The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 51

by S. E. Law

  With a soft smile, I reach behind me and begin unzipping the back of my dress, letting the pink fabric fall from my breasts. The huge ivory mounds come tumbling out, luscious with pale pink tips that are already stiff with need. They tremble in the air between us, and his blue eyes devour my curves although he remains utterly still.

  “Would you?” I ask in a soft voice while cupping my breasts for his enjoyment. “Because it would make me so happy, Daddy, if you would take my cherry tonight, and help usher me into womanhood.”

  The answering flare in his eyes is my answer, and suddenly, this night has just turned a corner for the better.



  Oh shit. I can’t believe I’m doing this. At the very least, I should carry her up to my room but when she unzipped the top of her dress, my mast sprung out to full strength, and every cell in my body buzzed with arousal.

  After all, this girl is gorgeous, hands down. She’s lush, creamy and sweet with long, curly brown hair and a figure to die for. Huge, double D breasts sway my way, and as I watch, the pink tips harden and tremble delicately, as if begging for my touch.

  I can’t resist. I bend my head and suckle a giant tit in my mouth, enjoying the mouth feel of this girl. She tips her chin up and gasps, her eyes closing with pleasure.

  “Oh, mmm!” she cries out, her hands tunneling through my hair. “Yes!”

  Oh shit. This is so wrong. I’m literally about to ravage a virgin in the deserted hallway of this hotel, and yet I can’t stop myself. She’s needy and desperate, and yet a lady at once too. Her tale of woe was sad, but also funny in some ways. I’m not being demeaning. I’m just saying that her ex-friend and ex-boyfriend sound like idiots who make bad decisions. Come to think of it, I can’t wait to whup that guy’s ass when it comes time. What was his name again? Ryder? I’ve always hated jerk-faced Prom Kings. They’re all glossy finish and charming smiles, but there’s no substance beneath that shallow veneer.

  Then again, Ryder’s a teen boy and I know a lot about teenagers. The reason I’m here tonight is because my daughter, June, was supposed to be initiated into Dads and Daughters in one of the hotel ballrooms. My friends and I got together, all wearing our penguin suits. Then June was supposed to step onto stage and the ceremony would start.

  But June threw a hissy fit twenty minutes before she was supposed to get on stage. My daughter became the Runaway Bride. She was here one moment, and then gone the next, and no one could stop her. I caught her in the lobby of the hotel as she was making her escape, but it was useless. My daughter was furious, and her words made me step back with shock.

  “I’m not meant to be in Dads and Daughters,” she hissed, her brown eyes sparking with rage. “This is a dirty swingers club, and I want nothing to do with it.”

  I hold up my hand, looking around to see if anyone can hear. Fortunately, the other guests are too caught up in their own business, so they continue chatting and smiling while mingling with others.

  “June, can we talk about this somewhere else?” I manage in a controlled voice. “You don’t have to go back for your initiation, but let’s not have this discussion out here.”

  “No!” she hisses again, pulling the tiara from her head and hurling it onto the floor dramatically. “You’re a group of dirty daughter-swapping dads, and I’m having nothing to do with it. Good riddance!” she exclaims before flouncing out.

  I look at her departing back and grit my teeth. As a divorced dad, it hasn’t been easy raising June on my own. Unfortunately, I think it’s June’s mom who’s gotten to her. Although my ex doesn’t know about Dads and Daughters, I have a sinking suspicion that somehow, my ex has poisoned our daughter against us. It’s just a feeling I have, but my spidey sense is usually right.

  Now, I’m left with a disaster on my hands. I watch helplessly as June stalks to her car and gets in, slamming the door emphatically. Then she hightails it out of the hotel parking lot, and to add insult to injury, she smirks and gives me a big middle finger. Great. I’ve raised such a high-class, charming girl. Not.

  Seething, I take a deep breath. Should I head back to the ballroom and apologize to my friends? They’ll understand. Most of us are fathers, and quite a few have had the indescribable experience of raising a teenage girl. They’ll clap me on the back and say it doesn’t matter. It happens.

