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The New World Covenant

Page 28

by Norm & Kim Bourque

  The orb flickered intensely as God stated,

  "You are all partially right with your answers, but you have not grasped the total understanding or definition of what my Love truly is? If you choose to be like me, you will find it."

  The crowd was even more perplexed, but a timid voice is heard from somewhere in the back,

  "If we do not understand what you expect from us, could you explain to us what this emotion truly means, when to us, it has always seemed an easy one to explain."

  God spoke again,

  "I will now teach you about "Unconditional 'Love', the love that encompasses all positive emotions.

  "As I said to you before arriving on my beautiful planet, to achieve the true meaning of ‘Loving’ one another, one must give something up. Yet this concept of relinquishing something causes you to struggle. It is a decision you consciously make through faith and sincerity and in the belief in the absolute 'Truth of Love'.

  "Have any of you yet come to understand what it is that I speak of...what it is that you must give up to attain 'Love' and that the true meaning of 'Love' will always be the absence of something?"

  The market is silent. It eludes all in attendance. To give something up, is that not a negative thing...and what do we have to give up?

  God explained,

  "Love is the absence of 'All Negative Emotions.'

  "That means giving up

  'All' of your negative emotions

  not just some of them, with no conditions.

  "Since the dawn of humankind, has this not been my message for every one of you? So simple an explanation, and yet even after so many generations, it is still so hard for you to truly understand.

  "When you possess the interpretation of 'Love', then Love is not complicated to understand.

  "Negativity cannot dwell in a conscience filled with Love. In your negative thoughts, you build a wall against all living things.

  "A negative emotion is not Love. When you truly eliminate all negative emotions, then and only then, will unconditional Love fill you and you will then come to know what my message of Love has been. This is what it is to be like me. Blessed are those who can embrace this state of understanding and acceptance.

  "My Love is the 'absolute truth' to you. This is why I have never supported or encouraged you to fear me, that ideal has come from your own personal dogmas and what others have taught you.

  "But one cannot get to know me through the mouths of others.

  "Follow my new message and you will have a more personal and spiritual relationship with me and with each other that will strengthen the tether of Love that has become weakened.

  "When you share your Love, wisdom, and understanding with others, this new ideal will become one shared across all living things and this planet can begin to heal itself through the strength of your combined Love.

  "Remember that I am your 'light of goodness' and will always be the source of absolute Love, turn to me for strength against any negative emotions."

  "With all the problems that the world faces, it seems easier said than done, Oh Lord," a young college student pointed out.

  God answered back,

  "When was the last time humankind tried to look at the world's problems only through the 'Eyes of Love'?"

  As he said this, the orb glowed softly again.

  "You've said that Love is the absence of all negative emotions so how can you stand back and let us perish? Isn't this action a negative emotion? Would you not be going against what you are teaching us?" a man in the crowd implored, "We are not perfect like you Oh Lord!"

  Someone else in the crowd yelled out, "To allow us to be destroyed by an asteroid is that not the 'absence of your Love'?"

  God answered,

  "It could be interpreted that way but when it comes to your own mortality no species lives forever.

  "I did not set this asteroid on its current path of destruction. You will not find my fingerprints on it."

  After a brief pause, God continued,

  "All species including humanity have faced their own extinction before and they always will, with or without any intervention from me. Many of your civilizations have come and gone already.

  "Your own actions dictate your extinction."

  "But how Oh Lord?" someone asked.

  God answered,

  "Man has harnessed the power from the sun in the shape of weapons. In your history, you have proven that you would use such weapons for mass destruction in defence of your threats and your uncertainties. In your verbal posturing, you have been close to using these weapons of racial annihilation to make your point of justifiable intolerance."

  He continued,

  "Even if you don't destroy yourselves with weapons, it seems that with your population continuing to increase, soon there will come a time when you will overgrow this planet, deplete its resources and food supplies, and when that time comes when you cannot take care of yourselves or my planet...I ask you,

  "Where will you live?

  "Where will you go? And even if there were another place to go to, how soon would it be before you destroy that place also, given your history."

  Someone in the crowd challenged God, "We are who we are, just humans, mere men and women with faults and imperfections, we make mistakes, but we can learn...we can change Lord."

  God answered,

  "How many times does the same wrongful thing have to happen in your lives before you learn from it? Your past should guide you and shape your future.

  "You say you can change but you do not seem to learn from your past, you continue to repeat the same wrongful things. Even as I am appearing to you right now, how long will this commitment to change last.

