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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 23

by S. E. Law

  I make a face because the thought of hearing my dad and my best friend go at it in his bedroom makes me a little green with nausea. But it also makes me feel a little jealous too because Jessica’s already well on her way to losing her virginity with a handsome, virile man who just happens to be related to me. But what about me? What will I do, and who will my first time be with?



  My daughter slips into the kitchen and Rex and I frown at her. We’re seated around the kitchen table hamming it up, and it’s getting late for our daughter to even be awake.

  “Jess, why are you wearing all that make-up? Shouldn’t you be in bed? You have school tomorrow.”

  She looks a little alarmed.

  “I was just practicing for my big day,” she hums. “You know, with Brent.”

  I fix her with a look.

  “Honey, we already told you. Brent dropped out of Dads and Daughters, so your big day has been called off. But don’t worry, we’ll find you another partner in no time. You’re a beautiful girl, honey, and I’m sure you’ll have lots of takers.”

  After all, Rex and I are both in Dads and Daughters. I’ve been a member for a long time now. Ever since I divorced Jessica’s mom, to be precise. It’s a group open to long-haul truckers who are on the road for long periods of time. We sample one another’s daughters at different locations all over the country, and we’re even expanding internationally, if you can believe it. We have a couple satellite chapters in Canada now, and we’re also looking to get into Europe and Australia. Obviously, we won’t be driving a vehicle across the ocean. Instead, the trucks will cross the ocean on a liner, and then we’ll dock in far-flung locations.

  The group has been good for me. My job is solitary and gets lonely, and I don’t really like using professional women. I have nothing against ladies who work on their backs, but you never know what you’re getting when it comes to a professional. You might get a twenty year old girl who’s as soft and sweet as candy; or you might get a sixty year old crone who’s serviced tens of thousands of men in her lifetime.

  Thus, Dads and Daughters is the perfect answer for my conundrum. This way, when I stop in a different city, there’s a sweet pair of arms and a soft breast to lay my head on. There’s an even honeyed hole to sample if all goes well, and I often enjoy my girls two or three times per night before leaving the next morning.

  But one of the stipulations about being in Dads and Daughters is that all daughters need to join in order for the dad to retain his membership. At first, it was a problem that I ignored because when I joined the group, Jess was only a baby. She wouldn’t be up for induction for years yet.

  But as Jess grew up, I started becoming alarmed. What man wants his nubile young daughter to join a daughter swapping club? But my girl is wise beyond her years, and she has a special sixth sense when it comes to men. By the time she turned sixteen, I’d told her about the club and she was begging me to join. Jessica couldn’t wait.

  Of course by then, Regina was divorced from her second husband Rex, and he too had joined Dads and Daughters. So when Jess finally turned eighteen last month, Rex and I jointly sponsored her membership. Jess was voted in unanimously, and to be honest, more than a few of our buddies offered to be her first.

  There was Carl, with the big burly chest and the white smile. We hear he’s very tender with inexperienced teenagers. We also seriously considered Rocky, who has two girls of his own, both of whom went through Dads and Daughters when they hit the right age. But we finally settled on Brent because he’s known Jess since she was a child, and promised he would take good care of her.

  That means a lot to us because we love our daughter. Maybe it looks like we’re introducing Jessica to a world of debauchery, and in a way we are. But it’s just another part of being a parent: would you rather your child’s first time be with some pimply teenage asshole who uses her and loses her? Or would you rather her first time be with an older, experienced man whom you’ve handpicked because he cares about your daughter?

  As a result, Brent was the right choice, and he and Jess were slated to have their first official union next week. But in a turn of events, Brent has suddenly quit the group. It seems he’s been having some trouble managing his own daughter, Marni, and dropped out as a result.

  It’s too bad because I was looking forward to inducting Marni, and maybe even offering to be her first. She’s a curvaceous brunette with a generous décolletage and a bottom that you could park a car in. She comes off as a little shy, but I like the shy ones. The timid ones with the innocent looking expressions always turn out to be the dirtiest whores after you get them going.

