by Geo Maher
police protection for persons struggling with, 162
police seen as one-size-fits-all solution for problems of, 10
police shooting of mentally ill persons, 53, 63, 115, 147
statistics about, 53
mercenaries, 43–4
Mérida Initiative (Mexico), 43, 166
autodefensas in, 172
communities in as taking security and justice into their own collective hands, 170, 172–3
creation of community police after police massacre in Guerrero state, 171
demands for community control against police in Oaxaca, 159
grassroots networks/movements in, 168, 170, 171
Mérida Initiative, 43, 166
Oaxaca Commune, 170
police reform in, 180
rising up of Purépecha Indigenous community in Cherán, 171–2
urban social movements after 1985 earthquake, 168–9, 175
Zetas cartel, 180
Detroit Police Officers Association, 103
killing of Renisha McBridge in Dearborn Heights, 21
Migra! (K. Hernández), 189
criminalization of, 189, 190, 194, 195, 199, 200, 209
deaths of, 183–5, 186
family separations of, 191
policing of, 39–41
Mijente, 208
militarization, of policing, 31, 32–3, 34
military hardware, police access to, 32–3, 83
Miller, Stephen, 195–6, 197
Milwaukee Police Association, 116
Minneapolis, Minnesota
formation of self-managed security collectives in, 134
Office of Violence Prevention, 130
police killing of George Floyd in, 1–2, 4, 5, 6–7, 50, 74, 84, 85, 90, 93, 112, 129, 130
Powderhorn Safety Collective, 134
resolution on transformation of community safety in, 131–2
Minneapolis Group Violence Intervention program, 135
Minneapolis Police Department (MPD)
attempt to rent temporary space by, 3
behavior of during George Floyd riots, 130–1
calls for dismantling of, 2–3, 129–30, 133
on chokeholds and other neck restraints, 85
and police reform, 90, 130
public agencies severing ties with, 5
formation of self-managed security collectives in Minneapolis, 134
Office of Violence Prevention in Minneapolis, 130
police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, 1–2, 4, 5, 6–7, 50, 74, 84, 85, 90, 93, 112, 129, 130
resolution on transformation of community safety in Minneapolis, 131–2
school districts eliminating contracts for school police in Saint Paul, 141
state troopers and other police retaliating against protesters in, 221
Mirandé, Alfredo, 38–9
misconduct complaints, against police impact of collective bargaining on, 112
protection against civil suits as result of, 91
rules about, 107–8, 109–10, 111
settlements for, 80
sexual misconduct, 35–6, 56, 57
toward sex workers, 60
Ferguson, Missouri. See Ferguson, Missouri
St. Louis County Police Department, 222
Mohandesi, Salar, 128
Mollen Commission, 77
Montgomery, Kandace, 133
monuments, defacing and removal of, 6–7
Mosby, Marilyn, 28
Mothers/Men against Senseless Killings (MASK), 141–2
Movement for Black Lives, 151, 208
Movimiento Cosecha, 203–4
MS-13 (Mara Salvatrucha gang), 188, 190, 210
Muhammad, Saladin, 119
Mullins, Ed, 214
Nagle, Angela, 196–7, 198
National Action Network, 72
National Association of Government Employees (NAGE), 107, 113
National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO), 107
National Black Police Association, 117
National Center for Women and Policing, on officers committing domestic violence, 58–9
National Coalition against Domestic Violence, on domestic abuse/violence in policing, 59
National Coalition of Anti-violence Programs, on police brutality of trans people, 60
National Transgender Discrimination Survey, on police assaults on LBGTQ people, 59–60
National Violence Commission, 76
Neal, Jackie, 108
neck restraint, 74, 85
neighborhood watch, 135, 141
Nelson, Sara, 112–13
Neocleous, Mark, 35
resistance to, 4
wreckage/disaster of, 162, 168
Nevins, Joseph, 187
New Jersey
Camden Police Department, 149–51
Garrity v. New Jersey, 109
prison population in, 150
New Sanctuary Coalition, 207
New York
INCITE! in Brooklyn, 144
New York PBA, 116
police brutality against Martin Gugino in Buffalo, 8
Workers United of Upstate New York, 113
New York City
disparities in who police target in, 48
Guardian Angels, 141
as shuffling police budgets, 191
spending on police in, 216
New York City Panther 21, 181
New York City Police Department budget cuts in, 94
early corruption in, 75
as fighting against civilian oversight, 104
killing of Eric Garner by, 5, 64, 72, 81, 85–6, 89, 93, 99
Knapp Commission, 76–7
as lashing out at civilian oversight, 214
Mollen Commission, 77
war on de Blasio by, 224
Nguyen, Nancy, 207
Nicaragua, Sandinista Revolution, 175
911, calls to, 21, 23, 52, 130, 131, 142, 147, 206
Nixon, Richard, 29, 39
“No Cop Zones,” 137
no-knock raids, 5, 91, 93
No More Deaths, 186, 207
No One Is Illegal (Vancouver, Canada), 205–6
Nopper, Tamara, 160–1
