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Billionaires Next Door : A Contemporary Romance Box Set

Page 24

by J. P. Comeau

  Richard’s smile appeared to get wider, grinning from ear to ear as he turned off his computer.

  “Yes, just work stuff. How did you sleep last night?”

  “Just like a baby,” I said, making my way over to his desk and sitting down in a chair.

  He looked utterly handsome, even though he was simply wearing a grey t-shirt and sweatpants.

  “I figured you could use some pain relievers,” he said, laughing a little bit. I nodded and put a hand to my head. “You enjoyed that shiraz, didn’t you?”

  I tilted my head. “Yes, but perhaps a tad too much.”

  He stood up and walked over to me, helping me up with his hand. “I think a hearty breakfast will do the trick.”

  He put his arms around me as we made our way downstairs. It felt natural to be against him that way, my petite body sinking into his muscular one. Even the way we walked downstairs was in sync.

  I sat down at the counter and watched him make coffee. “Is your job always that stressful?”

  He shrugged his shoulders, and I got the feeling that he didn’t want to give out too much information.

  “It’s nothing that I can’t handle,” he said. “Jake and I inherited our fathers’ work ethic, so I’ll survive.”

  As I watched the coffee brew, Richard made us some pancakes, bacon, and eggs. The smell alone was making my mouth salivate.

  “Stress can be a good thing,” I said, “but you’d be surprised about how too much of it can damage your body. I’ve read books and even attended seminars that show the physical side effects of living a stressful lifestyle. It’s one of the many reasons that I chose to stay in River Valley, and live a normal, quiet life.”

  “Sometimes I wonder if it’s all worth it,” he said. “I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t enjoy material things, such as vintage cars and a huge mansion. But there’s something to be said about the quality of your life, too. What’s the point in having all of this nice stuff if you don’t have time to enjoy it?”

  “Exactly,” I said. “Although I haven’t had too much free time lately, either. If it weren’t for Crystal, I’d be working sixteen-hour days and sleeping in between classes. Which is something that I vowed never to do.”

  “You’re a smart woman,” Richard replied, staring at me with those steel eyes.

  I wanted to melt into him right at that moment. I wanted to climb into his arms. I wanted to kiss his seductive lips. Hell, the truth was, I just wanted him. All of him. At the same time, I was pretty sure that killer wine hangover I was suffering wasn’t going to let me do anything other than sit there.

  “I’m a hungover woman right now.”

  He chuckled. “A beautiful hungover woman.”

  My cheeks went red, and I looked down as he set a plate in front of me. I couldn’t remember the last time I had a home cooked meal. For me it was either prepackaged, or nothing. I wasn’t the biggest fan of cooking, though I did when I had to.

  After we drank our coffee and ate breakfast, we sat outside on his deck for some fresh air. The deck faced the guest house that Jake had lived in the year before, which was three times the size of my loft apartment.

  Richard kept looking over at me as we sat there, drinking coffee and just sitting. We weren’t talking, but it wasn’t awkward either. I wondered what he was thinking, but based on the look on his face, it appeared to be good.

  “Do you have any plans today?”

  I took a sip of my coffee and shook my head.

  “Nope,” I said, admiring the view of the mountains and the way it gave way to the blue sky. “I don’t have any appointments.”

  “I thought that we could drive to the coast for the day,” he suggested, setting his coffee mug down on a side table. “Both of us could use a little relaxation. Plus, there are some shops that I think you’ll enjoy.”

  “Shopping, huh? That sounds wonderful. I haven’t been to the coast in a while, either.”

  “These stores are right up your alley. There’s a health food store, a boutique that specializes in the kind of clothes you wear, and a few restaurants if we get hungry.”

  I looked at him from over my sunglasses and smiled. “What kind of clothes do I wear?”

  “Long, floral tops and capris. Yoga pants, which makes sense given your occupation. And some sexy dresses that I’ve been admiring over the past year.”

