The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 4

by S. E. Law

  “Everyone was talking about it for weeks afterwards! But no it’s fine. June met Finn, Fred, and Forest Connaught, and they ended up doing a private initiation. So in the end, she got even more than she bargained for. She got three, and not two.”

  The two men nod, pleased, but then Torrent shoots me a searching look.

  “So how did you feel, hearing about June with her three men?”

  I blush.

  “Well, I was shocked at first, but then … I felt jealous,” I admit in a small voice.

  Torrent and Trainor look at me curiously.

  “Why?” asks Trainor.

  I bite my lip. How do I explain this?

  “Well,” I say slowly. “I’ve been with Dads and Daughters for a while now. More than two years, in fact,” I begin. “And all the other girls have these wild stories. For example, June ran out on her own initiation, and ended up with three brothers. Melissa went to Italy and pioneered the concept of reverse glory holes with two Italian stallions, Matteo and Domenico. And you’ve heard of Naomi, right?”

  They shake their heads.

  “I’m sorry sweetheart. We’re on the road so much that we don’t know many of your friends.”

  I nod.

  “No, that’s okay. Well, Naomi and her guys, Aaron and Andrew … well, they’re the ones who set up that gigantic washing machine in the laundry room. You know, the one that’s extra strong with all the implements.”

  Realization dawns on the two men’s faces.

  “Have you used that new washing machine?” Trainor growls. “I hear you can use two implements at once.”

  I blush hotly.

  “I have,” I say. “It’s so bad, but I go there all the time. It helps me work out my stress,” I add, blushing even hotter now.

  The two men’s gazes flare a bright blue.

  “So let me get this straight, sweetheart. You go down into the basement laundry room, and you mount the new washing machine, right? You pick two dildos from the selection there, and put one in each of your holes?”

  By now, my face is cherry red, but given what they’ve already seen me do, there’s no point in denying it.

  “Yes,” I whisper. “You see, I find that I come best if both of my holes are stimulated. I need it like that now. I can’t just be with one man. Or I can, but he has to stimulate my other hole in some way too, either with his mouth, his finger, or at least a toy.”

  This makes Torrent and Trainor sit on edge.

  “Well,” says Torrent in a quiet voice, although his calm is belied by a tremor beneath that deep tone. “I think we’ve met our perfect girl, don’t you think, Trainor?”

  The other man’s blue eyes flash.

  “I absolutely agree,” he says. “No one could be more perfect.”

  Then, they both turn to me, their shafts standing straight up now. The massive poles glisten beneath the light, the veins throbbing. I desperately want to put my hands on them, and jerk them off simultaneously. The men can read my mind because they smile, their blue eyes darkening with need.

  “Now that we’ve got that settled, Alizeh, I think it’s time to take your robe off. Do us the honors?”

  My heart races and my cheeks flush. But with a nod, I obey.



  As Alizeh slips her robe off, I gasp. She’s literally so beautiful that I can’t catch my breath. The light gleams off her creamy curves and she’s so lush yet slim at once. Her breasts are full and they tremble as she breathes. They’re tipped with pink crests that make my mouth water.

  But she’s shapely because her waist is narrow before flaring into wide hips and juicy thighs. I hear Trainor hyperventilate a bit next to me, and I smile grimly. That’s how I feel too.

  “Do you like what you see?” she asks in a low hum, cupping her breasts in her hands. “I hope so.”

  “Oh sweetheart,” I say in a choked voice. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen such perfection.”

  Trainor growls beside me.

  “Sweetheart, you’re like a thousand suns shining at once. I’m blinded by your glory.”

  She giggles a bit then, her cheeks growing pink.

  “Thank you,” she says. “I’m not used to such compliments.”

  My friend and I share puzzled looks.

  “Seriously?” I ask. “The truckers you see aren’t complimenting you constantly? They’re not telling you how gorgeous and amazing you are?”

  She shakes her head slowly, that blond hair waving around her delicate shoulders.

