A World Without Police

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A World Without Police Page 29

by Geo Maher

  as strongest antidote to police, 137

  Community Conferencing Center (now Restorative Response Baltimore), 144

  community control, demand for, 157–9

  community justice, 163, 173–4

  community policing, 74, 77, 78, 80, 86–7, 88, 126, 149, 170

  community restorative justice (CRJ) centers, 163

  community safety

  Minneapolis’s resolution on transformation of, 131–2

  new model of, 131

  Compton Executioners, 220

  Confederate flag, banning of by NASCAR, 6

  Confederate monuments, destruction and removal of, 6–7

  Congressional Black Caucus, as supporting drug laws (1986), 29

  Connor, Bull, 42–3, 83, 178

  contracts, and police power, 108

  cooling-off period, 88, 107–8, 109

  Cooperation Jackson, 181

  Coordinadora Simón Bolivar, 158

  Cops (TV show), 6

  “copspeak,” 35–6, 56, 86

  Copwatch, 137

  CoreCivic, 203

  Correia, David, 35, 57, 89, 90, 107


  civilians increasingly viewed as counterinsurgents, 33

  community policing as dystopian model of, 86

  policing as, 42

  in US/by US, 44, 75, 139, 180, 201

  Covid-19 pandemic, impacts of, 150

  Crawford, John, III, 21

  crime rates, 31, 32, 33, 34, 48, 49, 64, 216

  criminal aliens, 187, 188, 209

  Crips, 140

  Crisis Assistance Helping Out on the Streets (CAHOOTS), 142

  Cristo, Isabel, 61–2

  Critical Resistance, 14–15, 92, 146

  Crivello, Mike, 116

  CRJ (community restorative justice) centers, 163

  Crusius, Patrick, 41

  Cruz, Nikolas, 66

  Cunningham, Phillipe, 130

  Cunningham-Cook, Matthew, 116

  Cure Violence, 174–5

  Customs and Border Protection (CBP), 184, 185, 189, 190, 191, 201

  DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), 207, 219

  Dailey, Jane, 7

  Dakota Access Pipeline

  military force as used against protesters of, 42

  resistance to, 209

  Davis, Angela, 11, 13, 131, 145

  Davis, Jefferson, 6

  Davis, Jordan, 21

  Davis, Mike, 140

  Deacons for Defense and Justice, 139, 158

  de Blasio, Bill, 64, 99, 214, 224

  decarceration, 150

  Defund Hate Campaign, 204

  defunding the police

  calls for, 2, 5, 63, 91, 93–4, 120, 133, 147, 148, 198, 203, 204, 227

  suburbs as metaphor for, 159–61

  demilitarization, as topic of police reform, 80, 83–4

  democratic confederalism, in Syria, 164–5

  Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), 115

  Denvir, Daniel, 189, 200–1


  child deportation, 192

  demands for end to, 208

  direct action against, 206–7

  mass deportations, 192, 201, 210

  self-deportation, 194–5, 206

  statistics on, 190

  sword of as hanging over working class, 197

  universities’ collaboration with, 204

  Desert Eagles (Águilas del Desierto), 184–5, 188

  Detroit Police Officers Association, 103

  Diamond and Silk (vloggers), 196

  Dilts, Andrew, 146

  Dinkins, David, 104

  “Dirty Harry Syndrome,” 218

  disciplining, of police, 110

  Discord (app), 134

  Disu, Jessica, 16

  diversification, as topic of police reform, 84

  Dodd, Jed, 121

  domestic violence, by officers on partners or children, 58–9

  Douglass, Frederick, 14, 197

  Du Bois, W.E.B., 12, 13, 14, 23–5, 26, 27, 28, 39, 41–2, 45, 100, 194, 199, 225, 226