  I laughed, but on the inside, I was brimming with excitement and passion. No one had ever paid enough attention to me to know those kinds of things. Even my ex couldn’t tell someone how I dressed, or a specific outfit of mine he liked. I just wasn’t important enough or high enough on his list. But Richard had been storing me away in his mind since long before we slept together. It made me feel more secure about a possible relationship with him.

  After stopping by my apartment for me to shower and change, we left for the coast. Thankfully, the drive wasn’t excessively long. We were there in a little over an hour. Richard was right about the small shops that I’d enjoy. The health food one was full of protein shakes that looked delicious, so I stocked up on a few. They also had some supplements that were similar to the kind that I wanted to develop.

  “See this supplement, Richard? It’s not FDA approved yet, but it’s scientifically proven to strengthen your hair while also making it shinier.”

  “Are you suggesting that my hair isn’t up to par?”

  I put my mouth a few inches away from his face, and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

  After getting a bite to eat at a sandwich shop, we grabbed some coffee and walked along the beach, hand in hand, carrying our shoes. It was pretty busy that day, but it still felt like just the two of us on that beach.

  I couldn’t help but notice just how perfect things felt. I didn’t want to wait any longer to tell him how I felt. So, I took a deep breath and let it out. “I want to tell you something.”

  Richard nodded. “Shoot.”

  I pressed my lips together and nervously chewed on them a bit. “Up until this morning, I wasn’t sure how serious I wanted to be with you.”

  “And how do you feel now?” He stopped to look at me, taking both of my hands in his.

  “Now, I can’t imagine my life being any other way. I want to keep seeing you, Richard. I want to keep building our relationship.”

  He leaned in and gave me a long passionate kiss. “How serious are you looking to be, though? I know you’ve been afraid of being hurt.”

  I took a deep breath and then exhaled. “I want to be serious, Richard. More than just neighbors with benefits.”

  He burst out laughing, then scooped me up and carried me back to the car.

  He held my hand the entire car ride home, even though we didn’t say much to each other. Just a few comments about how beautiful the weather was, how quaint the shops were, and how much we enjoyed the food. When he got to my apartment, though, he walked me to my door and looked me right in my eyes.

  “I’m glad you want to be more than neighbors with benefits,” he said. “Because that’s what I want, too. I only want to be with you, Annie. And I promise that I won’t hurt you.”

  He kissed me on the lips before heading back to his car.

  I was on cloud nine. I had taken the chance, and it had paid off. Richard wanted me as much as I wanted him, and things finally felt as if they were falling into place.




  This morning, I woke up early for my court hearing with Heather. It was the only thing I could think about since Danielle had scheduled it, except for the time I spent with Annie. Our day along the coast was a welcome distraction from the living hell that was my life.

  As I took a long, hot shower, I thought about how enamored I was with Annie. She was incredibly opposite to my personality. I was modern and conservative, with a mansion full of stainless steel appliances and the latest technology gadgets. Annie, on the other hand, was quirky and enjoyed everything that was vintage.

; She seemed to have fun shopping at the boutiques along the coast, too, having picked out a few vintage sundresses. The saleswomen probably thought I was her uptight boyfriend, standing there in Gucci shorts, but I loved how different we were. Just seeing her smile melted me from the inside out.

  The timing was all wrong, though.

  I’d been waiting for so long to gain more responsibility at work, and just when my father gave it to me, Heather walked back into my life. My days consisted of deciding what to do with the new farmland, juggling calls from my attorney, and answering text messages from Annie.

  It was all so overwhelming.

  If Heather had simply contacted me and apologized for not telling me about Addison sooner, we could have worked it out. I wouldn’t have hesitated to give her child support. I would have had no problem giving her primary custody either, just as long as I had visitation rights.

  Not only was she trying to blackmail me, Heather didn’t want me seeing Addison at all.

  Why couldn’t Annie have gone out with me last year when Jake and Julianna were starting to date; back when I first showed interest? My life was a mess, and it was starting to look like I wouldn’t have time for a romantic relationship.