  But Brent’s departure has left my daughter hanging, and she makes a face at us while standing at the table with a face full of make-up.

  “Jessie, things are going to be fine,” Rex reassures her. “We’ll find you someone else for your first time. There are dozens of good men in the club.”

  Jess gets a determined look on her face, and stamps her bare foot.

  “No, I want Brent,” she says stubbornly. “I’ve had my heart set on him for years now, and I want him to be the one.”

  This is a dirty conversation between a daughter and her dads, but it is what it is. I shrug and look at Rex. He’s a handsome asshole with black as night hair, blue eyes and a thick, wide chest. We all work out like animals because driving a truck for twelve hours a day is a physically demanding job. Taking care of our bodies is the only way a man can survive.

  He takes the opening.

  “Jess, Brent quit yesterday. There’s nothing we can do about it, at least not before your induction next week. But trust me, there are dozens of great candidates who would be more than happy to show you how to be a woman. Carl is going to be in town next week, as is Rocky Cunningham. Do you remember Rocky? Big guy with the deep laugh? He’s got two girls of his own, and he’d show you a good time.”

  But Jess isn’t having it. Her face turns red and she stamps her foot again. Right now, she’s reminding me of a five year old brat throwing a temper tantrum.

  “No, Dad! I don’t want some guy I’ve never met before. I want Brent. I’ve wanted him for years now, and you can’t take him away from me.”

  I cut in.

  “Sweetheart, we didn’t do anything. You’d still be with Brent if we had anything to do with it, but he quit of his own accord. What do you want us to do? Carl and Rocky are very nice men, and you’ll have a great time with them. In fact, they might be even better than Brent, come to think of it.”

  But Jessica won’t even entertain the thought. Her head bobbles up and down angrily, and her ponytail swings.

  “No. I don’t want some strange man. I want Brent. And you can make it happen, Tex and Rex. I talked to Marni today, and she said she wants to be in Dads and Daughters. It’s just that Brent has some hang-up about her joining, so to prevent her from joining, he preemptively quit.”

  That’s news to my ears, and Rex and I share a puzzled look.

  “Seriously?” my friend growls.

  Jessica nods emphatically.

  “Yes. Marni’s actually totally on-board, but her dad thinks she’s not a good fit for the group. I have no idea why, because if anyone would benefit from Dads and Daughters, it’s Marni. She’s never even been on a date before! But from what she told me, her dad thinks she’s too “dorky,” “nerdy,” and “unprepared.” His words, not mine.”

  I nod slowly.

  “Yeah, some guys have a hang up about their daughters joining when it comes time. They think their daughters aren’t a fit for the most bizarre reasons. For example, they have a snaggletooth, or because they’re not great at driving. Trust me, a woman’s driving skills have no bearing on their suitability for membership.”

  “Exactly,” says Jess emphatically. “That’s why you need to step in, Tex. You and Rex need to induct Marni without Brent knowing. If that happens, then Brent’s opposition will fall by the wayside because what could he say? T
hat his daughter didn’t like it? That she wasn’t taken care of? That she’s not good material for the club?”

  Rex immediately shakes his head.

  “Jess, we can’t just bypass the club’s rules. We only meet with women who are members of the club. This would be violating a very important tenet.”

  But my daughter’s always been a rule-breaker.

  “Tenet? Do you hear yourself? What, are we a bunch of professors wearing bifocals? This is Marni we’re talking about, and she’s already told me that she’s more than ready. She would love to be inducted into the club, and she’s even mentioned she’d like to break the rules herself: she’d like to be inducted by the two of you,” Jess adds slyly.

  Immediately, blood rushes downwards and my rod hardens. I can see Rex shifting about uncomfortably in his seat, and I know the same thing is happening to him because Marni’s the ultimate forbidden treat. She’s lush, lovely, and has no idea that how beautiful she is. Women like that are the best because they’re humble and giving, as opposed to being snooty with their noses up in the air.

