The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 3

by S. E. Law



  She’s so beautiful and shy at the same time, which is adorable given what we’ve just seen. The girl shrieks and blushes as she tries to cover her assets with her hands.

  “Oh my god, how long have you been standing there?” she squeals. “Did you just see … just see …?”

  She’s unable to finish her sentence, and I grin.

  “We did,” I confirm. “We saw all of it and it was magnificent.”

  She goes fire-engine red and her wet blonde hair tumbles from its topknot suddenly, forming a golden river down her back. The girl wants to fix her hair, but she can’t because her hands are currently occupied trying to shield her precious assets.

  “Sweetheart, we’ve already seen that, if it helps,” Torrent chuckles from beside me. “In fact, I’d say there’s no part of you that we haven’t seen already.”

  That merely makes her even more irate. She glares at us with sparks shooting from her eyes.

  “Why didn’t you say something?” she sputters. “I thought I was alone! A gentleman would have made himself known. He would have introduced himself, and …”

  I cut her off.

  “Well, I’m Trainor, and this is my friend Torrent. We’re making ourselves known now,” I say helpfully.

  She turns a deep shade of eggplant, and looks like she could explode, she’s so mad.

  “Are you freaking kidding me? That’s not the same! I mean, a gentleman would have made himself known the moment he saw me, not now!”

  But this time, Torrent cuts her off.

  “Who said we were gentlemen?”

  That makes the blonde girl even angrier. She’s huffing and puffing and shooting daggers at us with her eyes. Not to mention the fact that she’s completely nude, her lush figure on display as droplets trail tantalizingly down her curvy figure.

  “You two are terrible!” she hisses. “Absolutely incorrigible!”

  I laugh before turning to look at my friend.

  “Actually, I have no idea what that word means. Incorri-what? Do you know, Torrent?”

  Of course, my buddy is no help at all.

  “Nope,” he says. “No idea. Never heard of the word”

  The girl is shaking now with anger, and her curves bobble invitingly. She has no idea how gorgeous and lush she looks. In fact, she looks even more tempting with sleek rivulets of water running over her golden form.

  “So honey, what’s your name?” I ask invitingly. “As I said, I’m Trainor and this is my friend Torrent. We’re members of Dads and Daughters. And you are …?”

  Her mouth snaps shut.

  “I’m not telling you.”

  I arch an eyebrow at her.

  “Oh really? You broke into the pool at midnight, but you’re not going to tell us?”

  That makes her bite her lip, but she doesn’t give up.

  “Why, what’s it to you?” she asks.

  I shrug.

  “You know ladies aren’t supposed to be down here after closing.”

  “Well, you’re here, aren’t you?” she challenges.

  I nod.

  “Yes, but we’re truckers, sweetheart. There’s a lot of leeway for truckers because we’re out on the road for weeks, if not months, at a time. Sometimes, after a long trip, we need to stretch our muscles a bit and get relaxed. The pool is the perfect place to do that, even if it’s closed. I’m sure management will look the other way.”

  “But you weren’t even in the water!” she hisses. “So that reason doesn’t make sense!”

  I dip a toe into the water.

  “I’m in the water now,” I say. “It feels really good.”

  She glares at both of us.

  “Incorrigible,” she mutters. “Absolutely incorrigible.”

  I grin.

  “You’re right. We’re not supposed to be here, but rules are made to be broken when it comes to trucking. Now you…” I add, trailing off.

  Her head jerks up, and those pretty blue eyes flare.

  “What about me?”

  Beside me, Torrent shrugs.

  “How would you like management to find out that a nubile young woman was here on her own after hours, playing with herself with these?” he asks, holding up the two toys. “They’re huge and fun, we admit that, but wouldn’t it be embarrassing if the story got out?”

  Her cheeks flush and she bites her lip again.

  “A lot of dirty things go on at this club,” she mutters. “I’m not the only one.”

  Torrent chuckles indulgently.

