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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 48

by S. E. Law

  My heart pounds as I loiter in the foyer, waiting for their return. The first delivery of face masks went fine, but then my men were asked to deliver additional shipments of face masks to other remote villages in Alaska. How could they say no? They have generous hearts and giving spirits. Thus, their return was delayed, and it’s been six long months of separation.

  But now, the time for reckoning has come. I’m six months along, and my belly swells gently above my waistband. I stroke the bulge lovingly, even if I’m nervous. Andrew and Aaron will want their child, won’t they? The two alpha males always take care of their own, or so I hope.



  We knock at the door and then push the wooden slab open and enter. The knock was just a courtesy because we have keys to the Lodge. In fact, this particular Lodge’s door is almost always unlocked because it’s located in the woods. There aren’t many strangers coming by, and we know everyone in the vicinity.

  To our surprise, Naomi’s standing in the foyer waiting for us. She looks even more beautiful than I remember. Her curvy figure is even more luscious, and those brown curls spring about her face in a halo. Her skin is ivory, and her delicate features register surprise and then relief.

  “Aaron! Andrew!” she cries while hurling herself into our arms. “I’ve missed you.”

  I embrace her generous figure while my friend strokes her back soothingly.

  “We’ve missed you too, honey. We were gone a lot longer than anticipated, but it’s okay. We’re back now and everything’s going to be fine.”

  I murmur sweet nothings into her hair, but then something strange happens. I feel a nudge against my abdomen, like someone small just kicked me. I pull apart from Naomi for a moment to look into that angelic face. Her eyes are wide, and her cheeks pink. That luscious pout is slightly parted, and her skin appears as if she’s glowing from within.

  Wait a minute. She’s glowing. I step away from her to survey her figure, and sure enough, there’s a slight bulge at her tummy. Our girl has always had a generous physique, but the bump is unmistakable, and I’m surprised it took me a few minutes to notice.

  “Sweetheart, are you …?” I ask, my voice raspy. My heart is going at a million miles an hour in my chest, and my pulse feels like it’s running a sprint. Holy shit. Holy fuck.

  Aaron catches on just as quickly, and his jaw drops to the floor before color streaks his cheekbones.

  “Are you ...?” he echoes in a whisper.

  Naomi smiles at us tearfully.

  “Yes,” she whispers. “I’m expecting your child, Aaron and Andrew. I didn’t know when you left, and I wasn’t sure for a while. I could have told you over the CB radio, but I wanted to deliver this momentous news to you in person,” she says in a wavery voice. “Are you happy?” she asks in a whisper.

  I stare at her, unable to comprehend.

  “Sweetheart, we’re over the moon!” I practically roar, gathering her into my arms and showering her with kisses. “This is the best welcome home gift ever! How could you think otherwise?”

  Naomi literally begins crying then, her voice coming out in choked sobs.

  “Because we didn’t talk about us, or our relationship, or what we were doing before you left. You guys were called back onto the job so quickly, and I get it because it was an emergency. But I didn’t know what was happening, and then I realized I was pregnant,” she says in a choked voice.

  Aaron steps in then.

  “Baby, this is the best gift you could ever give us. And we know we left you in a lurch but it was because of this damned corona virus epidemic. But why would you ever think that we wouldn’t want you? This is like a dream come true.”

  Naomi looks at us through teary eyes, still crying a little.

  “Because of what we do, and who we are,” she says softly. “You’re virile truckers who are used to seeing women while on the road. I’m a daughter currently stationed at a Lodge, and I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to keep entertaining other men—”

  I cut her off.

  “Wait. Have you seen other men? I know we didn’t talk about it, and it’s fine if you have, sweetheart. Please just tell us the truth.”

  To my relief, Naomi shakes her head.

  “No, I could never be with other men, especially not when I’m pregnant with your child. But I didn’t know! I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do, and it killed me to think that you might be enjoying other women on your trek.”

