand and waves it in my face. “This is more like two fingers, not just one!”

  “It’s more like my thumb, and I bet you could take two, especially now that we have that lube.”

  Violet’s mouth drops open and she pokes me in the chest, still waving the butt plug around. “I can practically see you scheming, Alex. You think if you can get something like this in there, then the next logical step is the Super MC, but they’re not even remotely similar. That’s like comparing a Slim Jim to a bratwurst!”

  “You’re exaggerating again, Violet. My cock is not that big.”

  “Really, Alex?” She slaps the butt plug on the counter and aggressively pulls at the button on my pants, then roughly unzips the fly. She yanks my pants and boxers down enough so that my cock pops out. “Why are you so hard right now?”

  I give her a look. “Because we’re talking about sex.”

  “Butt sex! Why does ass invasion warrant this kind of reaction? Why do you have to be so excited about the prospect?” She squeezes my cock as if to demonstrate how much my excitement annoys her. “Super MC is like level five hard right now. I don’t buy for a second that you didn’t order this.”

  She releases my cock and starts fighting with the packaging. Once the plug is free, she grips it in her fist and shakes her hand in front of my face. “Look at this!”

  “I’m looking, baby.” My voice is low, gritty—I suppose she’s right about my tone when we’re discussing things like this.

  She glares at me. “Don’t sex voice me right now, Alex.”

  “I’m not sex voicing you on purpose. You were just touching my cock. I can’t help that it makes me excited.”

  “It’s the Area 51 talk that’s making you excited.” It an accusation.

  “Well, yeah, baby. It’s like my unicorn, and you’re all worked up, and touching me, and pissed off and I think, if you’re honest with yourself, you’re turned on and just a little curious.”

  “I am not!”

  “Then why are your cheeks so flushed? And why are your nipples hard?” I brush one with my thumb. It was just a guess, but I’m right, I can feel it pebbling through her bra.

  She slaps my hand away. “They’re not hard and I’m flushed because we’re arguing and you bought Area 51 stuff from an online sex store.”

  “I swear, I didn’t order this stuff.” I pry the plug from her fist and set it on the counter.

  “Well, where the hell did it come from?”

  I switch tactics, because I need her to calm down and relax. I would also like to be able to do something constructive with this hard-on of mine. “I don’t know. Maybe it was sent by mistake.” I sweep her ponytail over her shoulder. “Violet, have I ever pushed you to do something you didn’t want to?”

  She purses her lips and then sighs dramatically. “Well . . .”

  I arch a brow as I trail my finger from her shoulder up the side of her neck. It makes her eyelids flutter. “Have I?”

  “No,” she reluctantly admits.

  “Exactly. So do you really think I’d order Area 51 stuff when I know this is the kind of reaction I’m going to get?” I’d like to pull her closer, but if I do, I’ll jab her in the stomach with my hard-on, which is still hanging out of my pants.

  “That still doesn’t explain how it magically got mailed to you.”

  I glance at the bottle of lube. It’s from the same company I did a condom endorsement for. “Maybe it has something to do with the endorsement contracts my agent wants me to review. Maybe she thinks she’s being funny.”

  “You are not doing an endorsement for anal lube, Alex. Then people will think I let you in my ass with your extra large cock all the time.”

  “No, they won’t.”

  She props a fist on her hip. “Oh yes, they will. Everyone believes you have a huge dick because you did that XL condom promo and that milk advertisement in just a pair of underwear—and while that assumption is actually accurate, the last thing I want is people to think you’re parking that bus in my butt!”

  “That’s quite the image you’re painting, sweetheart, and as much as my ego appreciates it, you’re doing that exaggerating thing again.”

  “It’s not an exaggeration. You’re a monster!” She grabs hold of my hanging cock again. “Look at my fingers, Alex. Look at the gap between my finger and thumb!”

  “I’m looking.” I’m back to that low, gravelly voice.

  “I don’t have small hands.”

  “They’re small compared to mine.” I cover her fingers with my own and encourage her to squeeze.

  “This is serious,” she says, but her voice lacks its former conviction. Instead, it’s softer and just the tiniest bit breathless.

  “I agree, and I promise you I won’t endorse anything you’re not comfortable with.” I keep up the slow, easy strokes, sweeping our thumbs over the head as I take a step closer.

  “Alex.” Now it’s just a whisper.

  I caress her cheek with my free hand, then skim her bottom lip with my thumb. I dip my head, and when my mouth is a breath away from hers, I murmur, “I’m sorry this freaked you out.”

  She sighs. “I’m sorry if I overreacted. You know it just makes me nervous.”

  “Would I ever do anything to hurt you?” I brush my lips over hers.

  She swallows hard, fingertips slipping into the hair at the nape of my neck. “No.”

