36. A. Burton et al., “Public Support for Regulating the Lethality of Firearms: Reducing the Opportunity for High-Casualty Mass Murder,” Criminologist 45 (2020): 7–10.
37. H.R.4296—Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act (1994), https://www.congress.gov/bill/103rd-congress/house-bill/4296.
38. FBI: UCR, “2017, Crime in the United States,” https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2017/crime-in-the-u.s.-2017/topic-pages/expanded-homicide.
38. L. Post, et al. “Firearm Surveillance Informs Gun Control Policy: Regression Lines of Discontinuity.” JMIR Public Health and Surveillance (2021): 10.2196/26042.
39. D. W. Webster, “Evidence Concerning the Regulation of Firearms Design, Sale, and Carrying on Fatal Mass Shootings in the United States,” Criminology and Public Policy 19 (2020): 171–212.
40. M. Ferner, “Colorado Republican: It Was Actually ‘A Good Thing’ Aurora Shooter Had 100-Round Magazine,” HuffPost, February 13, 2014, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bernie-herpin-colorado-magazine_n_4781460.
41. C. Koper, “Assessing the Potential to Reduce Deaths and Injuries from Mass Shootings Through Restrictions on Assault Weapons and Other High-Capacity Semiautomatic Firearms,” Criminology and Public Policy 19 (2020): 147–70.
42. J. W. Swanson et al., “Implementation and Effectiveness of Connecticut’s Risk-based Gun Removal Law: Does It Prevent Suicides?” Law and Contemporary Problems 80 (2017): 179–208.
43. “S3E30/Gun Violence in America/What the Swiss can teach us,” American Diagnosis with Dr. Celine Gounder, https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/s3e30-gun-violence-in-america-what-the-swiss-can-teach-us/id1282044849?i=1000457471677.
44. N. Rakich, “How Views on Gun Control Have Changed in the Last 30 Years,” FiveThirtyEight, August 7, 2019, https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-views-on-gun-control-have-changed-in-the-last-30-years/.
1. G. Paulson, Closing the Asylums (Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2012).
2. A. Roth, Insane (New York: Basic Books, 2018).
3. D. J. Scholten, A. K. Malla, and R. M. G. Norman, “Removing Barriers to Treatment of First-episode Psychotic Disorders,” Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 48 (2003): 561–65.
4. J. Peterson, J. Densley, and G. Erickson, “Evaluation of ‘the R-Model’ Crisis Intervention De-escalation Training for Law Enforcement,” Police Journal 93 (2020): 271–89.
5. J. Schildkraut, E. Sokolowski, and J. Nicoletti, “The Survivor Network: The Role of Shared Experiences in Mass Shootings Recovery,” Victims and Offenders 16 (2021): 20–49.
Abt, Thomas
active listening
active shooter drills
adult trauma
adverse childhood experiences (ACEs)
African Methodist Episcopal Church shooting
aggrieved entitlement
Alana’s Involuntary Celibacy Project
alcohol-related conditions
ALICE training
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
American Dream
American Foundation to Prevent Suicide
American Homicide (Roth)
American Psychological Association
American School Counselor Association
American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS)
anonymous reporting
anti-Christian sentiment
antipsychotic medications
Ardern, Jacinda
assault rifles
Aurora, Colorado, shooting
Bachman, Richard
backfire effect
background checks
basement tapes
Bath School disaster
Becerra, Xavier
behavior, changes from baseline in
Benevolent Childhood Experiences (BCEs)
Berkowitz, David
Biden, Joe
big data
bipolar disorder
Birmingham, Alabama, church bombing
Black Americans
Black Lives Matter
Blackwell, Dominic
Bleeding Out (Abt)
Boomtown Rats
Bowling for Columbine (documentary)
Brady, James
Brady campaign
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1994
Brooks, Cornell William
BTK Killer
bulletproof equipment
Bundy, Ted
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, U.S.
Bush, George W.
Camden, New Jersey “walk of death” shooting
capital punishment
carbon monoxide
Carlson, Jennifer
Cascade Mall shooting
Case, Anne
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on ACEs
Chabad of Poway shooting
Charleston church shooting
Charlottesville, Virginia, white supremacist rally
child abuse and neglect
childhood trauma
Child Protective Services
Christchurch mosque shooting
Cialdini, Robert
Civil Rights Act of 1964
civil service
Civil War
Cleckley, Hervey M.