  “No. I’ve been going on outcalls for two years now, but somehow I never meet the right men. The truckers are nice, don’t get me wrong. They use my body, and it feels good. They’re kind too, and take care of me after they’re done. But it’s somehow … I don’t know, very tame. They tend to fall asleep right after, and then I spend the entire night listening to them snore.”

  My friend and I share a look.

  “Really?” Trainor says in a low voice. “That sounds really odd. The truckers I know are usually keen to compliment the ladies they meet. They appreciate the time and energy it takes to do an outcall, as well as the fact that our girls are daughters too.”

  At that, Alizeh’s face falls a bit.

  “I know, but maybe it’s because my dad … well, he left the club on not very good terms. I’m surprised they even let me stay.”

  My friend and I share a puzzled look.

  “I’m sorry sweetheart,” I apologize. “Trainor and I are on the road so often that we hardly keep up with club business. Who’s your dad again?”

  I can tell that Alizeh doesn’t want to say. She looks down, wringing her small hands a bit. But then she takes a deep breath and looks into our eyes. The pain in her gaze is heart wrenching.

  “His name is Michael Marron,” she says. “Mike isn’t a bad guy, I swear. He just got his priorities screwed up. He feels really bad about what he’s done.”

  I run the name over in my head a few times. Michael Morrow. I look at Trainor, but he shakes his head too.

  “No, I’m sorry, sweetheart. Never heard of him. When did this happen again?”

  Alizeh blushes and looks down.

  “About two years ago. Right after I was initiated.”

  We nod.

  “We were traveling overseas then. We had a long-haul job that took us to Spain, believe or not. Maybe that’s why we missed the news. But tell us, sweetheart. What did your dad do? What was so terrible that got him expelled?”

  She shudders a bit at the word “expelled,” and I think I see a sheen of tears in her eyes. But Alizeh swallows hard, and takes a deep breath.

  “My dad, you see, has never been sound of mind. At least, that’s what I tell myself, because he’s always made good money as a long-haul trucker. I’ve never wanted for anything, and as far as I know, we were fine financially.”

  I nod. Long-haul truckers are paid well, and most of us make well into the six figures.

  “And?” I ask gently.

  Alizeh takes another big breath.

  “Well, Mike … he kind of lost it,” she says quickly. “Some reporter was sneaking around. They’d heard of Dads and Daughters, and wanted a scoop on our activities. They sensed that Mike was the weakest link and offered him money to spill.”

  My brows lower.

  “The newspaper was going to pay a source? Which newspaper was this? Most journalistic publications have a policy against paying sources.”

  Alizeh nods.

  “I know, right? Definitely big publications like the New York Times and the Washington Post don’t pay sources. But in our case, it was the Mercury-Star. It’s more of a local publication, and known for its metro coverage. Somehow, someone there got to sniffing about, and wanted to talk to Mike about Dads and Daughters.”

  “And he was going to spill,” I add slowly.

  Alizeh blinks and nods, her lips trembling a bit.

  “Yes,” she says in a quiet voice. “My dad sold out the club. He
was going to tell them everything, for something like ten thousand dollars. He was going to sell out his fellow truckers, all for a pittance.”

  The silence is loud in our suite for a few moments.

  “Well,” Trainor says in a deep voice. “The sins of the father aren’t to be visited on the daughter.”

  Alizeh looks down at her hands, her expression miserable.

  “I know,” she says in a whisper. “I think that’s why the Lodge let me stay despite what my dad did. They knew I had nothing to do with Michael’s machinations, and when the Lodge elders confronted him about what he’d done, he fessed up and also said I had nothing to do with it.”

  I think for a moment.

  “How did the elders keep the story contained?”

  Alizeh takes a big, trembling breath and looks at us with blue eyes filled with tears.

  “They bought the story and killed it,” she says almost in a whisper. “I didn’t even know that was possible. But basically, you buy exclusive rights to the story, but instead of running it, you just let it die. They did that in the latest election too, is what I heard.”

  I shake my head, sharing a look with Trainor. A trucker who sells out the club is definitely a man who has his head screwed on wrong. But what does this have to do with Alizeh?