Norcross, George, 150
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 186, 187, 197
Northern Ireland
alternatives to police in, 176
community restorative justice (CRJ) centers in, 163
Irish Republican Army (IRA), 162–3
Oakland, California
Anti Police-Terror Project, 142
police killing of Oscar Grant in, 4, 34, 72, 155, 159
police prostitution ring case, 61
school districts eliminating contracts for school police in, 5
Oath Keepers, 221, 222
Oaxaca, Mexico
as example of demands for community control against police, 159
Oaxaca Commune, 170
Obama, Barack, 4, 16, 43, 78, 79, 80, 83, 87, 88, 89, 90, 149, 185, 189
Öcalan, Abdullah, 164
Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria, 159, 191
#OccupyICE, 190, 207
Occupy movement, 4
Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), 192
officer safety, emphasis on, 67
police killing of John Crawford III in, 21
police shooting of Tamir Rice in, 21, 41, 177, 215
Oñate, Juan de
protest against monument of, 8
removal of monuments to, 6
Operation Gatekeeper (1994), 186–7, 188
Operation Gideon, 44
Operation Streamline, 189
Operation Wetback (1954), 201
anti-ICE protests in Portland, 190
police lieutenant as collaborator with Patrio
t Prayer in Portland, 220
protests/rebellions in, 9
shooting of white supremacist by anti-fascist in Portland, 9
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, on policing budgets, 34
Orlando, Florida, Pulse nightclub massacre at, 67
ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement), 192
Orta, Ramsey, 72
Ortiz, Carmelo, 183, 184
Ortiz, Ely, 183–4, 186
Ortiz, Rigoberto, 183, 184
Ortiz, Stephanie, 188–9
Pacifying the Homeland (McQuade), 149
Page, Dan, 222
Paik, A. Naomi, 199, 207–8, 209
Palestine Police Force, 166
Pantaleo, Daniel, 64, 81, 89
Parable of the Sower (Butler), 228
Parenti, Michael, 67
Park, K-Sue, 194–5
Parker, William, 62
Parkland, Florida, mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, 66
PARS (Preliminary Arraignment Reporting System), 190
Patriot movement, 221, 222
Patriot Prayer, 9, 220
Peace Officer (documentary), 63
Peel, Robert, 25, 38
anti-ICE protests in Philadelphia, 190
Citizen’s Local Alliance for a Safer Philadelphia (CLASP), 141
Frank Rizzo, 6, 104, 141
military force as used against protesters in Philadelphia, 83
police attack of Aida Guzman in Philadelphia, 97–8
police budget adjustments in Philadelphia, 94, 191
police killing of Walter Wallace Jr. in Pennsylvania, 53, 125
police shooting of Brandon Tate-Brown in Philadelphia, 125
state police as modeled on US occupying force in Philippines, 38, 100
Women Organized against Rape in Philadelphia, 143
people of color
as defined as insurgent class, 42
even police who are themselves people of color as heaping disproportionate brutality on, 27
implicit bias of police against, 23
Perry, Daniel, 223
Peterson, Scot, 66
Pew, survey of Black officers and white officers, 152
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
anti-ICE protests in, 190
Citizen’s Local Alliance for a Safer Philadelphia (CLASP), 141
military force as used against protesters in, 83
police attack of Aida Guzman in, 97–8
police budget adjustments in, 94, 191
police killing of Walter Wallace Jr. in, 53, 125
police shooting of Brandon Tate-Brown in, 79–80
Women Organized against Rape, 143
Philadelphia Police Foundation, 123
The Philadelphia Negro (Du Bois), 27
Phoenix Repeal, 205
PIC (prison-industrial complex), 15
pig majority
defined, 22–3
as extending far beyond white people but fundamentally about white power, 31
as global minority, 45
white Americans as continuing to play disproportionately heavy role in, 26
pig media, 22
Pineda, César Enrique, 169
Pink Tide (Latin America), 167
Plan Colombia, 43, 166
Playing the Whore (Grant), 60
Pocan, Mark, 192
police. See also policing
as attack dogs of racial capitalism, 219
calls for defunding of. See defunding the police
calls to make them obsolete, 11
campus police, 33–4, 145
corruption among, 218
as created to safeguard specific interests of wealthy, white, property-holding men, 65
criminal charges against as result of brutality by, 8
as crushing workers’ movements, 100
disguising of as workers, 121
early labor aspirations of, 100
as embodying division of the poor, 25
extortion by, 216–17, 224
fabrication of social order by, 35
as fascists, 222
firings as result of brutality by, 8
as fundamentally inseparable from suburbs, 160
as gang, 213
gap between what they are required to do and what the public believes they are supposed to do, 66
hostility of to labor movements, 219
imagining and building world without, 11
as key mechanism for perpetuation of contemporary world, 128, 129
lawbreaking by, 218–19
