The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 46

by S. E. Law

  Naomi nods slowly, looking at us.

  “Has it always been this way?” she asks.

  I share another look with my friend.

  “Sort of. Not really,” I amend. “We only just joined Dads and Daughters. In fact, we haven’t been in the trucking business for long. Before that, we were professional baseball players.”

  Naomi nods.

  “How was that?”

  Andrew and I share another look.

  “It was hard,” he says honestly. “Professional sports is a difficult way to make a living. It’s competitive, and you’re out there with the best of the best. You train for hours every day, and every guy out there wants to get out of the Minors. We were in the Minors,” he explains. “We played for the Iowa Cubs.”

  Naomi nods.

  “Which team are they affiliated with?” she asks.

  I smile.

  “The Chicago Cubs. But that’s the thing, sweetheart. Each major league team has more than one minor league affiliate, so we weren’t just competing with the guys on our team, although that’s already hard enough, as you can imagine. We were also competing against the Tennessee Smokies, the Myrtle Beach Pelicans, and the Eugene Emeralds, to name a few.”

  Naomi looks confused.

  “But Myrtle Beach and Eugene are nowhere near Chicago,” she says.

  I nod.

  “Yeah, the Minors are pretty different from the Majors. Farm teams can be scattered all over the country because they’re trying to capture talent from all over the place. Believe it or not, some of the most successful farm teams, meaning those that promote the most baseball players to major league teams, are in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic.”

  Naomi nods.

  “Oh yeah, I can totally believe it. There are so many talented Dominican players in the MLB.”

  We both look at her with a bit of surprise.

  “You follow baseball?”

  She shakes her head.

  “Not a lot, but a little. My dad used to take me to games because he was a huge fan. I learned a lot from him.”

  We nod.

  “It means a lot to us because we used to play ball for a living. Which team did your dad follow?”

  Naomi grins.

  “All of them. He was a fanatic. He had a thing for the Mets, but really, he just loved them all.”

  My friend and I throw our heads back and laugh.

  “A die-hard, huh? Well, your dad is the kind of guy that we’d appreciate because we need more like him. Now, kids these days just stay indoors watching Netflix and playing video games. We need guys who’ll teach their sons and daughters to get out there and play. It’s good for the mind, body, and soul.”

  Naomi nods, but then her eyes go serious.

  “But what happened with the Iowa Cubs? Why did you guys leave?”

  Andrew and I share another look. Most people assume that we were cut because we weren’t good enough. But instead, the story is a lot more complicated.

  “Well, sweetheart, you know that Andrew and I are bisexual,” I begin. “That means that we enjoy each other, but we also enjoy women.”

  The brunette cocks her head at us.

  “Sure, but what does that have to do with playing baseball? A lot of organizations, and I’m sure MLB is included, prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation.”

  Andrew nods.

  “They do, and there are even a few gay guys scattered throughout the league. But there’s a difference between following the law and going with your gut. Baseball is a very masculine sport. The guys are dogs, and quite a few of our buddies were sleeping with groupies non-stop. In fact, we have a motto: when your team is down, your pecker’s got to get up. Do you know what that means?”

  Naomi blushes.

  “I can guess.”

  I nod.

  “Yeah, it means that when you’re on a losing streak, the guys try to sleep with as many women as possible to break it. Of course, it makes no sense whatsoever, and we’re not even superstitious. But baseball has a lot of asshole-ery running through it, as you can tell.”

  Naomi nods but looks confused.

  “So your teammates knew you were bisexual, and didn’t approve?”

  Andrew and I take deep breaths.

  “It’s not that they didn’t approve,” my friend says slowly. “No one would come out and say that because it’s against the law. Saying something like that is against club regulations, and the MLB would come down on you like a ton of bricks. But Aaron and I definitely felt discomfort in the air from everyone: our teammates, the coaches, the trainers, and even the equipment handlers. Baseball has come a long way, but it’s not perfect.”

  Naomi looks outraged.

