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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 50

by S. E. Law

  “Kristy?” Ryder says in a confused voice. “What are you doing here?”

  “This is the hotel room we booked for us!” I shriek. “We were supposed to do it tonight! What are you doing with her?” I ask, pointing at Kaylee. My so-called friend is still in shock. She’s lying on her back with her blonde hair strewn about her, her knees spread and her big breasts in puddles on her chest. She looks like a huge scoop of ivory ice cream, except for the smear of red on her thighs.

  Coming to her senses, Kaylee snaps her mouth shut and scrambles to get up.

  “Kristy, it’s not what it looks like,” she says quickly, pulling the sheet to her breasts. “It’s different!”

  “How could it be different?” I scream. “You’re getting fucked by my boyfriend. You’re supposed to be my best friend, but you’re fucking my boyfriend!”

  Kaylee shakes, but then her expression turns ugly. Her face flushes red and her lips settle into a nasty pout.

  “Yeah, but you were never nice to Ryder,” she spits. “You were always talking about him behind his back, calling him boytoy, toyboy, and a child. I gave him what he needs: a real woman.”

  “A real woman?” I scream. “This is not what real women do! They don’t betray their best friends and sleep with their best friend’s boyfriends! If you wanted to sleep with Ryder so bad, then why couldn’t you wait until he was single?”

  Kaylee waves her plump arm in the air loftily.

  “You’re always talking about breaking up with Ryder, but you never did it, Kristy. It was all talk, and no action, so I got tired of waiting. I took things into my own hands, and lover boy here,” she says, shooting a sly look at Ryder, “Well, he did well. He’s huge, and he took my innocence like a stallion in heat. Didn’t you honey?” she coos. “You were just about to come in me too.”

  Ryder is so dumb that he’s still standing around naked like a jackass.

  “I was wonderful?” he asks.

  “Oh yes, you were,” Kaylee says in a silky voice. “Now come on, big boy. We aren’t finished yet. Come and get the good stuff. Let me be your creamy receptacle for the night.”

  “Stop!” I scream. “Oh my god, stop!”

  But Ryder is just too confused, and Kaylee is too conniving. Like a dumb farm animal, Ryder gets back onto the bed as my former friend tosses the sheet off herself, displaying her naked glory again. Her breasts are enormous, and her swollen slit is still pulsing with hunger.

  “Right here,” she coos to Ryder, pulling her folds open for him to reveal her gleaming pink. “This is where it goes.”

  But even as she eggs him on, Kaylee is looking at me with a smirk. She knows how hurtful this is to me, and she’s merely pouring salt in the wound now.

  “Come on, big boy,” she says, raising her knees so that her hole is fully visible. “Put it in.”

  With that, Ryder slides in again to the hilt, his eyes closing with blissful satisfaction.

  “Ohhh fuck,” he groans. “That feels so good.”

  “Oh yeah,” says Kaylee, still making eye contact with me while wearing a vicious smirk on her face. “You know who will give it to you, big boy. Kaylee is your mama.”

  With that, Ryder begins pumping between her enormous thighs. His bronzed buttocks flex and strain, and he’s grunting and groaning, his back muscles tense as he gives her a deep pounding that’s literally shaking the mattress. In fact, it looks like he’s about to come. His eyes are squeezed shut as his shoulders strain, every cell in his body reaching for an invisible peak.

  But I don’t need to witness this anymore. This is humiliating, offensive, and a total shock. In some respects, it shouldn’t be because obviously, my boyfriend is as dumb as a doornail, and can’t help himself. Ryder’s never been the sharpest tool in the shed. You could give him a solar-powered calculator, and he wouldn’t be able to figure out how to turn it on.

  But what hurts more is Kaylee’s betrayal. She and I have been friends since middle school, and with Britt, we were our own version of Charlie’s Angels. We were curvy girls, who were sexy, adventurous, and had each other’s backs. But Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz, and Drew Barrymore didn’t turn on each other. If anything, they were committed to girl power, and would never let a man get in the way.

  The lump in my throat feels enormous even as tears sting my eyes. Sobbing wildly, I rush down the hallway and jam my finger onto the call button, desperate to get away. But where will I go? What will happen next? Suddenly, I have to run as far as possible from this horrific situation.



