Skeletons In My Closet

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Skeletons In My Closet Page 14

by Dynah Zale

  “Garrett’s it’s all right. No one is going to hurt you.”


  Richard balled up his fist and with an uppercut hit Garrett square in the corner left of his jaw. Stunned by not only the punch, but also his friend’s strength, Garrett fell back and stumbled against some chairs, knocking them over. Garrett quickly got up and charged at Richard.

  The two tussled. They looked like two sumo wrestlers competing for the championship belt. Somehow, Garrett landed on top and drove his fist into Richard’s face repeatedly until his hands were full of blood. He kept swinging until he was out of strength and his knuckles ached from pain. He got up, not caring about the damage he had done to Richard’s face. He pointed at the door. “Get out. I want you to get out of here. I never want to see you again.”

  Chapter 33

  Fists covered in blood, left eye nearly closed shut and his bottom lip split wide open like a banana, Garrett sat at his kitchen table nursing a tumbler full of Grey Goose. Alone and temper still boiling over with anger, he took a swig straight from the bottle. Not a regular drinker, he exhaled deeply to cool the burning sensation on its way down.

  Deceived. There was no other word he could use to describe how Richard masqueraded as his best friend and closest confidant for years and then reveals that he was actually a sheep in wolves clothing. Their friendship spanned more than two decades and it had to end like this.

  The final remnants of the Grey Goose slid down his throat. The sun reared its head over the east. In a drunken stupor, Garrett staggered into the master bathroom and stared at the marks and bruises in the mirror left on his face from the fight.

  Garrett rubbed concealer from Mecca’s make-up tray over his face to try and hide the obvious marks. Afterwards, he realized that the damage was worse than he thought. There was no way he could hide the black and blue marks. He dropped the make-up brush, gently peeled out of his clothes and into his pajamas before sliding into bed with Mecca.

  Hours later Garrett’s eye painfully shot open. A beam of sun light zeroed in directly on his pupils. He was never still in bed when the sun was this high in the sky. He quickly turned to look at the clock.

  “I’m late.” He jumped out of bed and into the shower. Less than fifteen minutes later he was dressed and racing down the stairs.

  “Mecca.” Garrett charged into the kitchen. “Why didn’t you wake me this morning?” He took the mug she was drinking from and took a huge gulp before passing it back to her.

  “I called you several times.” Her head buried in the morning paper. “You didn’t budge. Then Joye Anne called and said to let you sleep in this morning.” She lifted her head. “Garrett.” Mecca screeched, “What happened to your face?” She reached over and lightly touched his face. Garrett flinched almost forgetting about the fight, until a pulsating throb surrounded his eye.

  “I got into a fight with Richard.” Garrett dropped his head to avoid her stares of disappointment.

  “Richard?” That news was stunning to Mecca. “What is going on with you? Why were you two fighting?”

  Garrett wasn’t in the mood to talk about it, but he knew his wife wouldn’t leave him alone until he told her the entire story. He pulled out a chair, opened his mouth to start at the beginning but stopped himself when he realized something. “Are we here alone?” He looked around.

  “Yes, the baby is with my mother and I just dropped the kids off to school. I took Blair since you were sleep.”

  In a panic Garrett raced out the house and frantically backed his car out of the drive way. Garrett pushed the gas pedal to the floor. The needle on his speedometer was nearing sixty-five miles per hour when he was in a thirty-five mile per hour speed zone. It wasn’t until he ran through a stop sign that a police officer threw on his siren and emergency lights, prompting Garrett to pull over.

  Two officers exited the police vehicle. “Councilman Dunn.” One cop spoke to Garrett on the driver’s side while the other looked around on the passenger’s side. They were surprised to see him behind the wheel of the car. “Is everything all right? You were going pretty fast.”

  “Officers, I know I was speeding, but it’s my nephew.”

  The officers saw the marks on Garrett’s face and began to worry. “Is he hurt?” They asked.

  “I believe he’s in danger. I have to get to him quickly.”

