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The Story of Killian & Liri (Cruel Love Book 1)

Page 7

by Glenna Maynard

  “I gotta.” Liam gets up adjusting his junk and makes use of the bathroom.

  “Where did you disappear to last night? Woodrow bugged the shit out of me all night. I thought Liam was going to punch him, so he’d leave.”

  “I was with Killian.” I start moving my fingers through the hangers in the closet looking for something athletic to wear. I have dance today.

  “You were with Killian. The same Killian who calls you a nerd?”

  “We’re friends. Kind of.”

  Hayley smirks at me and folds her arms over her chest. “No one is just friends with Killian.”

  “You are,” I point out.

  “That’s not the same thing and you know it.”

  I lift my shoulder. “We came to an understanding or well we tried to. He helped me with some research for my writing assignment.”

  “Are you guys like study partners?”

  “What’s with the fifty questions?” I turn around with my white leggings that have unicorns printed on them in my hand.

  “Lay off her ass. Damn, baby,” Liam chastises her as he exits the bathroom.

  “So you don’t see a problem with this situation? You know Killian better than anyone and he told me he’d stay away from her.”

  “I appreciate that you are looking out for me, but I can pick my own friends.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I don’t want him to hurt you. It’s what he does. He gets what he wants and moves on to the next girl in line waiting.”

  “I gotta get in the shower or I’m going to be late for my class.” I step around her and slam the bathroom door. I don’t want to fight with Hayley. But I don’t want or need her trying to mother me either. I already have a protective mother. I should probably call her.

  When I get finished with the bathroom, I find I have the room to myself. I pull my phone off the charger and dial my mom.

  “Hey, sweetie. How’s my big-time college student? You liking your classes?”

  “They’re fine. How are you holding up?”

  “The house is quiet without you, but I am managing. I thought I’d drive up sometime and we can do lunch. I’ll get a hotel and stay for a weekend or something. How’s that sound?”

  “Good.” I smile. I do miss my mom. We did everything together because I was a nerd who didn’t have many friends her own age.

  “Have you met anyone special?” My thoughts automatically center on Killian, and I roll my eyes at myself.

  “Not really,” I lie. “Hayley has some nice friends.”

  “I’m glad you girls are getting along. I was afraid she’d be pushy like her mother.” I start to laugh. Hayley is pushy but not in a bad way.

  “I have to get to class soon. I will talk to you later. Love you, Mom.”

  “I love you too.” I hit the red telephone icon to end the call.

  My hand moves to my throat out of habit, and I realize I never got my necklace back from Killian. I will have to replace the chain. I don’t want Hayley to know I broke it. I know that would hurt her feelings.

  I shove my phone in my bag and hope I have enough time to grab something for breakfast from the cafeteria. I don’t see anyone I know when I go to the cereal bar and am thankful for a minute without some sort of drama. I’m exhausted and wishing I had scheduled my classes for later in the day. This dance class should help me to keep off the freshman fifteen. I hope anyway. Not that I have ever had a problem with my weight, but everyone says girls gain fifteen pounds in their freshman year of college.

  I make it to the dance studio and my cereal nearly comes back up when I see none other than Jackie front and center of the room stretching. She has on these tiny black shorts that her butt cheeks are hanging out of and a neon pink sports bra. The universe couldn’t let me have one day. I let out a breath and quickly move past her hoping she doesn’t give me any crap.

  “Nice pants,” she says on a snort.

  I should keep walking, but my feet become weighted to the spot. “Look, I’m sorry for what I said the other day. It was completely out of character and uncalled for. I don’t think you’re a skank. Well maybe a little bit but that’s because you were rude to me the other day, and I saw you with Killian and Ben all with an hour of one another, and I was being judgy.”

  “Please. You think I care what a little priss like you thinks of me? I don’t, but since we are being honest, you should know that Killian doesn’t date. He fucks. So prepare yourself. When he pops your cherry, you’ll feel special, but then he’ll cast you off like all the other girls who thought he’d change for them.”

