The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 52

by S. E. Law

  She gasps, her face coloring. But then a small smile creeps to her lips, and I know that everything’s going to be alright. This girl is my type of woman, and I can’t wait to get to know her better.



  We’re in the man’s hotel room, luxuriating in complimentary bathrobes while lounging on the couch.

  “You look funny,” I giggle. “The bathrobe is so white and puffy.”

  His black brows arch.

  “Oh really?” he asks. “You look delicious in it. By the way, sweetheart, I’m Owen. And you are …?”

  I blush. Oh my god, we’ve already made love, and yet we haven’t exchanged names.

  “I’m Kristy,” I manage in a somewhat normal voice. “Nice to meet you, Owen.”

  His blue eyes gleam.

  “Same, sweetheart. How do you feel? Are you okay with everything?”

  I blush again. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe so much has happened. I was supposed to lose my virginity to Ryder, but instead I’ve lost it to Owen! Plus, I only just met Owen literally thirty minutes ago. Who does that? What girl goes buck wild the way I have?

  But even as my cheeks flare, my insides go hot. This man is gorgeous, and I don’t regret what we did at all. He’s huge and imposing, with broad shoulders and bright blue eyes. He dwarves the hotel’s sofa, and I feel reassured and protected in his vicinity.

  But where is this coming from? I don’t know him. I guess it’s the way Owen takes care of me and makes me feel treasured and cherished. After we finished making love, I was flushed, panting, and practically spineless on the hotel floor. But he helped me get dressed again, and then escorted me to the elevator before whisking me up to his room.

  We’re here now, enjoying some tea and cookies from room service while getting to know one another.

  “So why were you at the hotel tonight?” I ask lightly, trying to keep things simple. “You were wearing a tux. Was it a wedding?”

  Owen glances at the crumpled heaps of our clothes and lets out a low laugh.

  “No, not exactly,” he says. “I was here for a ceremony, but it wasn’t a wedding. It did have to do with my daughter though.”

  “You have a daughter?” I ask with surprise. “Oh really? How old is she?”

  Owen looks at me closely for a moment, and I go warm as those blue eyes caress my curves.

  “Maybe around your age. How old are you, Kristy?”

  “Eighteen,” I smile. “It was my birthday a few months ago.”

  Owen, to my surprise, looks relieved.

  “That’s good. I’m glad to know you’re legal, sweetheart, and yes, my daughter June is eighteen too. She had her birthday a couple weeks ago, in fact. Do you know each other? She goes to Summerdale High a few towns over.”

  I shake my head, scrunching my brow.

  “No, I don’t know anyone named June at Summerdale. But I’m sure if I ask around, some of my friends will know. Our community is pretty small, and we live in neighboring towns too. But were you here for a school event? Or a family reunion? I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry,” I say quickly, seeing the uncomfortable look on his face. “You don’t have to say if you don’t want to.”

  Owen takes a deep breath, like he’s thinking about something. Then he meets my eyes and the deep blue gaze tugs at my heart.

  “Kristy, I want to start off right with you. I want to be straight, even if you hate me afterwards.”

  My brow scrunches.

  “Hate you? But what could be so bad?”

  He shakes his head while looking down. That handsome face looks conflicted, but then the sapphire gaze meets mine once again.

  “I was here because my daughter was being initiated,” he says slowly. “It’s a rite of passage for girls who are eighteen.”

  I brighten.

  “Oh yeah, I know about that. Like a debutante ball, right? Where the girls swan about in white dresses with elbow-length gloves? That’s why you were wearing a tux, wasn’t it?”

  Owen looks conflicted again.

  “Sort of like a debutante ball, but not really,” he says. “I belong to a very exclusive group of sorts. It’s made of dads and their daughters, and June was being inducted into the club. Or at least she was supposed to be, before she ran off.”

  My eyes go wide.

  “Ran off? Really? But why?”

  Owen looks uncomfortable again.