  Huge, blubbering sobs erupt from my throat. Snot is trailing down my nose, and my cheeks are red and blotched. I have to get out of here without anyone seeing me because that would be the ultimate humiliation. Imagine it. Kristy Landauer embarrassed at prom by her Prom King boyfriend and her conniving former best friend. I’d shrivel up and die.

  But how do I get out of this hotel unseen? There must be a back passageway somewhere. Desperately, I press the button for the basement, and cry piteously as the elevator descends. Finally, it comes to a halt and the doors swing open.

  But this isn’t your usual basement. I was hoping to see a cellar or a kitchen of some sort, but only the service elevators go there. Drat. I’m in another endless series of hallways again, and the various double doors in the hallway seem to lead to huge, empty ballrooms. How big is this hotel? How do I get out?

  I begin wandering aimlessly, and my shoes pinch, but I ignore the pain. I dash this way and that, flinging open doors while sobbing my eyes out. I probably look crazy, come to think of it. My hair’s come undone from its updo, and my face is red and patchy. I probably look like Mr. Rochester’s first wife from Jane Eyre, who was locked away in the attic for losing her mind.

  But finding an exit is no joke. I feel like I’m in the hotel from hell, where I keep running from door to door but there’s no way to get out. Any moment now, I’m going to come upon some huge monster that rips my head off with a terrifying growl, spraying blood and guts all over the place.

  Suddenly, it happens. I collide headfirst into a wall of some sort and let out a blood-curling scream. The monster’s here! I look up, expecting to see a seven-headed hydra with hissing tongues dripping venomous acid. But instead, a man stands before me, looking bemused. He’s enormous, which is why I thought I’d hit a wall, and his blue eyes are very clear and reassuring.

  “Hey,” he says mildly. “Are you okay?”

  I can’t help but notice that the tone of his voice is melodious and quite soothing, despite the fact that I’m on the verge of panic. I try to get myself in hand, but anxiety and fear overwhelm me and I let out a blood-curling scream anyways. Every cell of my being is infused with rage, hurt, and anger, and I can’t keep it in anymore. I open my mouth and scream again, my lungs bellowing as tears stream down my face.

  “Okay, I see that you’re not okay,” says the man kindly, taking my arm. “Why don’t we sit down over here?”

  We stumble over to an ornate chair placed against the wall, and I sit in it blindly, staring straight ahead. Fortunately, there’s no one in the vicinity because I must have entered an unused portion of the hotel. I guess they have dozens of ballrooms, and at any one time, only a few are being rented out.

  But still. What the hell is going on? What kind of nightmare am I trapped in? The man stands by me, and hands me a bottle of water.

  “Here, take a sip,” he offers. “It’s already open, but I promise, I don’t have cooties.”

  With a trembling hand, I take the bottle and drink some water. The liquid is cool going down my throat and I feel it descending like a soothing balm over my aching soul. Shit. I must be in really bad shape.

  Meanwhile, the man pulls another chair over and sits next to me. For the first time, I notice how enormous he is. He must be about six four, with black hair, eyes so blue they’re almost cobalt, and a deep tan. His features are strong and proud, with a Roman nose and a firm jaw. Plus, he’s dressed in a
tux, and it emphasizes his wide shoulders and long legs. Oh no. He must be here for a fancy event, and I just ruined it for him.

  “Thanks,” I manage, holding the bottle back out to him. “I appreciate it.”

  “No problem,” he says with a smile. “You can keep it. I can get another bottle. But you want to tell me what’s wrong? No pressure, of course.”

  I shake my head ruefully, wiping at my tears.

  “I don’t want to ruin your night,” I say, taking a deep, shuddering breath. “You should go back to your event.”

  He throws me a lop-sided grin.

  “You’re not going to ruin my night,” he says. “Trust me, my night has already been ruined enough. It’s fucking crazy, that’s what I say.”

  I shoot him a long look.

  “Really? You’re having a tough night too?”

  He nods, his blue eyes darkening.

