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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 54

by S. E. Law

  Where is the alpha male territoriality coming from? I’ve been with dozens, if not hundreds of women in the past, and I’ve never felt like this before. Yet, I know that the sassy brunette belongs to me, and my need to mark her and brand her before this group of men is strong. Perhaps that’s the reason why I didn’t protest the ruling when it came down. I want to put my scent all over her as they watch, so that there’s no doubt about whom this female belongs to.

  But now, the lights have dimmed. There’s a small dais in the front of the room, lit up by spotlights. Men are arrayed in chairs around it, their forms hulking and huge. Only faint rustles sound out, and I know quite a few of my brothers are looking forward to the show. I wait restlessly in the wings, a white towel wrapped around my waist.

  Then, the lights drop to darkness before a spotlight penetrates the room. Kristy has appeared, and she’s absolutely gorgeous. She sways to the dais, teetering on extremely high heels. The white silk of her dress floats about her curves, showing off her generous assets without being louche. A monotone voice speaks aloud then.

  “Welcome. This is Kristy Landauer, daughter of James Landauer. Kristy is eighteen years old, five foot six, with Double Ds and a twenty-three inch waist. Kristy, can you please circle once?”

  The pretty brunette blushes but smiles and nods. In her high heels, she turns on the dais, her brown locks floating in a spiral as her lush derriere sways. The men groan with approval.

  “Thank you, Kristy,” the voice comes again. “As you know, tonight is a special night. Kristy will be initiated by Owen Merchant. Mr. Merchant, to the dais please.”

  I take my cue. With a flip of my fingers, the towel drops to the ground and I strut into the limelight like a Roman hero. Why not? I work out and have the physique to prove it. Not only that, but her little walk was enough to get me hard, and my pole is already jutting at a ninety-degree angle from my waist. Kristy’s eyes go wide as I step into the light and her mouth opens in a round “O.” The crowd rustles a bit, but I only have eyes for her.

  “Sweetheart,” I growl beneath my breath while taking her in my arms. “Relax, okay?”

  She nods even as her sweet lips part beneath mine. She’s all honey and succor, and slowly, everything else disappears into a blurry mass. All that’s left before me is this beautiful girl, and my need for her.

  Slowly, I help her off with the slip so that she’s dressed in nothing but glittery high heels. Her creamy mounds are even bigger than usual with hard, rosy tips. Her hips sway, and the pink slit between her legs is already gleaming with moisture and puffy with need.

  “Sweetheart, you’re so gorgeous,” I murmur, caressing her slightly at her vee. Her head drops back and she parts her lips in a throaty moan. “So beautiful,” I reiterate again, while pressing my lips to the fluttering pulse at her neck.

  But I want to show my dominance. Slowly, I run my hand down over her poochy stomach, reveling in the soft mound there. Although Kristy doesn’t know it yet, I already suspect. My guess is that she’s carrying my child, and that a baby is growing within her. I’m so proud to show off her fertility in front of my friends, and to show how she can take a man even with a baby inside.

  “Honey, I want to be gentle with you,” I whisper in her ear. Her eyes flicker open slightly.

  “But why?” she murmurs. “I can take it hard if that’s what you want.”

  “No baby,” I whisper again. “We should go slow this time and have you really enjoy it. Not that I don’t like it rough, but I want to caress you and show these men just how much I love you.”

  She giggles a little.

  “Love, Mr. Merchant? This is a strange time to be saying that word, wouldn’t you say?”

  I run my large palm over her rounded belly again, as if caressing the evidence of our love.

  “No, it’s not weird,” I whisper again in her ear. “I love you, Kristy Landauer, and I want this to be a public declaration of my emotions for you. You came into my life in an untraditional way, but what I feel for you is absolutely real,” I say, looking into her deep brown eyes. She melts in my arms and smiles tremulously.

  “I feel that way about you too, Owen,” she whispers, one small hand caressing my face. “I love you.”

  Our lips are sealed, and even the bright lights and audience can’t distract me from this woman. After all, she’s lush, plump, and most of all, pregnant with my child. How can I treat her with anything but the greatest respect and dignity?

