Dagger (Devil's Fury MC 4)

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Dagger (Devil's Fury MC 4) Page 2

by Harley Wylde

  “How did you get away from him?” Jared asked. “Or did he stop when you said no?”

  She paled and dropped her gaze, pulling free of my grasp. I looked over my shoulder at Jared and knew what he was thinking. Reaching for her, I ran my hands down her sides, then up the insides of her legs. She didn’t push me away, but I felt her shaking. I didn’t feel a weapon.

  “Were you armed then and not now?” I asked.

  Her gaze jerked to mine again. “What? No! I just… I kneed him between the legs when he didn’t want to let go. He kept telling me I’d like it and trying to pull up my dress. I didn’t like his attention.”

  The way her cheeks burned it was almost as if… Whoa. I stood so fast I got dizzy, and took a few steps back. Was she a fucking virgin? I knew Griz said the women had worked in a sweatshop and not a brothel, but I’d figured there were guards of some sort sampling them on the side. Just thinking she was untouched both excited and fucking terrified me. I’d never been with an innocent before. The thought of being the first to touch her made my cock swell behind my zipper.

  I couldn’t be here. Not right now. I tried to shake it off as I headed out of the bedroom, leaving her with Jared. He wouldn’t hurt her. Hell, he’d probably set her free and escort her back to the apartment where she was staying. Sweet thing like her had no business being around a guy like me. It was like offering a pure soul to the Devil.

  I braced my hands on the kitchen counter, staring out the window over the sink. I didn’t think she’d tell anyone about what she’d seen, either time. Even if she did, I couldn’t imagine trying to scare her into keeping her mouth shut, not after hearing one of my brothers had already tried to hurt her. I couldn’t think of a single one who would force themselves on a woman, but if she was right and he’d been drunk, then he might honestly have thought she was playing hard to get. Might have even mistaken her for a club whore if he was sloshed enough.

  Still, we needed to make sure those women stayed far the fuck away from the clubhouse once the sun went down. It wasn’t safe. I also didn’t trust the bitches who came here to spread their legs. If they caught wind of women living here, unclaimed ones, they’d raise hell and cause trouble. Just like that bitch Cheri had done with Dragon and Lilian. Demon had made an example of her, but we had some fresh blood coming through the doors these days. Might be time for a refresher on what happened if you fucked with someone, or any of the women under our protection. Wouldn’t matter that we were only offering those ladies a safe place to stay, the whores wouldn’t see it that way and would feel threatened or jealous.

  Sometimes I had to wonder if things wouldn’t be simpler if I did just like men.

  Chapter Two


  “Did I say something wrong?” I asked the other man after Dagger fled the room.

  He smirked. “No. He doesn’t trust himself around a virgin. Guy like Dagger? You dangled forbidden fruit in front of him. He knows he’s too rough and hard for someone like you, but thinking of being your first? Yeah, it’s going to fuck with his head for a while. I’m Jared.”

  “Zoe,” I said. Damn it. I wasn’t a virgin, but if I told them, would it make me fair game for anyone here?

  His gaze caressed me, paying close attention to my hair. I sighed, knowing he wondered why I had blonde hair and blue eyes if I was from Mexico. A lot of people didn’t know my people weren’t all dark haired and dark eyed. It had been offensive at first, but now I was just tired of trying to explain why I looked different from what they expected. “Zoe Lopez,” I said. “Yes, I’m really Mexican.”

  “I should get the keys to those cuffs and get you out of here.”

  I eyed the cuff on my wrist and followed it to the headboard. “Why does he have these on his bed?”

  Jared coughed and his cheeks turned a little pink. “Uh, yeah. So I’m just going to find the keys and you can be on your way. Start praying he doesn’t remember you’re cuffed to his bed.”

  I eyed the cuffs again. I’d read books, watched movies. I just hadn’t realized people actually did things like tie up their partners. Why would they want to? I didn’t understand even a little. I yanked at the cuff. I might not be a virgin, but I was still innocent when it came to men. My first, and only, time hadn’t been with my consent. The result of that incident was why I’d escaped Mexico and taken this opportunity.