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Clooney, George
coal gas
college and university shootings
Columbine High School shooting
common core standards
community, suicide rates and characteristics of
community-based mental health treatment and assistance services
community interviews
Community Mental Health Act
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
community violence
concealed carry laws
concept creep
Conde, Luis Daniel
confirmation bias
conspiracy theories, self-sealing
Cooper, Anderson
copycat crimes
Council of Conservative Citizens
Council on Criminal Justice
criminal justice system
crisis counselors
crisis intervention
crisis points
crisis responses
critical thinking
cultural norms
cultural transformations
Dahmer, Jeffrey
Daily Stormer
Daingerfield church shooting
dangerous behaviors
The Dark Knight Rises (film)
Dawkins, Richard
death penalty
deaths of despair
Deaton, Angus
deep learning
Defending Childhood State Policy Initiative
De Kler, Louise Voch
Department of Homeland Security, U.S.
Department of Justice, U.S.
disaster narrative
disruptive behaviors
distressed behaviors
District of Columbia v. Heller
domestic terrorism
domestic violence
“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy
“Don’t Name Them” campaign
Doom (game)
Douglas, John
drug overdoses
Dunblane Primary School shooting
dysregulated behaviors
early warning signs
Eastwood, Clint
Eklund, Katie
sp; Elephant (film)
El Paso shooting
Émile Durkheim
emotional contagion
ethno-religious hate
exposure to violence
extreme risk protection orders (ERPOs)
federal assault weapons ban
Federal Firearms Act of 1938
Ferguson, Danny
filter bubbles
financial crises
financial stressors
Fingers, Johnnie
Firearms Owner’s Identification Card (FOID)
Firearms Owners Protection Act of 1986
Floyd, George
Forensic Files
Foster the People
four Ds
Fox, James Alan
Fox News
France, social media laws in
Freedom of Information Act
Gacy, John Wayne
Geldof, Bob
General Motors Acceptance Corporation shooting
ghost guns
Giffords, Gabby
Global Terrorism Database
Great Depression
Great Recession
Grover Cleveland Elementary School shooting
gun control
Gun Control Act of 1968
gun culture
gun homicide rates
gun laws
gun ownership
gun rights advocates
background checks on sales or transfers
means of acquisition
Hare, Robert
Hare Psychopathy Checklist–Revised
Harris, Jon
Harvard Center for the Developing Child
Haslam, Nick
hate clusters
hate speech
Hawkins, Gordon
health insurance
Henry Pratt Company shooting
Herpin, Bernie
Hiers, Thomas
high-capacity magazines
Hoffer, Eric
Holcombe, Noah Grace
home-based intervention
Homeroom Security (Kupchik)
homicidal ideation
hostage negotiation
hostile attribution bias
“I Love U Guys” Foundation
The Incel Project (Kates)
income inequality
individualized action plans
Influence (Cialdini)
internet pornography
involuntary psychiatric holds
Isla Vista shooting
“Jeremy” (song)
Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement
jobless recoveries
Johnson, Mona
Jonesboro massacre
K-12 School Shooting Database
Kaiser Permanente Health Care
Kates, Naama
Kelly, Ray
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kerch Polytechnic College shooting
Keyes, Ellen
Keyes, Emily
Keyes, John-Michael
Kimmel, Michael
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King, Stephen
Ku Klux Klan
Kupchik, Aaron
LaFree, Gary
Lane, David
large-caliber firearms
Las Vegas shooting
“law-and-order” politicians
The Laws of Imitation (Tarde)
Lewis, Scarlett
LGBTQIA rights
Librescu, Liviu
life stressors
Littleton, Colorado shooting
Living Church of God shooting
lockdown drills
lone wolf attackers
Lott, John
Made in America (documentary)
March for Our Lives
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting
Martin, Trayvon
The Mask of Sanity (Cleckley)
mass shooters
assault rifles used by
crisis states and
expectation of
gun acquisition methods
hostile attribution bias and
leaking plans by
mental health of
patterns in lives of
publicity sought by
siblings of
signaling by
trauma and
United States number of
mass shootings
COVID-19 and
firearms used in
mental illness and
in places of worship
during Trump presidency
victims of
video games and
mass violence
The Matrix (film)
May, Jeff
McVeigh, Timothy
media coverage
media education and literacy
mental health
mental illness
Merton, Robert
Midland-Odessa shooting
Millennials, financial stressors and
Mindhunter (television series)
Minority Report (film)
Moghaddam, Fathali
Molson Coors shooting
Moore, Michael
More Guns, Less Crime (Lott)
Moscow Rules
Movement for Black Lives
Muehlberger, Bryan
The Violence Project Page 24