The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 45

by S. E. Law

  Aaron nods.

  “It’s been great so far. We signed up for Dads and Daughters as soon as we heard about the group, and we’ve been members for a while now.”

  I stare at them.

  “Wait, do you guys have daughters? Are you old enough to be dads?”

  The men look at each other and smile before turning back to me.

  “No, we’re only thirty, so we haven’t reproduced yet. Although, we’d like to, that’s for certain. But so far, we’re single guys.”

  I scrunch my brow at them.

  “Oh really? I thought you could only join Dads and Daughters if you had a daughter.”

  The two men shrug.

  “Nope. We were admitted even though we have no children. Maybe there’s been a change in the rules? I don’t know,” says Aaron.

  That gets me wondering. Come to think of it, I only know a couple dads and they have daughters around the same age as me. Maybe there are men in the club who don’t have children, or who only have sons. I’ve been so wrapped up in pleasure for the past two years that my mind has been murky when it comes to the details.

  “No, I think you’re right,” I say slowly. “I think dads can join even if they don’t have daughters. I mean, what are you going to do if you only have sons? Adopt a girl?”

  “Exactly,” winks Aaron. “We don’t have any kids, so it would be tough for us to procure a daughter out of nowhere.”

  By now, I’m fully dressed again although the two men are still nude.

  “Um, should I go and get you some clothes?” I ask, trying not to look down at their huge clubs. “Or some towels?”

  Aaron and Andrew laugh and nod.

  “Yeah, I guess that sounds good. I was enjoying our getting-to-know-you conversation in the nude, except you’re dressed now. But it has been good getting to know you, Naomi,” winks one man.

  “Oh sure,” I say quickly, flustered again. “I’ll be back in a minute. Let me just get some towels and we can keep talking.”

  With a small wave and an awkward laugh, I dart from the laundromat and clamber up the steps to the main level. Oh my god, what just happened? Even though I wiped off some of the men’s juice from my curves, I can still smell it everywhere. It’s in my hair, smeared all over my breasts and belly, and even in my tiny hole. I know, because I asked them to put it in there.

  Holy shit. How did things get so out of hand? But as I skulk around, hunting for two towels, I know I want to get to know Aaron and Andrew better because I want answers.



  I make my way upstairs and look around. The coast is clear. Oh my god, where am I going to find towels? Should I go to my room and swipe some from the rack? But that would entail a ten-minute walk, and in the meantime, Aaron and Andrew are still waiting for me in their natural state.

  It’s a gorgeous natural state though. The two men have the physiques of Greek gods and charming smiles to match. They’re humorous and quite witty, come to think of it. I’d love to get to know them better.

  But as I’m sneaking down the hall, my heart sinks. Oh no, an older girl named Melissa is coming my way with a bright smile. She’s really beautiful with honey-colored hair and warm brown eyes. Unfortunately, Melissa’s also very talkative and this is not the time for a chat. I have work to do.

  I smile and keep walking quickly, hoping that we’ll just nod at one another in passing. But unfortunately, Melissa’s eyes light up when she sees me and she lets out a squeal.

  “Hey Naomi! What’s up? I haven’t seen you in a while.”

  “Hey Melissa,” I say with a vague smile, trying to look busy. “I’d love to talk but I’m in the middle of doing laundry and forgot some things in my room. I’ll catch you later, okay?”

  Unfortunately, Melissa decides to turn and walk with me. She’s so beautiful that I feel really dumpy next to her. She’s a big girl too, but in a model-esque way. Her curves are toned and strong, and she resembles the model Ashley Graham with her sultry eyes, pert nose, and delicate mouth.

  “Oh no worries, I’ll walk with you,” she says, companionably inserting her arm into mine. “There’s so much to share. Wait a minute. What’s that smell?” she asks, her nose wrinkling uncertainly. “It smells sticky, sweet, and … oh my god. Naomi, did you? Did you really?”

  I try not to blush.

  “Did I what?” I ask innocently while subtly pulling away from her with my body. “I’m wearing dirty clothes right now. That’s why I’m doing laundry.”