  “So your dad left the club, and you stayed,” I say gently. “Do you still talk to him?”

  She shakes her head miserably.

  “Not really. He calls me sometimes, and writes me emails, but I don’t really reply. I’m just embarrassed about what he did, and I feel humiliated for him. I can’t believe someone, much less my own father, would do that.”

  I nod.

  “Neither can we,” I growl. “It’s fucking unbelievable.”

  Those words make the tears start coming down her cheeks.

  “That’s why I feel so awful, and left out,” she says in a choked voice. “I feel that all the truckers handle me with kid gloves because they know what Mike did. They know that I’m tainted.”

  We stare at Alizeh with surprise.

  “No, sweetheart. No one thinks that you have anything to do with this mess. It’s completely inconceivable.”

  But Alizeh begins to cry now, her small shoulders heaving.

  “I’m not so sure,” she says between sobs. “All the other girls have these far-out tales of love. They say that they do these crazy things with the truckers, and that the men make them feel safe. I mean, look at June, Melissa, and Naomi! They’ve all been manhandled in the most X-rated ways, and I just get vanilla all the time. And they’re not the only ones. There are other girls too, who have the most delightful things done to them. A lot of them are married now, too, to the men who did these things to them, and they’re expecting babies.”

  I sit back, astonished.

  “Wait, so you’re saying that you’ve been having vanilla sex because you think people are afraid to touch you?”

  She nods, furiously wiping away at her tears.

  “It makes sense, doesn’t it? The other girls are ravished every which way. They violated, made to scream and beg, and they come so hard too. And then in the end, they get the guy and a baby. Whereas me? I’m no different from when I started. I go out on outcalls, but I can see that the truckers are nervous when they’re with me. They don’t do anything out of the ordinary. It’s pretty much wham, bam, thank you ma’am.”

  I’m thunderstruck, and I can tell Trainor is too.

  “No sweetheart, you’re not giving it a chance. You’ve only been with the club two years. That’s not long enough.”

  Alizeh shakes her head, her blonde hair flying.

  “No, it is. Guess how many girls have gotten pregnant in these last two years? Almost twenty! Twenty babies have been born at the Lodge these last two years, or will be born soon. I want to be a mother so badly, but I don’t think it’ll ever happen to me,” she says in a choked sob.

  Trainor and I look at one another. Holy shit, this conversation has gotten serious fast. We get up, and sit on each side of Alizeh before taking one of her small hands in each of our own.

  “Alizeh, that’s not true,” I say soothingly. “Your time will come.”

  “Baby, there’s no need to panic,” growls Trainor.

  But she won’t be soothed. For some reason, Alizeh believes that the misdeeds of her father are being visited on her, and despite our words, she continues to cry grievously. Trainor and I share a look over her bowed head, and we nod. We know what needs to be done.

  Slowly, I reach one big hand down and lift her chin so that she’s looking at me. Alizeh is luminously beautiful in the light, with big blue eyes, and tear streaks running down her cheeks. Her pink lips tremble and beg to be kissed, and I don’t hesitate.

  I seize her lips with mine, reveling in the sweet taste. She moans against me, still for a moment, but then those soft arms creep up to hook around my neck.

  “Please Torrent, please Trainor,” she begs. “Please make me feel whole.”

  After a few seconds, I break the kiss and Trainor seizes her mouth.

  “Gladly,” he growls against her lips. “Sweetheart, this whole thing has nothing to do with you. You have to believe that. But Torrent and I are going to show you just how wrong you are.”

  I nod, seizing her mouth for myself again.

  “Alizeh, we’re going to use you,” I rasp in warning. “We’re going to use all of your holes. We’re going to ravish you until you can’t stand straight the next day. We’re going to pump you full of seed, and have you on your knees begging us for more by the time it’s done.”

  Alizeh begins to cry again, but they’re tears of joy.