  “But that’s so wrong! I can’t believe that people are like that! I hope you told them off.”

  I shake my head slowly.

  “It’s easy to say, but it’s hard to do. We care about these folks. They’re good people, and it takes time to change. Again, there’s a lot of testosterone in sports, and the MLB is no exception.”

  Naomi is getting more and more angry.

  “Well, I hope you took it up with your attorneys or whomever is in charge! Don’t they have a law for this? Title IX or something like that?”

  Andrew and I share a look again.

  “They do, but you see, that’s not the answer because we love these people. We want them to do well, and we don’t want to cause trouble. That’s not the kind of guys we are. We’re not out there as the next Gloria Steinem or Harvey Milk. We’re regular guys, and it was enough to get as far as we did.”

  Naomi is still flustered and her cheeks go pink.

  “So you walked away? Just like that?”

  I share another look with Andrew and nod.

  “We did. We started looking at other career paths, and long-haul trucking was a great option. We’re already used to being out on the road for weeks at a time. We’re excellent drivers, and when we offered ourselves as a two-man team, quite a few employers immediately bit. It was a no-brainer Naomi. We love baseball and all that it represents, but long-haul trucking is our true destiny. Plus, the trucking community is very open-minded, contrary to its reputation. People know that Andrew and I are into one another, but they don’t seem to care. We share a suite here with only one bedroom, but no one’s commented on it.”

  Naomi’s eyes are still blazing.

  “But still,” she says. “What happened is so unfair.”

  My friend and I nod slowly.

  “We love your spirit,” he says in a soothing tone. “But as you get older, Naomi, you’ll see that the world is never fair. We’re taught to speak up for ourselves in order to fight the good fight, but sometimes, that’s not the best route. Have you ever heard of the motto ‘the meek shall inherit’? We’re not meek, but we’re also not rabble-rousers. We didn’t want to get involved with lawsuits and lawyers. We want to be happy, and long-haul trucking has given that to us.”

  “Not to mention the money,” I add with a wry smile. “In the Minors, we made a pittance. Barely enough to pay for food and gas. But trucking is a very lucrative industry, and we’re making five or six times as much as we used to.”

  Naomi looks thoughtful, and I’m glad because it shows she’s an intelligent woman. I love the fact that she’s definitely on our side, and wants what’s best for us because again, sometimes fighting is not the best option. Sometimes, it can be better to appreciate what you have, and to count your blessings before moving onto the next thing.

  “I get it,” she says slowly. “I think I’m too much of a firecracker sometimes.”

  “But we appreciate it,” Andrew inserts quickly. “That kind of sassy spirit is very attractive.”

  She throws us rueful smiles.

  “Well, it’s definitely gotten me into more trouble than I can handle in the past,” she says. “But I’m glad things worked out for you guys. Do you miss baseball though? It must have been hard to give it up.”

bsp; Andrew and I nod.

  “Yeah, definitely. It’s something that we both grew up playing, and it was such a big part of our lives for so long. But you move on because that’s how life is. We grew up and we’re pursuing different dreams now.”

  Naomi smiles a bit secretively while taking another sip of her water.

  “Does Dads and Daughters have a part in those dreams?”

  Andrew and I throw our heads back with a laugh.

  “In fact, it does. We joined Dads and Daughters because we’ve been looking for a curvy girl to be with us. Don’t get me wrong. We like being with each other, but we need a sweet woman to complete our threesome.”

  Naomi nods, flushing a bit.

  “And Dads and Daughters is the perfect venue to find that woman?”

  Andrew and I share another look, and then I nod seriously.

  “It is because there are already quite a few threesomes in the club. The Lodge is very tolerant of polyamorous relationships, and we’re grateful for that. Once we found that it’s not just an accepted lifestyle, but a lifestyle that’s embraced, we were all in.”

  Naomi nods slowly.

  “That’s true. There’s Sienna with Jock and Jack, and Marni with Tex and Rex. Oh, and by the way, you know that Jock and Jack are brothers right?”