  Both Aaron and I stare at her.

  “No sweetheart. I’m sorry we weren’t more clear before we left. Andrew and I haven’t seen anyone else,” my friend says in a low, emotional voice. “You’re it for us. We’ve been with each other, of course,” he says, sliding a look my way. “But that’s it. We haven’t been with any other woman since you came along.”

  With that, Naomi flings herself into our arms again, crying wholeheartedly.

  “I’m so glad,” she manages between sobs. “I haven’t seen any men either, and … well, it was just so confusing for a while.”

  We stroke her soft back, while pressing kisses to her wet cheeks.

  “I know, sweetheart,” I say in a soothing voice. “We should have tied up all loose ends before we left, but it’s okay. Look what we’ve been blessed with! There’s a baby on the way, and we have you.”

  “You mean everything to us,” Aaron adds in a low voice. “There wasn’t a minute on the road where we didn’t think of you, Naomi. You’re our sweet girl, and now that you’re going to be the mother of our child, will you think about a long-term relationship with us? We love you, Naomi, and would be honored to be your men.”

  The beautiful brunette looks at us, her eyes teary, as a smile slips over her voice.

  “Yes, Aaron and Andrew. I would love to be your woman.”

  With that, our future is set. We didn’t mean to conceive a child with the curvy girl, nor did we mean to disappear for six months. But sometimes, life is unpredictable. As with baseball, we’ve taken our lumps and bumps, yet also come out of the experience with a wealth of blessings. And now, with a baby on the way, Naomi will be pleasing and teasing us forever, as our woman.



  I moan as Andrew and Aaron lick sweetly at my swollen slit. I’m now nine months along, and the baby’s due any day now. Yet, my men are totally into my pregnant figure. If anything, it arouses them unbearably, and they’re on me day and night.

  “Oooh,” I sigh while tilting my head back and spreading my knees wider. “Yes, just like that.”

  “Sweetheart, we’re afraid to poke the baby if we take you the front way. Is your back passage flexible?” rasps Aaron, looking up for a moment.

  I glance down and smile sweetly at them before rolling my knees up even further to expose my pink wrinkle.

  “Yes, of course,” I mewl. “This is yours, just as all of me is yours.”

  After all, Aaron, Andrew and I are in a committed relationship now. It wasn’t a surprise at all to the dads and daughters at the Lodge because I’d been mooning about hopelessly, while growing bigger and bigger with my pregnancy. Of course, when Aaron and Andrew came back, everything was settled. I moved into their suite, and my term as a daughter officially ended.

  Now, I’m only with my two alpha males, and they’re only with me. They still go out on long hauls, but we talk about everything and anything now. Nothing is too precious, secret, or shameful. Not after what we’ve already endured.

  But now, with me headed into labor and delivery soon, Andrew and Aaron have taken care not to leave my side. They’ve turned down all jobs, and catered to me like two worried mother hens.

  “Whatever you want,” Aaron often says with a tender look in his eye.

  “Any way you like it,” adds Andrew with a gleaming smile.

  Fortunately, right now, I want it in my back end, and I pull my cheeks apart to bare my coffee pucker to them.

  “Yes, take me here,” I mewl. “The baby won�
�t mind.”

  With that, Aaron kneels before me and slowly slides his rigid shaft into my dark hole. I gasp and tense, before exhaling and enjoying the stretch. He’s so huge that it always takes me by surprise.

  “Oooh,” I moan throatily. “Yes.”

  Aaron eases into me, going slow.

  “I don’t want to give you a deep back-banging,” he rasps hoarsely. “You’re too near delivery.”

  But then his eyes bulge, and he stops for a moment in mid-thrust. Andrew has just knelt behind him, and is easing his shaft into Aaron’s back pucker.

  “Fuck,” he curses. “Oh shit.”

