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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

Page 67

by S. E. Law

  As soon as I emerge into the waiting area with my luggage in tow, Shoshanna flies into my arms and gives me a great big bear hug.

  “Hiya girlie!” she squeals. “Long time no see! How are you?” she asks, stepping back for a moment and looking at me. “Even more beautiful than you were before,” she pronounces.

  I laugh.

  “Shosh, you know I’m not beautiful. But thank you anyways. You look great too.”

  It’s true because the older woman has a light tan with a healthy glow. Her golden brown curls bounce in a halo around her head, and even though there are a few lines around her eyes and mouth, she’s still pretty. Shoshanna is wearing a tropical print sheath dress which suits her, and bright pink lipstick which only adds to her gay appearance.

  “Oh Melissa,” she sighs merrily while rolling her eyes. “Always so modest! Did you know this girl is modest?” she asks Domenico and Matte, who have since appeared behind my shoulder. “By the way, I’m Shoshanna,” she says, extending her hand out. “And boy, are you two both tall drinks of water!”

  My two Italian stallions grin and bow. Matteo even takes Shoshanna’s hand and kisses it gallantly.

  “Pleased to meet you,” he growls.

  “At your service,” adds Domenico with a wink.

  “At my service?” Shoshanna giggles. “Boy, have the tables turned since I was in Dads and Daughters. Back then, I was at the truckers’ service, and not the other way around. But now, you exist solely for Melissa’s pleasure, don’t you?” she winks at my two men.

  Before Matteo and Domenico can reply, she whirls around and sticks her arm companionably through mine.

  “You’ve got them whipped,” she whispers in my ear with a wink. “But I like it. Plus, you didn’t tell me they were Italian!”

  I shush her while sneaking a peak at my two men over my shoulder. Fortunately, Matteo and Domenico are busy hauling our luggage, although of course the heavy bags are easy for them to maneuver.

  “I did tell you they were Italian!” is my protest. “Remember? I was calling from Italy because they needed a First Daughter out there. Dads and Daughters is starting a new site in Milan.”

  Shoshanna lets out a trill of laughter.

  “I knew all that, silly, but I guess I didn’t put two and two together. Of course, your new boyfriends are Italian. Must be my mommy brain frying itself.”

  Immediately, my cheeks go pink and I admonish my friend.

  “You don’t have mommy brain, Shosh. You gave birth three years ago, so the time for mommy brain is over. Plus, they’re not my new boyfriends,” I whisper again. “At least, we haven’t talked about it yet.”

  Shoshanna throws me a long, appraising look.

  “Girl, you and I need to catch up,” she whistles. “Not your boyfriends? Girlie girlie girlie, we have got to talk.”

  With that, we reach the van and Shosh presses a button on her key fob. The door unlocks by itself and begins retracting automatically.

  “Wow,” remarks Matteo. “Everything in America is controlled by robots.”

  Before I can say anything, Shosh lets out another laugh.

  “I can tell we have a lot to show you,” she says with a motherly pat on his back. “Now hop in, and ignore the car seat. Also, throw the toys in the back on the floor, and if there are any stains, here’s a pack of wetnaps. My kids, Josh and Connie, are cute but messy. You’ll meet them soon enough.”

  The two men clamber into the backseat of the van, and I almost laugh because they’re so huge and the space is pretty tiny. Their knees jut upwards and their heads almost brush the ceiling. Even more funny is the fact that Domenico is in the third row, cramped between two car seats.

  “I’m okay,” he winks when he sees my humorous look. “Welcome to life in America.”

  With that, we all jump in the car and head off. My men make small talk with Shoshanna, and my friend is as merry and carefree as always. I look out at the road with the Florida sun sparkling off the tarmac and marvel at my good fortune. How did I come to be here, introducing my two men to the most important woman in my life? I only hope they like each other because I’m pregnant, and I’ll need all of them on my side in order to raise this baby with love.



  We drop Matteo and Domenico off at the hotel, and then make the drive to Shoshanna’s home.