  I nod, eyes amused.

  “Sure do.”

  “Plus,” Naomi adds. “You know that Tex and Rex are her friend Jess’s dad and stepdad right? As you can tell, Jessica’s mom has been around the block.”

  Andrew grins, flashing white teeth.

  “And that’s why we love Dads and Daughters. There are all sorts of taboo relationships going on, but no one thinks it’s weird. Instead, everyone understands that love has many permutations, and is very accepting of these relationships.”

  Naomi nods.

  “It’s important to be open-minded, especially since some of these girls are pregnant now. I know Sienna’s expecting, and Marni might be too. I wouldn’t be surprised. She’s with two very virile men, after all.”

  Andrew and I nod again.

  “Pregnancy is quite common around the Lodge, but that’s one of the great things about Dads and Daughters. This is a close-knit community which supports its members. Pregnant ladies are very much welcomed and even fawned over by other members.”

  Naomi smiles.

  “I know because remember how I mentioned I bumped into two girls today? One of them was Layla, and she’s super-pregnant right now. She was heading to the pool with her huge belly, and she wasn’t embarrassed at all. Plus, per pool regulations, she only had on bikini bottoms.”

  The two men’s eyes gleam.

  “The pool is a place we definitely want to get to more.”

  Naomi smiles knowingly.

  “Yes, absolutely. But get this: Layla didn’t actually go into the water because she started lactating right there in front of me.”

  That makes Andrew and I stop. There aren’t many things that can make us halt in our tracks, but this is one of them.

  “You mean, she was delivering milk?” I ask, stumped.

  Naomi nods.

  “Yep. She hasn’t given birth yet, but I guess it can happen sometimes. It’s premature milk production. Layla was very sanitary though. Once she realized what was happening, she grabbed a towel and immediately went to clean herself up.”

  I share a knowing glance with my friend.

  “Who did you say her boyfriend is?”

  Naomi thinks for a moment.

  “Tyler. He’s Sienna’s dad, if you can believe it.”

  I shake my head.

  “No, I definitely believe it. The relationships at the club are convoluted, but then, there are so many lush women around, and everyone is open to sharing. That’s what makes Dads and Daughters great. But my guess is that Layla didn’t just clean herself off. My guess is that Tyler … ah, helped her, is what they say.”

  The brunette stops for a moment and cocks her head.

  “What do you mean?”

  Andrew and I share another look.

  “You know, sweetheart, they say that breast milk is one of the most nutritious substances in the world. It tastes sweet, and has a nutrition profile unlike any other drink.”

  Naomi stares at us, her cheeks going red.

  “You’re kidding me.”

  Andrew and I share another look.

  “No, it’s a possibility. I know it’s shocking, but there’s a good chance that Tyler’s suckling Layla’s milk as we speak. Why waste such a precious substance? Unless you freeze it for the baby, it’s going down the drain.”

  Naomi is stunned.

  “Cat got your tongue?” Andrew jokes, his eyes gleaming. “There’s so much about Dads and Daughters that’s raunchy and wrong, but that’s why we love it here. The taboo nature. The forbidden acts. The polyamorous relationships with men who are brothers. That’s what gives Dads and Daughters its kick.”

  Naomi clear her throat, and it sounds like she’s swallowing a frog.

  “You’re right,” she says after a short pause. “I love it here, and Dads and Daughters has opened new vistas for me. I’ve made so many friends and met a lot of wonderful men too. You know that I’m here on my residency, don’t you?” she asks slowly.

  We nod.

  “We guessed as much. Most of the young women living here are doing their tours, so it’s to be expected. How long have you been resident?”

  She blushes a bit.

  “This is my second year. I moved in last year, right after my initiation.”

  Andrew and I pause delicately.

  “How has it been?”

  Naomi blushes again, but then she seems to get a hold of herself. She sits up straighter on the couch, and squares her shoulders.

  “It’s been wonderful,” she says in a firm voice. “I’ve met so many men, and they’ve taken care of me the same way I take care of them. I do both out-calls and in-house.”