  But still. I feel fucking awful, and instead, decided to be alone for a bit, if only to calm down. I shouldn’t go back to Dads and Daughters red-faced and irritated. The pitying glances and slaps on the shoulder would probably cause me to fly off the handle, come to think of it.

  Instead, I wandered to the lower level of the hotel, which fortunately consists of a series of deserted ballrooms. It’s so quiet that it’s almost eerie, and I try to let the silence calm me down. It’s a long shot, but I’m halfway to my goal of lowering my heartrate when I see her. This luscious, creamy teen girl who’s currently allowing me to enjoy her body. What am I doing? I shouldn’t offer to take her cherry. I should pat her on the head and then send her on her way with a smile and a comforting word. But instead, I’m stroking the curvy girl’s assets while making her moan. Shit, I need this. This is as much for her as it is for me, and I intend to make the most of this indescribable opportunity.

  The girls moans again as I suckle her tip, and I can’t resist. I need more than this. Slowly, I reach around and unzip the pink dress so that it falls away to her waist. Her ivory tummy is exposed, soft and a little poochy. But that’s okay because I prefer bigger girls. I’ve never been a man for sticks and bones because I like my women generous and lush.

  “Let’s get you out of this,” I rasp, breaking free from her breast. “I want to see you nude, sweetheart.”

  She looks at me with those big brown eyes, and my heart almost breaks at her beauty. But she nods and softly slithers off my lap so that the dress drops to her feet before pooling to the floor.

  Oh shit. She’s so lush and curvy, and she’s wearing only a tiny, hot pink g-string that disappears into her ass crack. My shaft jerks and literally spurts a bit in my pants, and groaning uncomfortably, I shift in my seat. But I can’t let it out yet because it would scare her. This is her first time, and she needs to be petted and loosened before taking a man deep.

  “Should I take this off?” she breathes, fingering the waistband of her g-string.

  I nod wordlessly, unable to speak. With a hesitant smile, the girl hooks her thumbs into her waistband and slowly pulls the fabric down her legs. My pole jerks again, hard this time, because the crotch of her panties is absolutely drenched, and her cheeks flare as she slowly disentangles her legs from the lace. Soon, she’s dressed in nothing but a pair of pale pink heels before me. Her long legs are bare, lengthening to become curvy, thick thighs. There’s a sweet slit at her vee, the lips already moist with need. And then those huge tits beckon to me again, swinging a bit.

  “What should I do next?” she asks uncertainly, trembling on the carpeted floor.

  I groan. Oh shit. I can’t wait very long, and the time has come. This is going to scare her, but she’s got to get used to it sooner or later.

  “Sweetheart, come unzip me,” I say in a raspy voice. “Set me free, baby girl.”

  Her cheeks flush again, but she nods and comes to kneel between my legs. I almost cry at the tableaux. I have a sweet, creamy, totally nude teen girl kneeling before me, lush and ready to give me her cherry. This night has done a one eighty, and I’m the luckiest man in the world.

  Looking up at me uncertainly, the girl bites her lip. But then with trembling fingers, she unbuttons and then unzips my tux pants, letting my huge member out. It literally pops out from all the strain, and almost hits her in the face. The enormous shaft sticks straight up, gleaming at the tip as veins pulse along both sides.

  “Oh my god,” she whispers, unable to tear her eyes away.

  “I know it’s big,” I manage in a scratchy whisper. “But I promise that when I take your cherry, it will feel goo

  She nods wordlessly, still staring at the pulsing shaft, and swallows audibly. But then her eyes flick to me and she whispers, “Can I taste it?”

  I almost let out a moan.

  “Yes, please do, sweetheart. Give it a good tongue bath.”

  The girl looks down at my shaft again, her perfect pout parting. Then her lips surround my head and I let out a deep groan of pleasure. Oh shit, this feels so good. Her tongue swirls around my tip before gently probing the opening. She tries to push as much of her tongue as possible into the hole, but then backs up and begins to suck heavily at the dripping purple helmet.

  “Mmmm,” she moans, the vibrations going through her mouth to run up my member. “Yesssss.”

