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Elle Embraced : A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Brides of the Aashi Book 5)

Page 7

by Belle Harper

  “Will this track me?” He asked. My eyes widened. Fuck, did it? Nothing had happened so far. But… well fuck. How did I not even think of that?

  “No,” I replied but I wasn’t even sure if I was trying to convince him or myself.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The Aashi were similar yet different to my people. Yai was correct in the color of them being purple. Many shades of purple, some very dark and others pale. It was a sight, especially with them having four arms. They could scale the trees and pick the fruit up there. They didn’t need a bag to carry it down, they had arms in which to transport things.

  Their tails were fascinating, they curled around the branches. When they would just be standing there they would also move on their own accord. They had large males here, they were warriors they told me. But I was larger than any of their warriors by at least five inches.

  The Aashi lived very similarly to my own people. Their huts were constructed of similar materials and I slept well in the hut given to me for the evening by the male, Apak. He didn’t have any tails. I could see they had been removed. I assumed they might have been removed during a fight with another male.

  There were a lot of males living in this tribe they called Clan Wolf. I didn’t know what it meant, but clan seemed to mean the same as my tribe.

  “Goo-morr-ning,” the small dark-haired female from yesterday greeted me in her language. The translator had given up speaking to me. Just as she said it would. I handed it to her, she smiled and held one of her fingers up in the air. I looked up, but I couldn’t see the sky, the fog in the mornings here was very thick. It left a strange dampness to my skin that I didn’t like.

  When I looked down again, she had left me alone at the table Apak had taken me back too. She was so like my Zalli, yet her colors so different. Most of the other Aashi males were watching me as I eyed her retreating form. The sway of her hips was very enticing, and I felt shame for thinking of her in such a way.

  The memory of my fated mate had faded, I couldn’t remember her smile, her face. I felt shame to think of another in this way. She had mates already. Two mates. Even after she told me of the Aashi having more than one, I wouldn’t be able to share my mate. That was not the way of my people. I had never heard of such a thing before, but after witnessing it here. I could understand why they did it.

  With so many males and only few females, you would never find your mate. So, if sharing one with another meant you got to have the love of a mate… I would consider doing the same. But I didn’t need a mate, I’d had a fated mate and even though she was long gone, that was all I needed. I’d made a promise to avenge her death. Not take up furs with another female.

  “Let’s do this again, good morning Sanza.” I turned to hear Zalli words from the translator. The same female was back again, her face smiling at me. I didn’t remember her name, and I felt shame in that after she let me use her translator. I’d enjoyed her company yesterday. Although I had not been feeling myself and was a little aggressive in my approach with her, she still returned today. She was alone, her mates not with her.

  “Hello again.” I replied and her face beamed. I didn’t know if she was a normally happy person or if she was truly happy to see me. I knew I was pleased to see her again. Even if it was just to converse with her.

  “Did you have breakfast yet?” She questioned, I nodded. Apak had been more than accommodating. He had given me many of the same fruits I had last night when I’d arrived. I really wished for meat, but I wasn’t aware of their customs so I didn’t wish to upset him in asking for some. Their generosity had been far more than I expected.

  “What is your name?” I asked her, I saw her smile slip a little and I wished that I had memorized it in the haste of meeting last night.

  “Elle. And you’re Sanza, right?” The way my name slipped off her tongue was sensual. The translator not helping in the translation at all. So stiff and formal. I wished she could speak Zalli so I could understand her without the translator.

  “Elle,” I tested her name on my tongue, worried I had butchered it, but when her cheeks turned a shade of pink she nodded. Ah, these females are very similar to my own when they blush. But it was easier to see Elle’s cheeks turn pink with her pale skin. My blue skin was so dark compared to hers, I wanted to touch her skin to see if it felt the same.

  “I was wondering if you wanted to do anything. Or if you wanted someone to talk to. I could listen. I’m a great listener.” She offered.