  “Well, the club is very particular,” he begins. “Or rather, it serves a very specific purpose. It turns out that June wasn’t on board, and she didn’t want to do it, thus the running off.”

  I scrunch my brow.

  “But at the last minute?” I ask. “Why didn’t she say before, if she was uncomfortable?”

  Owen shoots me a wry smile.

  “I guess for the same reason brides get cold feet. It just builds and builds, and you don’t want to say anything because there are so many expectations. But that’s not the point. I wanted to tell you about this club because I want to be honest with you,” he reiterates again. “The club’s name is Dads and Daughters, and we’re a daughter swapping club. I’m a long-haul trucker, you see –”

  “My dad is a trucker too!” I say brightly. “Maybe you know him? His name is James Landauer.”

  Owen’s expression grows shuttered for a moment.

  “I do know him, actually. Not well, but I know of him. In fact, he’s in Dads and Daughters too.”

  “He is?” I ask in a surprised voice. “James has never spoken of it.”

  Owen nods.

  “It’s not surprising. The club is on a need-to-know basis, so we don’t usually disclose its existence. But I’m telling you about my membership now, Kristy, because I want to be open with you. Our relationship has started off with promise, and I think it’s better if I’m honest with you from the beginning.”

  I grow hot and my cheeks flush. I can’t believe Owen used the words “promise” and “relationship.” Is it possible that this handsome, charismatic alpha male might want something real with me, a plump teenage girl?

  “Okay,” I smile. “What is it then? I’m sure there’s nothing that could be so terrible. You’re making it sound like your mother died of the bubonic plague.”

  Owen smiles slightly.

  “It’s not the plague, although some people might see it that way. You see, Dads and Daughter was created so that long haul truckers can get relief while they’re on the road.”

  I nod.

  “Of course. My dad has his truck cab set up with all sorts of amenities. It’s really quite fancy. He’s got a flatscreen back there, plus a cooler, and a bed with a nice mattress and some really powerful A/C. It’s comfortable. It’s nicer than a lot of homes, to be honest.”

  Owen nods again.

  “Yes, but the dads do more than just relax and sleep. Sometimes, we need a woman’s companionship, so we’ll call on Dads and Daughters then.”

  I squint a bit.

  “Which means?”

  Owen looks a bit uncomfortable again. There are harsh streaks on his cheekbones, and his bronzed skin looks a bit more flushed.

  “Well, it means that one of the daughters might come out to join us for the night. They’re a local hostess, so to say.”

  I shake my head, confused.

  “Like they make conversation with you? Bring brownies for you to enjoy? Flowers?”

  Owen shakes his head slowly.

  “No, not exactly. The daughters provide relief to us in a much more … ahem, intimate way. They sleep with us, Kristy. They make us happy.”

  I stare at him, my heart racing.

  “You must be kidding.”

  The alpha male shakes his head slowly.

  “No, I’m not. That’s why I was at the hotel tonight. Not to find girls,” he adds hastily. “But daughters join the club at age eighteen, and it was my daughter June’s turn to be initiated.”

  I stare at him.

  “How long have you been a member?” I ask in a c
hoked voice.

  Owen’s reply is even.

  “Ever since my divorce went through.”

  “How long has my dad been a member?”

  Owen shakes his head, his blue eyes even.

  “I’m not sure, sweetheart. But rest assured, there are no married men in the club. They’re very strict about that. The fabric of our club would be worth nothing if we allowed married members.”

  I take a deep breath. My heart is racing, and my head feels light. Holy shit. Owen is a member of a swap club? My dad is a member? Suddenly, my chin jerks up to look at him.

  “Why are you telling me this?” I ask in a strangled voice. “What are you hoping to get?”

  Owen considers the question for a moment before answering.

  “I’m telling you because I feel a connection between us, Kristy. This could be the start of something real, and I don’t want to hide parts of my life because it would be dishonest. I would rather that you know me for who I am from the beginning, rather than try and clue you in later.”

  My throat feels dry and I swallow thickly.