  Slowly, I reach down to caress her curves. Her head tilts back and her eyes flutter shut as she moans with pleasure. Wetness is already seeping down her thighs, and I taste that honeyed nectar. Then I trail back upwards until I’m at her vee, and gently lick at her nub before tonguing open the entrance that I crave so much.

  After all, this woman is my everything. She’s so beautiful, ripe, and curvy, and it’s up to me to show my brothers that she belongs to me. Lovingly, I embrace her, and then lay her down on the dais on her back. She makes to get on her hands and knees, but I gently push her downwards again.

  “It’s okay,” I say. “I want them to see this bump,” I groan while running my hand over her tummy again. Kristy’s eyes go round with shock when she realizes what I’m implying.

  “Do you think …?” her voice trails off as I part her legs and position myself between those ample thighs. I nudge her, and she lets out another low wail of pleasure.

  “Yes, I definitely do. I know so, in fact. You are mine, Kristy. You and this baby belong to me.” With that declaration, I thrust deeply into her pulsing folds and her back arches with delight, a moan of pleasure coming from her throat.

  “Do you hear me?” I pant, easing my full length into that tiny box. “You and the baby are mine.”

  With that, our love is consummated before this band of brothers. The other truckers watch as I take Kristy over and over again, her swelling stomach rising and falling in the air as proof of our adoration for one another. My friends know what they’re seeing because most of them are fathers themselves. They know when a woman is expecting, and that the tableaux before them is that of an alpha claiming his woman and child.

  After all, Kristy never expected this to happen, and neither did I. We met after her prom night went disastrously awry. But you know what? With the benefit of time and distance, everything went the way it should have, and now we will be bound as one for the rest of our lives.



  A year later.

  I stroll down the sidewalk, pushing a baby carriage. The sunlight sparkles off the sidewalk and a gentle breeze makes the leaves rustle. I feel so happy, but it’s not just because of the weather. Instead, my handsome man is by my side, and we’re the picture of familial happiness. After all, I’m lush and curvy, with a peaceful smile on my face. Owen, meanwhile, is bent over the stroller cooing at his daughter.

  “Hiya Rose,” he says while waggling two big fingers at her. “Rosey want a posey?”

  Rosey gurgles in her carriage and waves her little arms energetically. Owen blows her a kiss, and I laugh as he straightens.

  “You love baby talk,” I giggle. “Who knew that the mighty Owen Merchant would become so googly-eyed for a baby girl?”

  He grins and gives me a discreet pinch on my behind, making me tingle where it counts.

  “I’m always googly-eyed when we’re discussing you, sweetheart,” he growls. “Kristy want a twisty?”

  I giggle again because sometimes Owen and I like to engage in age play. It’s a fun thing that we do on occasion. In the privacy of our home, I’ll put on a frilly babydoll dress, patent Mary Janes, and cute little knee socks. Then, Owen becomes my daddy and we do all sorts of naughty things together involving lollipops, suckers, and crayons, among other exciting toys.

  But in public, we act normally because there’s already been enough excitement in this town. I smile lovingly at my husband again, and he smiles back, so handsome it almost hurts. But then, a slight squint comes to h
is eyes as he gazes over my shoulder. Who is it? A sugary voice interrupts my thoughts.

  “Heeeeey Kristy,” sing-songs an all-too-familiar tone. I spin around, and sure enough, it’s my ex-friend Kaylee. Her hair is a too-bright blonde with dark roots, and her make-up looks spackled on. Even though we’re in the bright light of day, she’s wearing sparkly blue eyeshadow, garish red lipstick, and a skin-tight denim mini-dress.

  Even more surprising is the man she has on her arm. My ex, Ryder, stands next to her, although he’s shifting his weight from foot to foot nervously. Although Ryder has always been tall, he’s still an inch or two shorter than Owen. Not only that, but he must be thirty pounds less than my boyfriend. Comparing them is literally comparing a teen boy to a full-grown alpha male with broad shoulders and a take-no-prisoners demeanor.

