Isla de los Estados 284
jackstay 336
jammers 245
Jane’s Fighting Ships 104
Jan Meyen Island 43
Jellicoe, Admiral 35
Jersey Point 352
Jervis, Admiral John 35, 40
Jervis Bay, HMS 158, 284
Jones, Lieutenant Colonel H. 342, 353–5
Jones, Inigo 48
Jordan 84
‘Junglies’ 75, 166–7, 233, 248
justice, sense of xiv
Jutland, Battle of 35, 244
KAL 007 145
Karachi 84
Kent, Lieutenant 9
Kerosene 419
Kincaid, Admiral Thomas C 206
King George Bay 376
Kingston Bay 42
Knowles, Lieutenant Mike 362
Lafonia 127, 190, 257, 260
Land Force Adviser 116
Land Forces: transport for 422;
frustration with 425–6, 461;
final offensive 462;
ships supporting 462–3
Landing Craft Utilities: description 337;
and landing 351–2, 355;
and assault on Stanley 444, 448, 450, 452–3, 455
landing: choice of site 113–14, 255–61, 301;
size of force 170;
planning for 310–17;
success of 374;
lack of casualties 436
Lane-Nott, Commander Roger 171
Larken, Captain Jeremy 352, 396, 494
laser equipment 454
Layard, Captain Mike 416, 417, 419–21, 494
Laybourne, James 64, 65
Layman, Captain Kit 326, 346, 361, 494
see also Argonaut
Layshon, Lieutenant Brian 18
Leach, Admiral Sir Henry xi, xviii-xix, 72, 79, 96, 97, 120
Leake, John 371, 375, 378
Lear jet 451
Leeds Castle, HMS 388
Leeming, Flight-Lieutenant John 372
Levanter 93
Lewin, Vice Admiral Sir Terence xii, 75, 79, 132, 213, 216
Libya 310
Lively Island 444, 450
Llanos, Lieutenant-Commander Gonzales 269
London bridges etiquette 71
oneliness 7, 122
Low Bay 127, 258–9, 301
LSL 398, 427, 442, 452, 453, 455, 456, 489
Luce, Admiral Sir David 393
Luce, Richard 393
Lynx helicopter 233, 248, 291, 369
McCall, Admiral Sir Henry 79
McMurtrie, Charlotte 54
see also Woodward, Charlotte
Macchi 361
Mackay, Sergeant Ian 463, 465
Maidstone, HMS 44
Malta 52
Malvinas see Falklands
Marconi 37
Marines, US 183
Matapan, Battle of 35, 64
Matra missile 192
Mayhew, Christopher 81
Mayora, Lieutenant Armando 1, 3, 5, 6, 11, 13
Media xvii, 342
see also Press
Menendez, General 470, 472, 474, 475
Mexeflote 455
Middleton, Captain Linley 120, 170, 242, 244, 319, 325, 326–7, 494
Miers, Rear Admiral Sir Anthony 49
Mills, Lieutenant Keith 93
Minerva, HMS 400, 428, 438
mines 104, 278–81
minesweepers 279
Ministry of Defence: attitude to Falklands War xviii;
First Sea Lord 96;
contracts extended by 107; 322
Mirage aircraft 192–3, 344
‘missile trap’ 438
Mobile Bay 280
Moll, Sub-Lieutenant Andy 395
Moody Brook 285, 318, 467
Moore, Major General Jeremy 129, 146, 453, 457, 475
Morgan, Flight-Lieutenant Dave 190, 196
Morgan, Sub-Lieutenant Peter 368
Morrell, Lieutenant-Commander Clive 372
Morton, Commander Tony 22, 128, 346, 351, 372, 462, 468
Moscow 471
Mosse, Commander Peter 418
Mount Harriet 462, 464
Mount Kent 361, 375, 425
Mount Longdon 462, 465
Mount Rosalie 354, 362
Mount Tumbledown 463, 469
Murphy, Brian 370
Napier, Admiral 393
Napoleon Bonaparte 471, 472
Narvik 43
Narwal 176, 178, 265–9, 273
Naval Gunfire Support 199
Navy see Royal Navy
Navy Point 474