  “But why?” I demand again. “You have your life and I have mine. We just met.”

  Owen’s blue gaze sharpens at that point, and he’s thoughtful before speaking again.

  “What I’m saying, Kristy, is that I’d be happy to stop seeing other daughters, if you’d prefer it that way. As you may have guessed, every time a trucker pulls into a truck stop, he gets a new girl. The girls are local and service truckers who visit their city. A good time is had by all, and most of the time, there are no regrets. But I’m willing to say goodbye to that lifestyle if you want me to.”

  “I want you to,” I say swiftly before stopping abruptly. My cheeks flame. Oh my god, where did that come from? I don’t even know Owen, and yet the thought of him being with another woman absolutely horrifies me. I want him to be mine alone, although I have no idea where this sense of possession is coming from. “I don’t want you to see other woman,” I say again quickly before I can slap a hand over my mouth.

  His lips pull up at the corners slightly.

  “Okay,” he says. “I won’t. It’s no problem, Kristy.”

  “Good, I’m glad,” I say, my heart pounding. “I don’t think I could handle it if you did.”

  He nods again, his blue eyes searching mine.

  “It’s okay, sweetheart. Most women wouldn’t be able to, and to tell you the truth, I don’t want to see other women. Not after being with you, sweetheart.”

  My cheeks flush, and my eyes glimmer a bit.

  “Really?” I ask in a low voice. “You think we have potential?”

  With that, Owen comes out of his seat and pulls me into his embrace. I take a long shuddering breath and lean against his wide chest as those strong arms circle me. I feel safe here, and my heart rate calms a bit.

  “I do think we have potential,” he growls, his breath stirring the air by my ear. “You are so special, sweet, and curvy, Kristy. You’re everything I’ve been looking for, and I want to see where this goes. Sure, the way we met was a little unorthodox, but I’m okay with that. Life often turns out different from what you expect,” he says with a half-smile. “Go with the flow, right?”

  I pull back to look into those piercing blue eyes.

  “Life is strange, isn’t it?” I say softly. “I came to prom thinking I’d lose my innocence, and I did! To you.”

  “And it was so sweet,” he says, leaning close. “I will treasure your gift forever,” he murmurs before seizing my lips in a heart-wrenching kiss. I kiss him back and my pulse races. I feel dizzy but also totally sane at the same time. But then I pull back.

  “Should I join Dads and Daughters as well?” I ask, confused. “If my dad is a member, does that mean I can join as well?”

  Owen’s brow darkens for a moment, but then he nods.

  “I wouldn’t mind if you joined, sweetheart. The group has a clubhouse in the woods that’s a lot of fun, and I would love to bring you there to show you off a bit. Of course, I don’t want you seeing other men,” he says with a wink. “But ask your dad if he’s open to the idea.”

  I smile again, stroking his cheek.

  “I will, Owen. I think this could be the start of something wonderful.”

  After all, this handsome man swept into my life, and changed everything. What comes next, I’m not sure. But for now, I want to confront my dad about this new revelation because since when has James been a member of Dads and Daughters? And how do I become a member too? Am I ready for this change in my life? After all, the group sounds dirty, but maybe it’s the right fit for me.



  “Hey Daddy,” I say, coming downstairs to join James in the kitchen. “That smells really good.”

  My dad is standing at the stove making pancakes. He’s a pro, and we both watch as the puffy yellow disks turn golden brown. Then, he expertly flips them onto a plate and brings the stack over to the table.

  “Here, sweetheart,” he says, putting the steaming plate down. “Help yourself.”

  “Yum,” I say, seating myself while shooting him a smile. “How are you this morning?”

  My dad sits in the chair across from me, and his expression is tense. But he doesn’t answer straightaway.

  “How was Prom last night?” he asks slowly. “Did you have fun Kris?”

  “I did!” I say merrily. “It was great. The music was amazing, and I got back just after two a.m.”

  My dad looks up.

  “You didn’t stay the night?” he asks, slightly confused.