  “Girlie, those are two good looking Italian stallions,” she whistles. “What is it like with them in the sack? Is it everything you dreamed it would be?”

  I guffaw then.

  “Shosh, are you asking me this because you miss Dads and Daughters?” I say with a mock frown. “Tell me you don’t. I thought you were living a dream life now with Josh, Connie and don’t forget: your handsome husband Dan.”

  Shosh rolls her eyes as we turn into a cute cul-de-sac. The houses are painted vibrant colors, and it’s quiet and lovely.

  “Oh, don’t even get me started on Dan,” she begins. “Well, let me count the ways he could change. One, he could lose thirty pounds. Two, he could help with the dishes and laundry more. And three, he could grow some hair on his head so that he’s not bald like a possum!”

  I giggle while opening my door to get out.

  “But Shosh, Dan has always been bald, so you knew that before marrying him! How is he going to grow hair now?”

  My buddy rolls her eyes while slamming the car door.

  “Hair transplants? Rogaine for Men? No seriously, Mel, I’m just kidding. I love Dan and our life with the kids. And no, I don’t miss Dads and Daughters. It was part of my life, and a wonderful part, but I’ve moved on. I’m a woman of thirty now, with two rugrats and a doting husband. I wouldn’t trade them for the world.”

  I grin as she opens the front door.

  “Good,” I say. “I’m so glad because sometimes I wonder about the other side. All the daughters will graduate at some point,” I say ruefully. “Including me, so it’s encouraging to hear that you love your new life.”

  Shosh nods and puts her purse on the counter. She and Dan have a beautiful split level with a homey kitchen that connects to a family room. There are kids’ toys scattered on the floor, but I don’t mind. It’s nice sometimes to view someone’s life other than your own. Especially because Shosh has always been there for me, and because I want what’s best for her.

  She heads to the fridge and opens it.

  “Water?” she asks. “Juice?”

  “What about wine?” I ask playfully. “I did just come from Italy, which is known for their wine.”

  She grins at me while pulling a carton of orange juice from the shelf.

  “Girl, don’t even try to play me,” she mock scolds while pouring two glasses. “I knew you were pregnant the moment you got off the plane.”

  I stare at her while sitting motionless on my stool.

  “You did?” I stammer. “But how?”

  Shoshanna merely slides onto the stool next to mine while handing me a glass of OJ.

  “Take it from someone who’s been pregnant twice. I know when another woman’s pregnant just from the vibes.”

  I laugh out loud then.

  “No seriously. What was it that gave it away? I haven’t told Domenico nor Matteo yet.”

  “I know,” she says smugly. “I could tell that too. Those two dudes are handsome as sin, but completely clueless when it comes to this. You’re probably three months along right?”

  “Two,” I reply meekly.

  She nods triumphantly.

  “See? I knew. And Melissa, you look gorgeous because of it. You’re glowing from the inside out, and you’re so happy that if you could bottle this emotion, you’d make gazillions of dollars.”

  I laugh gently.

  “Yeah, but the fathers don’t know yet. That’s a little bit of a problem, I would say.”

  Shosh smiles while throwing me a sideways glance.

  “But why haven’t you told them? And what’s their story? Do you know who the father is

  I take a deep breath.

  “Well, no, because I’ve been doing them both,” I confess. “Usually at the same time.”

  Shosh nods smugly.

  “Good for you girlfriend. I always enjoyed the two-on-ones. Do they ever get it on with one another?”

  I look around her house quickly.

  “By the way, are Dan and the kids home?”

  Shosh shakes her head conspiratorially.

  “No, I sent them to Costco. The kids love all the samples, and they won’t be back for a while yet. But back to the question: are your men bisexual, or are you the sole focus?”

  I blush.

  “I’m the sole focus,” I say, my cheeks coloring. “It’s so good that way.”

  Shosh lets out a joyful whoop.

  “Oh my god, that’s awesome,” she gushes. “I’m starting to miss Dads and Daughters. OMG!”

  I blush even more hotly.

