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H00102--00A, Front mat Genesis

Page 24

by Charles Baum

  pleteness in the integration of the solid, liquid, and gaseous parts of

  our planet to make life. Nevertheless, I find the reliance on clays a bit

  unsettling. It seems that all a chemist needs to do is sprinkle in a little

  clay powder and voilà: polymerization, self-assembly, synthesis, stabili-

  zation! Clays seem to do it all. The phenomenology is fascinating, but

  what’s actually going on at the atomic scale? Clays are inherently vari-

  able in their composition, ill-defined in their surface properties, and so

  fine-grained that it’s virtually impossible to be sure what molecule is

  binding to what surface. The “magic powder” aspects of clays leave me


  Given the choice between a poorly characterized fine-grained pow-

  der and an elegant faceted single crystal, I’ll take the crystal any day.

  And, as it turns out, that’s the only way you can tell left from right.


  Left and Right

  Assemblage on corresponding crystal faces of enantiomorphic

  pairs of crystals, such as right-hand and left-hand quartz

  crystals, would provide us with a most simple and direct

  possibility of localized separate assemblage of right- and

  left-hand asymmetric molecules.

  Victor M. Goldschmidt, 1952

  Prebiotic processes produced a bewildering diversity of molecules.

  Some of those organic molecules were poised to serve as the essen-

  tial starting materials of life—amino acids, sugars, lipids, and more.

  But most of that molecular jumble played no role whatsoever in the

  dawn of life. The emergence of concentrated suites of just the right

  mix remains a central puzzle in origin-of-life research.

  One of the stages of life’s emergence—an early and confounding

  one at that—must have been the incorporation of handedness. Many

  of the most important biomolecules, amino acids and sugars included,

  come in mirror-image pairs: something like your two hands, which

  have the exact same structure, but can’t be exactly superimposed. In

  the same way, pairs of these so-called chiral molecules have the exact

  same composition and structure, and many of the same physical prop-

  erties, but they are mirror images of each other.

  Virtually all known prebiotic synthesis pathways produce chiral

  molecules in 50:50 mixtures. No obvious inherent reason exists why

  left or right should be preferred. And yet living cells display the most

  exquisite selectivity, choosing right-handed sugars over left and left-

  handed amino acids over right. In spite of a century and a half of study,

  the origin of this biochemical “homochirality” remains a central mys-

  tery of life’s emergence.





  Molecular chirality arises from a common circumstance of organic

  molecules. In many molecules, one carbon atom forms four bonds to

  four different groups of atoms. The amino acid alanine, for example,

  has a central carbon atom linked to one NH molecule (an amino


  group), one COOH molecule (a carboxyl group), one CH molecule (a


  methyl group), and one lone hydrogen atom. If you orient the hydro-

  gen atom up and look down on the molecule, there are two ways to

  arrange the remaining three components . So-called “right-handed” or

  D-alanine has a clockwise arrangement of carboxyl–amine–methyl

  groups. Chemists employ the letter “D” after the Greek “dextro” for

  “right” (though the designation of molecular “right” vs. “left” is a com-

  pletely arbitrary convention.) Alternatively, “left-handed” or L-alanine

  features a clockwise arrangement of amine–carboxyl–methyl groups.

  In this case the “L” comes from the Greek “levo,” for “left.”

  For reasons that are still not well understood, life selects L-amino

  acids and D-sugars almost exclusively over D-amino acids and L-sugars.

  One critical consequence of this selection is that our cells often re-

  spond very differently to other kinds of chiral molecules. The familiar

  flavoring limonene, for example, tastes like lemons in its right-handed

  form, but like oranges in the left-handed variant. More sinister is the

  behavior of the infamous drug thalidomide: The left-handed form

  cures morning sickness, while the right-handed form induces birth

  defects. Consequently, the Food and Drug Administration demands











  Many biomolecules occur in both left-handed and right-handed variants, which are

  mirror images of each other. This situation arises when a central carbon atom is

  linked to four different groups of atoms—groups that can be arranged clockwise or




  chiral purity in many pharmaceuticals—a difficult processing step that

  adds more than $100 billion annually to our drug costs.

  Chirality is an essential, diagnostic characteristic of cellular life.

  But how did this selectivity emerge in the seemingly random prebiotic

  world? A dozen theories, from the mundane to the exotic, have been

  proposed, but all ideas fall into one of two general categories.