  I walked into the courthouse and sat down next to my attorney, but not before seeing Heather. My mouth fell open.

  She was wearing a Chanel suit. Even though I wasn’t up to date on women’s fashion, I’d seen similar ones sell for thousands of dollars online. Her pearl necklace and matching earrings didn’t appear to be fake, either. Having grown up in a wealthy home with a mother who loved jewelry, I could spot the difference between a real and a fake pearl.

  Hers were real.

  Dangling from her wrist was a tennis bracelet, that was probably worth five figures, and an enormous engagement ring. It was pink too, which was Heather’s favorite color. I squinted my eyes and, based on the light reflecting off of it, could tell that it was at least ten carats.

  Heather was doing quite well for herself.

  She shot me a nasty look, and I met it with an icy cold stare. If she wanted money out of me, then she’d have to drag me by the neck because I was calling bullshit.

  “Are you alright?” Danielle could tell that I was angry as I sat down next to her.

  “Did you see what she’s wearing? She doesn’t need a lump sum payment, Danielle. All she’s getting out of me is back child support payments!”

  Danielle glanced over at Heather, who shot her a dirty look, and then back at me. “If she says that she needs the money, I’ll be sure to bring up her wardrobe and jewelry. Consider it done.”

  I tried to relax while waiting for the judge, telling myself that it was all about Addison. Heather could be as unrelenting as she wanted, but I would find one way or another to see my daughter. The judge walked out of his chambers and sat down. The whole courtroom became eerily quiet, and even though I refused to look at her anymore, I knew that Heather was staring at me. She was trying to get under my skin, but I refused to let that happen.

  “Richard Truman, in reviewing your records, it appears as though you have a young daughter for which you’ve never provided child support. Why is that?”

  Danielle stood up.

  “Your honor,” Danielle said, “my client, Richard Truman, is just now being informed that he has a daughter. For reasons unknown to us, he wasn’t made aware that she was pregnant with his child.”

  The judge looked over at Heather, who rolled her eyes as her attorney stood up.

  “Is this true? Did your client neglect to tell Richard that he had a daughter?”

  “Your Honor,” her attorney said, “my client is asking for back child support payments plus a lump sum payment to help with finances.”

  “Is it true that your client failed to tell the father about his daughter, though? Answer my question.”

  Her attorney stuttered a bit before responding. “Well, yes, your honor. But it’s still his child.”

  The judge looked back at us. “Your honor, my client has missed out on the first few years of his daughter’s life. First, we need to establish that he is, without a doubt, the father.”

  The judge wrote a few things down on paper, then let out a sigh before speaking. “Well, it makes sense why you haven’t paid child support since you weren’t even aware that you had a one.”

  I looked over at Heather, who looked pissed off. “I hereby grant temporary visitation rights for the father to see his daughter. The mother will supervise the first few until the child feels comfortable around him. After the paternity test, if no agreement is made, we will reconvene.” He turned to Heather. “You are to set up the first meeting. Court is adjourned.”

  “That wasn’t so bad,” Danielle said to me.

  “Quick and painless, for the most part. At least I can see Addison.” I looked up at Heather, who was staring down at me.

  “Richard, if you want to see your daughter, meet me at Martinelli’s Pizzeria in one hour.” She clutched her Chanel purse and walked away; her Christian Louboutin heels clicking a little too loudly as she left the courtroom.

  “Is that legal?”

  Danielle shrugged her shoulders. “You heard the judge, Richard. Heather sets up the first meeting. She’s not happy, but she wants to get it out of the way. That’s common in these types of cases.”

  “Do you have any tips?” I was suddenly nervous about meeting my daughter for the first time. The only child I’d been around was Caley.

  “Nope. You’re going to make a great father, Richard.” Danielle smiled, gathered her briefcase, and walked away.