  Her words slice right through me. They shouldn’t bother me at all because I know exactly the kind of guy Killian is, but I’d be a liar if I said there wasn’t a part of me who wasn’t thinking exactly that. That maybe things could be different between us. I don’t know why I thought I would be special to him. I should thank Jackie for the reminder of exactly who I am dealing with. I stay quiet and move to the back of the class praying she stays away from me. Catty girl drama is the last thing I need.

  Chapter 12


  “What are you doing tonight?” Hayley looks over at me. I’m on my stomach laying on my bed with my notes for my writing assignment spread around me.

  “You’re looking at it. I may order a pizza later and binge more Vampire Diaries if you’ll be around.”

  “It’s Friday night,” she says like it should mean something to me.

  “And that is supposed to mean what to me?”

  “There’s a party tonight, duh! It’s not going to be as big as last weekend. Tonight is going to be more lowkey.”

  “I really need to finish my paper.”

  “That’s what Sunday is for.” She pouts her bottom lip out at me. “We won’t stay too late. Liam won’t be drinking because he has to work in the morning. Tomorrow we can work on your paper and lay around watching Damon.” I shake my head and she stomps her foot. “Please. I am begging you to have fun.”

  “Fine, but I am driving my own car that way I can leave when I want to.”

  “Yay! I’ll text Liam and tell him he doesn’t need to pick us up.” She spins back around. “Oh, and wear something cute.”

  I laugh. Cute. I can do cute. I think. I close my computer screen down and put away my notes. Standing at the closet I strum my fingers through the hangers. I stop at the black dress and wonder if it’s too much.

  “Yes. Wear that,” Hayley encourages from beside me.

  “Are you sure it’s not too much.”

  “I’ll wear mine too if that will make you feel better.”

  “No, I don’t want to look like twins.” That dress feels like it should be reserved for a special night like an actual date. I go with a pair of my new jeans and a blue top that has quarter length sleeves and a scoop neck. It show a little more cleavage than I am used to, but Hayley swears it looks perfect.

  “You aren’t wearing your locket,” she observes.

  “Oh.” I touch my fingers to my neck. “Killian has it. I broke the clasp, and he stuck it in his pocket. I haven’t had a chance to ask him for it back. But I will.” That’s not exactly a lie. I haven’t been around him for a few days. I’ve actually been under the impression he is avoiding me.

  “He’ll probably be there tonight.” She smiles at me and grabs a white shirt that has slits cut in the front and back.

  I pull out the makeup I bought the other day and feel lame that I forgot to give her the bag of goodies I picked up for her. “Hey, this is for you.” I hand her the gift bag. “I forgot to give it to you the other day.”

  Her eyes brighten as she digs through the contents. “Have I told you lately that I love you?” She giggles. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  We get to the fraternity house Liam lives at, and I guess Killian lives here to. I never heard him say differently. Lowkey. Right. There’s cars parked up and down the whole block. I’m half tempted to drop Hayley off, but the other
part of me wants to subject myself to this scene. When I am older I can look back and say I did it. That’s what college is, finding yourself and making memories. I find a place to park and we get out of the car. I leave my phone in the car and stick my keys in my pocket. I doubt I will be here long.

  Hayley looks at her phone as we trek down the street toward the house. “Liam says he’s down in the basement. We’ll grab a drink and join up with him.”

  “I’m not drinking. I’m driving,” I remind her.

  “One drink. You’ll be sober by the time we leave.”

  I roll my eyes and tell myself that I’m not going to give in and have a drink but ten minutes later I have a red cup in my hand following Hayley down a dark set of stairs. Liam is sitting in a metal chair and there’s a couch where I see Woodrow, Ben, Jackie, and some dude I don’t know. Then sitting on the loveseat is Killian and some blonde. His arm is around her shoulder and he’s whispering something in her ear. He looks up at me but doesn’t acknowledge me at all.

  It shouldn’t hurt my feelings. I should be used to his asshole behavior by now, but I feel the sting all the same.

  “You can sit right here, Liri,” Woodrow says, patting the arm of the couch next to him.