  “Yes, but would you want people to know you were alone? A lot of filth happens in Dads and Daughters. Of course. We acknowledge that. But it’s usually male/female filth, whether with toys, food, or whatnot. What would people say if they knew you were here by yourself?”

  She blushes again.

  “You know, being alone is not bad. It’s very safe this way.”

  Torrent chuckles.

  “You’re right that being alone is “not bad.” But sweetheart, this is Dads and Daughters. If “not bad” is the best we can do, then who are we? Perhaps we should discuss the entire mission of the club.”

  At this, the girl bites her lip and shakes her head.

  “You guys are talking in circles,” she says. “I can’t believe we’re even discussing this.”

  But I cluck my tongue.

  “Sweetheart, no one wants to be known as the only “unfulfilled” woman in the club. No one wants to be labeled as the “woman who’s pining away” or who “desperately needs a dick.” Would you want that to be you, Torrent?”

  My handsome friend pretends like he’s thinking.

  “No,” he says finally. “Absolutely not. I’d kill myself first.”

  I grin at the woman in the water.

  “That’s why, sweetheart, we urge you to tell us your name. We just want to get to know you better. I promise, no one will ever know about your sexy interlude from us,” I say.

  She frowns again. But then she sighs and looks exasperated.

  “Fine,” she says shortly. “I’m Alizeh.”

  “A beautiful name,” growls Torrent to my left.

  “And before you say anything,” she warns us. “No, I was not named after the liqueur.”

  I pretend shock, but then my look goes serious.

  “Of course not, Alizeh. I wasn’t even going to ask that. But that is a beautiful name,” I echo. “How did you get it?”

  She looks a little bit sad now, and gazes down at the water. Her hands droop slightly from her breasts, and I see the edge of a pink nipple come into view.

  “Actually, I was named after a French singer. My dad was in the military, and they used to play her songs all the time. She was very pretty, even if she doesn’t look like me.”

  I shrug.

  “I’m sure she’s not as pretty as you at all. Trust me on this, honey.”

  She shrugs and smiles a little again.

  “Well, my dad is a doofus because he didn’t even get the spelling right. Her name is spelled with two e’s as in ‘Alizée’ whereas mine is spelled phonetically with an ‘eh’.”

  I shrug and laugh.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. Lots of dads get things wrong all the time. Your dad was a member of Dads and Daughters, right? That’s how you became a member.”

  But Alizeh’s face grows shuttered and she looks down.

  “I really don’t want to talk about it right now,” she says. “Besides, look at us! I’m nude and so are the both of you! We really should put some clothes on before we have a conversation.”

  Torrent chuckles beside me.

  “We’d love to have a conversation with you, baby girl, with clothes strictly optional. But come out of the water,” he invites. “Here, I have your towel for you.”

  He leans over and grabs her towel off the lounger before holding it open in invitation. Alizeh hesitates. She wants to come out of the water, but there’s no way to do it without showing us everyth
ing. But then, her shoulders straighten and her chin lifts. Her hands drop, revealing those magnificent breasts and the sweet slit of her pussy, and then she ascends the steps as regally as a queen. Torrent and I can barely breathe because she’s so beautiful.

  Finally, she reaches the top and my friend envelops her in the soft white fabric. She accepts it graciously, wrapping the fluffy cotton around herself. Then her blue eyes flash at us.

  “So what’s next?” she asks suspiciously. “Now that we’ve gotten acquainted, my guess is that there’s more up your sleeve.”

  I chuckle knowingly.

  “You’re right, sweetheart. We’re not done with you by a long shot. I mean, look at us,” I say, gesturing at my shaft with the dripping tip. “Do you expect me to go out like this? I’d be a laughingstock!”

  Torrent growls by me, and his shaft literally spurts a bit onto the ground, he’s so aroused being around Alizeh.

  She grows red, but her eyes rove over our forms, unabashedly taking in our enormous rods. Unconsciously, her tongue slips out to trace over her bottom lip, and she shoots us hungry looks. Oh yes, Alizeh wants us.