  Some experts suspect that prebiotic synthesis was an inherently

  asymmetrical process, leading to an inevitable global excess of L- over

  D-amino acids on the prebiotic Earth. More than a century and a half

  ago, Louis Pasteur demonstrated that left- and right-handed crystals

  cause polarized light to be rotated in opposite directions. Conversely,

  the orientation of polarized light shining on a chemical-rich environ-

  ment might influence the relative proportions of left- versus right-

  handed molecules, either by selective synthesis of L-amino acids, or by

  selective breakdown of D-amino acids. Though the effect is generally

  small, this kind of chiral-selective process might conceivably have oc-

  curred in deep space near a rapidly rotating neutron star, or perhaps

  on Earth’s surface as the result of polarized sunlight reflected off the

  ocean surface. No one knows for sure what hundreds of millions of

  years of such processing might yield.

  Other physicists echo this theme, but posit that asymmetric syn-

  thesis resulted from so-called parity violations that occur during ra-

  dioactive beta decay. In physics, the parity principle states that physical

  processes appear exactly the same when viewed in a mirror. Beta decay,

  which occurs when an unstable radioactive atom loses an electron (or

  a positron) in the process of becoming a stable atom, is the only known

  physical event that violates this parity principle. Beta-decay events pro-

  duce polarized radiation of only one handedness, and this chiral radia-

  tion, in turn, could have enhanced the synthesis of L- versus D-amino

  acids. One problem with these asymmetric processes is that they seem

  to yield only the slightest excess of one handedness over the other—

  generally less than a minuscule fraction of 1 percent. Such minute ef-

  fects hardly seem sufficient to tip the global balance toward L-amino

  acids or D-sugars.


  Many origin-of-life researchers (myself included) argue that chiral se-

  lectivity more likely occurred as the result of an asymmetric local, as



  opposed to global, physical environment on Earth. After all, the emer-

  gence of life consisted of a series of chemical events, each of which

  occurred at a specific place and a specific time. It is very possible that

  those emergent steps were repeated countless millions of times across

  the globe, but each individual emergent event was local: It occurred at

  specific location with specific molecules. Consequently, if the local en-

  vironment where a reaction occurred was strongly chiral, then chiral

  molecules might have emerged.

  The chemical process of life’s origin is in some respects like the

  formation of a crystal. In life, as in crystals, two essential and largely

  independent steps are necessary. The first step in crystal formation,

  nucleation, requires the precise organization of a relatively small num-

  ber of atoms or molecules into a “seed.” This seed might by chance

  have either a D or L character. Then comes growth, as the original seed

  provides a template for the ordered assembly of more atoms and mol-

  ecules. Each step in the chemical origin of life must also have required

  nucleation, followed by growth.

  In life, as in crystal formation, these two stages usually proceed at

  very different rates. Nucleation may take place with ease, while growth

  is slow. Such a situation leads to the myriad microscopic crystallites

  that give colorful agates and frosted glass their distinctive translucent

  optical properties. If, on the other hand, nucleation is rare while growth

  is rapid, then a single large crystal may form.

  Since life is vastly more complex than any crystal, it is reasonable

  to think that nucleation—the self-organization of molecules into a rep-

  licating entity—is relatively rare, perhaps even a singular event in

  Earth’s history (though that is by no means a certainty). But, once

  formed, this protolife must have grown rapidly, in the process con-

  suming every available molecular feedstock and frustrating further ori-

  gin events. If that life-form was by chance homochiral, D or L, then that

  handedness would be passed on to subsequent generations. All it takes

  is an initial local chiral environment.

  We now realize that such local environments abounded on the pre-

  biotic Earth. Indeed, every chiral molecule is itself a tiny local chiral

  environment that might select other molecules of similar handedness.

  The pioneering chirality studies of Louis Pasteur relied on this charac-

  teristic: When he evaporated a 50:50 solution of D- and L-tartaric acid,

  the mixture spontaneously divided into pure D and pure L crystals. Such



  a circumstance arises because D-D or L-L pairs of tartaric acid mol-

  ecules happen to fit together more easily than D-L pairs.

  Might prebiotic organic molecules have displayed the same behav-

  ior? Evidence is still spotty, but a few experiments do reveal a strong

  tendency for chiral self-selection in certain polymers. The Swiss chem-

  ist Albert Eschenmoser, who explored the stabilities of more than a

  dozen variants of RNA with modified sugar-phosphate backbones, has

  found that some (but not all) of these molecular chains grow sponta-

  neously with greater than 90 percent chiral purity. Perhaps prebiotic

  polymers became homochiral by a similar self-selection process.

