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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 7

by S. E. Law

  But the worst part is Michael Marron. Her dad is literally watching his daughter about to be violated. He sits on a chair by the side, rubbing his belly while lifting dollar bills to his nose and inhaling deeply, like it’s a drug.

  “Yeah!” he squeals. “Whee! Wait a minute, who are you? This is private property, and what did you do with my door?”

  We storm inside. Torrent immediately goes to Alizeh’s side and begins untying her while I walk straight to Michael Marron and deliver a punch to the face. The old man’s head swings to the side, and then he slumps in his chair, unconscious. A trickle of blood flows from his nose, but I don’t give a shit. Let him wake up covered in blood. It’ll teach him a lesson.

  Then I dispatch the two goons. It doesn’t take much, actually. They look to be about seventeen years old, and I merely stare at them. The two boys clatter down the steps of the trailer and go running, their white asses flashing as they try to pull up their pants. Like the idiots they are, they forget their masks. Their faces are being captured by cameras all over the trailer park. Plus, there are plenty of fingerprints, given that they weren’t even wearing gloves.

  But it’s Alizeh we’re most concerned about. Torrent and I kneel by her lush, nude body. He brings a blanket over to cover her, and we stroke her hair.

  “Sweetheart, are you okay?” I ask in a broken voice. “What led to this?”

  The gag’s out of her mouth, and she coughs a bit as tears begin to roll down her cheeks.

  “My dad sent me an email, and I thought he wanted money, the way he always does,” she says in a raspy voice. “I came over, and they attacked me! But the worst part of it is that Michael set me up,” she says, breaking into sobs now. “My dad needed money, and he sold me to those criminals for a sack of cash.”

  I’m amazed at how low tech this is. Real criminals don’t bring bags of money around with them anymore. It’s all done through the cloud. Hasn’t Mike heard of cybercrime? Evidently, not.

  Torrent seizes Alizeh’s hand.

  “We’ll take care of him,” he rasps, shooting a harsh look at the passed-out old man in the corner. “Don’t worry about a thing. Mike will never hurt you again.”

  Alizeh’s still crying, and her face is tear-stained and yet so beautiful.

  “But what’s going to happen to him?” she says through sobs. “He’s my father.”

  I step in now.

  “Yes, but he took advantage of you, sweetheart. He lured you here, into a trap, and was literally going to sell you! We can’t let him go unpunished.”

  “Yes, I know,” Alizeh speaks. “But he’s already on the club’s bad side for what he did with the Mercury-Star. What’s going to happen to him now?”

  She’s right. The punishment for his crimes will be serious because Dads and Daughters doesn’t fuck around. Mike was already on our shit list for his previous actions, and this time, the club’s justice will be harsh.

  But that’s not something for Alizeh to worry about.

  “Sweetheart, don’t think about that right now,” I say gently, before lifting her into my arms. God, she weighs almost nothing, and her small arms come around my shoulders, clinging to me like she’s scared. “Michael will get what deserves. Come on, we’re taking you home.”

  With that, we bundle the beautiful girl into our car, and zip down the highway back to the Lodge. Once we’re there, we take her straight to our suite and settle her in our bed. Torrent calls room service for some chicken noodle soup and warm milk, and as soon as the food arrives, he takes the tray and attempts to feed her.

  “What are you doing?” she asks, sputtering a bit.

  Torrent’s not put off at all. He waits patiently by her side, the spoonful of soothing golden broth poised mid-air.

  “Feeding you,” he says. “Now eat, pretty girl.”

  She looks at him.

  “I’m not an invalid,” are her gentle words. “They scared me, but you came just in time. I wasn’t touched.”

  His blue eyes darken to an almost-black.

  “I know sweetheart, and those idiot criminals are going to get their asses whupped. But in the meantime, I want you to eat. I want to see you full and ripe, with a belly full of soup.”

  Alizeh smiles a bit, the evidence of our love so strong. She opens her mouth obediently, and takes a swallow of soup.

  “Good girl,” growls Torrent. “I knew you could do it.”

  But Alizeh’s not done yet.

  “Torrent, Trainor,” she says, her eyes getting shiny once more. Oh no, I hate when she cries. She’s so beautiful, but I can’t resist her when she does. All of my walls go down, and I have to make sure she gets what she wants. “We have to talk about what happened.”

  “Of course, sweetheart,” I growl, taking her hand on the other side of the bed. “But are you sure you don’t want to rest first? It’s been a difficult day for you.”

  She takes a deep breath and then shakes her head.

  “No, I think we better talk now because once the club finds out what my dad has done, I may be expelled,” she says in a quiet voice. “We may no longer be able to be together, and I want us to say our goodbyes before that happens. You know how the club works. Justice will be swift and final.”

  I cock my head at her, squeezing her small hand.

  “Yes, the club can be unforgiving,” I say slowly. “But why do you think Dads and Daughters will expel you?”

  Her eyes tear again.

  “Because of my father,” she says in a broken voice. “I’m the only initiate whose dad was run out of the club. They were only letting me stay out of the kindness of their hearts. Otherwise, I would have had to go back and live with Michael. But now, I don’t think administration is going to look the other way. I think that I’m going to be asked to leave, and by extension, I’ll be leaving you.”