  "If only a group of you should survive this catastrophic event, how long would it take for you or your children to fall back into ways and means that have become too comfortable and accustomed for you to follow?"

  Someone answered, "We know we must try harder Lord, we can still learn, we can make things right."

  God quickly pointed out,

  "That ark has already sailed once."

  People are now openly weeping and moaning in disbelief, "What are you telling us Oh Lord?"

  God answered,

  "You should be learning from your wrongdoings but you continually fail to do so. Although many of you have demonstrated that you are trying to change, many have not yet learned this lesson. Can anyone disagree?"

  There is complete silence from the crowd.

  God continued,

  "This does not mean that I Love you any less and I will give to you a gift of my Love for all of humankind and to my beloved planet. I give to you all a

  'New World Covenant'

  "A new book - one of Love, one book for all humankind, all nations.

  "I do not have a 'Chosen People in a Chosen Land'...but I choose...all people...everywhere. My belief is that you will follow this new path and humankind can grow in Love.

  "Prove to yourselves that when you end up with only Love, both the Love for me and the Love you have for each other, then you will have found what you have been seeking for all along.

  "This newfound Love is what will save you and the world you share.

  "Once your hearts become pure with Love, then this is where you will find me and the rest of humankind will become your family.

  "With all that I have taught you about this new understanding of Love, is there anything that you still do not yet understand?"

  The crowd remains silent but there is a growing realization they had not been experiencing Love in its purest form. They had been picking and choosing whom they wanted to Love and not considering the universal partnership with each other, the planet and God.

  A young man asked, "But Lord, are we not practicing our partnership with each other, and you, when we pray at our temples, churches and other places of worship?"

  Another asked, "Many of us do follow you through the teachings of our Prophets and Leaders, what of them?

  A clergyman in the crowd asked, "Why do we need another book? What of the books we have now, are we not to follow their teachings?"

  God answered,

  "Am I not your God? Are you not faithful to me, do you not pray to me?

  "My original message of Love given to, and spoken by the Prophets, is not the same message that comes from the leadership of today, and the truth that is in the hearts and minds of humanity now, are based on misinterpretations of the teachings of today's leaders.

  "Though these Prophets and Leaders have all tried to teach the ideal of Love, not all of you have chosen to follow the same one Prophet or Leader. It seems that no one Prophet or Leader can satisfy all of you.

  "So why are the individual messages of these Prophets and Leaders not working for all of you?

  "The messages they have been teaching you, are not new, you have heard what they have said many times. You have taken and blended these messages into your own interpretations of what you thought came from me and which now have become your own personal beliefs and used to justify your actions.

  "Through your interpretations, it seems that none of the books these Prophets and Leaders teach from have united humankind under one common unified belief system but has in fact set you on your own individual agendas. They have split you apart to the point where you can't even agree amongst yourselves. It has led to many different interpretations of the very same subject matter.

  "Some of you say that if everyone were to read the same books as you, they would then join you in one purpose, but after all this time, this has not worked.

  "How much more time do you need to come to the realization that following your current path will not result in attaining a new Love and understanding. The next several months will decide this for you."

  The yellow orb flared with a hot white intensity. The crowd fell back from the heat.

  There is quiet then suddenly hands move to ears, what is this. There are words filling their minds. They look to the orb, then to each other, but all seem to be experiencing the same thing. The words are no longer echoing around the market, they seem to be within their individual minds. The words mystical and magical, they listen intently.

  The Lord's words telepathically filled the mind of each one and they were awed.

  "Heed these words, my children."

  As the voice consumed their minds, they focused on the floating orb, as God continued to speak without voice.

  "People who believe in me, people who pray and worship me, do so in different ways.

  "Each religion believes that theirs offers the only path to me. Each of your religions believes that theirs is the 'real truth' and that all others are the falsehood.

  "Each one of you believes that yours is the right path, the only path and that everyone else is on a misguided path.

  "Such are the blinders of religion.

  "So now, I tell you that there is no one correct religious pathway to me.

  "The only path to falsehood is evil, the only path of real truth is found through 'Love'.

  "If you truly believe that yours is the only path to me...and when that thinking leads you to believe yours is the only pathway to me...then you walk a very narrow path and you will enter a very narrow gate.

  "Although I know that every one of you thinks that your way is the right way, it is not the only way to me. Remember my children that no one can ever fail to reach me, even those that you believe are defying me. I have always been and will always be the comforter to all.