  “Thanks.” I take him up on his offer and sip on my drink. I want to apologize about my freak out the other night, but I don’t want Jackie to hear and give her more ammunition to make fun of me with.

  I finish off my punch flavored liquor and a few other people join our small party. “Let’s play a game,” Jackie calls out.

  “Yeah,” the girl sitting with Killian agrees and the two of them lean forward conspiring together in hushed tones.

  I can feel those dark eyes on me, but I won’t dare give him the satisfaction of staring back. Not this time.

  “Spin the bottle it is,” Jackie announces.

  “I’m game,” the guy I don’t know says.

  “I’ve got a bottle.” Liam tosses her his empty soda bottle.

  “Who all is playing?” Jackie questions as she moves down to the floor.

  “We’ll play,” Hayley speaks up.

  Woodrow nudges me. “Liri. You in?”

  “You know she won’t play,” Jackie states, rolling her eyes.

  “I just find it juvenile,” I tell them.

  “Says the girl who was wearing unicorn pants today,” Killian says and takes his place in the circle that is forming. How did he know what I was wearing? I didn’t see him all day, but apparently, he saw me.

  “Whatever.” I scoot down to the floor and hope this isn’t as stupid as it feels. Woodrow is to my left. Jackie is seated between him and the guy I don’t know. Some other chick sits between him and Ben. Next is the girl with Killian and the jerk himself followed by Hayley, Liam, and me. Killian is almost directly across from me.

  “Who goes first?” Woodrow asks.

  “Let Liri go,” Jackie says, and I want to pull her hair or poke her eyes out, but I smile and accept the bottle when Woodrow hands it to me.

  I go up on my calves, place the bottle in the center of the circle and spin. The bottle goes around and around finally stopping on Ben. He meets me halfway and presses his lips to mine. I count to three in my head, and when I feel his tongue poke at my lips I pull away and drop back to my spot. It wasn’t as terrible as I thought it would be. Ben spins the plastic soda bottle next, and it lands on the blonde chick. I think her name is Misty. Misty spins and it lands on Woodrow.

  When Woodrow spins, he gets this guy named Porter it is kind of funny. He jokes, “Fuck, man, you tried to slip me your tongue.” Porter gets Jackie and Jackie lands on Liam.

  “I promise to not make him fall in love with me,” she teases Hayley.

  Hayley says, “If you can handle him you can keep him,” with a cheeky grin.

  “Nobody kisses as good as you do, baby,” he tells his girlfriend then pecks Jackie on the lips like he is kissing his grandma. Liam spins and it lands on Hayley sweetly enough and after they have a mini make out session, she gets Killian.

  Killian wipes his mouth after and compares it to having to kiss his sister. He takes the bottle and gives it a whirl. The bottle seems to spin forever before it finally lands between me and Woodrow.

  “Spin again,” Misty tells him, pushing her boobs out.

  “It’s closest to Liri,” Jackie says with a mischievous grin. I know her intention is to somehow embarrass me.

  “This is fucking lame,” Killian huffs and shoves up off the floor. I don’t know what I feel deeper. Relief that we don’t have to kiss in front of his friends or rejection because he doesn’t want to kiss me.

  “Don’t be a sourpuss,” Jackie teases him. “You have to play.”

  Killian scowls at her then approaches me. “Stand up,” he commands as I stare up at him.

  My body moves at its own accord, and I am toe to toe with him. My jaw clenches and he swallows hard. His hand caresses my cheek, tilting my head up toward him. Killian bends his head running his nose along my jaw, and I can’t breathe. His earthy scent washes over me. The chatter around us and rest of the party sounds fade into the distance. Right now it feels as though we are the only two people in the world. My lips part hoping to refill my lungs with the air they desperately need.

  “Liri?” Someone says my name and Killian and I both look to the right seeking the owner of the deep voice. “Liri Hart?” The guy repeats coming closer.

  Recognition dawns on me. “Hunter, wow. I barely know you. Look at you.” I step away from Killian and hug Hunter’s neck. “It’s been what two years?”

  “Something like that.” He squeezes me tight.