  due process, for police, 109, 122

  Duke, David, 188

  Dunn, Michael, 21

  e-carceration, 150

  #8toAbolition, 92

  Eighth Amendment (US Constitution), 217

  Ellison, Jeremiah, 2

  The End of the Myth (Grandin), 199

  enforcement and removal (ERO), 191

  Engels, Friedrich, 128

  Esquivias, Ricardo, 184–5

  Estrada, Hector, 148

  Ewing, Eve, 121

  Fagan, Jeffrey, 110–11

  Fanon, Frantz, 5, 160

  Farrar, William (“Tony”), 81

  FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting database, 32

  Felber, Garrett, 138

  Ferguson, Missouri

  bogus fines and exorbitant court fees collected by police in, 217

  extortion by police in, 217

  military force as used against protesters in, 42, 83, 177, 178

  police killing of Mike Brown in, 4, 15, 21, 28, 50, 78, 84, 98, 118, 229

  police of as trained in Israel, 83

  poor as pushed from city to impoverished suburban areas of, 161

  protests/rebellions in, 28, 42, 78, 81, 87, 222

  Ferguson Commission, 78

  “Ferguson effect,” 224

  Ferguson Report, 78, 84

  Fernández, Luis, 205

  Fetonte, Danny, 115

  Fifteenth Amendment (US Constitution), 12

  Fifth Amendment (US Constitution), 102, 109

  Fletcher, Bill, Jr., 114, 120

  Fletcher, Steve, 130, 131


  killing of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, 4, 20–1, 87

  mass school shooting in Parkland, 66

  Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando, 67

  vigilante killing of Jordan Davis in Jacksonville, 21

  Floyd, George

  police department reaction to killing of, 8–9, 215

  police killing of in Minneapolis, 1–2, 4, 5, 6, 50, 74, 85, 90, 112, 125, 130

  protests/rebellions following death of, 1–2, 3, 6–7, 20, 63, 84, 93, 99, 112, 129, 130, 134, 147, 151, 178, 180–1, 190, 202, 214, 221, 223, 227

  Forman, James, Jr., 27, 30

  Foster, Garrett, 8, 223

  Foucault, Michel, 35, 37

  Fourteenth Amendment (US Constitution), 12

  Fourth Amendment (US Constitution), 102

  Fox News

  Jessica Disu’s call to abolish police on, 16

  law enforcement speaking on, 227

  Francisco Villa Popular Front, 169

  Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), 73, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 107, 109, 110, 111, 119, 122, 123, 124, 125, 201, 219–20, 221

  Freud, Sigmund, 95

  Frey, Jacob, 112, 133

  From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation (Taylor), 51

  Gardner, Kim, 99

  Garner, Eric, 5, 64, 72, 81, 85–6, 89, 93, 99

  Garvey, Marcus, 197

  Gates, Henry Louis, Jr., 50

  general strikes, as protest tool, 9, 100, 138, 198–9

  gentrification, impacts of, 41, 225

  GEO Group, 203

  George Floyd Justice in Policing Act (2020), 90–1


  law criminalizing bias-motivated intimidation against police, 224

  police killing of Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta, 8, 84, 113

  vigilante killing of Ahmaud Arbery in, 5, 19

  Gilmore, Ruth Wilson, 11, 91, 92, 162, 231

  Giuliani, Rudy, 104

  Gomes, Stephanie, 214–15

  Gordon, Cam, 130–1, 132

  Gorz, André, 91–2

  Goudreau, Jordan, 44

  Grandin, Greg, 199

  grand juries

  decisions in cases involving Black people, 22

  in independent investigations of police killings, 88

Melissa Gira, 60, 223

  Grant, Oscar, 4, 34, 72, 155, 159

  The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck), 127

  grassroot networks/movements, in Mexico, 168, 170, 171

  grassroots community organizations, history of as alternative to police, 140–1, 144, 145

