It Takes a Thief--A Heist Romance
Page 25
“None. I had one dinner date with a woman who’s nothing more than a friend. I haven’t slept with anyone else. I might be an asshole, but I wouldn’t do that. I do have some honor.”
“So I’m supposed to go to this party as your date and then what? Next time, I watch you go with someone else?”
A sound came from his throat, something like a growl that he swallowed back. “If that’s what you want. But I’d like you to always be the woman on my arm. If you’re not ready or willing, I have a work-around for that. I can easily introduce you as my new head of IT.”
“I’d have to pretend to be your employee?”
“Not pretend. I want you to come work for me full time.”
“What?” The surprises didn’t stop with this guy.
“If you work at my company, no one will suspect anything when we’re together. Socially, I admit, we’d cause some raised eyebrows. We don’t exactly come from similar backgrounds. The single socialites will want to question any newcomer. Fodder for the rumor mill. But for me to hire a techie as a full-time employee is what people would expect. I can have you do most of the jobs I normally hire out and we can continue to work on the thefts as well. We make a great team.”
For a moment her head spun. He wanted her to be with him. Not just in bed here. Not just for some fling. But always.
Nothing in her life had ever lent itself to stability. Always never entered the equation. For the first time, always sounded pretty damn good. She tried to wrap her head around the concept and landed on an analogy.
“You want me to be your Huck like in Scandal.”
He looked puzzled for a minute until her reference clicked. “Not exactly. In that scenario, I would be Olivia Pope.”
“You are a fixer. And your wardrobe is pretty damn fancy.” She smiled at the thought.
“I’m pretty sure they never slept together.” He narrowed his eyes. “You need a better metaphor.”
She thought about a more accurate comparison. “How about Felicity Smoak to your Oliver Queen?”
“Huh?” He stepped closer.
“You know... Felicity is a hacker-IT chick who loves Oliver Queen and then finds out he’s Arrow? Like the comic book Green Arrow? Rich dude by day, superhero by night.” They fall madly in love.
“Don’t know it. But I like that you think of me as a superhero.” His left eyebrow quirked up with his smirk, as he took a few steps closer still.
She rolled her eyes at his arrogance. “We really need to work on your pop culture knowledge.”
“Is that a yes to my proposition?”
“Which one?” She was feeling a little out of breath with his nearness.
“All of them.” He was now in touching distance.
She swallowed hard. When they were like this, alone in their own bubble, it was so easy. Her heart knew him even if her brain didn’t have all the details.
He reached for her hand. “I know you have reservations, but you don’t hate me. Although I kept things from you, you understand my reasons for doing so. All I’m asking for is a chance.”
“We barely know each other,” she whispered.
“But sometimes, you just feel it. It’s right.” He tugged her until she was in his arms. “Nothing else feels as perfect as this.”
She couldn’t argue. She loved the feeling of his arms around her. Closing her eyes, she said, “Okay.”
He jolted and said, “Okay? As in you’re going to give us another chance.”
“Yes.” She pulled back slightly. “But know that if you fuck this up, Nikki has already offered to cut off your dick.”
“I’ve heard. She also told me you didn’t want to take her up on the offer, so you must like me at least a little.”
So much more than a little.
“If we don’t leave this room soon, Nikki and Mia will think we’re in here screwing,” she said.
“We have a heist to plan.”
“Work, work, work. Is that all you think about?”
“No. I’m thinking about getting naked with you later.”
“That’s the best plan I’ve heard in a while.” Taking her hand, he led her from the room.
In the living room, Nikki sat on the back of the couch and said, “Well? Are we happy or do I have to maim him?”
“We’re good. Thanks,” Audrey answered. And she realized she really was good. “Let’s crash a party.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight—Mia
Mia’s head spun. The thought of pulling off a heist while in Elijah’s house with him home, party in full swing, was both nauseating and exhilarating. Listening to Nikki’s plan made Mia realize the woman was, in fact, the best person for the job. Jared had made an excellent choice. With both her and Audrey.
While Nikki and Audrey ran through how to switch the sculptures, Mia was a little jealous. She didn’t have people she clicked with the way they had. They’d only known each other for a few short weeks, but they talked like they’d been friends for years. While she had college friends and family acquaintances, she didn’t have anyone she could count on other than Jared.
Does he have the same problem?
He regularly had women in his bed, but nothing lasted. She didn’t know if it was by choice or circumstance. Looking at their mothers, it wasn’t surprising. They didn’t have many real friends either. At least not anymore. But now, with Audrey, that might change for him.
“What do you think, Mia?” Jared asked.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“What kind of distraction would be enough to draw everyone’s attention so Nikki can do the swap?”
“Everyone loves a good fight.” She looked pointedly between Jared and Audrey.
“You expect me to start a fight with him and have everyone looking at me? What if Nikki needs my help?”