  Tears are pouring down her soft cheeks again, and my heart breaks at the sight. Meanwhile, Alizeh continues.

  “But I don’t want you to be sad. I want you to know that I wish you well, Torrent and Trainor. I love being with you, and I love the time we’ve spent together. I want you to be happy here at the Lodge, and maybe think of me once in a while as a girl who loved you with all her heart.”

  Her words make my friend and I gasp. Love? But it’s true, and it’s where we’re headed too.

  “Honey,” says Torrent from the other side of the bed. He, too, has one of her small hands clasped between his big bronzed ones. “We love you too, and we’re not going to let you get expelled. That’s out of the question.”

  “Even if you are expelled,” I say in a growl. “It doesn’t matter because we’ll just go with you. We’ll make our own home away from the Lodge. It’s fine, sweetheart. It’d be meaningless to live here without you, anyways.”

  Her blue eyes grow wide and her pink lower lip trembles.

  “You would?” she asks in a whisper. But then her eyes fill with tears again. “But I don’t want to take you from everything that you know. From everything you’ve worked so hard to build.”

  I let out a low chuckle and put a finger under her chin to tip that innocent face towards me.

  “No, sweetheart, it’s not like that at all. We’ll still have work as long-haul truckers. Dads and Daughters wouldn’t blackball us for something like this, the way they did with Michael. Besides, didn’t you hear? The club would have no meaning for us without you here. It would just be me and Torrent rattling around like fools again.”

  My friend takes over then.

  “You see, honey,” he says, squeezing her hand. “Trainor and I have been looking for someone for a while now. Oh sure, we were using our privileges and by no means were we celibate. But it was all part of the search. We’re tired of being lone wolves. We’re tired of being single men without a care in the world. We want someone to tie us down, and that person is you, Alizeh. You’re the perfect fit for us, and we want to be with you. Permanently, if you’ll have us.”

  She gasps as those blue eyes go
wide. But then her face falls.

  “But what about my dad?” she says in a broken tone. “There will always be Mike.”

  I squeeze her hand.

  “No, I don’t think so,” I say. “The club is harsh when it comes to infractions like this. Siccing goons on your own daughter? Watching her be violated in your own living room? We’re not called Dads and Daughters for nothing. The daughters are our most precious assets, and Mike may not be around for much longer.”

  Her eyes turn into saucers and a horrified look crosses her face.

  “Oh my god, are they going to kill him?”

  I shake my head.

  “No, capital punishment isn’t the club’s style. All I’m saying is that you won’t have to worry about him for a long time, Alizeh. The club has its ways, and there’s no such thing as parole when it comes to the Lodge.”

  Her blonde head hangs in defeat, but then she nods.

  “Yes,” she says in a soft voice. “I guess he deserves it.”

  “He does deserve it,” I say roughly. “He deserves what he gets ten times over. But more importantly, sweetheart, Torrent and I want to be with you. We love you, and we want you to stay with us for as long as your heart desires. Will you, Alizeh?”

  Slowly, a smile crosses her lovely features, and my heart leaps. She’s so gorgeous when she smiles, and suddenly, I know I want to make her smile as much as possible in the years to come.

  “Yes, Torrent. Yes, Trainor. I want to be with you, and you’ve made me so happy!” she cries while flinging those small arms around us. We bend our heads for hungry kisses, feasting on the curvy woman. But just as things are about to take a turn for the sexy, she pulls away for a moment, her cheeks flushed and her breasts heaving.

  “But how do you feel about children?” she asks. “I know you were a bit annoyed with having so many little ones underfoot at the Lodge.”

  Torrent and I laugh while pressing kisses to that pretty pout.

  “Sweetheart, those are other peoples’ kids. If they were our kids, then they can run wild as much as they please. Why? Do you have something to tell us?” I ask deviously. We already suspect, given Alizeh’s fuller figure, and the heightened sensitivity in her breasts.

  She smiles and nods shyly.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact. I think I’m pregnant. I don’t know for sure yet because I haven’t seen the doctor, but I’ve been craving a lot of strange foods, and I need you even more than before,” she breathes. “My libido is on high, and Torrent and Trainor, I crave you,” she says. “So much. Forever.”

  With that, my friend and I kiss the girl passionately, cradling her lush figure in our arms. We went through a wild ride to find Alizeh, but in the end, only happiness awaits.



  One year later.

  We watch as our daughter crawls across the floor of the suite.

  “Da-da,” she gurgles while waving a block at me. Then she turns to Trainor. “Da-da.”

  “Oh sweetheart, you’re so cute,” coos Alizeh while leaning over to scoop up baby Michelle. “You know your daddies, don’t you? And they love you so much.”

  “That they do,” I growl, coming over to stand by our beautiful girls. Michelle is a carbon copy of her mom, from her blonde hair to her big blue eyes. But as she grins at us toothlessly, she looks just like her mischievous fathers.

  “Our little girl is a smart one,” adds Trainor, coming to press a kiss to Alizeh’s forehead. “She’s going to have all the boys in Dads and Daughters eating out of her hand.”