  “But Shosh, I don’t know who the father is, and it’s partly because I’ve with both of them all the time, but it’s also because they don’t let me see who’s taking me.”

  My buddy looks confused as she tucks a curl behind her ear.

  “What do you mean, they don’t let you see? Are you always wearing a blindfold while you make love? That’s totally fine, Melly, but all the time?”

  I shake my head.

  “No, not all the time. It’s this thing we’ve been practicing ever since I met Matteo and Domenico. They want to know if I can tell between them down there. You know, if I can tell who’s in me based on length, thickness, and depth of penetration.”

  Shosh leans forward, her blue eyes wide.

  “And can you?” she asks with bated breath. “Oooh, this is so exciting.”

  I blush and nod.

  “I can. Well, at least I think I can. In fact, I think I’ve been able to tell from the first or second time we were together, but this game is so much fun that I pretend I don’t know. We’ve been practicing for six months now, and I don’t think Domenico and Matteo have caught on yet.”

  Shosh sits back and laughs while taking another sip of orange juice.

  “Well, that’s men for you. So intelligent and caring in some ways, yet utterly clueless in others. But Mel, why haven’t you told them about your pregnancy? Why are you holding back?”

  I take a deep breath and summon my courage.

  “I don’t know. I guess I’m just afraid,” is my small voice. “I mean, they’re Italian and while I know they’ll be overjoyed about the baby, I think they’d want to raise their child in Europe, whereas I’m American …” My voice trails off.

  “So you want to raise the baby here,” says Shosh in a firm voice.

  “I do,” is my pitiful reply. “Italy has all these coronavirus cases right now, but it’s not just that. It’s that I want my kids to be American. I want them to have American values, and not that of the old world. I want them to go to school here, and to grow up speaking English. It’s fine if they speak Italian too, but I don’t want that to be their first language, not when English is so predominant.”

  My friend is quiet for a moment.

  “Have you told Matteo and Domenico that?”

  I shake my head slowly.

  “No, because I haven’t even told them that I’m pregnant,” is my whisper.

  Shoshanna is silent another moment.

  “Mel, are you planning on going back to Italy?” she asks. “You know, it’s not safe to travel if you’re close to giving birth.”

  At that, I feel ashamed and look down at the table. My fingers grip the glass of orange juice, and the knuckles are white.

  “Calm down,” my buddy soothes. “You can tell me the truth. It’s fine, Melissa. Everything’s going to be fine.”

  At that, I look up with a sheen of tears in my eyes.

  “No, I wasn’t planning on returning to Europe,” is my choked confession. “I want to stay here and have my baby here. Not here in Boca exactly,” I say in a choked voice. “But I don’t want to go back to Italy. Not while I’m expecting.”

  My buddy takes a deep breath and covers my hand with her own. Her warm touch is reassuring and I grasp her fingers tightly, tears suddenly springing from my eyes.

  “Am I making a mistake?” I add with a small sob. “I want this baby so much, and Domenico and Matteo mean so much to me too. But I don’t want to go back to Europe. I can’t. What should I do?”

  Shoshanna squeezes my hand and smiles reassuringly.

  “I think you should talk to them,” she says. “They’re the fathers of your child, and they’re going to want what’s best for the baby too. Everyone knows that coronavirus is rampant in Italy. They’ll understand that you don’t want to return if you’re pregnant.”

  “But it’s not just that,” I sob, wiping at my eyes. “I don’t want to go back even after this pandemic is over. I want to stay. I’ve grown to love my life, and while traveling to Italy was fun, I consider the United States my home. I don’t want to leave it forever.”

  Shoshanna squeezes my hand again and offers another reassuring smile.

  “Then tell them that,” she encourages. “You haven’t made any mistakes so far, Melly. The only potential mistake you might make is not telling the men you love how you feel. You have to be open with them, and express your preferences. That’s a big thing that Dads and Daughters doesn’t teach you, sweetheart. While a daughter, you’re hemmed in. You’re told how to behave, how to act, and what to do, but the real world’s not like that. You are a self-actualized woman, and you can control your own destiny.”