  “Hey Kaylee,” I say graciously. “How are you? I haven’t seen you since graduation.”

  It’s true. I haven’t seen Kaylee since she walked across the stage because we stopped talking after prom. I saw her occasionally in the hallways at school but always looked the other way. Britt tried to mediate between us, but it was no use. I couldn’t get over the mental picture of Ryder’s bronzed buttocks pumping between her thighs, and it still grosses me out, even if I’m over it.

  Meanwhile, my former friend bats her lashes at Owen.

  “I’m good,” she simpers. “Ryder and I are getting married, did you hear?” she asks, sticking out her left ring finger. On it is a huge stone, but something about the rock makes me stop in my tracks. It’s too big, if anything, and it doesn’t sparkle quite right. My guess is that it’s glass, if not plastic.

  “Um, no I didn’t hear,” I say quickly. “But congrats to you both! Great to see you Ryder,” I say.

  He looks down and shuffles his feet a bit. For the first time, I notice that Ryder’s hair is thinning on top, and it seems that without the rigor of high school sports, he’s getting a little pudgy around the middle.

  “Thanks,” he mutters. “It’s good to see you Kristy,” he continues. “I’m real sorry about –”

  But Kaylee interrupts.

  “Bye now!” she tinkles while yanking her fiancé by the arm. “We have to go. We’re picking out floral arrangements,” she says, throwing her bottle blonde hair over one shoulder while hoisting her designer bag more firmly over the other. “Come on, Ryder,” she commands. “Tut tut.”

  She walks off with my ex-boyfriend trailing two feet behind her. He looks more like a pet dog than a fiancé, and I feel terrible for him. To be honest, I feel terrible for them both because I can tell they have a lifetime of bad decisions and misery ahead.

  “Was that them?” Owen asks me, once they’re out of earshot. “The ones who wrecked your prom? Man, what a piece of work. Make that pieces of work, plural,” he adds.

  I laugh a little, pushing Rose’s stroller once again.

  “You’re right. They’re both pieces of work,” I agree. “I heard through the grapevine that Kaylee’s working as an Influencer on Instagram, which explains the heavy make-up and skin-tight clothes. Good luck to her. That field is crammed with competitors these days. But Ryder? I don’t know what he’s up to.”

  “She’s an influencer?” Owen asks with disbelief, watching Kaylee and Ryder leave. “But what is she trying to sell? Who would buy anything from her?”

  I shrug.

  “I don’t know, but I heard all these different filters can make anyone look good, even if you have on eight layers of makeup. But Ryder couldn’t be an influencer too, could he? That’s not a job that many men do well at.”

  Owen grows thoughtful a moment before answering.

  “Actually, believe it or not, Ryder tried to get a commercial driver’s license to become a trucker,” he mentions lightly. “I saw his name on the list. But it was a no go.”

  I swing around to look at him, surprised.

  “Really?” I ask. “No one told me. Which part of the test did he fail?”

  Owen grins at me.

  “Both. He couldn’t hack the written or the driving. But I swear, sweetheart. I had nothing to do with it,” he says, holding his hands up in innocence. “That boy is just dumb.”

  I take a deep breath while shaking my head.

  “I can’t believe it,” I murmur to myself. “To think that I used to be so hung up on Kaylee and Ryder’s cheating ways.”

  Owen grins at me and chucks me under the chin.

  “No, you never were hung up on them,” he reassures me. “And if you were, it was only for an hour because I swept in during your time of need and comforted you.”

  I giggle.

  “Somehow, I don’t think ‘comfort’ is the right word.”

  Owen merely raises his eyebrows and grins again.

  “Speak for yourself, sweetheart. I think ‘comfort’ is absolutely the right word for what we did in that hotel ballroom.”

  I laugh, so grateful for this man because he sees the humor in every situation, no matter how titillating or how ridiculous.

  “It wasn’t the hotel ballroom. It was the hotel lobby! No, not even. It was the hallway.”

  He chuckles again.

  “You’re right. Maybe we should have taken it to our rooms, but I had a good thing on my hands, and I wasn’t about to miss out on one second of satisfaction.”