  Jared rummaged in the bedside table, then stood with his hands on his hips. “So, there’s no key in here, which means Dagger must have it. I need to go get it. Promise I’ll be right back.”

  He ran from the room. I’d really thought they were together. Twice now I’d seen them kissing and doing other things. My cheeks warmed as I recalled the way Jared had taken Dagger’s cock. No, the way Dagger had forced him to take it. I’d seen the look of pure bliss on Jared’s face. Did he really like it when Dagger took control?

  I eyed the cuffs again. Did Dagger shackle Jared to the bed and do other things? It was clear they liked each other, trusted one another. At nineteen, I knew I had plenty of time to find someone like that, a man who would love me, care for me, give me pleasure and passion. But I didn’t think I’d find it anytime soon, and if I hadn’t managed to get away from that guy last night, I’d have lost my faith in men completely. Being violated once was bad enough, but twice? Did these guys see women as fair game if they were unattached?

  It wasn’t Jared who returned, but Dagger, with the key in his hand. He knelt next to the bed and unlocked the cuffs. His hands were gentle as he rubbed my wrist, a stark contrast with the large man who had been so demanding earlier.

  “I want a name,” he said, his tone gruff. “I don’t believe for a second you don’t know who grabbed you.”

  I shook my head. There was no way I was telling him anything. If I did and the guy got angry, things would be much worse. I’d not seen his name, but I did see something. A title. He held a position of rank here, and I wasn’t about to rat out someone in a position of power. He could hurt me, make my life hell, or worse… toss me out of here. I didn’t have a penny to my name or a way to provide for myself. I’d end up on the street.

  “Little girl, I can’t protect you if I don’t know who tried to go too far.”

  “I’m not a child,” I said, lifting my chin.

  A smile flirted along his lips, but he stifled it. “Not a kid, huh? You’re what? All of eighteen?”

  “Nineteen,” I mumbled. He didn’t have to poke fun at me just because I was young.

  He did smile that time, a quick lifting of his lips on one corner. He reached out, took my chin between his fingers and held my gaze. “Still can’t protect you if I don’t know who it’s from.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You’re not gay and I can’t stay here.”

  Jared appeared in the doorway behind him. “Dagger, why don’t you let her stay at least through dinner?”

  Neither of them had hurt me, or tried to touch me inappropriately. Even if they weren’t gay, I still felt safe with Jared and Dagger. Being here even a little while was better than returning to the apartment I shared with one of the other women. It wasn’t that any of them were cruel, but they weren’t my friends either.

  “I’m grilling steaks,” Dagger said. “We have plenty if you’d like to stay.”

  “Stay here with both of you?” I asked, wanting to clarify Jared would be here too. Dagger on his own was a force I wasn’t ready to tackle.

  He nodded. “Yeah, it’s movie night. Every Wednesday we grill out and binge-watch a few movies. Unless the club has something going on.”

  I wanted to. More than anything, but I’d looked forward to staying in for the night. Hiding in my room wasn’t much fun, but I didn’t like being around a lot of people. At night, I could pretend I was at least going to sleep and avoid everyone. I’d been eager to change into the only comfortable thing I owned, a pajama set. It was the one purchase I’d permitted myself when we got here. The other women had bought new clothes, shoes, and other things they wante
d with the money Grizzly had given us. Even though they’d been trying to buy a way for their families to come here, none of them had something as precious as I did back in Mexico. Every cent I got needed to go back home, if I could manage it. I’d asked one of the men wearing a leather vest with Prospect on it to help me mail the package.

  “Sugar, why are you wearing this rag when I know damn well our Pres gave you cash to buy new stuff?” Dagger asked.

  I stiffened, dropping my gaze and releasing the hem of my dress. I hadn’t even realized I was toying with it as I’d thought about wanting to change. “I needed the money for something else.”

  “Who do you have back home? You were working in that hellhole to bring someone here. You got a boyfriend back home? Fiancé?”

  I shook my head. Not even close. “Nothing like that.”

  “Then who?” Dagger asked.

  “My… little brother,” I said. “I’m all he has left. He’s staying with a friend, and I send money back to help pay for his clothes and food. If I don’t, they might throw him out. He’s only three.”