  I sob again, looking at her through teary eyes.

  “Are you saying it’s time for me to leave the club?” I blubber. “But I’m still so young!”

  Shosh grabs my hand again and squeezes it.

  “There is no “right time” or “right age,”” she clarifies. “There’s only a right feeling, and right now, Melissa, I think you’ve crossed that threshold. But first things first: you have to talk with Matteo and Domenico. You do love them, don’t you? I feel like I can sense it between the three of you.”

  I take a deep shuddering breath and smile through my tears.

  “I do,” is my soft reply. “I love them so much.”

  Shoshanna leans in for a hug.

  “Then tell them!” she exhorts fiercely. “It’s going to be okay. You’re a brave, bold woman. You’ve already gone to Italy by yourself, to take on the role of First Daughter with two men you’ve never met before. You’ve succeeded, Melissa, when most girls with our backgrounds never get off the ground.”

  With that, we cry and laugh at once, embracing each other. After all, Shoshanna and I are from humble beginnings. We didn’t have the benefit of loving, stable families, and grew up in group homes. Yet somehow, love has found me despite my unconventional job, and now, my friend is telling me to move forward and seize the day.

  “Thank you,” I mumble into her hair, still crying a little. “You’re always there for me and I appreciate it.”

  “No sweat, kid,” says Shosh while wiping a few tears away herself. “I still remember you as a knobby-kneed grade school girl from the home, but you’re not that anymore. Go out and conquer!”

  With that, we laugh again and hold hands tightly. After all, it was me and Shosh against the world for so long. But now, with Domenico and Matteo on my side, the tables have turned and I have more people in my corner. The only question is: will I have the courage to declare my love while stating my wants as well?



  The hotel door opens softly, and immediately Domenico and I look up. Melissa’s back, and she’s as radiant as always. However, there’s a gleam of tears to her eyes, and immediately, my friend and I stand up.

  “Cara, what’s wrong?” I demand, striding over to pull her into my muscled arms. “Did you get into a fight with your friend?”

  “Did that bitch say something?” growls Domenico, already looking ven
geful. “If so, I’ll fucking beat her into the ground.”

  “No, no,” Melissa says with a choked laugh while wiping her eyes. “Shoshanna is completely fine. We had a good gab, that’s all. But now, I have something to tell you.”

  Uh oh. Whenever someone says they have ‘something to tell you,’ it’s usually not a hopeful sign. With concern on our faces, we lead Melissa to the small sitting area where she perches her curvy form delicately on a small, overstuffed couch.

  “What is it, cara?” I ask gently. “It can’t be so bad.”

  She smiles a little tearily at me.

  “It’s not bad at all,” she begins slowly. “It’s just that … well, I’m pregnant. With your baby.”

  The electricity in the room is immediate.

  “You’re expecting our child?” Domenico rasps, immediately kneeling on the floor by her side. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes,” Melissa nods, while wiping at her eyes gently. “I’m about two months along. You’re going to be fathers, Domenico and Matteo.”

  My friend and I share elated looks.

  “Sweetheart, that’s the best news of all,” I say fervently, kneeling on the floor at her other side. “We weren’t planning on being fathers so soon, but that’s okay. A baby! What wonderful news! Mio Dio!”

  Melissa smiles and takes another long, shuddering breath.

  “Well, I’m having a baby, but there’s more,” she says. “You see—”

  I cut her off.

  “You’re having twins!” I interrupt with excitement.

  She smiles and shakes her head.

  “No, not that I know of. But Matteo and Domenico, I have to tell you the truth: I’m in love with you both, but I don’t want to return to Italy.”

  My friend and I are utterly perplexed. We exchange confused looks and turn back to the pretty girl.

  “But where will you go?” I ask.

  “And with whom?” echoes Domenico, the look on his face dark.

  Melissa’s breath hitches as she answers.

  “Well, I was hoping that you would stay here,” she begins slowly. “Not here, as in Florida, but here, as in the United States. This is my home, and I want my baby to be born in my native country.”


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