  I didn’t need someone to talk to, did I? Nothing I could say would be of interest to a female. I didn’t think I could speak to her, not truly.

  “I’m very satisfied to sit here, thank you” I spoke and saw her face drop a little. “Elle.” I used her beautiful name and nodded.

  I watched as she pulled some of the pixxe from the pile for herself and took a bite. My cock stirring at the sight of her licking her lips. How was my body reacting to this female? This wasn’t right. I knew I could mate with other females after I found my fated, I just couldn’t bare young with them. Zalli only could bare young once they found their fated mate. But to have my cock react to Elle like this was a shock. She looked up at me and froze.

  “Ah… did you want more? They have heaps.” She pointed to more pixxe further down the table where other Aashi males now sat eating. I shook my head and continued to stare at her, I loved the color heating her cheeks. Was this my reaction to her? Was the pink turning me on?

  She now ate slower, conscious of my watching. I saw her glance to her left, I followed her eyes to see one of her males standing there.

  Ah, so she wasn’t here alone. One of her mates was here, but not with her. I wondered if he chose to stay away or if she demanded it. I smiled at the last thought. I hoped she demanded it, so she could be alone with me. I grumbled to myself at this, I wasn’t here to mate. I needed to keep a clear head and this female was clouding my thoughts with her sweet pink lips, and the gentle curve of her face.

  This female was different and this was why I was affected by her, nothing else.

  “Do you want someone to talk to?” I asked. I didn’t know why but I just didn’t want her to leave. I was curious if she wished to speak with me, or if she was going to walk away and stand with her mate. Watching me like so many purple males were.

  “Oh,” she chuckled, her tongue snaking out to lick her lips once again and I was trying hard not to be aroused at the sight. But now my cock was harder than when I went into rut with Raina. All male Zalli go into rut when they find their fated mate, it ensures the female with be with young.

  “Sure, I would never say no to talking. I do a lot of talking down at the bathing pool but then, there is only so much you can say before your repeating the same stories. So, it’s always fun when you meet a new person, someone you can learn from.”

  I nodded, I understood learning. Like when I spoke to the Sycal, Yai. I had never met one before. I learnt about him a little from other Zalli in the mines, but he taught me what he knew about the Aashi.

  “Well, I guess I will start. I’m Elle Cooper, I’m twenty-three. I’m from… earth. It’s a planet out there somewhere.” She pointed up to where the fog was slowly dissipating. I nodded.

  “So is Zalli, out there somewhere too. Maybe our planets are close?” It would make sense to why so much of her DNA make-up was similar to mine. But she was small. Our females usually grew to six feet. She was not, yet she was still sized well and at twenty-three she was more than old enough to have a family.

  “Oh, wow. Maybe. Are you close to the milky way?” She asked. I didn’t know what this milky way was, the translator didn’t interpret it which suggested it was a word only used by humans. I shook my head.

  “No, I’m not sure what that is.” She slumped a little and I watched as her mouth formed a ‘O’ shape.

  “Well, anyway. It gets hot on my planet. But not everywhere, this humidity here is killing me. I feel yucky and sticky all day long.” />
  I nodded in agreement, I was not used to this type of weather, our heat was dry not wet, it was hard to adapt.

  I was surprised with myself. I spoke with Elle most of the day, after lunch she took me with her mates to see where they were making blankets with the leaves from the trees. I sat down beside her and she watched on as the Aashi males showed her how to shred the leaves to make the blanket.

  We didn’t used plants to make our blankets and clothes, we used animal hides and furs. But here, I could feel how much my leather shorts were affected by the heat. I wouldn’t wish to wear leather either. Although I didn’t want to wear the little fabric the Aashi did to cover themselves. I would be worried that Elle would see my attraction to her and not wish to speak to me.

  I needed to swim in their bath, to cool off. But I wasn’t sure if that would offend the females. The males didn’t bath, they just cupped water in their hands and washed that way as I had seen earlier as we passed by.