  Melissa stops and faces me, her hands on her curvy hips.

  “Naomi, did you just get a come bath?”

  I sigh, my shoulders slumping. Only in Dads and Daughters would that be a reasonable question.

  “Not a come bath exactly,” I hedge. “But something like that. I got sprayed,” I say simply.

  “Ooooh!” Melissa squeals, taking my arm again before dropping it. “By whom? Oh my god, I love come baths.”

  I roll my eyes.

  “Sometimes, I wonder if Dads and Daughters is getting a little too raunchy,” I say wryly. “You do know that our topic of conversation is completely taboo, right?

  Melissa immediately begins giggling and I roll my eyes.

  “Yes, but that’s why I love it here,” she chortles. “You’ll have to tell me about it, girlfriend, but I’ll let you get your laundry done first. I can tell it’s very urgent,” she says teasingly.

  Thank goodness for small blessings. Melissa is really annoying me right now, even though I know her intentions are good.

  “Great,” I say, trying to remain civil. “I’ll see you later, okay? I’ve got to get my laundry done.”

  With that, I hurry off as quickly as possible while Melissa continues giggling. What does she have up her sleeve? Seriously, that girl annoys me sometimes although I understand she’s very good when it comes to making men happy. Maybe I can pick up a couple of tips and tricks from her.

  Not today though. I stride purposefully down the hall, but I’m not sure where I’m going. Where am I going to find clothes for the Aaron and Andrew? I need to make this happen. Suddenly, inspiration strikes. The pool is nearby, and there must be extra towels there.

  I walk quickly down the hallway, do a quick left, a quick right, and then another quick left. There it is. The entryway to the pool is quite ornate. There’s an enormous golden door that opens to a tiled foyer. The entryway is done in blue and white mosaic, and a fountain with a golden phoenix springs from the basin. It’s quite lush actually, and reminds me of a fancy Turkish bath.

  But I ignore all that for now. I quickly walk through the hall, my shoes tapping lightly on the tiles. To my right, the pool itself comes into view through floor to ceiling windows. I glance down at the scene, and gasp. It’s a debauched one, that’s for sure.

  Men and women play in the steamy water. There are games of chicken as well as underwater Marco Polo going on. But what’s unique about Dads and Daughters is that the club has a special rule for the pool: women must be topless. Therefore, the daughters in the water are absolutely entrancing. Most of them wear tiny panties, but that’s it. Otherwise, their breasts bobble and bounce out in the open, and they laugh and play while as wet and slick as otters.

  Not only that, but there’s a jacuzzi off to the side, and although the steam there is heavy, I can see writhing forms twisting in the mist. There’s definitely a threesome going on, judging from the pumping shapes and heads thrown back with ecstasy.

  Normally, I’d stay and watch because it can be fun, and who knows? Maybe I’ll pick up some tips. Besides, the people want me to see: there’s definitely an element of exhibitionism associated with the pool because the girls are nude and the men like to enjoy them without going back up to their rooms first. Hell, the staff probably have to replace the water every day just because there’s so much male seed floating around.

  But today isn’t the day to loiter. Instead, I speed by the windows and enter the locker room. Fortunately, there’s
no one inside. The women’s locker room, like all else at the Lodge, is quite plush. Full size lockers adorn the walls, and there’s also a long vanity table with complimentary soaps and lotions set out.

  But that’s not what I need. Hurriedly, I dart to one of the cupboards and yank it open. Ah ha. Perfect. A towering stack of fluffy white towels greets me. I grab two, and turn around, only to see another girl, Layla, looking at me curiously.

  “Are you okay, Naomi?” she asks. “You look a little flustered.”

  I stand there, momentarily perplexed.

  “Um, who, me?” I say innocently while biting my lip. “I’m totally fine. Just grabbing some clean towels, that’s all.”

  Layla looks at me oddly. She’s about nine months pregnant, and glowing as a result. Her long honey-colored hair flows down her back, and her breasts are even bigger because of the child within. Momentarily, I’m envious. Layla is in a committed relationship with one of the dads, Tyler, and they seem so happy together. While I wouldn’t give up my current lifestyle for anything, at the same time, it seems like it would be nice to have a steady. I’d have someone to take care of, and someone to take care of me in return. Hmm, maybe I’m aging out of the daughter track. I’ll have to give it some thought.

