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Centurion: A Scifi Alien Romance (Galactic Gladiators: House of Rone Book 3)

Page 14

by Anna Hackett

  A key the Edull would have.

  “Get out of here,” Acton said. “Find Magnus and the others—”

  “I’m not leaving you here.” Sage’s tone was fierce.


  She cupped his cheek. “No. They’ve already taken your arm, and they are not taking any more. You are mine, Acton. Mine to protect.”

  He stared at her face in the flickering light. “I believe I might be falling in love with you.”

  She sucked in a breath, her mouth dropping open. He also saw a flash of fear in her eyes.

  “I will love you, always. Just as you are. I will give my life for you. I may not have lots of experience with emotion and love, but I will not be your mother, or the others who didn’t treat you right.”

  “Be quiet.” She pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “You need to work on your timing, cyborg.”

  When she straightened, determination was written all over her.

  “First things first, we need to get you free.” She picked up one of the Edull tools, and started trying to break the chains holding him. “Grace, do you think you could pick the lock?”

  The girl’s eyes narrowed. “I can try.”

  Acton blinked at the rocky ceiling, watching the swirling smoke. He wanted them all safe, but he couldn’t think of anything to say or do that would convince them to leave.

  “Watch out!” Simone yelled.

  Two Edull barreled out of the smoke and flames.

  Sage spun, lifted the long tool in her hand, and with a cry, she ran at the aliens. She swung the tool, and the Edull dodged. She swung again and caught one in the side. He grunted and staggered back.

  Simone hurtled into the other one, knocking him over. Then Grace leaped on the Edull’s back, a feral look on her face.

  Acton groaned, fighting his bindings. He was drakking helpless, forced to watch the women fight.

  The Edull spun, tossing the girl off. She fell to the ground and the alien kicked her.

  “Leave her alone.” Sage rushed at him with her tool.

  She swung high, smacking him in the head. She swung and hit him again.

  The Edull blinked, then lost consciousness. He went down, knocking Sage over.

  As Simone helped her up, the first Edull had risen, pulling a large knife off his belt.

  “Sage!” Acton strained against his restraints.

  All of a sudden, laser bolts blasted through the air, slamming into the Edull. He dropped, and the laser ricocheted, hitting the second Edull on the ground.

  Both aliens lay unmoving. Simone gasped, pulling Grace close.

  Through the smoke, a tall form prowled toward them.

  “Toren,” Sage called out.

  Toren’s weapon swiveled around, aiming toward Acton. Lasers fired, hitting the chains holding him prisoner, and melting them. Acton guessed that the cyborg’s earlier injuries were partly healed, as they weren’t slowing him down.

  Acton tried to sit up, but his head swam. Sage and Toren appeared, easing him upright.

  “The others?” Sage asked.

  “On the way,” Toren answered. “I swam through the tunnels after you.” He looked at Simone and Grace.

  “That was badass.” Grace stared at Toren’s weapon. “I want one of those.”

  There was a faint line of amusement on the cyborg’s face.

  “Simone, Grace, this is Toren.”

  The cyborg inclined his head. Suddenly, laser fire rained down on them.

  Sage leaped on Acton, but he turned, sliding them off the bench. Toren spun, pulling Simone and Grace to the ground.

  “What are you doing?” Acton tried to cover Sage with his body.

  “Protecting you,” she bit out. “We need to move. Can you walk?”

  He nodded and she helped him to his feet. He was painfully unsteady, unfamiliar dizziness making it hard to focus. Sage caught him before he toppled, wedging herself against his side.

  “We can do this,” she said firmly.

  He was completely in love with Sage McAlister. It was an emotion that just days ago, he didn’t know, hadn’t wanted, and thought himself incapable of feeling.

  Sage had changed all of that.

  Nearby, Toren lifted Grace into his arms and grabbed Simone’s hand.

  They started across the cavern. All around, shouts echoed off the walls and laser fire lit up the smoke.

  Acton knew they needed to move fast. The Edull would hunt them down. But he couldn’t force any more speed from his battered body.