  But we’re a bisexual trio, and this kind of deep loving is exactly what gets us going. Andrew and Aaron begin pumping in unison, as I moan and twist beneath the hard rod invading my back door. Before soon, all three of us are grunting with ecstasy as pleasure shoots into our dark chambers. Hot juices spray into my GI tract, and I let out another wail of pleasure as my men own me.

  After all, this is a miracle come true. We met adversity head-on and overcame it. Our friends at Dads and Daughters accept us for who we are, and not an eyelash was batted when we announced our relationship.

  Not only that, but there are so many new developments at Dads and Daughters that I can’t keep up. I bumped into Melissa the other day, who announced with excitement that she’s transferring to a Lodge in Italy filled with gorgeous Italian alpha males. I think they’ll be serving her some spicy meatballs as well as some tasty sausages.

  Plus, what Aaron and Andrew predicted came true as well. I caught Tyler suckling milk from Layla’s breast the other day, and to my surprise, a hot thrill ran through my kitty. It was delicious, taboo, and so nasty all at once, but I liked what I saw. To add fuel to the fire, Aaron and Andrew want to suckle from my teats when the time comes, and I can’t wait. It’s going to be a welcome addition to our already very naughty sessions together.

  But I’m grateful for my men. Aaron and Andrew are handsome, intelligent, sensitive, and the best partners a girl could have. I feel that I’ve grown in their presence, and I hope that they have grown in mine as well. Now, with a baby on the way, we’re a perfect trio and will never be apart again.


  I was headed to prom when my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend! To make it all better, a gorgeous dad steps in to claim his Forbidden Fruit. Kristy’s story is available here.

  I botched my initiation but the handsome Connaught brothers stepped in to comfort me. The Dads and Daughters saga continues with Band of Brothers, available here.

  Jane’s an innocent romance author but two handsome male models are more than happy to teach her the ways of love in Sugar and Spice, available here.

  Italian stallions know just how to please Melissa in this tale of special reverse glory holes. Her Italian Wedding is available here.

  I met a gorgeous man at a dirty swingers party and then he turned out to be my stepbrother! Get Frankie’s story, The Naughty Party, here.

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  Forbidden Fruit

  By S.E. Law

  Sign up for my mailing list and get a free book here!

  About This Book

  Give me just a taste, I whisper. But one taste of the forbidden fruit would never be enough.

  Prom night was supposed to be so special, but then I caught my boyfriend cheating on me. With my best friend, no less.

  My humiliation was complete.

  I ran from the hotel room with tears in my eyes, my heart breaking.

  But then I met Owen.

  He’s a huge, handsome long-haul trucker with muscles bulging *out to there* and a drive shaft that makes my mouth water.

  He says he’ll comfort me after my disastrous prom night.

  But what happens when he gives me a baby?

  Owen has his sights set on Kristy, and he’s going to find a way to enjoy his forbidden fruit no matter what it takes. Kristy is lush, curvy and ripe, and when she discovers she’s expecting a child, her world explodes. All characters in this book are over 18. Warning: there’s a tiny bit of DD/lg play, but it’s tasty and delicious. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and always an HEA for my readers.



  I stand in front of the mirror, studying myself. Hmm, not bad. My dress is tight but not over the top. It highlights my curves without being obscene, which is important to me. After all, my boyfriend Ryder can be critical about these kinds of things.

  Just last week, he shamed me in front of our friends for wearing a too-tight bodysuit.

  “Kristy, isn’t that a little much?” he said with a raised eyebrow while staring at my bosom. My outfit wasn’t insane by any means. I was wearing washed denim jeans with a tan, long-sleeved bodysuit from Good American. It’s a brand started by the curvy Khloe Kardashian, and I think she’s a genius entrepreneur. She’s a big girl herself, so she understands what it takes to make things look good when you’re not a size 2. Why not? The average American woman is curvy, and Khloe’s tapping into a huge, underserved market. I hope she makes billions of dollars while leading the charge for bigger women who like to look sexy and confident.