  “Where is he at?” The officer was ready to run back to his car and radio in to the station for additional assistance. He wasn’t sure if the boy had been abducted or violently assaulted, but he knew it was serious from the look on the councilman’s face.

  “He’s at Walt Whitman Junior High School.”

  “Sir, just follow us.” The officers jumped back in their cars and turned on their emergency lights clearing the streets, allowing them to pass through freely.

  The commotion of having a police escort brought on a lot of attention. Students and teachers looked out their classroom windows wondering what was the emergency. Garrett left his car running and raced inside with the cops following closely behind him. They searched every classroom looking for Blair until they found him.

  Garrett disrupted Richard’s morning lesson. He went straight to Blair’s desk and started gathering his things, “Come on. Let’s go.” Garrett said.

  “Garrett, what are you doing?” Richard said. “I’m in the middle of teaching.”

  “Go ahead, but I’m pulling Blair from your class.” Garrett spat back.

  Principal Schneider walked in. “What is going on here?” He demanded.

  “Principal Schneider, I think you should know that Mr. Weaver is into child pornography.” Garrett said.

  “What?” Richard, Principal Schneider and the two officers all said simultaneously.

  “Tell them Richard. Tell them about what I saw at your house.” He turned to the cops. “I saw a video tape he had of naked boys running around the showers.”

  “Garrett, don’t do this.” Richard warned.

  “Go search his house right now, I bet you’ll find it.” Garrett was pushing Blair through the door trying to get out of there. “He probably has dozens of tapes hidden around his house.”

  “Is this true Mr. Weaver?” Principal Schneider asked

  “I…I can explain.” Richard said before he turned back to Garrett. “I don’t believe you. You’re going to take that innocent tape and try to turn me into a child molester.”

  “I think we’ve heard enough. Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to come down to the station with us to answer a few questions and we would also like permission to search your home.”

  “You can’t be serious.” Richard turned to Garrett. “You know I would never do anything to hurt those boys.”

  “Unfortunately, right about now, I can’t be sure of anything.” Garrett walked out the building with Blair right beside him.

  Chapter 34

  Garrett signed Blair out of school for the remainder of the day and took him into the office with him. With everything that was going on, he still had to make a noon luncheon at city hall. Garrett stopped by his office and asked Joye Anne to keep an eye on Blair until he returned.

  At the meeting Garrett couldn’t keep his mind focused on anything besides Richard. He kept on picturing Richard being booked and arrested. If charges were filed against him, he would have to have a mug shot picture taken, be fingerprinted and the charges would be printed in the daily newspaper for everyone to read. Richard would have to register as a sex offender and he would never be able to teach again, all because Garrett was mad and wanted revenge. The worst part was that Garrett knew Richard would rather die than hurt any of the kids he taught or coached.

  Tired of people speculating why his face looked like he had lost a fight with a pack of wild wolves, he left early.

  It was close to dinnertime by the time Garrett and Blair made it back home. When he walked in he was ready to explain everything to Mecca.

  Mecca sat at the kitchen table listening to Garrett’s si
de of the story. He began with what he heard at the shut-in. Five minutes into the story, they were interrupted by Imani and Blair.

  Imani stepped into the kitchen wearing one of her mother’s old cocktail dresses. She balanced herself carefully on one-inch high-heeled shoes. A curly wig sat lopsided on her tiny head and she batted her big brown eyes to show off her baby blue eye shadow. Blair followed right behind her also dressed in Mecca’s clothes.

  Garret’s eyes grew to twice their size at the sight of his son dressed like a drag queen. He strutted like a runway model in black two-inch boots and fake eyelashes stuck to his eyelids.

  Then the duo belted out a duet of Beyonce’s ‘Irreplaceable.’

  “Don’t we look pretty daddy?” Imani asked once they were finished singing.

  That same uncontrollable feeling of rage overcame Garrett, and before he knew it he was out of his seat and had lifted Blair up off the floor by his collar. “Boy, what do you think you’re doing?”

  Blair looked so scared.