  “Like you wouldn’t believe, sweet girl. Anything you throw at me couldn’t make things worse, so feel free to share. Hell, I’ll probably share my woes as well. We can commiserate in this deserted hallway together,” he says, looking around.

  I look around too and hiccup a bit. Man, I must be coming off as the most pitiful, crazy, and all-around mess of a woman. But I take a deep breath. If this stranger doesn’t mind hearing my sad sob story, then I might as well pour it out and get it off my chest.

  “Well, it’s prom tonight,” I say slowly, hiccuping a bit again while wiping at my eyes. “I was here with my boyfriend, who was also crowned Prom King by the way.”

  The man nods and looks encouraging.

  “Okay. That sounds like a good thing.”

  I shake my head, suddenly overcome with sorrow again.

  “It should, except that I just found Ryder cheating on me. With my best friend. In the room we rented for the night, where he was going to take my cherry.” Suddenly, I look up. “You know what taking a girl’s cherry means, right? I’m sorry if I’m speaking in riddles.”

  The handsome man sits back and laughs, and for the first time since we met, his big form is relaxed and elegant.

  “I know what taking a girl’s cherry means all too well,” he says, a bit darkly. “Trust me. I’m very familiar with the term.”

  My cheeks blush and I stare at him for a bit. What does that mean? What are the subtle innuendoes behind his comment? But I shake my head and continue, too absorbed in my own misery.

  “Well, Ryder and I rented a hotel room because we were going to … you know, explore together later tonight. But I went up early to run an errand, and they were there. They were boinking one another! Going at it like pigs in a sty! He was supposed to be with me, but instead, he was with my friend Kaylee, and the betrayal breaks my heart,” I sob, tears springing to my eyes again. “We’ve been best friends since middle school, and I don’t get why she did this! Who does this? I can’t believe this is happening to meeee!” I wail, breaking down again.

  This time, the man takes my hand and hauls me into his lap. I’m surprised because this is unusual. Why would a stranger want me to sit in his lap? But his huge form is comforting, and I feel sheltered as I lean against his broad chest. He strokes my hair with a gentle hand while whispering shhh in my ear.

  “It’s okay,” he says in a low growl. “Everything’s going to be fine.”

  I sit there, leaning into his warmth while crying for a moment. It’s soothing, actually. I can feel his chest rise and fall with his breathing, and the beating of his heart is strong and steady. His brawny arms around me hold me tight, and I feel secure, like I’m in a safe space with this man.

  “Don’t worry about that asshole,” the man says into my ear. “Neither your boyfriend nor your former friend knew what they were doing. I bet tomorrow, they’ll come running to you with apologies. I bet they’ll say they’re sorry, and it was a huge mistake, yada yada yada.”

  I hiccup again and lift my head to look at him.

  “You think?” I ask.

  His expression is grave, and he nods.

  “Yeah, they probably acted on impulse. High school kids aren’t the best at discipline, when it comes down to it. I think they’ll come crawling back to you, but the question is: what are you going to do?” he asks, tipping my chin to look at me more fully. “Are you going to accept their apologies and excuses? And what if they try to gaslight you?” he adds somberly.

  “Gaslight me?” I shake my head, confused. “What does that mean?”

  He exhales slowly.

  “Your boyfriend and your ex-friend sound like they planned this. At least one of them did, at least. Things like this don’t happen on the fly. But a lot of times, people are conniving. You wouldn’t believe it, but I bet tomorrow one of them will try to make you think that it was your fault. That you did something to deserve this treatment, and that you had this coming.”

  I stare at him.

  “Actually, my ex-friend already did that. Kaylee said that I never treat Ryder right, and so it was her job to step in and take care of him as a real woman would.”

  The man’s eyebrows lift as he looks at me seriously.

  “I guess the gaslighting has already begun then.”

  I stare at him.

  “There is some truth to what she said,” I begin slowly. “I was thinking of breaking up with Ryder.”

  The man looks at me seriously.

  “But did you treat him poorly, like your friend said?”

  I shake my head.

  “No, never. In fact, the opposite is true. If anything, Ryder was always treating me poorly, which is why I was thinking of breaking up with him. I had my reservations about our relationship, but I didn’t take it out on him. Ryder’s not like that. If anything, he’s just too dumb to get it.”