Nelson, Admiral Lord Horatio 35, 67
Neptune aircraft 6
Nevin, Leading Seaman 15
Nicholson, Michael 153
Nimrod aircraft 136, 289
Norland 345, 351, 353, 355, 374, 395–6
North, Ian 416–21
Northwood (Fleet Staff) 145;
and aircraft carriers 6;
Battle Group dispatched 98;
and South Georgia 108;
and The Burglar 143;
and TEZ 109, 150;
and submarine tactics 173;
and bombardment of Stanley 192;
and General Belgrano 227;
and landing 261;
and proposed Raid on Rio Grande 313–14
Norway 79
Nott, John xi, xviii, 79;
supports Falklands War 80;
military experience 82;
and defence cuts 81, 91, 95, 97, 130, 485;
and Derek Reffell 132;
Tinker’s opinion of 465
O’Connell, Lieutenant-Commander Mike 394
Ogilvie, Lieutenant-Commander Tony 189
Olmeda 10, 135, 147, 148, 345
Olna 400
Oman 84, 90
‘Operation Corporate’ 28, 98, 100, 123
‘Operation Sutton’ 330–4
Oracle, HMS 94
Orion, HMS 35
Otranto 9
Parachute Regiment 428
‘Paraquet’ Group 111, 146–8
Paras 428, 463
Parkinson, C.N. 39
Pearleaf, HMS 345
Pebble Island: air base on 271, 274, 289, 307, 438;
raid on 274–8, 288, 300, 302–6
Penelope, HMS 400, 428, 450
Penfold, Flight-Lieutenant Tony 195
Pentreath, Captain David 100, 148, 326, 346, 351, 361, 454
see also Plymouth
Phantoms 139, 384
Phoenix 206
‘Picket ships’ xx, 7–8
Plate, River 107, 228
Plymouth, HMS: ordered to Falklands 108;
passage to Falklands 175;
and amphibians, 326;
and landing 346, 351, 353;
in ‘Bomb Alley’ 361, 362, 366, 368;
attacks Port Howard 438;
and assault on Port Stanley 438, 443, 468;
hit by bombs 454;
patched up 468
Polaris system 74, 80, 81
politics 101, 117–18, 119–20, 130, 132, 150, 176, 215, 216, 311, 312
see also Northwood; Nott, John; Thatcher, Margaret
Pollock, Admiral Sir Michael 75
Porpoise HMS 53, 56, 165, 466
Port Allegre 147
Port Fitzroy see Bluff Cove/Fitzroy
Port Howard 369, 370, 438
Portland 46
Porto Belgrano 228
Port Pleasant 451, 452
Port San Carlos 353
Portsmouth Dockyard 83, 83
Port Stanley: assault on 433;
operational areas, 433;
see also following entry
Port Stanley airfield 139, 184–91, 192;
attacks on 199, 299, 304, 307, 375, 391
Port William 278
Press 153–8, 483
Preston, Colonel Richard 116–17, 260
Principal Welfare Officer 13
principles of war 28 see also Rules of
prisoners of war 472, 476
Prussia Cove 64
Pucara aircraft 138, 271, 362, 375
Pumas 270, 361, 388
Puntas Arenas 321
Pym, Francis 79
Queen Charlotte 437
Queen Elizabeth II 123, 261
Queen’s Silver Jubilee 76
radar: needs for 3;
decoys 5;
and Etendards 11;
problems with 252, 293
see also chaff
RAF 166;
attitudes to Falklands War xviii;
taken to task 289–91;
Phantoms 139, 384;
see also Hercules, Sea Harriers; Vulcan bomber
Rapier system 258, 288, 323, 358, 384–5, 386, 388;
failures 391, 392
Rawalpindi 87
Reagan, Ronald xix, 89, 176, 493
realism 108, 109, 133
Red Sea 84
Reffell Vice Admiral Derek 132, 485
refuelling, air-to-air 6
Regent 345
Resource 10, 98, 128, 147, 148, 325, 345
Revenge HMS 8
Rio Gallegos 405
Rio Grande 1, 3, 238;