  “Nope,” I answer, biting into a huge forkful of pancake. “I decided to come home.”

  James gets a relieved expression on his face.

  “But you told me there was an after party in a hotel room. Specifically, that you and Ryder were renting a hotel room together and …” he says, his voice trailing off.

  I nod.

  “Yeah, but Ryder and I broke up,” I say carelessly. “I caught him sleeping with Kaylee.”

  My dad is absolutely stunned because he knows that Kaylee and I have been friends since forever.

  “I’m sorry?” he asks in a choked voice. “You said that Ryder cheated on you? With Kaylee?”

  I nod, popping another bite of pancake into my mouth.

  “Yep, but it doesn’t matter,” I say nonchalantly. “I met someone else. You might know him, actually. His name is Owen Merchant.”

  My dad shakes his head, but then the movement stops and he stares at me.

  “Owen Merchant from Summerdale?”

  “Yep!” I reply cheerfully. “He has a daughter named June. He’s really nice and we got to know each other last night. Very well, in fact.”

  My dad slowly puts down his fork and stares at me.

  “Kristy,” he says in a level voice. “I think you better start from the beginning. What happened last night? What is this all about? I don’t get it. There’s cheating, but you don’t seem angry, and then you’re bringing up the name of one of my buddies. What gives?”

  I merely smile at him and shrug.

  “Well, since we’re keeping secrets from one another, why don’t you tell me about Dads and Daughters?” I ask archly.

  James stares at me, his bronzed skin flushing a bit. His jaw hardens and his blue gaze pierces me. But I’m not intimidated. This is my dad we’re talking about, and I want to keep things level.

  “What did Owen tell you about the club?” he asks in a low voice.

  “He told me everything that I need to know. How long have you been a member?” I ask.

  My dad looks like he doesn’t want to answer, but then something indescribable crosses his face. James’s balled fists relax a bit, and he looks me straight in the eye.

  “For a long time, Kristy.”

  “Since I was born?” I press, looking straight at him.

  “No, but ever since I became a trucker,” he says in an even tone. “I’ve been working as a long-haul tru
cker for years now and I joined Dads and Daughters shortly after I started my career.”

  I stare at him.

  “So you’ve been sleeping with girls in different cities for decades then?”

  My dad’s jaw tightens. He looks like he doesn’t want to answer, but then James nods slowly.

  “Maybe not for decades plural, but yes, for at least a decade. It worked for me. I was a single dad, and being a good father has always been my first priority. I didn’t want a relationship with a woman, and yet I had physical needs. As a result, I turned to Dads and Daughters. No one gets hurt, and everyone walks away happy.”

  I look at him evenly.

  “I’m not totally sold on that statement yet, but let’s not go there for right now. Why didn’t you tell me about your membership?”

  My father looks at me evenly.

  “Because no father wants his daughter to join. Not really. In fact, I didn’t go to June Merchant’s initiation last night because I was getting ready to quit.”

  That’s when I jerk forwards.

  “Quit? Hell no, Daddy. After what Owen’s told me, I want to join and I want your support in doing so.”

  Immediately, James shakes his head.

  “Definitely not. You’re not joining, Kristy. I thought I made that clear.”

  “You made nothing clear,” I retort stubbornly. “I want to join, and I want Owen to be my initiator. You can make this happen, Daddy.”

  My father is utterly confused now.

  “Wait, how did this happen? I don’t get how we went from step one to step twenty. You only just learned about the club. Why do you want to join, and why do you want Owen as your initiator?” he asks. “You don’t even know the guy! Do you even know what happens during an initiation, Kris?”

  “I do,” I say smartly. “Owen told me about the ceremony, and we want to go for it with him as my initiator. But we need your help, Daddy. I want you to put my name forward as a potential member.”

  James looks utterly confused now.

  “Sweetheart, you’re not answering my questions. Do you understand what the daughters do during their residencies with Dads and Daughters? I feel like we’re missing something here. Something major.”


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