  Suddenly, Simone stopped. She started fiddling with some chemicals that were sitting on a workbench.

  “Move,” Toren ordered, tugging on her hand.

  The woman tossed her tangled hair back, her face serious. “I’ll buy us some time.”

  Grace nodded. “I learned everything from my mom.” There was pride in the girl’s voice. “If anyone can make the best bombs, it’s mom.”

  Simone stared at Toren. “Get my daughter out of here, cyborg,”

  He stared back. “Don’t be long. Otherwise I’ll come back and find you.”

  Toren moved over to Acton, sliding an arm around him. With his other arm, Toren kept Grace on his hip.

  Together, they hobbled along.

  Sage worried her lip, and Acton knew she was concerned about Simone.

  Then there was a huge explosion behind them, and they all jolted. Grace’s body froze, looking back.

  Toren set the girl down. “Keep going.” He kept a tight hand on Grace’s hand.

  The girl’s bottom lip trembled, but then she nodded.

  They were getting close to the far wall, and Acton could see the entrances to several tunnels. There was another boom, and young Grace’s steps faltered once more.

  “Mom,” she whispered.

  Then a spike of pain skewered through Acton’s body. His knees failed, and Sage pitched forward, but Toren kept them both upright.

  Toren lowered Acton to the ground and Sage knelt beside him.

  “Hold on.” She checked his shoulder again, patching up his injury.

  “Wait here,” Toren said. “I’m going back for Simone.” He looked at Grace. “Stay here. I will get your mother.”

  “You promise?” Grace whispered.

  “I promise.”

  Then the cyborg turned, sprinting into the smoke.

  Acton sensed Sage and Grace’s concern. “Toren always keeps his promises, and is very efficient at his job.”

  Sage wrapped an arm around Grace. “These House of Rone cyborgs are tough protectors, and they never give up.” She looked at Acton. “They are something special.”

  He let his gaze trace over her face, and then they hunkered down and waited.


  Toren had to use every bit of his enhanced vision to search the smoke for the foolish woman.

  Foolish, but courageous. She’d certainly sent the Edull scrambling.

  Then he heard a quiet groan.

  Spinning, he spotted a slim arm sticking out from under some overturned boxes. His pulse spiked, and he quickly heaved the boxes off her.

  She reared up, lifting an arm to fight.


  “Oh, it’s you.” She slumped in relief.

  “I said I’d come back for you.”


  “With the others.”

  He pulled Simone up and she cried out, almost collapsing. He caught her, swinging her into his arms. “You’re injured.”

  She wasn’t heavy, although he had noted she was tall for an Earth woman, with sleek, toned limbs. There was definite strength to this woman.

  She also had a shard of metal embedded in her thigh.

  He lowered her to sit on a crate. “I need to remove this.”

  “Shit.” She bit her lip.

  He noticed the move, and found himself looking at her pleasantly shaped lips. Giving a slight shake of his head, he focused on the situation. “You can do this, Simone.”

  Her lips
trembled. “What’s your name again?”


  “Toren—” She gripped his wrist.

  He felt a strange sizzle at her touch.

  “You promise me that you’ll get my little girl out of here.” Simone’s dark eyes looked deep and endless. “No matter what happens.”

  “I’ll get you both out.”

  “Promise me. She comes first.”

  “You’re both coming to the House of Rone.” He gripped her thigh.

  Simone swallowed. There was something in her dark, fathomless eyes that he couldn’t quite make out. But whatever it was, he felt a strange, answering throb deep in his chest.

  His emotional dampeners had to be malfunctioning due to his injuries.

  “Okay.” She pulled in a breath. “Give me a second and—”

  Using his cyborg speed, Toren yanked the shard out. She cried out and pitched forward.

  He caught her. “You need to be strong a little bit longer.” He pulled the small kit off his belt, withdrew a bandage, and wrapped it around her thigh.

  “You could have warned me.” She was panting a little.