  I got to the restaurant a few minutes early and sat at a table that faced the doorway. My mind was racing a mile a minute, wondering how Addison would react to seeing me for the first time. All I had to go on were her pictures. Danielle couldn’t tell me anything else, and I sure as hell couldn’t count on Heather for any information.

  My heart dropped to my stomach when they walked through the door. Addison was wearing a pink dress and black shoes, holding Heather’s hand and smiling as she walked toward me. Tears formed in my eyes, and that time, I refused to wipe them away. I stood up and smiled down at her.

  “Daddy?” I nodded and reached down, embracing her as she wrapped her tiny arms around me.

  The tears were flowing non-stop, saturating her curly blonde hair.

  Heather sighed impatiently. “Can we sit down?”

  I shot a nasty look at Heather, who couldn’t have been more annoyed.

  We sat down and placed our order.

  “I love pizza, Daddy! But Mommy doesn’t let me have it that much.”

  I looked at Heather before turning my attention back to Addison. “Well, today is a special occasion.”

  Her big, blue eyes were so bright that it melted my heart. I wanted so badly to have her sit on my lap, but it was still our first meeting.

  “Mommy said that you work for Grandpa.”

  “I work with your grandfather, sweetie. It’s a family business.” Heather rolled her eyes at me, sipping her water while surveying the restaurant. “So, tell me about school. What grade are you in?”

  “I’m in second grade. We’re learning about scary dinosaurs. But that’s okay because they’re not around anymore.”

  “That’s a good thing,” I replied with a chuckle. “Nobody would want to run into a Tyrannosaurus Rex.”

  Addison put her hands in the air to mimic a dinosaur. While it made me laugh, all Heather could do was roll her eyes.

  “I have a lot of friends, too. Molly is my best friend, more than Janice. Janice steals crayons.”

  “Stealing is a bad thing, and I’m glad you’re not a stealer.”

  She smiled and started swinging her legs back and forth against the red leather banquette. “I won’t see her after this school year, though.”

  “Why is that, Addison?”

  Heather sat up a little bit, folding her hands on the table as she waited for our daughter to speak. “Mommy is
sending me away to school.”

  Heather cleared her throat. “No, Addison. That’s not what I said. Michael is sending you to boarding school, and I agree that it’s a good decision.”

  My throat tightened up a bit. “Is Michael your fiancé?”

  Heather nodded. “Yes, and it’s one of the best boarding schools in the country.”

  I wanted to say something about her luxurious clothes and jewelry, assuming the school would be expensive as well. I held my tongue for Addison’s sake, though. “Which boarding school?”

  “Dickinson School,” Heather replied proudly.

  I nodded, fully aware that it was one of the best schools in the country.

  Heather leaned back, looking at her nails. “It’ll be a wonderful experience, Addison. Plus, it’ll give me time to do things that I’ve had on the back burner.”

  “Mommy said that after the wedding, she and Michael need to spend time together. Without me.” Addison’s voice became incredibly sad, and I fought the urge to wrap my arms around her.

  I had just met her, but what Heather was doing sounded cruel. I forced a smile and shrugged to my daughter. “Well, adults do need their alone time. But it’s also important that you be happy, Addison. You don’t sound happy about attending Dickinson School.”

  Addison put her head down and shrugged her shoulders just like me.

  Heather waved her hand in the air. “It’s a done deal, Richard. And Michael is going to be a wonderful stepfather to Addison. He went to boarding school and turned out very successful.”

  She gave me the iciest stares I’d ever seen. That was the one moment I had a chance to tell her she didn't need the money she was looking for without Addison being aware, but I stopped myself.

  We spent the rest of the lunch discussing everything Addison was doing at school. We talked about her hobbies, favorite cartoons, and how happy she was to finally meet me. “Michael wants me to learn horseback riding, but I’m afraid.”

  “You have nothing to be afraid of,” Heather said in an icy tone.

  “What if the horse bucks me off?” She looked up at Heather with her big, round eyes, and once again, my heart broke.


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