  I giggle again as we reach our house. Owen unlocks the front door, and I wheel Rose inside. The baby’s sleeping peacefully, and we carefully place her in her crib before going to our love nest.

  “Now, do you want to play, sweetheart?” Owen asks me. “Like I said, bad girls get lollipops in their you-know-wheres, and you’ve been very bad today.”

  I giggle and sit up straight.

  “No, where, Daddy? Where do I get a lollipop? What flavor will it be?”

  He grins before reaching into his pocket.

  “I got you a ring pop today, baby girl,” he says, showing off a plastic ring with a huge candy attached. “I think it’s strawberry. Would you like that in your kitty, sweetheart? Would this feel good?”

  My cheeks flush because I love indulging in the DD/lg lifestyle with Owen. But before we assume our roles fully, I stop him.

  “By the way, what’s going to happen to your daughter?” I ask slowly. “Not Rosey, but your older daughter June. I know that there was definitely a lot of drama there. Is June going to be okay?”

  After all, Owen’s daughter didn’t accept our relationship at first. But my man has his ways, and he’s able to make good decisions even in stressful situations. He pauses and looks at me, his expression neutral.

  “Well, we’ve decided to initiate June again,” he says lightly.

  I stare at him, nonplussed.

  “But she swore off Dads and Daughters. I thought June hated the group and believes it’s a cult.”

  He nods.

  “Yes, but some of the brothers want to teach her a lesson. She’s ripe, curvy, and she could stand to learn a very sensual lesson, if you will.”

  My mouth drops open.

  “Are you serious? Like a group lesson?”

  Owen nods, his blue eyes a bit shuttered.

  “Sometimes, the best kind of medicine is the type that burns a little while it goes down, but also puts a fire in your belly. That’s the kind of lesson that my June needs. So yes, the last I heard, the Connaught Brothers are going to have their way with her.”

  My eyes go wide.

  “The Connaught Brothers?” I stammer. “But there’s three of them!”

  Owen nods knowingly.

  “Exactly. There are three, and to be honest, sweetheart, it’s going to take three men to tame June. My daughter needs that kind of discipline because she’s a wild filly. I spoiled her, so it’s my fault. But the brotherhood is going to step in now, and give her a thorough initiation for her own good.”

  I gasp, hardly able to believe his words. But if Owen thinks that a three-on-one is what’s best for his daughter, then I support him in every way. H
e is my man after all, and he knows what’s best for June. He’s also a good father with good intentions, and I know that he’ll do what’s right for June, the same way he’ll do what’s right for Rose. I nod slowly before turning to him again.

  “And by the way, did you know that Amanda at the club has never really used the facilities? She’s been with Dads and Daughters for over a year now, but it’s somehow slipped through her fingers. She keeps servicing out-of-town truckers who like it vanilla and never do anything special for her. The girl was utterly shocked when I told her about the dirty card game I attended long ago.”

  Owen looks stumped as well.

  “Really? Is this the Amanda who prepped you for your ceremony?”

  I nod.

  “Yes, the pretty brunette with the brown eyes. It’s hard to believe right? Usually, an older girl acts as the guide, but in this case, I was more experienced than her. I was telling Amanda about the card game where we performed in front of Brick, Brock and Nestor, and she was floored. I mean, not floored by how dirty it was, but she was kind of … wistful, is I guess how I would describe it. She’s never had anything like that happen to her because she keeps getting vanilla over and over again.”

  A thoughtful look comes into Owen’s eyes.

  “Well, Brick and Brock are very open-minded men. I can talk to them about setting up a private card game, if you think Amanda would be interested.”

  I giggle.

  “Oh, I definitely think she’d be interested,” I lilt. “She’ll be over the moon at the opportunity, Owen. Even though she’s supposed to be experienced, she came off as quite innocent and naïve. Tell them to be gentle with her though, okay? We don’t want to shock her socks off.”

  With that, my man laughs and gets a hungry gleam to his blue eyes. His arms circle me again, and his lips descend on mine possessively.


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