  “It would have made it worse.” He finished tying the bandage. “You’ve survived this long, and now it’s time to push through a little more, and get your daughter to safety.”

  Simone lifted her chin and nodded, the line of her jaw firm.

  Earth women—full of grit, that was for sure.

  “You’ll help me?” Her voice was quiet, barely audible above the din in the cavern.

  But he heard her. He rose and held out a hand. “I’m right here.”

  She took it, their fingers tangling. “No one’s been there for me for a really long time.” Her voice cracked.

  When she wobbled, Toren pulled her closer. “I’m here.”

  She took a hobbling step, but he scooped her into his arms.

  She gasped. “I can’t remember the last time someone carried me.”

  “Then your luck’s changed.”

  Their gazes locked.

  “I guess it has,” she murmured.

  Toren had to force himself to look away from her face, then he started back toward the others.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Sage’s heart was beating so hard, she was pretty sure she’d have internal bruising. Toren had been gone a long time.

  Was Simone okay? Sage chewed on her lip, casting a worried glance at Grace. The little girl was bouncing on her feet, scanning the smoke. Please be okay.

  Suddenly, Sage spotted a shape in the smoke. Her chest hitched.

  It was them.

  Toren was running fast, Simone in his arms. He leaped onto a bench, running along it. Then he jumped down, right near them.

  Simone had some blood on her face and a bandage around one thigh. When he set her down, she kept the weight off her left foot.

  “Mom.” Grace ran to her mother and threw her arms around Simone’s waist.

  “I’m okay, baby girl.”

  Toren straightened. “We need—”

  A small, metal barb flew out of the smoke and hit Toren’s arm. It cut into his skin and he grimaced.

  Acton frowned. “Tor—”

  Electricity lit up, racing over Toren’s body. His jaw locked and his body jerked wildly.

  “Toren!” Simone took a step closer, throwing an arm out.

  “Don’t touch him,” Acton warned.

  Through the smoke, Sage saw more shapes and heard raspy shouting. The Edull were coming.

  “Run.” Acton spun to Simone. “Get your child and go.”

  For a second, Simone appeared torn. She looked at Toren, then Grace. Then she grabbed Grace’s hand and started running for the tunnels.

  Acton looked at Sage. “Go with them.”

  She shook her head. Fear was a horrible twisting sensation in her chest. Being caught by the Edull again… But there was no way she could leave Acton.

  “Don’t even bother trying, cyborg. I’m not leaving.”

  For the first time ever, she heard him mutter a curse. He swept her closer and a second later, Edull surrounded them.

  Toren was flat on the ground now, his body twitching.

  Sage dug her hands into her thighs. She itched to help him and prayed he was okay.

  Behind her, Acton was breathing heavily and leaning on her. He was nowhere near well enough to fight these Edull.

  A tall, thin Edull stepped forward. He had blood on the side of his face, and his pupils were glowing silver in his dark eyes. His mask was askew.

  He eyed them dispassionately, then gave a nod of his head.

  Several Edull moved forward and grabbed Toren’s arms. They started dragging him away.

  Several more moved in, yanking Acton and Sage apart.

  “No!” she cried.

  Arms grabbed Sage roughly, lifting her off her feet. She found herself hefted over a hard shoulder.

  She was carried deeper into the cavern, to a part that wasn’t burning. When she was set on her feet, she saw both cyborgs had been laid out on benches and tied down.

  Swallowing, she tried to control her fear. She was so damn tired of being afraid.

  An Edull stooped down, grabbed her wrists, and tied a rope around them. When he yanked the rope tight, she tried to bite him. He slapped her.

  Ouch. Wincing, she saw Acton surge up against his bindings.

  “I’m okay.” She glared at the Edull.

  “I want all their enhancements removed,” the tall Edull ordered.

  Sage pressed her tied hands to her mouth. No. She watched the Edull move closer to Acton and Toren. This was a nightmare.

  Several Edull started poking at Toren, gripping the metal on his shoulder enhancement. One lifted a tool and opened a panel.