“Audrey’s right. She might need to follow Nikki. How about you?” he asked.
“Me? I don’t fight,” Mia said. “I certainly don’t start one.”
“You don’t need to start a brawl. You have a way with words,” Audrey said. “I’m sure you could make a few well-placed comments and set someone off. Who’s the most hotheaded female in the jet set?”
“Miranda Roberts,” she answered without thinking.
“That was fast. Spill the tea,” Nikki added, chin in hand.
“Miranda finds fault with everyone and everything. She also believes every available woman—and even some that aren’t available—are after her boyfriend. As if.”
“Is he uuuugly?” Nikki asked.
“He’s passable. Not very bright. Nor ambitious.”
“I guess you better practice flexing your flirting muscles,” Audrey said from her station behind the computer.
“Look, if Miranda is the jealous type, and she’s hot-tempered, your best bet is to make a play for what’s-his-name. Miranda gets pissed off. You have words. Cause a scene. Nikki and I get in and out. Easy-peasy.”
A stab of panic drove through the center of Mia’s chest. She abhorred being the center of attention. Especially in a negative light. Everything her father had done had brought so much shame and embarrassment that even now, she felt like people looked at her as if she might be carrying some horrendous disease. She preferred to make connections personally, one-on-one. “Why can’t Jared start a fight?”
“I’m pretty sure no one would believe I’m making a play for Tyler.”
“You know what I mean. Flirt with some woman and make her husband jealous.”
“That’s a no-go, cousin. I’ll be there with Audrey as my date. I wouldn’t disrespect her like that. You don’t have a date.”
Mia huffed in irritation. She was the boss, the brains behind this entire operation. She should not have to cause a commotion to draw attention. But he
was right. She didn’t have a date. She never had a date. Everyone knew she was damaged goods, good money but no good name.
At least for now. When she brought her father back and had him arrested, she would clear her own name and show the world she was nothing like him.
“Fine.” She had to be willing to do the unthinkable to win. And win she would.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Suddenly, Audrey was thrilled at the idea of going to some fancy party. She never thought Mia would agree to start a fight. And while the ice queen hadn’t been too enthusiastic about the plan, she did agree. That alone might make it worth getting all dressed up.
Dressed up.
What the hell was she supposed to do for clothes? She didn’t have anything in her dresser that even remotely looked like something Mia would wear. Damn. She was going to have to use some of her money to shop. That meant going into a store and trying things on.
“I have to go shopping,” she blurted out.
Everyone turned to look at her.
“Awesome!” Nikki said. “Let’s go. I could use a soft pretzel. And a warm chocolate chip cookie.”
“What about this plan?” Mia asked.
Nikki pointed at her. “I have little doubt you need to practice insulting people. That’s the totality of your part.”
“Nikki and I will brainstorm while we’re at the mall,” Audrey added so Mia wouldn’t think they were slacking.
“Mall?” Mia looked as if she might actually vomit. “Please, do us all a favor and go down Michigan Avenue. Something from Target or Old Navy is not appropriate attire for this party.”
“Oooh...if we’re on the Mag Mile, Garrett’s Popcorn,” Nikki said with reverence. “Want us to bring some back for you?”
“No.” Mia picked up her purse. “Get what you need. I’ll expect to do a run-through the day after tomorrow. Call if you need something before then.”
“Will do.” Nikki offered a half-assed salute and then went to her room to get ready, and Mia waved and left.
Audrey spun in her chair. Jared came over and leaned against the edge of the desk. “Do me a favor?”
“Don’t get something too sexy for this party.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t want to be completely distracted, and I certainly don’t want any other man to get ideas.”
She blushed. “So, designer potato sack?”
“That might cause Mia heart failure. Maybe something conservative? Don’t let Nikki pick it out.”
She laughed and rose to stand between his outstretched legs. “You’re kind of cute when you’re jealous.”
With his hands on her hips, he pulled her snug. “It’s not cute. I don’t like thinking about some other man putting his hands on you.”
“What would you have done if I hadn’t agreed to giving us a second chance?”
“I’d walk around in a near-constant state of arousal knowing I would never get to sleep with you again. And if I saw you with other men, they might disappear. For good.”
“That took a dark turn.”
He half shrugged. “I’m not a good loser.”
As they spoke, their bodies pressed together. He lowered his mouth and took her in a possessive kiss. They became lost in each other. The soft pressure of his lips, the coaxing of his tongue, the taste of Jared.
“Really? I can’t leave you alone for two minutes,” Nikki said from across the room.
They separated, but Jared held her hand. “Come to my place when you’re done shopping. Plan to spend the night.”
He kissed her temple and left.
As they headed out the door, Nikki asked, “Are you really okay with him?”
“Yeah,” she answered honestly. “He made some good arguments for giving us a second chance. And I like him.”
