The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 53

by S. E. Law

  I let out a small laugh then.

  “Oh yes, but I’m not going to do that. No, Owen and I want to be exclusive. But I want to join regardless because it feels right. Also, there’s a place called the Lodge in the woods that sounds amazing. It’s filled with lots of fun toys and activities? Something along those lines?”

  My dad grows flushed again, and the line of his jaw is hard.

  “Yes, there’s the Lodge,” he says in a slow voice. “But what about everything else Kristy? Even if you’re not shared among the truckers, still, you don’t need to join in order to be with Owen. That asshole can quit the club and be with you. It’s as easy as pie.”

  But I merely smile enigmatically at James.

  “No, I want to join, Daddy. The world is opening up to me, and I want to see what it brings. Last night I was a girl, but now I’m a woman. One night made all the difference, and it’s because of Owen, Daddy. Plus, I think it’s fitting that I join Dads and Daughters. You’ve been a member for ages now, and it feels right to pass it down through the generations. The transition to womanhood has begun, and it’s just right.”

  My dad sits stock still at the kitchen table, his big form unmoving. His shoulders look like boulders, and he grits his teeth. I can literally hear them gnashing together like rocks.

  “Sweetheart, you’re so young,” he begins.

  “But this is what I want,” I finish for him. “I’m sure of it, Daddy. Please?”

  James shakes his head curtly again.

  “But you don’t really know,” he begins again.

  “Yes,” I say firmly. “I do. Please Daddy. For me?”

  I can tell James still wants to argue, but he’s also a big teddy bear when it comes to his daughter. My father usually gives me what I want, and this time is no exception. Although his expression is still conflicted, he nods slowly and agrees.

  “Okay, Kristy. I’ll put your name in for an initiation, but sweetheart, you tell me if you change your mind. I can withdraw your name anytime. I can quit the club because it doesn’t mean that much to me. Plus, I’m going to put you in for an initiation, but not immediately. I want you to think about this for a while. I love you, Kristy, and you’re my one and only daughter. I don’t want you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.”

  I let out a small giggle.

  “I’m not uncomfortable, Daddy. You don’t have to worry because I can take care of myself now, promise. Plus, this is what I want, okay? Don’t worry, James. It’s all going to be okay.”

  My dad still looks conflicted, but he nods and begins eating his pancakes again. I smile beatifically, my mind already going to Owen. After all, new vistas have opened because the handsome man took my hand and showed me how life could be. Now, I can’t wait to get to know him better, and my initiation will only be the beginning.



  Six months later.

  I stare at the beautiful girl whom I’ve come to love. She’s seated in my room at the Lodge, and I marvel at her lush curves. Kristy smiles at me while popping another bite of brownie in her mouth.

  “Cat got your tongue?” she asks coyly.

  I merely stare at her, unable to tear my eyes from her bounty.

  “Sweetheart, the cat’s got my tongue all the time around you.”

  She giggles.

  “Good, because it’s almost time, Owen. Initiation is in three hours, but they want me to talk with an older girl first about what to expect.”

  I nod slowly.

  “Yes, I think they want you to meet with Amanda. But honey, are you sure you want to go through with this? You don’t have to, baby girl. I love you so much, and our relationship doesn’t have to begin within these four walls. I’m willing to quit to be with you, Kristy. You mean that much to me.”

  She gets up and walks to me before leaning down to press a soft kiss to my lips. My pulse accelerates as I gaze into her face. Her features are delicate and beautiful and my heart expands just looking at her. This woman is everything to me, and I’d sell my soul to be with her.

  But she merely smiles impishly and giggles again.

  “Owen, I want to become a part of the club. It feels right,” she says simply, “and I think our relationship will be deeper and more meaningful if we’re both members. After all, the Lodge is insanely wonderful,” she says with an impish smile. “And as an associate member, I’ll be able to sample all of its delights.”