  The man nods thoughtfully.

  “So it sounds like it was probably your friend, Kaylee, who orchestrated it all then.”

  I gulp, tears coming to my eyes again.

  “Yes, I think so,” is my devastated whisper. “We’ve been friends for so long, and I always thought we were inseparable, along with another friend of ours. But I guess I misread the entire situation.”

  He strokes my back as I break down again, leaning against his shoulder. Oh god, why did this happen? Tonight of all nights too. Why did I have to learn the ugly truth about the people closest to me in this fashion? Suddenly, I realize I must be ruining his expensive clothes with my tears and slobber.

  “I’m sorry,” I cry, jerking up right and looking at the man’s tux. “I’m getting your shirt and jacket all wet. Here,” I say, trying to scrub frantically at the damp fabric with a balled-up tissue. “This will take out some of the moisture.”

  But the man merely grabs my small hand in my big fist, preventing me from doing more. His grip is firm and strong, and again, I realize how huge he is compared to me. I’m a curvy girl, but he must be three times as big, with those wide shoulders and spade-like hands. Oh my gosh, is he big down there too?

  I flush, embarrassed for even thinking this way. Here’s a random stranger trying to comfort me, and instead, I’m wondering about the size of his tool. How terrible.

  But as if in answer, I feel something jerk beneath my bottom. What is that? I look up into his eyes, and there’s a gleam in those blue depths that wasn’t there before. Instead, he merely looks back at me calmly, and speaks again.

  “So you were at the hotel for prom? And you were planning on being with your boyfriend for the first time tonight?”

  I take a deep breath and then let out a shuddering sigh while hanging my head.

  “Yes,” I say in a small, dull voice. “I had it all set up. We rented a room, and I was going to lose my virginity to Ryder. It was supposed to be a night of firsts, and I guess it has been, in a horrible way.”

  The man is silent for a moment, merely stroking my back.

  “Well, at least you weren’t in love with Ryder,” he says.

  I shake my head while inhaling deeply again.

itely not. But still, Ryder’s handsome and built, and I’ve known him since forever. Plus, there aren’t many girls who still have their cherries intact, like me,” I add ruefully. “I wanted to get rid of it once and for all, and tonight was supposed to propel me into womanhood. Sometimes, I feel like I’m the only woman in the world left with her cherry deep inside. Who knew it would be so hard to get rid of?”

  The man’s big hand on my back stops for a moment.

  “Do you want to lose your cherry that badly?” he asks in a neutral voice. There are subtle undertones to his question, and a sudden tension in his body, but I’m too caught up in my own misery.

  I sigh again, staring at my clasped hands.

  “Well yes,” I say. “Of course it’s not true that I’m the only eighteen year old girl in the world who’s still a virgin, but it definitely feels like it sometimes. Sometimes, I wonder if I should just pop it myself with a toy or a tampon or something. It would be pathetic, but I’m definitely getting to that stage.”

  Now there’s a tension vibrating from the big body below me, although the man is completely still.

  “Well, if you’re that needy, I think I can help you,” he says finally, after a moment. “I have a hotel room upstairs, and it’s been a tough couple hours for both of us. If you like, sweetheart, I’d be more than happy to pop your cherry. In fact, it could be very enjoyable, if not therapeutic, for both of us.”

  My chin lifts swiftly as I meet those blue eyes, and there’s a heat there that wasn’t present before. His intense gaze makes me go hot inside, and my breasts lift and fall with sudden awareness of this gorgeous man. That tell-tale twitch happens beneath my bottom again, and suddenly, I’m aware of my power over him as a luscious female. He’s attracted to me, the same way I’m attracted to him, and our connection is electric.

  Oh my god. Should I? I only just met this man. I don’t even know his name, come to think of it. But he’s gorgeous, and obviously a commanding alpha male. I can’t look away from those blue eyes, but I don’t want to either.

  Suddenly, my mind’s made up. Why not? I’ve already lost so much tonight, that I might as well go with the flow and give myself something to enjoy. Intuitively, I know that with this man, I’ll be safe and that he’ll take me to the heavens with him while making me sigh with need and cry with ecstasy.


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