  Gray, Freddie, 4, 15, 22, 28, 84, 88, 108

  Grim, Andrew, 124

  “gringo justice,” 39–40

  Guap, Celester, 61

  Guardado, Andrés, 78, 118, 220

  Guardian Angels, 141

  Gude, Shawn, 117

  Gugino, Martin, 8

  Guzman, Aida, 97, 98

  Habersham, Clarence, 71

  Hager, Eli, 109, 110

  Hall, Jacquelyn Down, 160

  Hamer, Fannie Lou, 139

  Hansford, Justin, 87

  Harris, Kamala, 37

  Hate Crimes Prevention Act, 111

  Heatherton, Christina, 42

  Hernández, Kelly Lytle, 39, 189, 200

  Hernández, Rosario, 169–70

  Herzing, Rachel, 73

  Hidden in Plain Sight (Brennan Center report), 220

  Hinton, Elizabeth, 30

  Holtzclaw, Daniel, 57

  Homan, Thomas, 201

  Honorable Cuerpo de Topiles, 170

  Horne, Gerald, 176

  HoSang, Daniel, 196

  Houston Police Officers’ Union, 116

  Howe, Darcus, 179

  human trafficking, 146–7, 192

  Hurricane Katrina, and creation of Common Ground Collective, 175, 176

  Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA), 187, 210

  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

  arrests by under Trump administration, 190

  calls for abolition of, 191, 192, 193

  campaigns to discredit, defund, and isolate, 203–4

  demographics of agents in, 201

  deportations by under Trump administration, 190

  as embracing Trump’s candidacy, 201

  endorsement of Trump by, 219

  enforcement and removal (ERO) role of, 191, 192

  establishment of, 189

  George W. Bush as overseeing creation of, 185

  investigatory (HSI) wing of, 191, 192

  legal (OPLA) wing of, 191, 192

  resistance to, 204–6, 208

  immigration enforcement, 146, 153, 187–90, 195

  immigration system, origin of, 187

  imperial policing, 38

  implicit bias, 23, 28, 85

  impunity, for police, 40, 51, 58, 77, 78, 85, 89, 93, 95, 100, 107–8, 109, 110, 112, 117, 118, 119, 126, 162, 166, 191, 210, 213, 217, 218, 223, 224, 230

  INCITE! 144, 146

  Indigenous people

  community policing traditions of, 170

  police brutality against, 50

  rising up of Purépecha Indigenous community in Cherán, 171–2

  and Texas Rangers, 39

  treatment of by police, 62

  as two times more likely to suffer deaths at hands of law enforcement than white people, 47

  Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 100, 197


  abolition as meaning dismantling of, 151

  elimination of, 128

  as going hand in hand with poverty and violence, 178

  police as reinforcing, 45

  as reaching breaking point, 4

  social system as based on, 31

  street patrols as potentially reinforcing, 141

  Institute for Justice, on qualified immunity, 111

  Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), 168

  International Brotherhood of Police Officers (IBPO), 107, 113

  International Brother of Correctional Officers, 107

  International Criminal Court, 223

  International Union of Police Associations (IUPA), 107, 111, 112, 113

  Iraq, Nisour Square massacre (2007), 223


  Ferguson, Missouri, police as trained in, 83

  police as modeled on Britain’s colonial Palestine Police Force, 166

  IWW (Industrial Workers of the World), 100, 197

  Jim Crow, 13, 26, 28, 40, 62, 138–9, 154, 225

  Johnson, Cedric, 116–17

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 39, 76

  Jones, Reece, 209–10

  Joseph, David, 115

  Josey, Jonathan, 97–8, 107, 124

  JPMorgan Chase, 203

  “Juan Crow,” 40


  community justice, 163, 173–4

  “gringo justice,” 39–40

  procedural justice, 74, 80, 87–8, 130

  restorative justice, 134, 136, 143, 163, 175

  systems of in US, 39–40

  Kaba, Mariame, 11, 17, 83, 89, 92, 94, 156

  Kaepernick, Colin, 98

  Katzenbach Commission, 76, 88

  Kayyem, Juliette, 193

  Kelley, Robin, D. G., 36, 121, 123, 139, 217

  Kelly, Kim, 118, 202

  Kenosha, Wisconsin

  killing of protesters in by white supremacist, 9, 221

  police brutality against Jacob Blake in, 9, 20


  Klan activity in police departments in, 220

  police killing of Breonna Taylor in Louisville, 5, 93, 227

  Kerner Commission, 76, 84, 88

  King, Rodney, 82

  Klan Border Watch, 201

  Klein, Naomi, 175–6

  Knapp Commission, 76–7

  Kolts Commission, 77

  Krasner, Larry, 80, 125

  Kroll, Bob, 99, 100, 112

  Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 24–5, 40, 139, 188, 201, 220