  "It is written in many places, and has been spoken many times, that my spirit is within you, that you and I are one and that I have always been there for everyone. Have I really made it so difficult for many of you to find me? Seek and you shall find and come to understand, that there is only one universal unconditional Love that I possess.

  "You have been created in my likeness. Different from me, but not divided from me, only from each other.

  "Although all of humankind is related, a newfound Love will lead you to rediscovery and a new beginning.

  "Now, I offer to you another choice, you can choose to continue to follow these limiting ideals or...let me show you a new to lead all humanity to a new ideal of universal Love.

  "I am providing to all of you - every man, woman and child - one book for all nations a 'New World Covenant', a new bond of Love, to stand between you and I, and each other, through me directly so that there is no misinterpretation.

  "This new message will provide the true path of Love for all and will lead you back to the true source of Love.

  "Let those who are wise of heart accept my 'New World Covenant'.

  "Believe in me, I am the source of your infinite Love."

  The orb flared, and the voice of God suddenly filled the market again.

  "I have enjoyed communicating to all of those who are present in this unusual and new way. It is just like the prayers that you say to me in silence, I receive them in the very same way.

  "How often have all of you wished for another chance for a brand new beginning. The choice my children will be yours. You must all decide that you want my message of Love more than you fear me or the differences between yourselves.

  "It will soon be time for me to leave you."

  "Please Lord, don't go yet, there is so much we want to ask you. You have remained hidden from us for such a long time. Please stay longer. We need your guidance, knowledge, and leadership," pleaded the crowd.

  God answered,

  "Your path to Love has just started,

  but I have others on their other places."

  God continued,

  "You have heard several reports from around the planet of acts of miracles; let it be known that these were demonstrations of my Love for you."

  God paused for a moment, then continued,

  "Before I go, there remains one task yet to be revealed to you. You have also heard several reports of people vanishing under unusual circumstances... as I said to you before arriving here, I would send to you Messengers."

  As he said this, the golden yellow orb starts to rise higher, and all the ones reported missing or mysteriously vanished, started to appear before the crowd. One by one out of thin air, from what seemed like nowhere, robbers and thieves, abusers and molesters, Rabbis and priests, the innocent and guilty, no favourites, no chosen people, just regular people, good, bad or indifferent, all clothed in a white robe. There was something different about them. There was a strange and wonderful look, an aura of Love and light surrounding them. They all have a definite purpose, a clear emotional understanding now unheeded as before, unlike they once were.

  Johnny Strickland ran over to where Amanda and Cooper were standing, words unspoken, and tears of joy speaking volumes.

  God said,

  "I now send my Messengers ahead of what I say. They will prepare the way before you with my guidance, knowledge, and leadership."

  The orb rotated and stopped in front of Sylvia,

  "To you Sylvia, I asked for your patience earlier, this is why...”

  Vince came forward from the group to Sylvia and dropped to his knees. He looked up at her earnestly, and said, "Forgive me babe, I didn't know till now. Give me this new chance..."

  Sylvia took his face in her hands and asked, "Will you ever beat me again?"

  Vince answered, "That is beneath and beyond anything I believe now..."

  She said, "I love you Vince, I always have and always will." She drew him up and held him close.

  God continued to speak to the growing crowd of people.

  "My Love does not favour one person, one Prophet or Leader, or one group of people, but all of humankind. Do not believe that I Love some people more than I Love others, or that I am only there for you and not for someone else.

  "I tell you now that there is not one thing that you can do to be ‘Loved’ by me more than anyone else.

  "I do not have a chosen people but your beliefs may lead you to feel
that you are chosen. In your judgment, you may feel that I should give others what you feel they deserve but I am there for everyone, even the ones who defy me. You cannot wound the spirit that I possess. I do not pick-and-choose whom I Love, I Love all people; nothing can make me Love any of you less, only the same. You see my children, Loving you is the easy part, the hard part would be for me to 'Not Love', this is what it means to be like me.

  "My 'New World Covenant' message of Love is where you will find each other and lead you back to me.

  "These Messengers of the 'New World Covenant' that stand before you will be your ambassadors with the new message of Love, hope, and peace for each of you and a new healing for our planet. Go forth now, make a new path my shepherds, and lead the sheep of the flock, and this time, let them not be scattered."

  The orb moved to float in the centre of the crowd and pulsated.


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