  I nod because the Lodge has a lot of different rooms made for sensual pleasure. Yet, nothing makes me happier than the taste of my girl’s sweet curves. It’s simple and straightforward, but her sassy personality, incredible body, and fun sense of humor are what keep me coming back for more. I’ve fallen head over heels in love with this woman, and that’s the long and the short of it.

  At first, I wasn’t sure what was going to happen. Kristy went to confront her dad, and I was expecting the worst. I was expecting all hell to break loose because what father wants to his daughter to be a member of our club? But miracle of miracles, Owen agreed to let her join. Her initiation was postponed for six months as a precaution, but it made sense to me. Not every girl is a fit for Dads and Daughters, after all.

  But Kristy and I used those six months to get to know one another, and it’s been fantastic in every sense of the word. I’ve taken her out on every kind of date possible: small, intimate two-person dinners together, as well as gatherings with my friends. In fact, there was a specific get-together that I especially wanted her to attend because it would prepare her for her ultimate initiation with the club.

  “What is this?” she asked with a confused blush, looking around the kitchen table. “It looks like a guy’s night.”

  We were at my friend Brick’s place, and nothing looked out of place. He lives in a fixer upper on the west side of town, and the kitchen was a bit ramshackle, but still okay. Linoleum counters and a shiny wooden table that had seen better days sat in the middle of the room. More importantly, there were three other alpha males sitting around the table and a deck of cards on the table.

  “It is a guy’s night, Kristy,” I said slowly, nodding at the other men. “Honey, this is Brock, Brick, and Nestor. Guys, this is Kristy.”

  “Hey,” she smiled, blushing prettily as the men nodded. But then my girl turned to me. “Owen, why am I here if it’s a guy’s night?” she asked in a whisper. “Aren’t you guys going to be watching football, drinking beer, and belching? I don’t belong here.”

  I nod slowly again. The presence of the other men was electric, and the high dose of testosterone in the air made the small kitchen feel even more cramped.

  “We’ll be playing cards, Kris, but I wanted to bring you because Brock, Brick and Nestor are all members of Dads and Daughters.”

  She threw them a puzzled expression over my shoulder.

  “Yes, but?” she whispered. “I haven’t been initiated yet. It’s too soon.”

  I took a deep breath.

  “That’s the thing Kristy. I want you to be prepared for what the ceremony entails, and Brock, Brick and Nestor are going to help.”

  She shot me a sharp look.

  “What do you mean?” was her slow question. “How are they going to help?”

  Slowly, I sat in the chair and then patted my lap for her to join.

  “Sweetheart, sit here for a second. Brock, deal the cards.”

  My friend reached for the deck, slowly unwrapping the plastic covering. Then, he dealt the cards, beginning a game of poker. But as I reached to pick up my hand with one hand, my other hand slipped below the table to touch Kristy where it counts. She gasped and her eyes grew wide.

  “Mmmm,” was her low sigh. Obviously, the men knew she’d just been touched because white smiles flashed.

  “You like that, pretty girl?” growled Brock in a low voice.

  “Owen has more coming your way,” added Brick raspily.

  And it only went on from there. I touched Kristy all over right there at the kitc
hen table with my friends watching. Soon, she was sitting in my lap with nothing but the sheerest of lingerie on, panting and writhing in my lap as the poker game continued.

  But we didn’t stop there. We didn’t let our audience bother us at all. While I reached for a new card with one hand, I also pulled the silk of her panties to the side with another and slowly slipped my hard shaft into her warmth. Kristy let out a surprised little gasp, her hands gripping the edge of the table white-knuckled. Meanwhile, my friends continued to play even as they watched my huge rod edge its way deeper into her pink sweetness.

  “You feel so good,” I murmured in her ear as that ten incher went all the way in. Kristy couldn’t respond. Her eyes were bugging out as she panted deeply, leaning over the table. My friends watched with avid eyes, eating it all up.

  “You see,” I continued. “The club has decided on an open initiation for you, Kris. Do you know what that means?”