  “Daddy, what are you doing?” Imani cried.

  “Don’t you ever let me see you looking like this again!” Garrett dropped Blair to the floor.

  “Daddy, we were just playing.” Imani cried even more.

  “Garrett, don’t you think you’re overreacting?” Mecca helped Blair up from off the floor.

  “You are not a girl; you have no business putting on these sissy clothes.” Garrett pulled Blair over to the nearest mirror. “Look at your face! Men don’t wear make-up.” Then Garrett pushed Blair so hard towards the stairs that he fell. “Now go take that stuff off your face.”

  “Daddy, why are you hollering at him?” Imani was now in tears, “I’m the one who asked him to dress up. It was my fault.” Imani tried to stick up for her cousin, who was really her brother, but Imani’s admission only made Garrett more upset.

  “Get out my face, you make me sick. Now!” He screamed.

  Blair scampered up the stairs with Imani running behind him. Mecca stared at him, but Garrett wasn’t in the mood to hear what she had to say. “That’s no way for a boy to be acting.”

  Chapter 35

  Saturday was usually one of Garrett’s busiest days. Weekends were reserved for visiting nursing homes, holding political rallies in the park and hanging out at college campuses, but today he had nothing planned. No speeches. No phone calls. No faxes, just a relaxing day at home with the family.

  From his bedroom window Garrett watched Imani and Blair ride their bikes in front of the house. Garrett watched Blair closely. His thoughts reverted back to a few days prior when he pushed Blair to the floor. He was aware that his behavior was becoming more destructive, but there was nothing he could do to stop it. His temper was like a runaway train and his actions were becoming more unpredictable with each passing day.

  So sure that his mind was playing tricks on him, Garrett closed his eyes to clear his head. He reasoned that perhaps he was overacting. Mecca kept telling him he was working too hard. He reopened his eyes and watched Blair skip from square to square playing hopscotch. There was no denying it. Blair acted a bit feminine.

  Distraught and with nowhere left to turn Garrett did what he had seen Mecca do a million times before. He dropped to his knees to pray.

  “God, it’s me. I know you haven’t heard from me in a while. I ain’t been to church and I don’t read your Word as often as I should, but I have nowhere else to turn.” He released a low sigh. “I know it may sound like I’m using you as a last resort, but that’s not true. I’m desperate and I know that you can fix anything. I need help. I need you to fix my son. I’m sure I don’t have to give you details on what is wrong with the boy because I know you see and hear all. Lord, I really can’t have THAT kind of stuff living in my home around my other kids. A demon has taken hold of that boy and I’m asking you to please rid him of this sin. God, I really need a heavenly intervention here on earth.”

  The average politician negotiates all deals and that’s what Garrett was doing now. “I’ll make a deal with you. If you get rid of Blair’s feminine ways I’ll start coming to church. I’ll be in church every Sunday, read my bible, attend the men’s prayer meeting and…” Garrett thought for a moment. Lately, the things Garrett did to Raquel were haunting him. He couldn’t get her off his mind and the more he thought about her the more he believed God was punishing him for having her falsely accused. “I’ll bail Raquel out of jail.” Unenthused, Garrett threw in that last provision to hopefully close out the deal. “I’ll bail her out of jail first thing tomorrow morning. I promise I will.” Ready to climb off of his knees, Garrett almost forgot to mention one more thing. “Oh! Can you send me a sign that You agree to this arrangement? I don’t want to go ahead and do all the things I promised and You don’t hold up your end of the bargain. Amen.”


  “Garrett, do you know how many people come looking for me when I haven’t seen or heard from them in years?” The Lord asked.

  “After two, three, four eons have passed, we’ll hear this tiny voice drifting up to heaven saying, ‘Lord, I need a favor’.” Kiel said.

  “But God, isn’t that what we’re supposed to do; turn to you in our time of need.” Garrett said.

