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AARP Falling Upward

Page 17

by Richard Rohr


  Magdalene (biblical figure)

  Male initiation: childhood toys in; heroic journey and; “life is hard” message in; liminal space and; M.A.L.E. and, ; side-to-side movement and; wheel of development and

  Mandela, Nelson

  Mary (mother of Jesus)

  Maslow, Abraham

  Maturation: acceptance of reality and; both-and thinking and; boundaries and; charting movement and direction and; family and; grace and; growth in seeing and; liberation and; mirroring and; peacefulness and; religion and; resistance to change and; second simplicity and; steps and stages of; stretching and; structure and authority and; transcending and including and; transpartisanship versus bipartisanship and

  McLaren, Brian

  Meaning, happiness and

  Mennonites, as true conservatives


  Merton, Thomas: on brightness; on cosmic dance; influence of; influences on, ; on ladder of success, xvii; on personal salvation projects; as Rohr's teacher; on self, ; “When in the Soul of the Serene Disciple” (Merton) and

  Milan, Cesar

  Mirroring: admiration and criticism and; divine; divine gaze and; I-Thou relationships and; maturation and; real self and; reflecting what we fight and; service and; spiritual gifts and


  Montessori, Maria

  Moore, Robert

  Morality, superego and



  Mother Teresa

  Muir, John

  Mystery: Catholic Church and; conspiracy of God and; doubt and; engagement with; grace as; life as pause between; myth and; paschal; of self; stumbling and; transition between halves of life and; wisdom and

  Mysticism: Catholic Church and; incarnational; reading in second half of life and; science and; spiritual journey and


  Name of the Rose, The (Eco)

  Narcissism: authority and; extended adolescence and; narcissistic fix and; in old age; politeness and

  Native Americans, sweat lodge and

  Nativity, birth of God in the soul and

  Nature. See Science and nature


  Neighbors, fences and

  Neurosis, as norm

  Newton, Isaac

  Nicholas of Cusa

  Nuremburg trials


  Odysseus: heroic journeys and; home and; losses of; as loyal soldier; myth and; realm of death and; shadow side of; Teiresias's prophecy and; tragedy and

  Odyssey, The (Homer). See Odysseus

  Oliver, Mary


  Orthodox Church

  Palmer, Parker


  Particular, scandal of

  Pastoral ministry

  Paul (apostle): on angels of darkness; on being hidden in God; on Damascus Road; on discerning of spirits; holy foolishness and; on Jesus as teacher; journey of; on law; on least of these; spirituality of imperfection and; on wisdom

  Peace, versus dualistic bickering

  Peace Corps

  Pearl of great price

  Pearls before swine

  Peck, Scott

  Perfection and imperfection: contentment and; falling upward and; goodness and; imposition of order and; in natural world; spirituality of

  Piaget, Jean

  Plato: church practice and; on democracy; perfect forms and; tragic gaps and; world of ideas and

  Plotkin, Bill: on patho-adolescence; process language and; on survival dance; vision quests and; wheel of development and



  Poor Clares


  Prayer: deep time and; divine gaze and; for humiliation; versus knee-jerk responses; life as


  Prisons and jails. See Jails and prisons

  Process language

  Prodigal son



  Quakers, as true conservatives

  Rationality, religion and

  Reality: eternal; mirroring and


  Religion: againstness and; Big Picture and; boundaries and; coherent universe and; criticism of; diversity and; early-stage; as evacuation plan; founding myths of; functions of, ; fundamentalism in; identity and; leaving family and; mature; means and goals and; myth and; neoconservatism in; new tribalism in; participation and; parts and the Whole and; rationality and; reality and; resistance to change and; science and; security and; True Self and; unified field and


  Ricoeur, Paul

  Rilke, Rainer Maria


  Ritual Process, The (Turner)

  Road Less Traveled, The (Peck)

  Rohr, Richard, life journey of

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roots of Christian Mysticism, The (Clement)




  Salvation: narcissistic fix and; order as; personal project of; sin and; thinking and; tragic sense of life and