  I didn’t want to be removed from this tribe, I needed them in order to survive, so I wanted to adapt to their customs. Until I had dished out my revenge on the M’Mori. I was safer here, than I was out there. I couldn’t climb to get food and I would have starved if it wasn’t for this place taking me in. I knew I should have gone with K’Tem from the beginning but I’d felt it was safer apart. But now I know that was stupid of me.

  “How do you say hello in Zalli?” I looked up to her face as she turned to me. I didn’t want her to know I was starting at her legs and thinking how I wished to run my hands up them. We were returning to the large table for a feast. Apparently, they were serving meat at this feast in celebration of Jessica’s safe return and K’Tem her mate.

  “Hello.” I spoke in my language and she repeated it quickly before the translator. She handed the translator to her mate and asked him to run ahead. Then she pointed to the tree beside us.

  “Tree.” And she repeated “Tree.” I smiled, she spoke Zalli very well. It was as if she was made to speak my language.

  I pointed at the tree and she spoke it in her language, I repeated and she grinned as she bounced on her feet. She clapped then her small hand wrapped around my bicep as she pulled me towards something else that she wanted to learn.

  I was so distracted by her hand that I didn’t see her pointing until she said my name.

  “Sanza.” My eyes found hers, and I saw her cheeks pinken. And in that moment, I knew my plans were changing. I wanted to keep her cheeks pink and see that smile.

  There was something about this Elle.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Elle had taken a liking to this new male. I was trying to stay back as she’d asked today. She told me she thought he was “hot.” He might be, he was now living on Aarzyn in the hot season. Soon it would be the wet season and he can be “wet.”

  He didn’t seem to like me, or Marin. When I’d tried to speak with him earlier he’d only grunted at me. He was a large male, and I know that I had asked Elle to take on a larger mate, but I’d meant an Aashi. I didn’t know anything about this male. This tall, blue male, who had no tails and two arms.

  He couldn’t feed her, he couldn’t climb trees and protect her up high from other clans. What could this male do other than be “hot” and grunt. Her choosing him as a mate wouldn’t work for Elle. We had to work together, and this male clearly didn’t like Marin and I.

  Although I didn’t want to upset my Elle, as she had really taken a liking to him. But I didn’t want her hurt when she found we didn’t work together when it was too late. I was considering the issue and how to bring it up without upsetting her.

  “What are you thinking?” Marin asked as he sat beside me, waiting on Elle to come to the feast table. I didn’t like being kicked over here. I didn’t like that she wanted to spend her entire day talking with this male. I wanted her to talk to me, and give me kisses like we had for many weeks.

  “I do not like this new male. The way he looks at Elle, I am worried he will take her from us. We need to find more mates for her. Strong warriors that would scare him away.” Marin’s eyes widened at my words.

  “How could you think such a thing, Elle would never leave us.” I could see the hurt in his eyes that I would even question such a thing. But I didn’t mean that she would leave us willingly to be with Sanza. I worried that this male would go and take our mate. Kidnap her.

  Before I could speak more Elle sat down and Sanza sat across from her. I moved my upper hand and touched her shoulder, she looked up at me as I ran my finger down her silky arm. She moved closer and took my face in her hands, she pulled me close and kissed me. My heart started to thrum wildly in my chest.

  She was showing Sanza that I was her mate. I just needed him to know it enough, so he didn’t take her from us. When she pulled away, I didn’t look over to see his reaction. I didn’t need to see his face after that display. Marin and I were the luckiest males in all of Aarzyn to have such a special mate who kissed always.

  Elle was fun and loving and I knew that she was very caring. Maybe she wasn’t looking at him as a mate, but as someone who needs to be cared for. The only Aashi who have approached him, other than myself and Marin was Apak. Maybe she thought he was sad and lonely and needed someone to speak his troubles with? He was a slave from the M’Mori mines. So, he might not look injured on the outside, but inside he was hurt where I couldn’t see.