  Toren jerked and groaned.

  A tear ran down Sage’s cheek. Helpless, she watched as they tore parts off Toren’s shoulder. The cyborg’s body arched and blood ran down his chest.

  They ripped his weapon out.


  Toren’s pained shout echoed in her ears. Sage curled into a ball, looking down at the floor. She heard Acton’s groan of pain and knew that they were hurting him too. As she stared at the stone floor, drowning in despair, she spotted a knife.

  Someone had clearly dropped it, and it had been forgotten in the chaos. It wasn’t too far away from her.

  Chest hitching, she started slowly inching closer to it.

  She glanced up to assess the situation, and saw the Edull cut into Acton’s remaining cybernetic arm. His teeth were clenched and he groaned in agony.

  Her chest was so tight. She had to help him. She extended her arms, moving closer to the knife.


  An explosion rocked the cavern around them.

  Sage ducked her head as something whizzed past her. More debris flew, and further explosions lit up the space.

  Through the flames, she spotted the silhouettes of Simone and Grace. They were both lobbing makeshift grenades.

  God. Sage straightened. Nearby, the flames caught something flammable and started spreading. The Edull started shouting.

  In all the confusion, Sage grabbed the knife and yanked it close. Awkwardly, she maneuvered the blade between her hands and started cutting through the rope.

  The Edull hurting Acton glared at the fire, then turned back to his victim. His dark eyes were narrowed.

  The bindings fell off her wrists. With a growl, Sage launched herself upward.

  Surprised, the Edull turned and tried to grab her. She threw the knife, just as Acton had taught her, and it hit right in the center of his mask. The blade destroyed the tiny valve.

  He staggered back into the bench, making a harsh sound.

  She leaned over and clicked the locks on the bindings holding Acton. He sat up, and then quickly slid off the bench. With his cybernetic hand, he grabbed the Edull’s neck and lifted the alien off his feet. The alien hissed, then Acton clenched his fingers together.

looked away. The Edull went silent, and Acton dropped him to the ground. More homemade grenades landed nearby.

  Boom. Boom. Boom. Crates and scrap metal went flying.

  Sage slid an arm around Acton. “I suggest we leave. Now.”

  The Edull were rushing to either escape or put the fires out.

  “I approve of that idea.” Acton pulled her in close for a quick kiss.

  Then they turned to look at Toren.

  The other cyborg was lying motionless on the bench, his arm hanging limply from the side

  Sage’s gut clenched. Oh, no.

  Acton worked hard to block the pain tearing through his body. Sage rushed to Toren, pressing her fingers to his neck.

  “He has a pulse.” She turned to the Edull’s equipment, rummaging through it. She pulled out several items and started staunching the worst of the blood flow from Toren’s injuries.

  Acton scanned around, trying to calculate the best way to get them out.

  “Acton, he’s really hurt.” Her gaze ran down Acton’s body. “You are, too.”

  “We’ll get out.”

  “I hope Grace and Simone are okay.” She cast a glance toward the flames and smoke.

  Steeling himself, Acton leaned down and yanked the knife out of the Edull’s face. He wiped it off and handed it back to her.

  Resolutely, she took it and slid it into her belt.

  So tough, his Sage. Steel wrapped in soft, soft skin.

  “I’ll carry Toren.”

  Her eyes widened. “You can barely stay upright yourself.”

  “I’m a cyborg. And we’re not leaving him.”

  “Of course, we aren’t.”

  Acton crouched and, with Sage’s help, got Toren over his shoulder. When he rose, he wavered, his vision blurring.

  “Dammit, Acton, you can’t carry him.”

  “I will. Let’s go.”

  She pulled out the knife and held it up, and they weaved unsteadily through the cavern. It was slow going. There were still Edull running around, but they were ignoring them. For now.

  One thought kept Acton going—he wanted Sage out of here. He needed her to be safe.

  “Release the battle bots,” a raspy voice screamed across the space.

  “That does not sound good,” Sage muttered.


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