  “Um, so how’s your pregnancy going?” I ask lamely, trying to change the topic of conversation. I don’t want to talk about the smell of come currently emanating from my clothes. Besides, Layla’s pregnancy is impossible to miss because she’s wearing nothing but pink bikini bottoms. Her huge belly protrudes two feet in front of her, and her big breasts rest on top of the mountain, even larger than normal.

  “Oh it’s good,” she says while smiling. “The only thing is that I’m already beginning to leak.”

  My mouth goes open.

  “What do you mean?” I say quickly. “Oh my god, did your water break? Are you okay? Should I call the doctor?”

  We have a doctor resident at the Lodge who could come to Layla’s assistance immediately. But the curvy girl merely shakes her head and smiles.

  “No, I mean I’m leaking milk prematurely. The baby isn’t due for another two weeks, but look,” she says, gesturing at her nipples. “I’m already beginning to lactate.”

  Sure enough, the tips of her tits are gleaming slightly. As I watch, a bead of white fluid gathers at the tip of one, and then slowly drips down the underside of her breast.

  “Oh shit!” she says ruefully, wiping it up with a finger. “I guess I’m not going in the pool now,” she says. “I thought it had stopped, but clearly, I’m a milk fountain right now. Sorry, Naomi. I need to get myself cleaned up. I’ll talk to you later, okay?”

  She waves and walks off, leaving me alone in the locker room once more. I blink. What just happened? Today is the craziest day ever. First, I caught two men banging each other while I enjoyed my time in the laundromat. Then, Melissa tells me I smell like male seed. To top it all off, I catch Layla lactating out in the open! What kind of place is this?

  With a smile, I gather the towels in my arms and scurry out. This is Dads and Daughters, and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love the filth and debauchery, and now, it’s time to meet the men who caught me in the act. Andrew and Aaron are waiting, and I’m not going to let them down.



  There’s a slight tapping sound and then the door swings open to reveal the gorgeous form of Naomi. She smiles at us shyly while walking our way. Her arms are loaded with fluffy white towels, and she holds them out to us.

  “Sorry it took so long,” she says apologetically. “I got waylaid while on my mission.”

  I smile.

  “Waylaid? That sounds serious.”

  She rolls her eyes a bit.

  “Well, let’s just say that the girls at the Lodge were oddly chatty today for some reason. I mean, we’re friends, but I wanted to find the towels and then make a quick getaway. Unfortunately, today, two different girls decided to have conversations with me.”

  Andrew and I take the towels, wrapping them around our waists. Naomi nods at us, her eyes hungrily eating our bronzed chests and washboard abs. Her eyes skim over our muscles, and her pink tongue slips out for a moment to lick her lips as if she’s ravenous.

  But we’ll get to all that soon enough. Right now, we should grab our laundry and get out of here.

  “No worries,” my friend drawls while reaching for our laundry basket. “Let’s get out of here, no? You want to come by our suite for some lunch?”

  Naomi blushes.

  “But what about my clothes?” she asks, pointing to her washer. “They’re sopping wet still, and I feel bad leaving the mess for someone else to find.”

  I reach in and test the clothes.

  “No, it’s okay. Your stuff has already gone through the spin cycle, so they’re pretty dry. Come on, let’s load this stuff into dryers and then we can head out.”

  Naomi shoots us a sassy grin.

  “I love guys who know their way around housework, did I mention?” she asks. “I find it very sexy.”

  I laugh.

  “Well, you’ll be even more excited to know that Andrew and I cook. We’re both gourmet chefs, in fact.”

  Her eyes go wide and her mouth drops open as we begin loading our clothes into the huge, over-sized dryers.

  “Are you serious?” she asks. “But how do you cook while you’re on the road? Don’t you miss having a kitchen?”

  We nod.