  Andrew and I nod slowly.

  “And do you like it?”

  Naomi looks a bit embarrassed, but then she straightens her shoulders again.

  “Yes, I do,” she says firmly. “I love sampling all the different truckers who come my way, and every single one has been generous and kind. I’d never be able to say that in the real world. Instead, I’d probably be at home crying most nights over some guy’s atrocious treatment of me while worrying about diseases and pregnancy. Here at the club, it’s not a problem at all. I’m able to share my body freely, and I love doing it.”

  Andrew and I nod again.

  “And we love that about the club as well. It’s one of the things we adore about the women here: they’re sassy and confident about their sexual histories. It’s not a problem for us at all. In fact, practice makes perfect. The more you experience at the hands of multiple partners, the better you are in the sack. It makes perfect sense.”

  Naomi inhales deeply and her hands grip the glass tightly.

  “So you don’t mind that I’ve been with a lot of guys?”

  Andrew and I look at one another and shrug.

  “No, of course not. It’s par for the course at the club. Every girl doing her residency has been with multiple men. Again, we see it as an asset, and not as a negative.”

  Naomi looks relieved, but she’s still wary.

  “But you know that some of the girls that we’ve talked about never really did their residencies. Like Sienna. She met Jock and Jack right off the bat, and she’s been with them exclusively since the very beginning. The same goes for Layla. She’s been with Tyler since the day she was initiated. In fact, I think Tyler was her initiator.”

  I nod.

  “That may be the case, but it’s not a big deal for us. Every girl has her own story, and yours is one of glorious multitude. Again, we love it Naomi. It makes you even more precious in our eyes.”

  She lets out a deep breath.

  “I appreciate it, but why are we even talking about this?” she asks in a slo
w voice. “Why all this stuff about your past in the Minors, and my past with all these different men? After all, if we’re nothing but a hook-up, it shouldn’t matter.”

  Andrew and I share a look then.

  “Well, it does matter because like we mentioned earlier, my friend and I are looking for a very special girl to join us on a long-term basis, if she’s interested. It can be pretty hard to find that girl while you’re on the road. Sure, there are a lot of daughters available, but not all of them want to do MMF, and we respect that. They want straight MFM, or sometimes even straight MF, and that’s okay. We make sure to vet every woman we’re with, and we never cross boundaries if we can help it. But our true nature is as bisexual men, and we’d like to find a steady partner to join us.”

  Naomi inhales sharply, turning stunned brown eyes to us.

  “And you think I could be that girl?”

  Andrew and I share another look before nodding.

  “Yes, definitely. Let’s just say that we already broke a lot of rules with our encounter in the laundromat. You caught us in flagrante, if you will, and not only that, but you have a luscious, curvy body and a dirty mind too. What you did with that washing machine was entrancing, honey. We’d love to do that with you again – and more.”

  She blushes hotly now.

  “Well, I’m not sure what to say,” she says. “I mean, you caught me unawares.”

  “Were you embarrassed?” Andrew asks in a gentle voice.

  She nods but then quickly shakes her head.

  “No, not at all. I was completely comfortable with you guys.”

  Pleased smiles spread over our faces.

  “Then the encounter was perfect,” I say in a low, hoarse rasp. “In fact, we’d love to show you more, Naomi. Back in the laundry room, neither of us touched you. Correction: we sprayed you with our come, but we didn’t stroke your curves or make you shudder. We want to do that for you now. Will you let us, Naomi?”

  Her brown eyes grow wide and surprised as that big bosom heaves. But I already know the answer. The luscious girl is going to say yes, and I can’t wait to get started.



  It’s funny how you can meet someone, yet feel like you’ve known them your entire lives. It’s like that for me with Aaron and Andrew. I just met them two hours ago in the laundry room, yet I feel completely at ease in their presence. The two men are still wearing nothing but towels wrapped around their waists, and yet it feels completely normal to be sitting in their living room chatting, as if nothing is wrong.


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