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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 18

by S. E. Law

  Slowly, Courtney reaches in back and undoes the snap of her bra, letting the lace fall away. Both Hank and I inhale sharply because she’s gorgeous. Huge, pendulous tits swing into view, the tips already a hard rosy-red.

  Then, the curvy girl peels her panties down her legs and steps out of them before standing back up. She’s so lush that it takes my breath away. Her thighs are plump and full, meeting at the top in a sweet v. Her lips are already swollen and needy, and damn, but I can even see a hard little nub poking out. It glistens provocatively and my mouth goes dry with the urge to taste it.

  “Should I sit down?” she asks.

  “Yes,” Hank and I growl together in rough voices. Shit, we both want her so bad, but it’s the toy that’s going to take her first.

  Slowly, Courtney sits back in the recliner and looks at us, her décolletage heaving.

  “What do I do next?” she asks in a small voice.

  Wow. We have a lush, gorgeous girl nude before us, ready to take on one of our toys for the first time. I can’t wait, but my friend interrupts first.

  “Why don’t we put a blindfold on you, Courtney, for this first time? It might be easier this way because the lab’s lights are really bright. It might also help you forget where you are, and enjoy yourself more.”

  She nods but looks a bit confused.

  “Yes, but don’t you want to see my reactions? Don’t you need to see my eyes for that?”

  “We do,” I confirm, “but it’s okay because we’ll use other proxies this first time. What’s most important is your comfort and enjoyment, sweetheart,” I say in a smooth voice.

  “Oh okay,” she agrees, and Hank strides over with a black silk blindfold. Gently, he wraps it around Courtney’s eyes, and then secures it tightly. Oh shit. The sight of the nude curvy girl with a black blindfold on is absolutely tantalizing. I can’t wait to spread her slit, and to see what she can do.

  “Okay, we’re going to start now,” I say in a low voice. “Do you want to put the toy in yourself to begin, or do you want one of us to do the insertion?”

  Courtney gasps a bit, but then she speaks.

  “One of you.”

  I share a look with my friend, and he nods and gestures for me to go ahead.

  Slowly, I kneel before Courtney and then pop the giant toy in my mouth to get it lubed. Then, I press her knees apart, and see that we won’t need any extra lube because she’s already dripping with excitement. Her petals are full and swollen, and already wet with need. With one hand, I push her knees up so that they open even further, and then spread her further open, looking up into her pink insides.

  She’s gorgeous. She’s swollen, wet, and her walls pulse beautifully as she breathes heavily. Her bud is hard and at least an inch long, standing straight at attention.

  “You’re perfect,” I say, sucking it into my mouth for a moment. Courtney squeals and then gushes slightly, her knees straightening with pleasure.

  “It’s okay,” Hank soothes from behind us. “It gets even better from here.”

  Teasingly, I take the toy and probe her wet opening. Her hole pulses a bit, emitting another gush of juice, and Courtney moans, spreading her knees wider. Encouraged, I press a bit of it into her, and it slips in easily.

  “Great work,” I growl, my eyes fixed to this dirty sight. “You’re doing amazing.”

  Slowly, I increase the pressure, and my friend and I watch as the enormous toy disappears into her wet cavern. Courtney moans and sighs as it goes in, her hands going up to toy with her nips, pulling and twisting them.

  “Oh yes,” she breathes. “Mmmmm.”

  But the fun has only begun. Once the toy is embedded fully, we step back and look at her with pleasure. Courtney’s spreadeagle in the chair, plugged full as her wet lips wrap tightly around the toy.

  “Ready?” Hank asks, already standing by the computer.

  “Ready,” I affirm, and his fingers begin to do their magic. They dance over the keypad, and a muffled buzzing fills the air. Courtney begins to squeal before us, her hips twisting this way and that as the toy strokes and jerks within her. I watch as Hank makes the B-O-B circle right, and then circle left, before swirling a bit and pumping up and down in her wet cavern. An obscene sucking sound rings out, and I watch as her lips grab the toy tightly, as if begging it to never leave.