  “Yeah,” continues Jess. “So the two of you should induct Marni, and then after that’s done, Brent will find out. Marni will say how wonderful it was, blah blah blah, and then he’ll re-join Dads and Daughters, and he and I can have our blessed day together.”

  Rex stares hard at Jessica.

  “If you’re so hell-bent on being with Brent for your first time, then why does he have to be a member of Dads and Daughters?”

  Jessica’s prepared for the question, and she smiles at us.

  “Because Brent always follows the rules. There’s no way I could convince him to meet me on my own. It needs to be under the auspices of the group, otherwise he won’t do it. That’s why I need your help, Daddies. I need you to take care of Marni really well, so that she sings the group’s praises. Then Brent will re-join and I’ll get my time in his bed.”

  I pause there.

  “Are you sure this is what you want, Jessica? You’re asking your stepfather and I to bend the club’s strictures. You know they don’t look down on that lightly.”

  Rex nods in agreement.

  “In fact, we could be expelled if the club finds out what we’ve done. That means your membership will be revoked as well.”

  But Jessica isn’t concerned, and she flips her blonde curls back before making an airy wave of her hand.

  “Oh, it’s fine,” she says. “Both of you are such worry-warts. Everything is going to work out fine. You induct Marni, knock her socks off, and then everything will fall into place. I promise.”

  Our daughter flounces back to her room, leaving us in silence at the kitchen table. The light overhead flickers a bit off the wooden surface, and the yellow linoleum of the floors gleam. The counters are spotlessly clean, and the cheery yellow curtains seem to flutter a bit, even though it’s night.

  I exchange a glance with Rex, but neither of us say anything. Are we seriously considering this taboo idea? He stretches a bit, throwing me a glance.

  “What do you think, brother?”

  I shake my head.

  “We can’t do it.”

  He smirks.

  “Yeah, I know. But what we want, and what we can do, are two different things.”

  I nod slowly.

  “Marni Nicholas is a real pretty girl. She’s grown up, that’s for sure.”

  Rex’s eyebrows go up, and he gets a shit-eating grin on his face.

  “You’re telling me. I saw her last week, and she’s like an ice cream sundae waiting to be devoured. Complete with a cherry on top. Or more accurately, her cherry’s inside, ready to be popped by the right men.”

  I stare at him.

  “Do you hear us, though? If we take her without the club knowing, we’re going to be expelled. We’re going to be permanently black-balled, and then what are we going to do on those long-haul rides? Jerk off to some girlie mags? It’s not worth the risk, my friend.”

  Rex merely shrugs.

  “I hear you, and yeah, the consequences are real. But Jessica isn’t completely wrong, either. In my opinion, Brent is overreacting. He thinks his daughter is too sweet and innocent for alpha males like ourselves, and there’s some truth to that. We’ve each been with hundreds of women by now. But that doesn’t mean that we’re not right for Marni, or that she’s not right for us. All it means is that she has no experience, and that we’re very experienced men who can show her the way.”

  I shake my head.

  “Yeah, but do you hear yourself? A two on one? That’s breaking the club’s rules all over again. They only allow one on one for a new inductee’s first time.”

  Rex smiles another shit-eating grin.

  “Exactly, but we’re not following club rules. We’re not following any rules but our own, come to think of it. What’s the worst that could happen anyways? So we get kicked out, and we start using professionals at the different truck stops. There are some cute girls out there.”

  I shake my head.

  “No way. I can’t work with those ladies anymore. Last one kept calling out “Mex! Mex!” as I took her, and that was decades ago.”

  Rex grins at me.

  “You look like you could be a Mex.”

  I scowl.

  “Shut the fuck up, loser.”

  He holds up his hands.

  “I’m just saying, Tex. We could induct Marni without the club’s knowledge, and I think it would be fun. Not only fun, but very pleasurable for all three of us. It’s worth the risk, trust me. And for the first time, we might be able to … ahem, perform together.”