  “What are you doing here?” I disentangle from his hug.

  “I go to school here.”

  “Me too!”

  “Plot twist,” I hear Jackie say and Killian moves past me and stomps up the stairs. Part of me wants to go after him and demand once and for all he tell me what the hell his problem is, but I am so happy to see Hunter that I let him go.

  “How are you?” I grin at him. I haven’t seen this guy since I was sixteen and he gave me my first kiss on a dare.

  “I’m good now that you’re here. Can we go somewhere and catch up?”

  “Yeah. Wait here while I tell my friend I will meet up with her later.” He nods and I turn around. The game seems to have disbanded and Liam and Hayley are on the couch. I bend down in front of them. “Hey, I’m going to go chat with Hunter I’ll text you before I head back to the dorm if you want to ride with me.”

  “Who the heck is that guy? He’s cute.” She quickly looks to Liam. “Not hotter than you though.” She pecks his cheek.

  “Just a friend. We used to be camp counselors together.”

  “This is too good be true,” Jackie murmurs from the other side of Hayley. I hadn’t even noticed her sitting there.

  “Be nice.” Hayley glares at her.

  “I’m being nice. You have no idea how much I love to see Killian squirm.” She smiles and my stomach churns at the thought of him being upset with me, but he’s a big boy and can handle his own issues whatever they are.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Isn’t it obvious? Killian likes you and he can’t handle it. He doesn’t date. But I honestly believe he wants more than to fuck you and he don’t know what to do about it.”

  “He doesn’t like me. He loves to annoy me.” I can’t believe I am having a normal conversation with Jackie. It’s weird. I don’t like it.

  “You ready to go?” Hunter comes up behind me and grips my elbow.


  I follow him upstairs and we go out back where it is less crowded and quiet. “I can’t believe the first time I decide to come to one of these things I see you.”

  “Right. Well this is my second party. Liam, that’s my cousin Hayley’s boyfriend, he’s a member…a brother…whatever. You get the picture.”

  He laughs. “You’re a freshman, right?”

. Some of my classes are second year though. I worked my ass off doing online stuff and AP courses to get credits.”

  “You always were competitive and an overachiever.”

  “I was not.”

  “Please. You always had to be the best. You won counselor of the summer if I remember correctly.”

  “I did, didn’t I? I can’t believe I forgot about that.”

  He takes my hand and brushes his fingers over my knuckles. “I remember other things about that summer.”

  My breath hitches in my throat. “Me too.” The kiss was nothing special, but it was my first. “I was nervous.”

  “Yeah, you were,” he says with a light chuckle. His eyes meet mine. Bright green and full of hope. His dark blond hair is long on top and faded short on the sides. He’s a lot taller and broader than I remember too. “How about a do over?” He raises his brows. “Unless that guy from before was your boyfriend.”

  “He’s a friend.” My teeth graze my bottom lip. Do I want to kiss Hunter? I’m debating the thought when he leans forward and grabs the sides of my face and presses his lips to mine. It’s a soft and sweet kiss. He doesn’t push for more.

  We move apart and I smile at him. “How was that?”

  “It was nice.” Out of the corner of my eye I see a cigarette fall to the ground from above. I look up to the balcony above us, but no one is there.

  “I’d love to take you out sometime.”

  “Okay. I’d like you to take me out too.”

  He pulls his phone out and hands it to me after unlocking the screen. “Put your number in for me.”

  Our fingers touch but I don’t get that butterflies in my stomach feeling Killian awakens inside me. I push the negative thought away though. Hunter could give me those feelings too if I give him the chance.

  My phone is in my car, but I promise him I didn’t give him a wrong number.

  “I have to get going, but I’m going to be calling you soon and you’ll answer.”

  “I will.” I nod. I walk with him out to the front yard. I need to grab my phone out of my car so I can text Hayley instead of having to search for her. We say goodbye and he gives me a small peck on the cheek before crossing the street and getting into his car and leaving. I reach down into my car to grab my phone to text Hayley and when I close my door Killian is standing behind me. I spin around bumping straight into his chest.


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