  Courtney, meanwhile, mewls again, her tone growing and growing until she’s practically screaming with pleasure. Her big breasts bobble as she plays with her nips, and then dirty girl that she is, she literally reaches down and lifts one of her giant Double Ds before sucking on the tip herself. Oh shit. I didn’t know she could do this, much less during her first time with us.

  But that’s it. I can’t take it anymore. My hot rod has been throbbing and with stealthy fingers, I pop it out of my jeans. Quickly, I strip and then lower myself between her legs.

  “What are you doing?” hisses Hank. Fortunately, our girl can’t hear because she’s too caught up in the pleasure wracking her frame.

  Shhh! I mime to my business partner, pressing a finger over my lips. Then, I seize the base of the B-O-B and gently pull it out from her wet folds, watching with unabated arousal as the flesh-colored toy reappears from her juicy channel.

  Courtney arches her back and lets out an animal moan, desperate to be filled again. But instead of putting it back inside, instead I lever myself over her form and press the head of my huge rod against her aching hole.

  “Shhh,” I growl softly. “This is going to feel even better.”

  I’m not sure if our test subject knows what just happened, but she lets out another desperate moan and parts her legs even wider, giving me better access. I groan, and begin sinking into those fragrant depths. She’s so tight, and it feels incredibly good. I let out another moan as she takes me inch after inch, until I’m balls deep in that succulent twat.

  “Yes,” she sighs. “Oh god, yes.”

  I begin pumping, the blood filling my veins and growing white hot.

  “You feel good, baby,” I growl, my hips picking up speed. “So fucking tight.”

  She arches her back and gently slides her hands up my muscled chest, letting out another series of kitten moans, before stroking my shoulders. I’m lost in pleasure, about to burst, when suddenly, I feel an insistent press against my back hole.

  Oh shit, Hank wants in on the action. Of course he would because my business partner is an alpha male who would never let an opportunity like this pass him by. But what most people don’t realize is that we’re bisexual, and that we like to enjoy one another as well. Most of the time, we focus on women, but ever since moving out here, we’ve been experiencing one another’s bodies.

  Now with me and Courtney locked in an embrace, Hank wants part of the action. I slow my hips and let out a guttural moan as Hank presses his stiff rod against my backside, while muttering in my ear.

  “You like this,” he whispers harshly. “Relax, Huck.”

  I nod, my eyes tightly shut and will myself to relax back there. Slowly, that huge rod inches up my channel until the other man is balls deep in me while I’m balls deep in Courtney. Then, we begin our dance together.

  Hank presses into me, causing a chain reaction so that I press into our curvy girl. Then we pull out in unison, and the motion begins again. I feel so filled back there, the fit excruciatingly tight. Yet it’s enhanced by the fact that my shaft is also being sucked into a wet, needy pussy as Courtney mewls and twists beneath my hard male body.

  The sensations are mindblowing. I have a hard rod pounding my backdoor, and yet I’m plugging my own hard rod into a lush, gorgeous woman. The steam rises in my chest and boils down to my groin, even as my balls lift, getting ready to shoot.

  Suddenly, it happens. I groan, jerk, and then my back stiffens as hot lava flows through my shaft, spurting into Courtney. She loses it simultaneously, and her sweet folds begin to clamp and spasm, pulling the virile seed deep. Meanwhile, Hank lets out a roar and unleashes into my back end,
filling me with his jism even as I moan and release my own jizz into the beautiful brunette.

  “Oh FUCK!” I cry out. “Shit!”

  Courtney lets out another full-throated moan as Hank’s roars join my own in a cacophony of male pleasure.

  “Goddamn,” he hisses. “FUCK!”

  We pump and spurt, engaging in a filthy trio. Courtney moans as well, her delicate pout open and panting with release.

  Finally, the excitement subsides and we pull apart. Hank exits me first with a deep sucking sound, and then I pull out of Courtney, watching as my member reappears, glistening with our combined arousal. Slowly, I get up and straighten a bit, before helping our curvy girl with her blindfold.

  She looks stunned, lush and nude under the bright lights. Her cheeks have spots of color on them, and her chest is still flushed with our dirty deeds.