  Please believe me. If they called my bluff and I had to tell them Luis was my son, I didn’t know what would happen. Right now, they believed I’d never been with a man. I wanted to trust them, but part of me held back, regardless of how safe they made me feel. They were still strangers, and I’d learned the hard way never to trust a man.

  “Brother.” Dagger’s gaze held mine. “Your brother who is sixteen years younger than you? How many other siblings do you have? Why are you only taking care of one?”

  I hadn’t thought my lie through very well, but I’d hoped he’d take my answer and leave me be. It didn’t seem that was going to happen. Jared moved in closer and I felt pinned in by the two of them. Oddly, it didn’t scare me, but there was a flutter in my stomach I couldn’t label.

  “Angel, I’m pretty sure we all know he’s not your brother. So, who is he to you?” Jared asked.

  I twisted my hands in my lap, wishing I could get up and make a run for it, but it wasn’t like I could go far. What would they do if I told the truth? Would Dagger cuff me to the bed again? Or worse, would he tell Grizzly? The older man seemed nice, but I didn’t know what his plans were for me and the others. Just because he seemed like a good guy didn’t mean anything.

  Dagger gripped my hair and forced me to focus on him. “Who’s the boy, princesa?”

  “Mi hijo.”

  “Was that so difficult?” His gaze held mine. “So, not a virgin, but probably close to it. If your boy is three, you were only sixteen when he was born. Was it your choice?”

  I licked my lips. “Are you asking if it was my choice to have him, or my choice to get pregnant in the first place?”

  “He’s asking if you were raped,” Jared said softly.

  “Sí.” It had brought shame on my parents when I’d become pregnant, and they hadn’t cared how it happened. I’d been tossed from the house. It had been hard to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly, even harder to take care of my son after he’d been born. Luis had been two months old when the opportunity presented itself to come to this country and earn passage for my son. Except no amount of work I did ever seemed to earn his passage.

  “Who has him?” Dagger asked.

  “A woman I met while I was pregnant. She has a family of her own, but agreed to keep Luis for me if I sent money to cover his expenses. I didn’t get much cash before coming here, but I sent her what I had.”

  “Tell me who she is and where she is,” Dagger said. “I’m getting your boy here one way or another. No more money goes to that bitch. You never should have been forced to leave your kid behind.”

  “Dagger, how the fuck are you going to…” Jared clamped his lips shut at a glare from the man in front of me. “Right. So, this is Devil’s Fury Dagger and not the man who had his cock in my mouth. I’m just the lowly Prospect right now. I get it.”

  Jared stormed off and I heard a door slam. Had he left me here? Alone with Dagger? I clutched at the bedding on either side of me and fought the urge to bolt from the room. Dagger pulled a phone from his pocket and made a call.

  “I need papers for…” I told him my name. “Zoe Lopez, and her son Luis. I also need someone to bring the kid here,” he said. “Somewhere in Mexico. I’ll get more details and send them over.” I didn’t hear what was said on the other end of the call, but it made Dagger scowl. “What the fuck does that mean? Outlaw, if you can’t handle it, get Wire to do it.”

  He growled at whatever was said next, then ended the call. His gaze locked on mine and the fury I saw was enough to make me put more space between us. I didn’t know what the other person had said, but it wasn’t good. I trembled as I scooted farther across the bed. He reached out and grabbed my ankle, but he didn’t hurt me, or try to yank me back toward him. Just held on. “I can get your boy here, but you won’t like how it’s done,” he said.

  With men, it generally meant one thing. They always seemed to want something in return. The previous deal I’d made had been to sew clothing. I knew a man like Dagger wouldn’t have use of that skill, nor would his club. “Would I have to whore myself out?” I asked.

  He gave a dark chuckle, making my hair stand up. “Only to me.”

  My heart slammed against my ribs. “What? I don’t understand.”

  “Outlaw said making you and your boy legal citizens is not as easy as it seems. I know other clubs must have handled this shit before, but he’s refusing to reach out to anyone. The only way he’ll make you and your son legal citizens is if you’re my wife. How the fuck is that red tape any easier to get through? I honestly think he’s fucking with me.”