library police, 145
as linchpin holding together cross-class alliance in post-emancipation America, 24
and the military, 177–8
as not preventing crime, 63–4
as not required to prevent crime, 66
origins of, 194, 199
privatization of. See private security apparatus
relationships of to white supremacist groups/far-right militant activities, 220, 221
as remaking the law, 218
resignations of as result of brutality by, 8, 215
role of, 10
in schools. See campus police; school resource officers (SRO)
seen as one-size-fits-all solution to social problems, 10
social police, 35
special rights for, 107, 109, 110–11, 112, 117
as standing against democracy, 25
statistic on number of uniformed police, 32
stealing through civil asset forfeiture, 216–17
as substitute for abolition democracy, 225
as substitute for true abolition, 13
as symptom of contemporary world, 128
as trained violence workers, not trained mental health workers, 52
training for. See training, for police
transit police, 4, 34
as useless, 128
police abolition
calls for, 14, 129
described, 210
examples of, 167–70
as fantasy, 95
as global task, 181
history of, 15
pitfalls of, 146–8
as requiring reckoning with police unions, 122
urgency for, 180
as a wager, 230
police action, 42, 166
police associations, 101, 105, 106–7, 112, 124. See also benevolent associations; Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)
police bankrolls, 216. See also salaries and wages, of police
Police Benevolent Association (PBA), 99, 101, 102–3, 116, 122
police brutality
Colin Kaepernick as drawing attention to, 98
against Indigenous people, 50
police associations as responsible for, 112
protests against, 22
as provoking mass rebellion, 3
in Puerto Rico, 174
settling cases of, 69, 136
as spark of mass rebellions against police violence, 76, 102
and trans people, 59–60, 62, 63, 210
police control board, 181
police fascism, 219
police foundations, calls for dismantling of, 123
police-free future/police-free zones, 134, 135, 137
police-friendly communities, 215
police killings
beginning point of, 49
disparities in, demographically, 47, 48
men as dominant target of, 51
as occurring in poorer areas, 50
protests against, 1
role of video of, 81
Police magazine, article upholding
kneeling on suspect’s neck, 112
police murder
connecting individual instances of to policing as murderous system, 193
as “officer-involved shooting” in copspeak, 35
repeating cycle of police murder and mass rebellion, 129
resistance to, 4, 152, 227
as symptom of much-deeper sickness, 63
police orders, 101
police power
breaking of, 100, 122
and collusive bargaining, 105
and contracts, 108
as criminal blackmail, 218
extent of, 99–100
history of labor organizing, 99–106
as just tip of the spear, 36
and legislation, 108
police unions as central pillar of, 125
pushing back on, 153
turning point in, 102
twin fulcrums of, 103
police prostitution rings, 61
police racism, 26, 27–8, 48, 51, 62, 198. See also racial profiling
police reform
according to Correia and Wall, 89
body cameras as topic of, 81
chokeholds as topic of, 80, 85–6, 93
community policy as topic of, 86–7
current attention to, 91–3
demilitarization as topic of, 80, 83–4
diversification as topic of, 84
as doing little more than legitimizing police, 117
history of, 74–80, 146
lessons learned from failed reforms, 90, 96
levels of, 94
as mirage, 74, 90
no-knock raids as topic of, 93
as part of the problem, 73
procedural justice as topic of, 74, 80, 87–8, 130
qualified immunity as topic of, 91
as requiring reckoning with police unions, 122
task of, 73
training as topic of, 84–5
police scientists/science, 35, 38
police strikes, 64, 101, 102, 120, 138
police unions
according to Adler-Bell, 111–12
actions of regarding Jonathan Josey case, 97–8
agenda of, 104
as albatross, 120
on Black Lives Matter (BLM), 99
as born full-grown as “labor” aristocracy, 119
calls for expelling and abolishing of, 115, 120
calls for labor movement to disaffiliate them, 122–3
as central pillar of police power, 125
confronting and destroying of, 100
as on the defensive, 123
growing strength of, 106
as harassing and threatening elected officials who cross them, 99
history of, 120–1
as mediators, 104
as not really unions, 106
police power as expressed largely through, 36
policing. See also police
as about controlling “dangerous” people, 25
as about disciplining workforce, 25–6
as Achilles’ heel of US racial order, 227
alternatives to. See alternatives, to policing American policing going global, 42
Black leadership as supporting unchecked policing, 29
border policing. See border policing
broken windows policing. See broken windows policing
as cancer/virus, 37–8