  “Do you promise?” she asks in a broken voice. “Because that’s what I’ve wanted so much these last two years. I’ve wanted to be used by my men. To be treated as a doll, and to be taken for their pleasure. Because you see, that’s what I want too,” she confesses in a whisper. “So please, do as you like.”

  With that, Trainor and I descend on her curvy form, two male animals ready to ravish.



  I can’t believe it’s actually happening. My entire time at the Lodge, I’ve felt like an outcast. I’ve felt that I was “other” while all the other girls were laughing, giggling, and fondly rubbing their pregnant bellies. I felt that they had stories to share about how dirty they were with their husbands, while with me, it was always the same old, same old: I did an outcall. It was okay. The trucker came hard, and then fell asleep. No, they took care of me too, but it was nothing special.

  Now, with Torrent and Trainor, I know it’s going to be special. They know the sources of my insecurity, and why I’ve been so unhappy these last two years. After all, what daughter wouldn’t be? I’ve offered my body to so many hardened, muscled truckers, and yet they always keep me at a distance.

  But Torrent and Trainor are different. They look at me with gleaming blue eyes, resembling two predators who are ready to devour their prey. I want it too. With an anticipatory sigh, I lean back on the couch and spread my legs, offering my body for their pleasure.

  “Please,” I beg again, cupping my breasts as an offering. “This is yours to take. Enjoy.”

  Trainor and Torrent are on me at once. Trainor kneels between my legs and licks up my pussy slit with his tongue. The touch is so tantalizing that I let out a breathy scream, dripping honey into his mouth. He swallows heavily and breathes against my womanly flesh.

  “Sweetheart, you taste so good,” he growls. “So fucking amazing.”

  Meanwhile, Torrent is going to town on my breasts. He sucks a pink crest into his mouth, pulling hard while kneading the other large orb with his hand.

  “Mmm, baby,” he groans. “Can you do that thing that you did in the pool?”

  I know what he wants and with a coy smile, I reach down and push one creamy tit up high before bending down and licking the nipple myself.

  “You want some, big boy?” I coo, offering him the delectable

  His eyes gleam, and he licks the pink crest a few times, before I lick it again. We take turns, going back and forth, and then he suckles hard for a moment. I gasp as my head drops back. Jolts of electricity run straight from my nipple to my cunt, and Torrent groans below as a rush of fluid gushes onto his tongue.

  “Her pussy gets so wet when you do that,” he tells Trainor. “Do it again.”

  Trainor is only too happy to oblige. This time, he bites my pink crest a little, and I cry out in shock at the pulse that runs to my cunt.

  “Mmmm!” I moan breathily. “Oh shit!”

  Meanwhile, Torrent’s going to town on my sweet slit, drinking all the nectar he can. He literally puts his mouth directly on my little hole and swallows everything coming out, his throat working like a madman.

  “Fuck,” he gasps when he finally pulls off. “You taste sweet, Alizeh. Have you been eating strawberries?”

  I giggle a bit, bumping my hips up and down to tease him.

  “Maybe,” I say. “More raspberries and blueberries.”

  Torrent merely groans again before catching my clit in his mouth and sucking on the nub. His tongue teases me along the bottom as he increases the suction, and I scream wildly while pushing my fingers through his hair.

  “Fuck!” is my loud wail. “That feels so goooood!”

  “I know baby,” soothes Trainor as he continues working my nip. “You taste so good, and it only gets better from here.”

  After all, these men aren’t here for vanilla. No, they’re going to show me a good time to the wildest extent, and I can’t wait.

  “Please,” I coo, panting desperately now. “Give me what you have.”

  They chuckle low in their throats.

  “You need dick, don’t you?” Torrent growls. “Baby isn’t going to be happy unless she gets hard cock in her holes.”

  Another girl would shake her head and deny it, but I’m far past that point.

  “I do need it,” I pant. “So bad. Please, now!”

  The two men laugh, but I can see that they’re dead serious and very aroused. Their enormous poles are as hard as iron, and the tips gleam with wetness. Veins pulse along their shafts, and I pull one each into each hand.


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