  “Oh my god, did that really happen?” she asks in a whisper.

  I nod. Hank and I are still naked before her, our bodies bronzed and sculpted like those of Greek gods.

  “It did,” I confirm in a low voice. “Are you okay with it?”

  She bites her lips and nods, her eyes going between the two of us, taking in our massive, still-dripping shafts, and washboard abs.

  “I know you were in me,” she says to me, “but what about Hank? What was he doing?”

  Suddenly, she catches sight of my ass as I turn slightly, and it’s obvious what just happened. Fluid is dripping from my back hole, and I’m sure it looks red and ravaged, given Hank’s enormous size.

  She gasps as my friend grins at her.

  “Surprised?” he asks.

  She nods.

  “I can’t believe it,” is her whisper. “I mean, you’re both so alpha, and I never thought that you’d be into other men too. Never in a million years would it have occurred to me.”

  “Well, we are,” I say wryly, while reaching down between her thighs with a wet washcloth to dab gently at her swollenness. Then I reach behind myself and dab at my aching hole too. Hank seems to get bigger every time he takes me, and I’m sure my rim is busted and will need some deep kisses to heal.

  But I look carefully at Courtney.

  “Are you okay with all this?” I ask slowly. “It’s okay if you’re not because what we did is only the beginning. We only used the toy on you a little when we started, and honey let me say this: you took it so good. But obviously, our toys can get complex and quite involved. Some of them are made to be used with women, some with men, and some by both sexes.”

  “Oh wow,” Courtney murmurs, blushing while a hand covers her open mouth. “That’s dirty.”

  “Yes,” I say with a smile. “And that’s why your commitment to us makes a huge difference. We couldn’t test many of our products without a woman because women’s bodies are different, and they behave differently. But it couldn’t just be any woman. We also needed a woman who’s uninhibited, a little bit of an exhibitionist, and who’s okay with two men enjoying each other as well. Testing our products isn’t for everyone, but Courtney, you did magnificently. Hank and I would be honored for you to join our team.”

  She bites her lip again as her brown eyes take us in. For a moment, I’m afraid she’s going to say no. I’m afraid that our insane session put her over the top, and she’s going to back out. But then, the beautiful girl nods slightly and smiles.

  “Huck, Hank,” she murmurs. “I would love to be an integral member of Cherrywood Labs. When do I start?” she says with a twinkle to her eye.

  At that, both friend and I throw our heads back with laughter because we’ve finally found the right woman. Courtney is going to be the key to our company’s success with her lush, full body and naughty ways. And who knows? We’ll have a lot of fun together along this path we’ve chosen, getting to know one another while exploring the limits of our bodies.



  I hum while picking cherries off the tree. The fruit is ripe and a deep crimson, and I enjoy the satisfying snap as they come apart from the bough.

  “You okay up there?” calls Abigail from below. The younger woman is my plucking partner, and we spend most mornings together out in the field.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” I call from the ladder. “It’s getting hot though. I’ll be down in a few for a break.”

  Then, I turn back to my job and smile again. Harvesting cherries isn’t my job per se, but I wanted to do it. At first, Huck and Hank said no because my real job is in the lab. But I enjoy the fresh air and physical labor. Plus, I didn’t want my fellow cherry-pickers to suspect that something was amiss. As a result, Hank and Huck told everyone that I was going to work in the orchard in the morning, but that after lunch, I would switch to the office and perform administrative duties.

  It makes sense after all. I’m one of the only contractors that has a college degree, and I used to work at Praxel Puffin as a secretary too. As a result, the office job is a natural fit for my skills, and the other cherry-pickers nodded with understanding. Well, except for one.

  “What?” squawked Rhea. “She gets to stay indoors while we slave away out here?”

  A pained expression came over Huck’s face, but then just as quickly, it disappeared.

  “No, Courtney will be plucking cherries as well in the morning. But with all the new staff, we realized that we needed to beef up our internal operations. Courtney will be helping us with paperwork and other administrative duties during the afternoons.”