  “Don’t I always make you feel good?” I trail gentle fingers over her breasts, still covered in layers of fabric. I’m going to fix that soon. I just need her slightly more relaxed.


  “That’s right, baby. That’s all I ever want to do, isn’t it? I just want to make you feel good, don’t I?” I nod slowly and she mimics the movement.

  Violet nods, cheeks flushed and eyes glassy. It’s perfect. I have her in exactly the state I want her.

  “So you’re gonna let me do that now, aren’t you?”

  “That would be nice.”

  I lean in and suck her plush bottom lip between mine. “Want me to take you upstairs?”

  “We can stay here,” she murmurs.

  “You sure? I want you to be comfortable.”

  “Granite can be comfortable.”

I chuckle and kiss my way down Violet’s neck.

  Just as I’m about to shove my face in her cleavage, she asks, “Am I boring in bed?”

  I lift my head to meet her gaze. “What?”

  She bites her lip, looking uncertain. “Am I too . . . vanilla?”


  “Yes. Vanilla. Like plain, not exciting.”

  “You dress my dick up like a superhero. That’s not vanilla, Violet.”

  “I think that’s probably just weird. I mean, like, am I adventurous enough?”

  “Does this have anything to do with those movies you and Charlene were watching? That soft-core porn stuff you keep telling me is romantic?”

  “They’re based on books. We were doing a comparative analysis for our book club.”

  “I think you just like watching that guy walk around shirtless and pantless.”

  “He’s got nothing on you.” She slides her hands under my shirt and runs her palms over my pecs. Her gaze shifts to mine, uncertainty lingering. “Am I, though?” At my confusion, she clarifies, “Adventurous enough in bed?”

  I take her face in my hands. “You’re perfect. You don’t need to do anything differently.”

  “So you don’t want to tie me up or gag me or anything?”

  I have no idea how we went from butt lube to gagging and binding, but then Violet’s brain is a weird place most of the time, and she and Charlene did have a movie marathon last week. “I guess if you wanted to be tied up we could try it, but I kinda like your hands on me, and a gag would make it difficult to hear you chant your love of my cock.”

  Violet breathes a relieved sigh and her palms slide down over my abs. “I like my hands on you, too, but the chanting is kind of beyond my control.”

  “I like you out of control and I love the chanting.” I lean in for a kiss. Violet doesn’t stop me, which is good, because I want to put my hard-on somewhere nice and wet and warm.

  I keep it light on the tongue, which drives Violet insane—she really loves mouth fucking. It doesn’t take long before her hands are in my hair and I’m lifting her to sit on the edge of the counter so she can wrap her legs around my waist. Pulling me in tight with her heels, she gets her dry hump on.

  While she grinds her cotton-covered pussy on my bare cock, I get rid of her shirt and camisole. Before I remove the bra, I take a few seconds to nuzzle her rack. Violet has the best boobs in the world. They’re soft, yet firm and the perfect handful, or mouthful, depending. She has the sweetest, most delicate nipples. They’re perfect for licking and sucking and biting—but gently. I nibble the swell as I flick the clasp on the back and set them free.

  Cupping them, I bury my face in the lush cleavage, while I thumb her nipples. Violet’s knees press hard against my hips and her fingers anchor in my hair. She drags in a gasping breath as I draw one of those pert nipples into my mouth, flicking it with my tongue like I would her clit. She bucks against me, as if those two parts of her body are directly connected. I move to the other breast, repeating the same suck, lick, flick before I come back up to kiss her pretty lips.

  Smoothing my hands down the sides of her neck, I inform her what my plan is, so she can tell me if she likes it or not. “I’m going to get you naked now, and then I’m going to eat you for lunch. After that, I’d like to get inside you. Does that sound okay?”

  “Oh, God. Please.” I help her shimmy out of her shorts and panties and then I drop to my knees, kissing the insides of her thighs before I bury my face between her legs. She writhes against my mouth, telling me how much she loves my tongue and my fingers, and that she can’t wait to give Super MC a big hug. I almost laugh at that part, but then her legs clamp around my head and I have to hold her thighs open so I can breathe through her orgasm.

  Violet drops back on her elbows as I push up to a stand, swiping my mouth with the back of my hand. She knocks over the bottle of butt lube and it starts to roll away. Despite being a little orgasm uncoordinated, she nabs the bottle before it can get too far. She’s still propped up on one elbow, legs spread wide, breasts heaving. She bites her lip and looks from me to the lube and back again. Then she glances at the butt plug a few inches from her knee, and back at the lube.

  “So how does this stuff work exactly?”

  I tell myself not to get excited, because this doesn’t mean that she’s asking me to use it on her. She’s just curious. It’s just a question. I clear my throat before I answer, so as not to sound like an excited pre-teen boy. “It’s a muscle relaxer.”