  It’s true because the Lodge has had an explosion of babies. So much so, in fact, that we converted another building on the premises to a dedicated nursery and playroom. The kids spend their time there, and it’s like a wonderland to them. There’s a huge jungle gym, as well as an outdoor ropes course, three tree houses, and even a zipline. None of the kids are old enough to ride the zipline yet, but we installed it as part of the re-model.

  After all, the club is bursting at the seams now. We have so many pregnant women and giggling babies that it’s astonishing. And yet, this is the way it was meant to be. The truckers have found happiness with these sweet, nubile young girls, and we’re testament to that positive outcome. Trainor and I are overjoyed to be living here with Alizeh and our daughter. Michelle brings light to our lives, and we’d love to have many more children, in fact.

  The only sad part of this set up is Alizeh’s dad, Michael Marron. The old man was given a private trial by the club, and he was found guilty, as expected. Now, he’s disappeared. The club metes out justice in unfathomable ways, and to be honest, I think it’s better if our girl doesn’t know what’s happened to her father. Sometimes, peace of mind is more important than knowledge.

  But Trainor and I know. We’ve been opening Lodges in other parts of the world, including places like Lebanon and Libya. These countries are known for their lax policies on torture, and last I heard, Michael was in the basement of our new compound in Khartoum. He hasn’t seen the sun in months, and has likely shriveled to a shadow of the man he used to be.

  But he deserves it. No one should sell their daughter, and to cackle with glee as she’s violated right in front of you. That kind of behavior is heinous, and deserves the worst type of punishment.

  My eyes dark, I turn back to the family tableaux before me and smile again. Alizeh has Michelle in her arms, with Trainor beaming down at the baby. And in fact, he’s stroking our girlfriend’s belly lovingly, as if saying hello to a child inside.

  “So is it true?” I ask, walking over to join them. I press a kiss to the pretty blonde’s forehead. “Are we expecting number two?”

  Her face lights with joy and her cheeks blush a bit.

  “Yes, I think so,” she murmurs. “I was just telling Trainor that I’ve been craving pickles again. That, with my recent weight gain, tells me that Michelle is going to have a baby brother or sister in maybe eight months or so.”

  I smile and to my surprise, my cheeks are wet.

  “Sweetheart, that’s the best gift you could ever give us,” I whisper into her ear. “This is what we want most in the world. More children. A life with you.”

  “And,” Trainor adds from her other side. “This too.” He produces a gorgeous diamond ring and holds it out in front of our beautiful girl. “We want to keep you, Alizeh. We want to give you more babies, and have you grow round and heavy. You’re a wonderful mommy already, and we can’t think of anyone else we’d rather have more children with.”

  Alizeh smiles tearfully as Trainor slips the diamond on her finger. It flashes in the light, and looks as if it was always meant to be there.

  “Yes,” she says in a heartfelt whisper, her blue eyes filling with joy. “Yes, Trainor. Yes, Torrent. I am, and always will be, yours.”

  With that, we shower the gorgeous girl with kisses. She returns our love passionately, and soon, our embrace has grown hot and she’s giggling and moaning again as we press kisses to her most intimate spots.

  “The baby!” she cries. But Michelle’s already been whisked to her crib, and it’s time for Trainor and I to show this woman just how much we love her. We press more kisses to her sensitive womanhood, and Alizeh cries out once more. The music fills my ears, and my heart pounds with happiness. This is where we were meant to be: with this woman in love, in life, and always for the future.


  Five Years Later

  Curious about Alizeh, Torrent, and Trainor five years from now? Then download the scene here (newsletter subscription required) or read the scene on my website right here (no subscription required). Hint: they’re back at the pool and Alizeh does something so dirty that her husbands can’t get enough!

  More from S.E. Law

  Who falls in love with her friend’s dad and stepdad? Read Marni’s story in Her Honey Pot, available here.

  Even worse, I decided to fall in love with both of my mom’s ex-husbands. It’s filthy, but I still like calling them
“Daddy.” About My Daddies is available here.

  I fell hard for my fiancé’s gorgeous father. Taboo? Absolutely. But our chemistry is off the charts in My Fiancé’s Dad, available here.

  The two cherry farmers are plucking Courtney’s cherry this season in Her Juicy Cherry, available here.

  My prom night was a disaster when I caught my boyfriend cheating on me with my best friend. But the older man made it all better in Forbidden Fruit, available here.

  Getting pregnant? A big deal. Getting pregnant by your handsome, hands-on personal physician? An even bigger deal. And don’t forget, he has a business partner who loves being in on the action as well. Playing with Her Doctors is available here.

  After I blackmailed my dad’s best friend, the alpha male swore revenge. But what we didn’t expect was the attraction between us … and now we’re having a baby. Pick up Blackmailing My Dad’s Best Friend here.

  My dad’s boss caught me in a naughty position, and now he says that I have to let him enjoy my curves. Sound delightful? Then you’ll love Blackmailed By My Dad’s Boss, available here.


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  His Candy Cane

  By S.E. Law

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  About This Book

  My growly, gorgeous personal trainer gave me equipment to work with that was long, thick, heavy, and hard.


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