  Without prompting, the pretty brunette begins to take more and more of me down her throat. Her jaw stretches almost comically as her cheeks bulge, but she’s a pro. She breathes through her nostrils, straining, and is able to get just about all of my man meat down her gullet. Holy shit. How is this possible? Does she not have a gag reflex?

  But eyes watering, the girl amazes me again. Inhaling deeply, she squeezes my balls and then finally, pushes forward once more so that my entire thickness is buried in her throat. It feels so good, and she begins sucking for all she’s worth, her delicate lashes floating shut to rest on those cheeks.

  “Mmmm,” is her incoherent mewl of pleasure. “Unnnh.”

  My head drops back as my body flames. Holy shit. I thought she was a virgin, and yet she’s giving me head like a professional. How is this possible? I close my eyes and enjoy the sensations for a bit, as my body begins to peak.

  But as much as I want to explode in her mouth, this isn’t the right time because I promised to take her cherry. Slowly, I pull myself out of her mouth, and she gasps and coughs a little once I’m all the way out. My deep pink member is dripping and wet, and the girl merely slides another hungry glance at it, desperate to have it in herself.

  But I stop her.

  “Sweetheart, we need to use protection,” I say. “Are you on anything?”

  She bites her lip and shakes her head, her brown eyes so soft and sweet.

  “No, I’m not,” she whispers. “We had rubbers up in the room. I could go get them, if you want.”

  I shake my head.

  “No need, baby girl. I have some on me.” With shaking fingers, I reach for my wallet and pull it open. Fortunately, there’s a condom there from god knows when. It’s not expired, but I never expected to be using it now.

  I meet her eyes again, my blue eyes seizing hers.

  “Baby, do you know how to put a sheath on a man?” I ask gently. My voice is low and raspy, but I hope it’s understandable.

  Her cheeks flush and she bites her lip while shaking her head.

  “No, Daddy. Can you show me?”

  I smile at her, shifting a bit in my seat because my arousal is almost painful at the moment.

  “I can, baby girl. Now, I want you to take the rubber out,” I say, handing her the foil packet. With trembling fingers, she takes the square out of my hand and rips the packet open. Then she pulls the circle out and stares at it, eyes still wide.

  “That’s the tip,” I say, indicating with a motion of my head. “Now roll it down my length, sweetheart. Slow and steady. You can do it.”

  She gasps, her eyes still wide.

  “Will it fit though? It seems too small!”

  I laugh hoarsely.

  “I got a Magnum, sweetheart. It’ll fit. Just go slow, and you’ll see.”

  Biting her lip again, she lines the rubber up with my throbbing pole and begins rolling it down my stiff shaft. Oh fuck. Her hands are so soft and gentle, and the sweet, stroking motion almost makes me lose it. But I have to hold on because this is not the time to explode.

  Finally, she gets the rubber all the way to my base and licks her lips.

  “Like this Daddy?” she asks innocently.

  I nod, jerking my chin.

  “Yes, but now take it off.”

  She gasps, staring at me again.

  “But you said we needed protection!”

  My shaft jerks, dripping uncontrollably inside the latex material.

  “We do, sweetheart, but not tonight. I need to feel you on me, skin to skin. I need to sample that pink sweetness bare and raw. Can you do that for me? Please baby. I need it so bad.”

  I can’t believe I’m begging because I’m not a man who begs. I’m a man who commands and asserts himself. Sometimes, I’m even dominating in the right circumstance. But somehow, this sweet, creamy teen has me doing things I’d never thought I’d do. My pole quivers between us, the tip seeping into the well, and she bites her lip with hesitation.

  But then she nods.

  “Okay, but do you promise to pull out when the time comes?” she asks in a whisper. “It’s the only way to be safe.”

  I bend and capture her mouth for a kiss. The curvy brunette tastes like strawberries with wine, and I can’t get enough.

  “Of course, baby girl. I’m more than happy to pull out when the times comes. It’s going to be fine.”

  With that, she nods and slowly strips the rubber off me. Oh god, it feels even better coming off as her small hands slick against my throbbing shaft, and I let out a deep, guttural moan.

  “Now sweetheart,” I say. “On your hands and knees. Are you ready?”