  “That’s not fair!” whined Rhea while snapping her gum with a loud crack. “I can do paperwork just as well as her.”

  I let out an unladylike snort.

  “Rhea, office work isn’t all that it’s made out to be. In fact, a lot of people hate it. Haven’t you seen the comic strip Dilbert? It’s a satire on white collar work.”

  But the woman wasn’t appeased.

  “I can be white collar!” she whined again. “Just give me a chance!”

  My two gorgeous bosses looked put out because of course, there’s more to my job than pushing papers. I’m their personal lab assistant for trying out new technology, and it’s been amazing so far. Some of the toys Hank and Huck procure are pretty basic and operate only using AA batteries. But others are absolutely mind-boggling.

  For example, there’s a special contraption designed for three people. Two people can sit upright, while the third floats like a plank in the air between them. I was confused about what was supposed to happen, but when the men arranged me in a plank position, their mouths were able to access my sweet spots in all sorts of interesting ways. I squirmed and sighed, but the beauty of the contraption is that it’s very stable, and I didn’t fall. Not only that, but Hank and Huck’s bodies met below, and they were able to pound one another even as their mouths made me moan.

  That’s one of the things that I’ve discovered I adore. I enjoy seeing Hank and Huck together, and it makes me want it even more, if that’s possible. There’s something about hard male bodies locked in an embrace that shoots my temperature through the roof.

  “Have you always been bisexual?” I asked curiously, after we’d just finished a session. Hank was strapped to a lab table, and his shaft had just let go. It lay against his stomach, huge, purple and still pulsing as I played with it lazily with one hand.

  Hank and Huck shared a look.

  “No, not always,” begins Huck. “Scratch that. I think I’ve always been bisexual, but I didn’t know at the beginning. I’d always been attracted to women, and I had multiple girlfriends in my teens and twenties. But something was missing, and I couldn’t put my finger on it. I was restless and unhappy, but why? I had everything. However, my girlfriend at the time was very intuitive, and she guessed. As a birthday present, she got me a male escort, and at first I refused. No. Fucking. Way. But she convinced me to try a threesome with them, and I really liked it. In fact, I really enjoyed alternating between his and her holes, if that makes sense.”

  I flushed. Oh my god, these men were so d
irty, but it made my private parts tingle.

  “So you’d rotate from his hole to hers, and then back again? Pounding them both?”

  He nodded, grinning at me.

  “Yeah, it was really amazing too. But I usually hit up her hole first because I can use her juices to get lubed up, and then switch to my male friend without re-wetting. It saves money because we don’t have to buy K-Y, that’s for sure.”

  I had to giggle because that was the most ridiculous reason to be bisexual. But Huck merely grinned.

  “Believe it, sweetheart. It works. What about you Hank?” he asked playfully. “You want to tell Courtney your story?”

  My other boss smiled too, his blue eyes gleaming. God, these men are so gorgeous and I can’t believe I’m with both of them. My insides tingled as he began to speak.

  “My story is a little more convoluted because it’s actually Huck here who helped me realize my true nature. I’ve always dated women. Sure, I knew something was missing, but I didn’t have an enlightened girlfriend. In fact, it wasn’t until I joined the start-up that Huck was working at that my eyes were opened.”

  “But how did that happen?” I ask curiously. “Were you just friends, and then suddenly, a connection was made?”

  The two men grin at me again, their blue eyes flashing.

  “We weren’t even really friends,” begins Huck. “We were professional rivals. This asshole here thought he knew everything, and if anything, we hated each other’s guts.”

  Hank rolls his eyes.

  “Rivals, bullshit. Rivals mean that you might actually be at my level, but you were way below me when it came to programming.”

  Huck merely blows air out from between his teeth.

  “Yeah, right. Anyways, our friend here was riled up and horny, but he had no idea why. He was dating tons of women, but they could never satisfy the animal urge within. Finally, we were working a late night, just the two of us, and we got into an argument.”

  “Literally, a fist fight,” adds Hank. “It shouldn’t have happened at the office, but it did. Thank god no one was around.”


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