  Her brow furrows. “You mean like that painkiller you get from Canada for your back, the one with Pinocchio on it?”

  It takes me a second to understand the reference. “You mean Robaxacet?”

  “Yeah, that package freaks me out.” She flips the bottle over to inspect the label. “So this is like liquid Robaxacet for my bum?”

  I can’t not laugh. “Um, I guess?”

  “So do you just, like, squirt it on there and wait? What exactly is it relaxing?”

  I take the opportunity for the potential it has, and run my hands up her thighs. “You know, baby. This is probably one of those times where it might be better if I show you how it works, rather than tell you.”

  “Of course, you’d say that. Maybe I should be the one trying it on you, not the other way around.”

  I snort my disbelief. “You wanna stick your finger up my ass?”

  Violet makes a face. “Ew. No. I like looking at your naked ass, and grabbing it, but I don’t want to stick things in it the way you seem to want to stick things in mine. I want to rub it on your cock to see if makes you soft.”

  “It won’t make me soft.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because that’s not how it works.”

  Violet frowns and sits up, her eyes narrowed, legs still spread wide. She pokes me in the chest with one of her painted, pointy fingernails. “Have you invaded someone’s Area 51 before?”


  “Butt sex! Have you had it before?”

  I have to fight a smile, because she sounds awfully jealous despite her adamant stance on the subject—well, adamant until I get anywhere close to that area when I’m taking her from behind, then she gets all high-pitched and breathy. I don’t answer right away on purpose. It’s not nice of me, but her jealousy over something that’s never happened is an ego stroke.

  “Have you?”

  I rub slow circles with my thumbs close to the juncture of her thighs. “Would it upset you if I had?”

  “Super MC is mine.” She grabs hold of my cock and squeezes possessively. “Was it some slutty puck bunny who had a part-time job as an amateur porn star?”

  “I haven’t had anal sex, Violet, not with an ex-girlfriend and definitely not with a puck bunny. You know I wasn’t into that scene before I met you.” Although once I tried the anal route with an ex-girlfriend. I didn’t get very far, even with the butt lube. I’ve learned a lot since then, but Violet needs none of this information.

  “So how do you know this won’t make you soft?”

  “Let’s just say research. Also, how would that even work if that’s what happened?”

  “Oh, right.” Her expression floats somewhere between skeptical and curious. “So if you haven’t Area 51’d before, why are you so interested in it now?”

  I go with the response I think will get me the best outcome. “You’re my wife. I want every part of you.”

  She gets that soft look in her eyes, but it disappears rather quickly, though. “You know, that would be a lot more romantic if you were talking about my heart and soul, not my butt.”

  “All I wanted to do was have sex on the kitchen counter, the regular kind. You’re the one asking questions about lube.” I step between her legs and let my cock bump against her—nice and close to her pussy, but not so close that there’s contact with the good parts.

  “Well, it’s right here, and you’re so excited just about the thought and the plug and the lube, an
d I know you want to get in there with Super MC, but that’s not going to happen, because even though you try to deny it, he’s huge.” She’s getting flail-y again.

  I gently remove the lube from her hand and set it on the counter. Then I take her face between my palms and brush my lips over hers. “Relax, Violet. We’ve talked about this before. I’m well aware that getting a finger in there doesn’t mean my cock is next.”

  “But you’d like it to be.” I think she wants to come across as annoyed, but she just sounds breathless.

  “I don’t need to get anything in there. Ever again, if that’s what you’re worried about.” I run my hands down her sides, skimming the curve of her breasts. “Are we done with this discussion? Should I take you upstairs and love you a little more before I have to meet with my agent, or should I just keep loving you here?”

  “We can be done . . . for now.” She threads her fingers through the hair at the nape of my neck. “And here is good.”

  She tugs me closer. Her boobs press against my chest and she wraps her legs around my waist again so we’re flush against each other. I kiss her, all nice and soft and easy, fingertips skimming from her sides to her hips so I can pull her closer to the edge of the counter.

  That’s when Violet starts with the grind-and-moan, making all her sexy sounds, like she’s looking for more than just the friction of my cock rubbing on her clit.

  She breaks the kiss long enough to ask, “Wanna bend me over the island?”

  I fight a triumphant smile. Sometimes Violet says no, but really, when it comes down to it, she’ll end up asking for the thing she doesn’t think she wants. It just needs to be on her terms. “Is that what you’d like me to do?”

  She makes an affirmative noise and pushes on my chest. I step back, giving her enough room to slip off the counter. I stay close as she turns and bends over, wiggling her ass a little as she rests her elbows on the granite and looks over her shoulder.

  I give her a low appreciative whistle as I run my palms down her back and over her ass. “I didn’t think it was possible, but those yoga classes seem to have improved on perfection.”


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