  She blushes and bites her lip again, but her curves tremble entrancingly. Then she turns and gets onto her hands and knees just as commanded.

  Oh shit. The girl is so beautiful that I almost lose it right there. Her big breasts sway, and they’re so generous that the tips literally drag on the carpet a bit. Her ass is huge and heart shaped, and as she lifts it in the air, those lush pink lips come into view. She parts her legs slightly, and her hole shows itself, tiny and waiting to be stretched.

  “I’m ready, Daddy,” she says in a low moan, looking at me over one slim shoulder. “I want to give you my cherry.”

  With another heartfelt groan, I position myself on my knees in back of her, before gently running my hand over her slit. She’s so wet that my palm comes away drenched and she lifts her head and mewls slightly, shaking with pleasure.

  “There’s more of that coming,” I growl. Then I point my tip at her hole and nudge her lips before easing it in. Her eyes fly open.

  “Oh my god, it’s not going to fit!” she squeals. “You’re too big!”

  “No, it’s fine,” I soothe, continuing the luscious surge. “You’re young and flexible, sweetheart. You can take this big shaft. Just relax and try.”

  She squeezes her eyes shut, dropping her head so that her cheek rests on the carpet.

  “Ohhhh,” she moans throatily. “Mmmm.”

  It’s such a dirty sight. I have a beautiful young girl tasting a man for the first time and loving it. The view of my enormous pole disappearing slowly into her tiny kitty is obscene and I watch, trying not to explode, as her beautiful hole swallows it. Her lips are stretched tight like rubber bands around my girth, but she’s straining and able to accommodate me.

  “Ohhhh,” she moans again. “Yessss.”

  “You’re doing great,” I say between gritted teeth. “Absolutely amazing, honey.”

  Finally, after another minute or so of steady pressure, I’m buried inside. She’s taken all ten inches of me like a pro while breathing heavily through her nose. Her lashes part and she looks back at me blearily.

  “Is it in?” is her dazed question.

  “Yes, sweetheart. You were such a good girl. You’ve taken me all and given Daddy so much pleasure. Now I’m going to stroke inside you, okay? I promise, it’ll feel good.”

  She nods but then her eyes widen again and her lips part as I pull out. The drag is intense, and her pink walls clench onto me, as if reluctant to let me go.

  “Ooooh!” she squeals.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” I manage in a strangled voice. “Hold on, pretty girl. There’s more coming.”

>   I push back in again, and her bottom lifts a bit this time, letting me get in even deeper.

  “Great work,” I pant. “Yeah, just like that.”

  Soon, I’m pumping into her sweetness again and again at a regular pace. She moans and bucks a bit beneath me, but it obviously feels amazing inside her because there’s a lot of female nectar dripping out to coat my shaft and balls.

  “Almost there,” I pant. “Oh shit, baby, it’s coming –”

  But my cry is cut off because both of us hit climax at once. The girl jerks beneath me, her eyes going wide, and then a full body orgasm takes over her frame. Her sweet kitty clenches and pulses on my pole, forcing me over the edge. I shout, my balls rising, as hot jets of virility stream though my shaft and into her sweet box. But then she turns and screams a bit, her eyes panicked.

  “Pull out!” she cries. “Daddy, pull out!”

  But it’s too late. I have my hands on her waist, locking us tight together, and I couldn’t pull out if my life depended on it right now. Splash after splash of male seed pulses into her, even as her kitty contracts to pull it deep inside.

  “Oh my god!” she squeals again. “Daddy, pull out!” she shrieks desperately.

  But I can’t. My vision is darkening, and my sight growing dim. My head spins as pleasure surges, and I can’t pull out of her sweetness because it feels too good. I give her everything, and the sassy girl responds accordingly. Her clenching kitty pulses, draining me of every last drop.

  When I finally pull out, the girl turns to look at me over her shoulder, her eyes wide and expression horrified.

  “Oh my god, what do we do now?” she whispers. “That wasn’t supposed to happen!”

  I chuckle low in my throat, exhausted and drained, but in a good way.

  “No, it wasn’t, baby. But it was worth it, wasn’t it? Your kitty’s full of male seed now. How does you feel?”


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