  “La esposa?”

  He nodded. “I know he has to be full of shit. He can damn well work his magic without us getting married. If he can’t, Wire can do it. There’s no way Saint’s woman was a legit citizen before he claimed her, or without some illegal help. Maybe I should call someone else. Ever since Outlaw took a woman, he’s been different. Softer.”

  “If he doesn’t need us to actually be married, then why ask?”

  “Because he knows if you’re mine I’ll stop at nothing to keep you safe. And same goes for your son.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. I’d noticed he did that when he seemed agitated. “If that’s what you want, I’ll do it, but it won’t be in name only. There are men out there who wouldn’t give a shit they had a spouse at home, but I’m not one of them. If I’m married to you, I won’t be fucking around with the girls at the clubhouse.”

  Not the girls, but with Dagger, there were other options. Even if he didn’t partake in what was freely given by the women who came to party, what about the men? One in particular came to mind. “What about Jared?” I asked.

  He shook his head, released me, and stood up. “I’ll end it. You’re not that kind of woman.”

  What did that mean? Did he think I wouldn’t let him be with Jared? It wasn’t conventional by any means, but maybe we could be together in name only and he could keep his relationship with the other man. Except he’d said he wasn’t gay and liked women too. Would he want to have both of us? Was that what he’d meant by his comment? I wasn’t sure how I felt about it, especially since I didn’t know if Jared would only be with Dagger or would be with other people. I didn’t want to risk him giving something to the two of us.

  “I wouldn’t care if you wanted to keep seeing Jared, but if you’re going to be with me too, would he be offended if you used condoms?” I asked. “Just for safety reasons.”

  He tipped his head back and stared at the ceiling, muttering under his breath. “Princesa, that’s not what I meant. The kind of relationship I want, the kind I need, means I’d have you both. In my bed. At the same fucking time. It wouldn’t just be me and him, or me and you. It would be the three of us.”

  “The three of us.” I still didn’t know what he meant. How would something like that even work?

  “We’d both fuck you, princesa. And
each other. When we went to bed at night, you’d be between the two of us. I can tell by the innocence in your eyes, that’s not for you. The only experience you have with men is your rapist, and it doesn’t count because it wasn’t sex. It was an act of violence.”

  Could I be with two men? I’d thought that sort of thing only happened in books, movies, or maybe at wild parties. But as an everyday thing? I had a hard time imagining myself with a man as large and… alpha as Dagger. Add Jared to the mix, and I didn’t think I could handle it. Although, the other man seemed more laid back and sweet. They seemed to be opposites, which is probably what made their relationship work. Jared softened Dagger’s hard edges, and Dagger… I didn’t know what he did for Jared, other than apparently give him pleasure.

  “Tell me what you want me to do,” he said, his voice lower but far from gentle. I didn’t think he had a tender side, despite the way he’d rubbed my wrist earlier.

  “You’d give up Jared, or your chance to have the type of relationship you want, just to bring my son here?” I asked.

  “Boy doesn’t need to be with strangers. He should be with his madre.”

  I studied Dagger, noting his tanned skin and dark hair. His eyes were a warm chocolate. Ink covered what I could see of his skin from neck to waist, including a rosary and the Virgin Mary. I’d seen those types of tattoos back home. Then he had others I didn’t recognize. He sounded American, but he wasn’t as white as Jared. I wondered about his heritage. The way he spoke…

  “You toss in Spanish words as if it’s no effort on your part,” I said.

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “My mother was half Hispanic and half white. My grandmother immigrated here from Mexico City when she was young, and fell in love with my grandfather. She taught me a little. My dad was Samoan, and some of my ink is in honor of his family heritage.”

  I wanted to say yes, to bring Luis here, but I wasn’t sure I could handle belonging to Dagger. He moved closer and sat on the edge of the bed, facing away from me. His shoulders hunched, and it was the first time he’d appeared uncertain, or perhaps burdened was a better word. “Before you say yes, there’s something you need to know. It’s not something anyone at the club knows, not even Jared. I’m clean. Get tested every fucking month.”


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