  Sarah (biblical figure)

  Science and nature: down-up pattern in; First Body of Christ and; groaning of creation and; mysticism and; religion and; tragic natural world and; unified field and; universality and; wonderful and terrible in

  Second half of life: Beatitudes and; being and doing and; calling and; chronology and, xvi; commentary on the text and; contents of container and; discerning of spirits and; double belonging and; family and community of origin and; friendship in; general dance and; generativity in; generosity in; hereness and; as higher stage; inner freedom and; inner restlessness and; institutions in; lightness in; loyal soldier and; mirroring in; opinions and; paradox and; politics and; prayer and; religious substance and; as second childhood; second simplicity and; self-criticism and; service in; solitude in; tools for; voice of God in; withdrawal from evil things and. See also Life transition


  Self: false; hatred of; justification of; knowledge of; mirroring and; self-criticism and; self-image and; strong; Thomas Merton on, . See also Shadow work; True Self


  Seminary education

  Seton, Elizabeth

  Seven Storey Mountain(Merton)

  Shadow work: criticism and; depression and sadness and; holiness and sin and; humiliation and; persona and shadow self and; seeing the shadow and; self-image and

  Shakers, as true conservatives


  Sign of Jonah (Merton)


  Sin: down-up pattern and; gifts and, ; Jesus and; redemption and; salvation and; versus shadow; superficiality and; transformation and


  Soldier, loyal


  Soul: birth of God in; finding of; as God-given; home and; inner abiding and; as inner blueprint; soul centric worldview and; soul encounter and, ; stewardship of

  Spiral Dynamics

  Spiritual direction

  Spiritual gifts

  Spirituality: conspiracy of God and; as imitation of God; superficial expressions of; unlearning and

  Steiner, Rudolf

  Steppenwolf (Hesse)

  Suffering, necessary: Catholic Church and; communion in; complexity and; false self and; family and; groaning of creation and; holy sadness and; lack of theology for; as legitimate; luck and; stumbling and; tragic sense of life and

  Sullivan, Anne


  Tea Party movement

  Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre

  Ten Commandments

  Teresa of Avila

  Testament (Francis of Assisi)


  “That Nature Is a Heraclitean Fire” (Hopkins)

  Theosis. See Divinization

  Therese of Lixieux


  Thomas (apostle)

  Tower of Babel

  Tradition: in first half of life; healthy growth and; misuse of; new religi
ous tribalism and; presumption against

  Tragic sense of life: in Bible; church practice and; down-up pattern and; meaning of tragedy and; natural world and; origin of phrase; salvation and; solitude and; transformation and; Western society and

  True Self: authentic God experience and; capitalization ofinvitation n1; deep time and; discovery of; false self and; as God-given; heaven and; home and; versus imitation; offense and; search for; time and. See also Self

  Trust, faith and

  Truth: in Bible; Big Picture and; Enneagram and; freedom and; knowledge of; myths and; perception of; in praise and criticism

  Tubman, Harriet

  Turner, Victor

  Tutu, Desmond

  Unamuno, Miguel de

  Unified field: Albert Einstein and; compassion and; first-stage survival and; Holy Spirit and; inclusion and; knowledge and; necessary suffering and; “up” and

  United States, as paradox

  Values, internalization of


  Western society: amnesia of; dualism in; identity in; Jesus’ authority in; myths and; neuroses in; as ritually starved; tragic sense of life and

  “When in the Soul of the Serene Disciple” (Merton)


  Wilber, Ken: on calling beliefs into question; on classic spiritual journey; on functions of religion, ; Integral Theory and, ; process language and; on rationality

  Wineskins, old and new

  Winfrey, Oprah

  Wisdom: in first half of life; versus knowledge; life transition and; mystery and; Odyssey, The (Homer) and

  Wizard of Oz

  Women religious

  Wordsworth, William


  Woundedness: father wounds and; healing and growth and; imperfection and; resistance to change and; victimhood and

  Yeats, William Butler





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