  “Yes, but if you wouldn’t have strayed from the sound of my voice in the first place, you would have known that what you were asking for wasn’t in alignment with My will for your life. You asked me for a miracle and in exchange for that miracle you would attend church and the men’s prayer meeting. Garrett, I don’t need you to come to church FOR ME you need to be going FOR YOU. Regardless, if I see you in My house or not, the saints are still going to give me praise.”

  “Sorry Father.” Garrett was embarrassed by the petitions in his prayer.

  “The best part was when you asked Him to send you a sign.” Kiel was doubling over in laughter.

  “If I had sent a sign, you still would have done what you wanted to do and eventually broken every one of those promises you made to me.”

  “I guess I ought to be glad things didn’t go the way I had planned.” Garrett said.

  “Yes, you ought to be glad they didn’t.” The Lord agreed.


  “Oh honey! I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you were in here praying.” Mecca backed out of their bedroom carrying a basket full of laundry.

  “No, it’s all right.” Garrett quickly lifted himself up from his knees. “I’m finished. Besides there was something I wanted to talk with you about.” He took the clothes basket and set it down on the floor and then sat her down beside him on their bed. “Have you ever noticed how much Blair plays with Imani and her things? They do everything together: play dress up, sing songs, he squeals just as loud as she does when they’re playing.”

  “I have noticed, but Blair has been through a lot. He lost his mother, and then there was the incident at the school. That boy has been through so much at such a young age. We should send him to therapy. In fact, I think it would be beneficial for the entire family to attend.”

  “That’s it!” Garrett shouted. “Thank you God! That was the sign I needed.”


  “That was not a sign from me.” The Lord clarified.


  Garrett raced out of the room leaving Mecca alone. He jumped in his car and combed the city streets of Camden searching the faces of every pedestrian he passed. A lot of people looked at him like he was crazy and a couple thought he was looking for drugs, but then on a lowly corner by himself Garrett found who he had been hunting for. “Hey Darrell.”

  At first, Darrell didn’t recognize him.

  “It’s me. Councilman Dunn.”

  “Oh!” He put his hand through the rolled down window of Garrett’s car to offer a handshake. “I didn’t recognize you in such informal attire. I’ve never seen you in jeans and sneakers before.”

  “Yes, I like to relax on my days off.” Garrett got out of the car. “Can I talk with you a minute.”

  “Sure. Wh
at’s up?”

  Garrett pulled him off to the side. “I hate to bring this up, but remember when we were at the shut in and you talked about demons haunting you.” Darrell nodded his head yes. “Well, you happened to mention that you went to see a therapist. To cure you?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Would you mind sharing the name of that therapist with me? It’s not for me.” Garrett didn’t want Darrell jumping to any conclusions. “I have a friend who is going through a similar situation and I thought that maybe this therapist could help him.”

  Darrell sighed. “Brother Dunn, I’m going to pass along a bit of advice I wish someone would have given me a long time ago. Tell your friend to put his trust in Jesus. He can fix anything.” Darrell tried to step around Garrett to leave, but Garrett stood in his way.

  “He’s tried, but he’s going to need more than Christ to get him through this.”

  Reluctantly, Darrell passed along the name of the doctor and where her office was located. “I hope she can help.”

  Garrett left Darrell with the full intention of calling Dr. Traci French first thing Monday morning.

  Chapter 36

  Garrett pushed his way through the plush executive offices of Dr. Traci French. Blair leisurely followed his father, not much in a rush and completely oblivious to his surroundings. The result of his inadvertence caused him to walk straight into the back of Garrett. Garrett responded with a repulsive look.

  “Can I help you sir?” The receptionist politely asked Garrett.

  Garrett ignored the woman behind the front desk and advanced through a pair of huge double glass doors that led straight to the middle of Dr. French’s private office. She was in the middle of counseling session.

  “Excuse me, but you can’t just barge into my office.” Dr. French, was a short stout Caucasian woman with long blond frizzy hair and crystal blue eyes. “I’m in the middle of a closed therapy session.” A canvas full of make-up covered her face and she spoke through clenched teeth, which gave her a distinct dialect.


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