  I took a deep breath, happy with this thought. My tails had a mind of their own as always, and I realized I stroked her thigh with one of my tails. She giggled and reached down to stop the end of my tail from flicking over her warm center through her shorts.

  “Zur…” she purred low so only I could hear. I just tossed her a cheeky grin and she playfully slapped my arm. I returned the translator to her and she placed it on the table in front of us. So that the rest of the clan, who were now eating ,could speak and she would understand. So would Sanza.

  The food came out, fish and some ahnn. I saw some oha and took it before anyone else could. I placed it in front of my mate and she thanked me.

  “What is this?” the translator asked, Sanza stared down at the ahnn. It was a nice piece of flesh, he would enjoy this as much as I.

  “Ahnn, it is a nice piece from the thigh. It is my favorite to eat.” He nodded to me and picked it up, sniffing it. I watched as he took a bite and made a face of disgust.

  “Has this been burnt?” all the males closest to us turned to see what he was talking about. That was a nice piece, it wasn’t burnt, they had cooked it well. Smoked and heated correctly.

  “It’s not burnt, they have cooked it, but you can see it’s not burnt. It’s a smoky flavor.” Elle explained to him.

  His eyes widened as he placed it back down in front of him. And looked around the table at everyone who was eating.

  “You cook your meat? Not eat it straight from the beast?” The translation came through but I was still confused. K’Tem spoke up.

  “The Aashi cook their meat slowly for many hours over a fire. They don’t eat raw meat. I am sorry Sanza, I forgot to inform you of this. I should have asked for them to keep you some aside uncooked.”

  I looked back to Sanza, his people ate raw meat. I was confused, he grunted to K’Tem and turned back to the cooked meat in front of him.

  “Ah, your customs required cooking meat. I am sorry if I offended.” He offered to everyone who must have worn the same expression I did. I shook my head to tell him I was not offended, but Elle spoke up.

  “That’s okay, you didn’t know. We humans don’t eat raw meat. We cook it like the Aashi. Although I think they do it better than humans.” She bumped my shoulder with hers and smiled.

  I felt proud to be an Aashi when she spoke like that about me.

  “We can speak to Apak who prepares the feast next time and you can instruct on how you wish your meat.” Marin told Sanza. He nodded.

  “Thank you, mate of Elle. I would like that very much.” When he looked to the
meat then back to me. I smiled and reached across for it. I would eat it. He nodded to me in thanks, and we continued the feast and Sanza spoke to Elle, Marin and I.

  Maybe my Elle saw something in this male that I didn’t in the beginning. I could see he would make a great mate to her, he was attentive with her. And answered her questions, and she had many questions.

  Still many Aashi males avoided him, maybe he would be the best mate for her.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Five days had passed, and I had spent time with Sanza every day. He was slowly opening up to me and I loved it. I loved listening to his deep voice when he spoke, it was mesmerizing. He was also easy on the eyes, I wasn’t going to lie about that.

  We were siting a little away from the main part of the clan and I was trying to weave a blanket with the leaf strips that Sanza had been making for me. Marin and Zurcov were nowhere to be seen. I assumed that meant they felt like Sanza was good enough to defend me against anyone. The thought made me smile. Sanza was strong. I watched his biceps as he pulled another strip from the leaf. Dang… he might only have two arms but they were hot as sin.

  “When I was only young, I had seen my first spacecraft...” Sanza started to speak to me. He had been quiet, lost in thought for a while. I just enjoyed his quiet presence at times, so when he spoke I really listened.

  “I always dreamed I could travel on one, I imagined where they were going, what people they were meeting. My father had told me that Zalli was better than anywhere in the world. Why would I want to go anywhere else? But I always wanted to and now, I know he was right.”

  I nodded as he shifted where he sat and crossed his legs. He leaned forward towards the now large pile of leaves he had been stripping. I had more than I could ever use at this rate. I really needed to share this with others, I couldn’t make this many blankets.


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