  Her eyes fluttered closed and her only sound was a deep wheeze as I pressed even deeper. I took that as a no.

  “It means, sweetheart, that we’re going to be observed during your first penetration. It’s an honor, baby girl. Some girls are taken for the first time in a private setting, but not you. I’m going to initiate you in public, and this is preparation for that. Do you like having the men’s eyes on you?”

  Again, the only sound was a low moan as I pressed deeper into her. I niggled her bud a bit, and laughed harshly.

  “I know you do, baby girl, given how wet you are right now. You’re going to do well during initiation. I can tell already.”

  With that, I gave up any pretense of playing cards whatsoever. I put down my cards, and then placed one hand under each of Kristy’s knees lifting them high so that my friends could see everything. Then I began pummeling into her from below, savoring that juicy pinkness.

  “Oh!” she cried, her head tilting back. “Oh oh oh!”

  “You’re doing great,” I growled in a strained voice. “Doing really well, baby girl.”

  Then, it happened. It was the heat of the other men’s eyes on us, combined with the nasty setting and unexpected exhibitionism. I grunted hard, once, and then pulsed into her. My member throbbed while emitting hot streams of fluid into Kristy’s sweet channel, and she let out a long shriek as her own body dissolved into tremors. Her folds shook with spasms, pulling my juices even deeper inside as my friends watched and stroked their own poles.

  It was a night to remember, and my sweet girl passed with flying colors. That’s why I’m not worried now, as we say farewell before the ceremony.

  “You’re going to do wonderful,” I say, pressing another kiss to her forehead before looking into those deep brown eyes. “Everything’s going to be fine.”

  She nods, although her lower lip is trembling slightly.

  “You think, Owen?” she breathes.

  I put my big hands on her shoulders reassuringly.

  “I know so,” I say. “Now go with Amanda, and I’ll see you in a few hours, okay? It’ll be showtime soon enough, but the whole thing will be over before you realize it.”

  With that, Kristy turns and heads off with an older brunette. She gracefully sways down the hall, but turns to wave one more time at me with a sweet smile on her lips.

  Oh god, what have I done? I love this woman, but how can I be doing this to her? After all, I’m going to claim my girl in full view of a roomful of men. Is this what people in love do? At this point, I’m so confused that I send a prayer to the Heavens. God Almighty, I beseech. Have pity on this poor soul because I may be making the biggest mistake of my life.



  I lift my leg up from the steaming water. Rivulets run down my calves and drip back into the bath. The air is steamy and hot, and I squint slightly to look at Amanda.

  “So, are a lot of people going to be there tonight?”

  She nods.

  “Just the men,” she says, handing me a damp washcloth. “The daughters won’t come.”

  I nod thoughtfully.

  “Is my dad going to be there?”

  She shakes her head vehemently.

  “God no. We’re a dirty group, but even we have limits. No, fathers are not permitted to watch initiations of their own kin. That would be going against the laws of man.”

  I nod, relieved. I’d wondered about that but been too shy to ask. But now, heading towards the finish line, all of my questions are coming out.

  “Will there be a mattress out there?” I ask. “Or is it a bed? Is it lit with floodlights? Will it have black silk sheets?”

  Amanda lets out a tinkling laugh.

  “Unfortunately, the men are a lot more …. um, basic, shall we say. Your initiator will take you on all fours on the floor of the ceremony room. There aren’t any niceties like black silk sheets, although that would make for a great movie.”

  “On all fours?” I ask weakly. “What’s the significance of that?”

  Amanda shrugs.

  “It’s probably just tradition. The man wants to claim you, and the most animalistic way of doing that is by taking you on all fours. It’s very possessive and exciting, if you ask me.” But then the older girl turns to me. “Are you okay with this, Kristy? I mean, are you okay with all these different men watching as you’re taken?”

  I nod slowly.

  “I think I am. Owen and I already know each other, as you saw out there, and in fact, he helped me practice.”

  Amanda shoots me an odd look.

  “Practice? But how?”