  “Let’s get to know one another a bit better,” I say. “We don’t have to go fast, but sweetheart, would you like to come back to our suite with us? We’ll be sure to start with Lesson One.”

  She gasps and her cheeks turn pink. But I know from the flare in her blue eyes that soon, Alizeh will be ours.



  I sit down on the couch and look around. Torrent and Trainor’s suite is enormous. There are two bedrooms off to the left, and to the right is a small utility kitchen, as well as a luxurious bathroom.

  “Wow,” I marvel. “The truckers’ suites are definitely better than what we have on our side of the Lodge.”

  The two men’s eyebrows raise.

  “Why, what do the ladies have?” as Torrent.

  I shake my head.

  “We have dorm accommodations, basically. Each girl has her own room, but the rooms are pretty spartan. There’s a bed, a desk, a chair, and a closet for your clothes. We all share one big bathroom, with lots of sinks and showers. There definitely isn’t a lot of privacy.”

  Trainor frowns.

  “I wonder why the Lodge does it that way? I’d think they’d want to treat you guys like princesses.”

  I’m quick to step in.

  “Oh, they do. The Lodge is very generous when it comes to spa treatments, gyms, and access to facilities like the pool,” I say, blushing a bit. “But when it comes to sleeping arrangements, I think they keep it simple because most of the girls are only here for a few years. They’re not like the truckers, who basically keep permanent quarters at a Lodge.”

  Trainor nods.

  “Makes sense,” he says. “We’ve had this place for almost a decade now, although as you can tell, we’re not much for interior design.”

  I giggle a bit because it’s true. Although their suite is large and spacious, there isn’t much in the way of decoration. One painting hangs on the wall, and there’s a box of Kleenex on the dining room table. But otherwise, the suite has the air of corporate accommodations. It’s pretty bland and impersonal.

  “Well, it’s not too late to decorate,” I venture. “There are lots of things you can do. For example, the blinds you have are quite bland. Maybe some vertical blinds instead? You know, the kind that look French. And maybe some couch cushions,” I add. “Right now, you don’t have any. I think some red and purple throw pillows would add a splash of color and zest to your living quarters.”

  The men look around, as if seeing the space for the first time.

  “I think you’re right, Alizeh. In fact, would you like to help us?” asks Trainor.

  I blush.

  “Oh, I don’t know anything about interior design,” I say quickly. “I was just throwing some ideas out there.”

  “But they were good ideas,” says Torrent. “We like them. They were really creative and fresh, and frankly, couch cushions have never crossed our minds before.”

  “They’ve crossed my mind,” Trainor interjects. “I’m just lazy as fuck and can’t be bothered to buy them.”

  I giggle, pulling my white terrycloth robe closer around my curves.

  “It’s okay. I get it. You guys are manly men, and have no interest in interior décor. Ok, I can help you,” I say, “Although I have to warn you, I have no formal training in this area.”

  The two men smile at me, and I catch my breath at how handsome they are.

  “It’s okay, Alizeh,” Trainor says. “You’re better than us, that’s for sure.”

  “Just give it a try,” urges Torrent. “What’s a few couch cushions anyways? If we hate them, we’ll just throw them out.”

  I giggle and look at Trainor and Torrent sitting across from me. It’s such an absurd sight: the three of us are dressed in bulky, terrycloth robes taken from the pool deck. The two men look especially incongruous because they’re huge and bronzed, and the robes are just a bit too small. The fluffy white material stops right above the knee, and Trainor looks like he isn’t even trying to keep his belted anymore. It hangs loose, and I catch a glimpse of strong thigh, as well as something else that makes my cheeks flare.

  He sees where my eyes are and chuckles deep in his throat.

  “See something you like?” he asks.

  I blush.

  “Well, we’ve just gotten off to such a weird start,” I murmur. “I mean, you’ve seen everything about me, and I’ve seen everything about you.”

  Torrent grins and nods.