  But at the moment, all thoughts of Khloe’s sass and assertiveness fled my mind. I looked down, flustered, as my cheeks flushed pink. We were at lunch in the quad with my friends Kaylee and Britt. The two girls appeared embarrassed for me, but they averted their eyes, pretending not to hear. Suddenly, Kaylee brightened.

  “Oh my god, there’s a bird!” she said in a gay voice. “Cool, that’s a good omen for spring right?”

  “Yeah!” agreed Britt, shooting me a worried look while desperately trying to change the topic of conversation. “Oh my god, the bird is so pretty! I wonder if it’s a baby bird!”

  I smiled, a bit unsure. My friends’ efforts to save me were much appreciated because they know Ryder just as well as I do. We’ve been in school together since junior high, and Ryder’s always been a bit of a pompous ass. It can be attractive sometimes, when it comes off as charismatic and confident. But sometimes, his harsh words just hurt. Especially when they’re directed at me.

  Ryder snorted and rolled his eyes.

  “Who cares about the bird?” he asked. “Spring is sprung, yada yada yada. Now back to your outfit, Kristy,” he says, focusing that laser-eyed blue stare on me once more. “So what gives? Why would you wear something so tight when you’re a size 14?”

  I almost choked on my sandwich. My cheeks flushed red and I shot ashamed looks at my friends, who looked just as embarrassed for me.

  “Well, the thing about being a bigger woman is that I need to wear things that squeeze and hold me together,” I say slowly. “If I wear a flowy top that resembles a muumuu, it just makes me look worse. It’s counter-intuitive, but I actually need to find items that help accentuate my curves. Tight spandex materials do that best.”

  Ryder snorts and rolls his eyes.

  “Yeah but Kristy, let’s get to the basics. Why are you a size 14 to begin with? I mean, that’s huge. It’s scary because big girls only get bigger as they age. If you’re a size fourteen now, imagine how big you’ll be in your twenties. Or your thirties or forties. Shit, by then you might qualify for gastric bypass surgery.”

  Britt has had enough and she sets down her hot dog while shooting Ryder a dirty look.

  “Might I remind you that we’re all big girls at this table?” she says coldly to Ryder. “What’s your problem anyways? You can’t handle seeing a woman eat like an actual human being?”

  Ryder rolls his eyes again and puts down his fork before sighing theatrically. But I know what he’s going to do. My boyfriend has never been able to handle confrontation, especially when he’s being called out on his bad behavior.

  “No, I’m not afraid of
anyone eating anything. But seriously, you guys eat like dogs. Literally, you’re eating a hot dog right now. What’s wrong with you? Why don’t you eat healthier, like a salad?”

  Kaylee gets in on it now too. She’s even bigger than me, but she’s beautiful and bounteous all the same with her sassy figure and long, golden blonde hair.

  “For your information, these are kosher beef hot dogs that are made without any preservatives. They’re from a new line called HealthFood, and we got them at the local Whole Foods just last week,” she snaps. “Watch this.”

  As if in retribution, Kaylee opens her red lips and takes a huge bite of her hot dog. I almost start giggling because Ryder’s face is going red, but then I stop myself. There’s no sense in aggravating my boyfriend anymore than we’ve already done.

  “Ryder, why don’t you see if you can get us some drinks?” I say, giving him an out. “Can you get me a Coke please?”

  “And I want a Sprite,” adds Kaylee.

  “And I want an Orange Crush,” adds Britt.

  I can tell my boyfriend’s about to say something about how soda is bad for you because it has a lot of sugar and empty calories. But he sees the glowering looks on my friends’ faces, and shrugs before getting up from the lunch table.

  “Fine!” he calls over his shoulder. “I’ll be back in a sec.”

  Once he’s gone, my friends look at me.

  “Kris, I have no idea why you’re dating him,” says Britt. “Seriously, that guy is a loser.”

  “Triple loser,” adds Kaylee. “I mean, just dump him and be over it!”


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