  I smile mysteriously.

  “Well, I’m not sure if I’m supposed to tell you this, but he brought me to a card game at his friend Brick’s house. There were three guys there, and well, we did it while they were playing cards. Right in the middle of their game.”

  Amanda’s jaw drops to the ground as her eyes go wide.

  “Oh my god, you did it out in the open? With other guys watching?”

  I nod, flushing rosily.

  “Yes,” I whisper. “They watched as Owen took me, right there at the card table. And you know what? I liked it.”

  Amanda’s eyes are practically bugging out from her head now.

  “Oh my god, I’ve never had anything like that happen to me before.”

  I stare at her, nonplussed.

  “But I thought that the Lodge was filled with all sorts of secret rooms and dirty contraptions? Even if you’ve never been owned at a card game, surely you’ve done something of a similar nature?”

  Amanda merely shakes her head, her brown curls bobbling.

  “No, not really. I’m only six months into my residency, so that might be part of reason why. I haven’t been here very long, period. But also, I’ve been going out to see different truckers almost every night, and they like things to be straightforward. We grab dinner, and then they take me to the back of their cab. It’s been wonderful,” she says with a blush. “But there’s been nothing crazy like exhibitionism or anything.”

  I stare at her.

  “Nothing at all? In the entire six months you’ve been doing this, no guy has done anything beyond vanilla?”

  She shakes her head.

  “No, nothing. It’s weird because you’re not even initiated yet, Kristy, but I feel like you’ve already experienced more than I have.”

  I shake my head.

  “I don’t know what to say. Honestly, I don’t.”

  She seems about to reply, but then her eyes go wide when she sees the clock on top of the marble sink.

  “Me neither, but you know what? It doesn’t matter because it’s time. Your ceremony is going to begin in thirty minutes, so we’ve talked enough, Kristy. Holy shit. There’s still hair and make-up to do. Oh god, I’ve screwed up. I was supposed to help you get ready, but now, look what I’ve done. You’re going to be a late, and sopping wet at that!”

  I laugh while standing up in the bath. Amanda immediately rushes over with a bath towel and begins scrubbing me dry.

  “Hold it, hold it,” I say with another laugh. “It’s going to be fine. Trust me, I can get ready in five minutes and we’re not going to be late. Now where’s the dress I’m supposed to wear?”

  Amanda procures a thin silk slip and I merely smile.

  “Thanks,” I say. “I promise, everything is going to be okay. Just give me a few minutes in private, and I’ll be ready in no time.”

  Clucking with distress, Amanda nods and disappears. Meanwhile, I turn to look at myself in the mirror. My cheeks are flushed, and my brown hair is piled up in waves on the top of my head. Big, starry eyes stare back at me, and if I’m being honest, my body is tingling already. Quickly, I dry off and slip the silk over my head so that it floats over my curves like gossamer. Then I pinch my cheeks, lick my lips, and take down my hair before fluffing out my curls. I look innocent, yet sultry; womanly, yet a naïf; and most of all, I look ready for Owen. This is going to be our night, and now, I can’t wait.



  I’m barely breathing as I wait in the semi-darkness.

  Relax, my mind says. It’s going to be fine.

  But how can I relax? The woman I love will be presented to my fellow truckers today, and I’ll be claiming her in front of them to demonstrate my possession.

  Usually, an initiation isn’t like this at all. Initiations are generally semi-private. The girls are presented to a group of dads, but then the actual possession takes place in privacy. It’s only right because who would subject their daughter to an exhibition in front of dozens, if not hundreds, of hungry truckers?

  But because Kristy and I have requested to be exclusive from the get-go, the club decided that performing in public would be a necessity. I can understand their point of view. They want to see what Kristy has to offer because they’ll never taste it themselves. At least, not if I have a say in the matter. Even the thought of another man touching her gets my blood boiling because the curvy girl is mine, and if I have to claim her three times tonight, then I will, just to show them that she belongs to me.


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