  La Polvorilla (Spitfire), 168–9

  Latin America

  communal councils and communes in Venezuela, 178–9, 181

  community self-defense in Bolivia, 173

  demand for community control in Caracas, Venezuela, 157–8

  mercenary action in Venezuela, 44

  Pink Tide in, 167

  police reform in Colombia, 180

  police reform in Venezuela, 180

  revolutionary movements in Caracas, Venezuela, 157–9

  Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua, 175


  May Day 2006

  workers’ strike by, 198

  as two times more likely to suffer deaths at hands of law enforcement than white people, 47

  view of police, 40

  law-and-order politics, 22, 31, 43, 51, 54, 102, 111, 183, 219, 221

  Law Enforcement Move (website), 215

  Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights (LEOBoRs), 108, 109, 110, 122

  Lawrence, William (“Dub”), 63

  LeBrón, Marisol, 174

  “The Left Case against Open Borders” (Nagle), 196–7

  legislation, and police power, 108, 112

  Le Guin, Ursula K., 11

  Lemon, Don, 222

  Lenin, Vladimir, 9, 127–8, 198

  Lennard, Natasha, 58

  Levin, Benjamin, 114

  Lexow Committee, 75

  LGBTQ people

  and police protection, 59–60

  prevention of violence against, 144

  liability insurance, for police, 92, 132

  library police, push to replace, 145

  Liebknecht, Karl, 197–8

  Lightfoot, Lori, 142

  Lincoln, Abraham, 194

  Lindsay, John, 102

  Linebaugh, Peter, 36

  Loehmann, Timothy, 215

  London Metropolitan Police (England)

  as model for professional policing in US, 25

  targeting of Mangrove restaurant by, 179

  Longan, John P., 201

  López y Rivas, Gilberto, 171

  Los Angeles, California

  settling cases of police brutality in, 69

  spending on police in, 69, 216

  Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
r />   killing of Andrés Guardado by, 118

  Kolts Commission, 77

  Los Angeles Fire and Police Protective League (Fi-Po), 104

  Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD)

  August Vollmer as chief of, 75

  budget cuts in, 94

  Christopher Commission, 77

  as coining phrase “to protect and serve,” 62

  neo-Nazi gangs within, 220

  Rampart scandal, 78

  as sabotaging gang truce of 1992, 140

  Los Angeles Unified School District, 5

  Lowndes, Joseph, 196

  Lynch, Patrick, 99, 100

  lynch mobs, 20

  Lynwood Vikings, 220

  Mac Donald, Heather, 48, 49

  Maduro, Nicolás, 44

  Malcolm X, 158

  Mangrove Nine trial, 179

  Mannaseh, Tamar, 142

  mano dura, 167

  Mapache, 207

  Mapping Police Violence project, 49

  Mara Salvatrucha gang (MS-13), 188, 190, 210

  Marshall Project, 185

  Martensen, Kayla, 36

  Martin, Trayvon, 4, 20–1, 86

  Martinez, Monica Muñoz, 40

  Marx, Karl, 128, 197, 217, 225


  Maryland LEOBoR, 108

  police killing of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, 4, 15, 22, 28, 84, 88, 108

  Restorative Response Baltimore, 144–5

  special rights for police in, 109

  mass incarceration

  Black leadership support of, 29

  consequences of, 210, 225

  as a crisis, 15

  expenses of, 136

  fighting against, 11

  racial disparities of, 145

  racist seeds of Jim Crow as having borne fruit in, 26

  mass rebellion

  commissions raising questions about, 76

  in Ferguson, Missouri, 4

  impacts of, 91, 129, 152, 156

  police brutality as provoking, 3

  Mateen, Omar, 67

  May Day 2006, Latinx workers’ strike on, 198

  McBride, Renisha, 21

  McCants, Clarise, 119

  McGrody, John, 98

  McMichael, Gregory, 19

  McMichael, Travis, 19

  McNesby, John, 98, 125

  McQuade, Brendan, 83, 149, 150–1

  McSpadden, Lesley, 118

  Mears, Tracey, 79


  pig media, 22

  police unions deploying social media campaigns against reform-minded legislators, 111

  racist apparatus of, 22, 41

  role of in reporting on police activity, 72

  scare tactics by police associations in, 107, 213, 218

  Mehserle, Johannes, 72

  mental health

  calls for 911 calls to be diverted to professionals in, 131

  calls for defunding police to fund mental health, 148

  calls for greater funding for services, 147

  crisis intervention hotlines, 142

  dismantling of access to care and treatment for, 52

  historic entanglement of care with punishment and confinement, 147


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