  “And you were gorgeous, sweetheart. In fact, we want to see all of that, all over again.”

  I blush.


  They nod.

  “Oh absolutely,” adds Trainor. “In fact, I’m very comfortable with nudity. I think we should sit around and talk completely naked just to show how comfortable we are with one another.”

  Before I can protest, he’s slipping the white robe off his shoulders, and that magnificent physique comes into view. I gasp and go hot because he’s just so beautiful. A massive chest greets my eyes, with developed pecs and six pack abs. His legs are long, tanned, and strong, and of course, there’s that massive club hanging between them. It goes almost to his knee, even though it’s flaccid at the moment.

  “Oh my god,” I murmur, unable to look away. “Holy cow.”

  Torrent merely grins and slides his robe off as well. Now, I’m faced with the sight of two gorgeous men. Their bronzed forms remind me of Greek gods, and I swallow thickly, just trying to absorb it all.

  “Like what you see?” murmurs Torrent, sliding a hand against his shaft lightly. “Is this what you want, Alizeh?” The tip glistens a bit, and slowly, I watch as a drop oozes out.

  I swallow again, still unable to meet their eyes.

  “Um,” I stammer. “Um …”

  The two men throw their heads back and laugh, revealing strong bronzed throats and flashing white teeth.

  “But Alizeh, this is a game for three. We’re both naked now, so it’s time for you to get naked too.”

  I gawk at them.

  “But I never signed up for this game,” I protest weakly. Of course, I don’t mind watching though. My vision is filled with the most sinful sight I’ve ever seen, and this is promising to be the best night of my life by far.

  The two men shrug and smile again.

  “That’s okay,” says Torrent. “You can stay fully clothed if you want then, sweetheart. So long as you’re not distracted by us.”

  I gawk at them some more. Not distracted? Who’s kidding whom? I can barely breathe, much less function, with Torrent and Trainor nude before me. But I’m going to set some boundaries before things get serious.

  “Okay,” I say a little breathlessly, holding one hand up. “But before we begin this ‘game,’ I need to know more about you. How did you get into Dads and Daughters? Do you have a daughter in the club? Maybe I know her.” />
  The two men share a look and shake their heads.

  “No, we don’t have any children, sweetheart. Nor are we married. We joined Dads and Daughters about ten years ago, when we got into the trucking industry. You know that they allow single men to join, don’t you? You don’t necessarily have to have a daughter.”

  I’m stumped. In fact, I didn’t know that.

  Trainor continues.

  “That’s right,” he nods. “The rule is that if you have a daughter, when she turns eighteen, she should be submitted for initiation with the club. But there are truckers who only have sons, or guys like us who don’t have kids at all. We’re still allowed to be members.”

  “Oh,” I say, swallowing thickly. “I had no idea. I thought every man had a daughter in the club.”

  “That’s true in a lot of cases,” says Torrent thoughtfully. “But even if you have a daughter, not all girls make the cut. Take June Merchant for example. I know her dad Owen was tearing his hair out about her. She had a goth look and friends he thought were strange. He suspected she was lesbian, and wasn’t sure she’d be a fit.”

  I giggle.

  “Oh yeah. June and I are friends now. We didn’t have the greatest start, but in fact, she’s not lesbian. And you were her initiators, weren’t you?” I ask.

  The two men nod, but their faces grow somber.

  “Yes, but you heard what happened right?”

  I pause delicately for a moment.

  “Well, I heard June was in the middle of her initiation. She was standing in the spotlight, and had just bent over, showing the assorted fathers her creaminess. But then, one or both of you stepped into the spotlight?”

  That’s when Torrent cuts me off.

  “Sweetheart, we hadn’t stepped into the spotlight yet. Just our dicks had.”

  I color bashfully.

  “That’s what June told me too. She said that she saw two massive poles edging in from her right and left, and she panicked. They were so huge and enormous that she lost her shit and went screaming.”

  The two men look rueful.

  “Yeah, we had a real case of the runaway bride.”

  I giggle.


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