Nikki snorted.
“You way more than like him. The two of you are scarily head over heels. It’s weird. I don’t think I could ever fall in love with a mark or a client.”
Love? Is that what this is?
The questions should have brought thundering panic in her chest. She didn’t do love. Her mother had shown her all the pitfalls of falling for guys. The woman had a habit of falling for a new guy every few weeks. None of them stuck. She’d grown up knowing that men were unreliable. It never stopped her mom from trying. Tina believed true love was out there. Audrey never bought it because she’d seen the aftereffects. But somehow, the thought of loving Jared didn’t totally suck. It was only a little scary.
“My mom once said real love wasn’t something you could plan for. It just smacks you when you least expect it.” I guess Mom was right about something.
“It’ll be interesting. I’ll give you that.”
“How about you? Ever been in love?”
“Once. A long time ago.”
“What happened?”
“We wanted different things.”
That was all Nikki said as they got to the El stop to hop a train to get to the Magnificent Mile. A month ago, she couldn’t have even imagined a day like this—one where she planned to spend an obscene amount of money for ridiculous clothes while shopping with a girlfriend before going to her boyfriend’s house to spend the night.
Her life was suddenly very full of people and it was a surprisingly good thing.
* * *
For as long as it seemed Jared and Mia had been plotting and planning this revenge-esque scheme, these past few days were flowing in fast forward. Audrey was back in his life in every facet. They worked together at the apartment and spent the nights together at his place so they could have privacy. He wanted her to move out of her apartment—which he recently found out was just a room—because she was never there anyway. Although she forgave him for his earlier deception, she wasn’t quite ready to commit to moving in.
It was fast considering they hadn’t known each other for long, but as he’d told her, when it was right, you knew it.
And at this moment, it felt perfect. Audrey was leaning against him on his couch. She’d put on some TV show about thieves and con artists he had no chance of following even though she’d done a rundown of each person and their role on the team. While she continued with her running commentary, he scrolled on his phone checking messages from people who might be interested in the Caffrey.
At the commercial break, she hit pause and turned her head to look up at him. “Really? Can’t world domination wait until tomorrow? We’re supposed to be relaxing.”
“I’m looking for our next buyer.”
“You’ve spent enough time on the dark web that you should know the easiest way to handle this is an auction.”
He had thought about it. “An auction opens the door to a lot of people knowing about the transaction. I don’t think most of our targets have any clue what the dark web is or how to reach it, but I can’t take that chance.”
She pushed up to sitting and reached across him for her laptop on the table. “You can do an invitation-only auction. Kind of like a secret club. If they don’t have the password—and you can create a unique one for each invite—they don’t get in.”
He mulled that over while she typed away on her computer. He hadn’t considered such a process, simply because he liked to deal with individuals, but if an auction could speed things along...
Audrey clicked through pages and showed him a few different auctions, some of which were quite disturbing.
“How is this not monitored by the authorities?” he asked, even though he was aware of the answer.
“Make no mistake. They’re there. Plenty of traps waiting to catch the bad guys, but they can’t be everywhere all the time. And really, are they going to bother with someone like me when they can go after the dudes who are in th
e process of auctioning off some young girl’s virginity?”
“Probably not. It’s still a risk, though.”
“Everything we do is risky. That’s what happens when you play in the shadows.”
He stroked his fingers down her cheek. “Have you ever thought about what would happen to you if you were caught?”
She lifted a shoulder carelessly. “Not really. When I was younger and doing small jobs, I figured the stuff I did didn’t matter. Then as I got better and took more chances, the thought occasionally crossed my mind. But it’s all I have, all I know. Besides, no one would miss me if I disappeared.”
His heart broke for her, not just because the statement itself was so sad, but because she truly believed it. “Your grandmother would miss you.”
“Pretty soon she won’t be able to remember me at all.”
He wanted to tell her it would all be okay, but that was a lie. He also wanted to meet the woman who raised Audrey to be so amazing. “Then I guess it’s a good thing we met because now you have me to miss you. I’ll have to make sure you stay out of trouble.”
She laughed at that. “I’m pretty good at keeping myself out of trouble and if I need some advice, I think Nikki would know what to do.”
“That hurts. You think I couldn’t get you out of a jam?”
She closed her computer and turned to climb into his lap. With a small sigh, she said, “I believe you would do everything in your power to help me, even if I was a lost cause.” Lowering her lips to his, she kissed him softly. “I’ve never had that before. Someone willing to go the distance.”
“We’ll go the distance together.” He pulled her snug against him and let his kiss show her how much he loved her.
When they separated, she remained close and rested her cheek on his shoulder. “What happens when all the heists are done?” she whispered.
“What do you mean?”
“The heists brought us together. They’re our purpose. What happens to us when we don’t have that purpose?”