  One caveat: In a dilute, complex primordial broth, the chances of

  linking together any two types of molecule, much less two useful

  monomers of the same handedness, would have been exceedingly

  small. That’s why James Ferris, Leslie Orgel, Graham Cairns-Smith, and

  others have resorted to mineral surfaces, which induce polymerization

  by concentrating and aligning desirable molecules. But some mineral

  surfaces have an added advantage. Every rock, every grain of sand or

  particle of silt also has the potential to offer chiral environments, in the

  form of asymmetric mineral surfaces. Left- and right-handed mineral

  surfaces might provide the perfect solution for concentrating and sepa-

  rating a 50:50 mixture of L and D molecules.

  Minerals often display beautiful crystal faces, which might have

  provided ideal templates for the assembly of life’s molecules. A few

  minerals, most notably quartz (the commonest grains of beach sand),

  occur in both right-handed and left-handed structural variants. The

  quartz structure features helices of atoms that in some crystals spiral

  to the left and in other crystals to the right. Every grain of beach sand

  thus provides a chiral environment.

  But even though the vast majority of minerals are “centrosymmet-

  ric,” and thus not inherently handed, their crystals commonly feature

  pairs of faces whose surface structures are mirror images of each other.

  Like quartz, these chiral surfaces have arrangements of atoms that are

  ideally suited to select and concentrate L versus D molecules, such as

  amino acids or sugars.

  Natural left- and right-handed surfaces occur in roughly equal

  numbers, so there’s not much chance of chiral selection occurring on a

  global scale. But, once again, here’s the key: The chemical origin of life

  was not a global event. The first common ancestor—the precursor to





  The common mineral quartz forms both left-handed and right-handed crystals.

  all of the varied life-forms we see on Earth today—arose as a bundle of

  self-replicating chemicals at a specific place and time. Once that chiral

  system began making copies of itself, the handedness of life was fixed.

  To many experts in the field, the choice of L- versus D-amino acids

  seems to have been a one-time, chance event, and that scenario points

  to a simple mineralogical mechanism for chiral selection.


  As a mineralogist for more than a quarter of a century, I love the idea

  that crystals may have played a central role in life’s beginnings. For a

  time, the question of origins took me away from minerals, but they

  have called me back to some of the most delightful experiments of my


  The chirality problem represents a particularly puzzling aspect of

  the more general question of molecular selection, but it’s also an as-



  pect that can be studied with well-controlled experiments. We know

  that prebiotic synthesis processes yield huge numbers of different mol-

  ecules, of which life uses relatively few. It would be impossible to study

  that full range of prebiotic products in one experiment. But using pairs

  of chiral molecules makes things a lot easier: Because all known prebi-

  otic syntheses result in equal amounts of left- and right-handed mol-

  ecules, it’s relatively easy to design an exp
eriment that starts with a

  50:50 mix and looks for environments that separate left from right. If

  we can discover the processes by which handed molecules were se-

  lected and concentrated, then there’s hope that we can solve the more

  general selection problem as well.

  For most of the twentieth century, scientists have recognized the

  power of minerals to select molecules—processes in which one kind of

  molecule sticks more strongly to a surface than another. If two mol-

  ecules differ significantly in size and shape, then such selection is easy

  to comprehend; it’s just a matter of which molecule fits best. But selec-

  tion between two mirror-image molecules is more difficult. Such pairs

  of molecules are chemically identical, so each type of molecule forms

  exactly the same kinds of bonds with the mineral surface. The only

  way for chiral selection to occur is for the molecule to form three sepa-

  rate points of attachment, and those three bonds can’t be in a straight

  line. You’ve experienced this kind of selection process if you’ve ever

  gone bowling. The ball has three holes, for your thumb and second

  and third fingers. A left-handed bowler can’t use a right-handed ball

  and vice versa, because the three holes aren’t in a line.

  By the 1930s, scientists in Greece and in Japan had applied these

  ideas and tried separating left- and right-handed molecules by pour-

  ing D- and L-solutions over left- or right-handed quartz. During the

  next half-century, a dozen similar experiments were attempted. The

  basic idea was sound: Different-handed molecules do have the poten-

  tial to stick selectively to different-handed surfaces. Nevertheless, these

  early experiments were flawed. In an effort to maximize the surface

  area of interaction, and thus the magnitude of the desired effect, the

  scientists ground their beautiful quartz crystals into fine powder. Pow-

  dering increases the surface area of a peanut-sized crystal a thousand

  times or more, but it destroys the flat crystal surfaces that might pro-

  mote selection. A powder displays every possible crystal surface si-

  multaneously. Some of these surfaces may very well select L-amino

  acids with great efficiency, but surfaces with a different exposed atomic



  structure might just as likely select D-amino acids. Even if an experi-


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