  “Yeah, definitely,” responds Andrew. “But we had our truck outfitted with a top of the line kitchen. Of course, it doesn’t compare to a real kitchen, but it’s a lot more than the hot plate or two-top that you get in a standard cab. We also put in an oven, and we keep a deep fryer and a sous vide pressure cooker on board too.”

  The pretty girl gasps even as she throws in some dryer sheets.

  “A deep fryer? A pressure cooker? Really?”

  Andrew nods, grinning.

  “Hell yeah. You never know when you’ll be craving a turducken. The only thing to cook that behemoth is a deep fryer. You know what turducken is, right?”

  Naomi smiles and nods uncertainly.

  “I think I do. But people only cook turduckens around Thanksgiving right?”

  I shake my head.

  “Nope, not us. We cook it when we have the urge because it tastes good. There are three types of meat. It’s a chicken wrapped in a duck wrapped in a turkey, and then all dumped into the deep fryer at high heat. Yum.”

  Naomi giggles a bit. We’ve finished starting the dryers, and we head upstairs.

  “Do you want to visit our suite?” I ask.

  “Sure,” she nods. “But back to the turducken,” she says. “How in the world do you cook it in your cab? I know some of the new trucks are quite spacious, but still: a deep fryer is really dangerous. You shouldn’t have that near your beds.”

  “Of course not,” Andrew says seriously as we stride down the hall. We’re making our way to where the single men have their rooms. For obvious reasons, there’s a wing where single men sleep, and another where the pretty bachelorettes sleep. Not that anyone stops us from associating, morning, noon, and night. There are plenty of escapades going on at all hours, but the Lodge can be old-fashioned sometimes, and I find it quaint and charming. I hear that college kids these days live in mixed-gender dorms which takes the magic out of relationships. Then again, maybe I’m the one who’s old fashioned.

  Regardless, I’m happy to be chatting with Naomi. The conversation between the three of us flows easily, and she’s obviously intelligent and curious. She asks us about the turducken again.

  “So where do you cook this fine fowl dish, if not in your truck?” she asks.

  Andrew and I share a glance.

  “Good question. We wait until we’re at a suitable location. For example, Wal-Mart doesn’t let us set up deep fryers in their parking lots, but there are certain places that do. Then we pull the deep fryer out into the open, away from huma
nity so that the hot oil doesn’t splatter. Then we hook it all up, throw the meat in and voila! You’ve got a turducken.”

  Naomi giggles a bit when we reach our suite. She nods.

  “Wow, I’d love to get a taste of your turducken sometime,” she teases. “I don’t think the chefs here make that very often. We have steak a lot, as well as lamb chops and pulled pork, but I don’t recall ever having turducken.”

  I nod, opening the door to let her into our suite.

  “Yeah, the chefs here are really talented, but they like to stick to their tried-and-trues. After all, how can you go wrong with a filet mignon? All you need is a good cut of beef. But with turducken, a lot of things can go awry. The duck isn’t good, or the chicken wasn’t raised right. It’s triple the trouble, but triple the goodness too. Would you like to sit?” I ask, gesturing to our comfortable living room while Andrew rummages in the kitchen for some glasses.

  “Thanks,” Naomi smiles, plunking her curvy form on our overstuffed couch. “Nice place here.”

  I grin and look around.

  “It’s homey, but we like it. Andrew and I don’t love overdone décor. We like things simple and comfortable, so yeah, we did this place up to our heart’s content.”

  I’m referring to the big brown leather couches, as well as the club chairs and heavy wooden side tables. Our suite is very masculine, in line with the rest of the Lodge. However, Naomi turns and surveys the space. It’s not big, so she can see through the open doorway to where Andrew is puttering around. The bathroom is on the left, and then there’s a closed door to the bedroom.

  “Wait a minute,” she says slowly. “So do you guys share a bedroom? Or is this a pull out couch?” she asks, bouncing up and down a bit on the big sofa.

  Andrew comes back in from the kitchen bearing three glasses of water and he hands one to her before sharing a look with me.

  “Well, honey,” he says, his voice smooth. “Since you’ve already seen Aaron and I together, then you might as well know: we share a bed most nights.”


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