  I stare at him because this is our deep, dark secret. After Rex got divorced from Regina, we got together a couple times to commiserate. We weren’t great friends before, but we were friendly, and having an ex-wife in common is enough to forge a bond that no one else can understand.

  But then, after a couple months, something in the air between us changed. At first, we’d been very bro-y, always slapping each other on the back and calling each other “dude.” But that night, something changed forever. Rex and I shared our first kiss, and then we shared a lot more. Soon we were pounding one another, enjoying the masculine vibe that comes with male love.

  I never in a million years imagined that I was bisexual, and neither did Rex. If anything, we’re both alpha males at heart, with a taste for curvy, sensuous women and their sweet, honeyed nectar. But something was awakened within us during those desperate nights together, and now I recognize that I’ve always been bisexual. It’s something that’s been hiding all these years, and with Rex, it’s come to the forefront.

  But bisexuality means that you can be attracted to both sexes. And although Rex and I regularly indulge when we get the chance, we want something more. As a result, we’re both still members of Dads and Daughters, and we still meet nubile young women whenever we’re out on the road. However, we hide our predilection for men from the other club members because they’d have a shit fit. Hell, they’d probably tie us up and then castrate us if they knew.

  But we’ve been hungering for a threesome for a while now. What could be better than exploring both a man and a woman’s bodies simultaneously? Hearing his and her sighs while exploding together would be a dream come true. I’ve been itching to find a third companion, and maybe Marni’s our opening. Maybe this is the perfect chance to indulge our senses while trying something new.

  “You know what?” I say, standing up abruptly. “Fuck the club. Let’s do it. If we get thrown out, then so be it. I’ve been a member for almost twenty years. I can live without them.”

  Rex stands up and claps my back. We’re both tall men, so our heads almost brush the ceiling in the small kitchen.

  “That’s the spirit, my friend. You sure about this though? I know I’ve been egging you on, but no pressure. If you want to continue the status quo, then I’m more than happy to accede.”

  I look into his blue eyes, and my gaze traces Rex’s sculpted yet sensuous m
outh. I’ve felt that mouth on every single part of my body, and I want a woman to enjoy that indescribable feeling as well.

  “No, I’m sure,” I say in a low voice. “I’ll set it up, and you just show up at the right time. We’ll be there for Marni.”

  Rex nods and leans close for a moment. There’s no sound from Jessica’s room, so presumably, our daughter is already asleep. Our lips join briefly in a deep kiss, and I feel Rex stroke gently down the front of my pants. Immediately, I go hard but this isn’t the time.

  “Keep me posted,” is all he whispers before heading out the front door. Then, Rex disappears into the night and I’m left standing in the kitchen. Are we really going to do this? Are we going to risk everything in order to sample the curvy Marni? It sounds incredible, but it seems the decision has already been made.



  I smooth down my skirt nervously before taking another small sip of the Shirley Temple in front of me. Where are they? This is so nerve-wracking, and yet here I am.

  Yesterday, when Jessica told me she’d found a solution to my problem, I was overjoyed.

  “What is it?” I breathed. “Did you convince my dad to re-join Dads and Daughters?”

  Jess got a gleam to her eye.

  “No, not exactly,” she hedged. “But I think my dads have come up with a solution.”

  I wrinkled my brow at her.

  “You told other people? Jess, I thought this was all confidential!”

  My friend blows a strand of hair out of her eyes impatiently.

  “Please, Marni. It’s not like this was some big secret. Both Tex and Rex have been members of Dads and Daughters for a long time, so they already knew about Brent quitting. News travels fast in this community. But I talked to them about your conundrum, and they think they know how to fix this.”

  I try to calm my fluttering heart. Tex and Rex are Jess’s dad and stepdad, respectively. They’re both huge, handsome men, who also work as long-haul truckers. To be honest, I’ve had a crush on both of them for ages now, and although it thrilled me to find out they were part of the group, I’m also a little embarrassed. Hopefully, they don’t know why Brent doesn’t want me to join.


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