proposed raid in 310–22
Rio Grande Rise 146
Robinson, Patrick xv-xvii
Rodney, Admiral Sir George 35
Rose, Able Seaman 13, 14, 241
Rothesay Bay 58–9
Rowan, Ivan 157
Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) 94, 326, 414;
see also Fort Austin, Resource
Royal Marines 218, 263, 312–13, 319, 326;
Gazelle Helicopters 361, 445
Royal Navy xii, xiii, xx, 4, 29, 78–9, 146, 205, 263;
cuts in 74, 81, 82;
Defence Policy 72;
trials 77;
stories of bravery 159
Rules of Engagement (ROE) 89, 141, 143, 144, 150–2;
breaking 265, 267, 269;
changes in 176, 212–13, 216, 219
Russia see USSR
St George’s Bay 396
St Helena 114 Salt, Captain Sam 7, 10, 17, 22, 25, 100, 115, 236, 237, 324, 494
Salta 172
Salvageman 273, 302
San Carlos Bay/Water: landing in xii, 127, 259–60, 261, 278, 279, 288, 301, 329, 343, 350, 388;
battle of 357–81;
number of sorties launched at 375;
landing material in 417;
and assault on Stanley 437
Sanders, Commander Jeremy 168–9, 214, 217
Sandhurst 48
Sanguine HMS 52–3
San Luis 172–3, 197
Sante Fe 148, 172–3
Santiago de Estero 172
Santissima Trinidad 204
Sapper Hill 467, 470
SAS: inserting reconnaissance teams 3, 146, 167, 286, 376;
and Norwal 268;
‘resident officer’ 275–8;
and Pebble Island 275–8, 288–9, 300, 302–3, 304;
and proposed raid on Rio Grande 310–22;
raid on Darwin 350;
startle Woodward 480
satellite communications 177
SBS 3, 268, 351, 354
Scapa Flow 43
Scharnhorst 79
SCOT system 9, 241
Scott, Sit Walter 181, 183
Seacat missile 195, 361, 366, 368
Sea Dart missile: and sinking of Sheffield 16, 21, 22;
and Belgrano 218;
effectiveness of 242, 243;
misses 270;
range 272;
stock of 313;
failures 294–5, 298, 386, 407, 414;
successes 429, 430, 451, 469
Sea Harriers 96;
attacks on Goose Green 24, 188, 199;
value of 118, 385;
strikes on Stanley airstrip 137, 184, 188–94, 199, 388, 391;
after Boeing 707 142–4;
character of pilots 166;
losses and near losses 235, 247, 251, 383–4, 425;
flight times 243;
and Amphibious Group 327;
‘kills’ 382, 391;
performance of 385;
blows up helicopter base 388;
reinforcements 415;
airstrip for 415;
attack Stanley 462
Sea King: and sinking of Sheffield 22;
losses 146, 300, 304, 321, 326–7, 338–9;
pilots 167;
and submarines 192;
and Pebble Island 303–5;
cost of 319
Sea Lion Islands 478
Searchwater radar 289–90
Sea Skua missile 233
Seaslug missile 83, 303, 363
Sea Wolf: and Belgrano 218;
range 272;
failures of 299, 368–9, 375–6, 382, 385, 405–6, 414, 468;
and ‘Operation Sutton’ 332;
performance of 385; hits 391;
target blocked by Coventry 407–8
Sedgemoor gun line 291
Sephton, Petty Officer Alfred 378
Sephton, Lieutenant-Commander John 369, 370, 378
Seymour, Captain B.A. 128
Shag Cove 388
Sheathbill HMS 442
Sheffield HMS: loss of xvi, xx, 1–29, 236–53;
Woodward in command 8;
radars 18;
hit by Exocet 18, 27;
burning 22, 25, 26;
sinking 26;
deaths on 29;
passage to Falklands 110, 119, 137, 147;
and Belgrano 217
Shotr Notice Operation Readiness Check 94
Sidewinder missile: value of xix, 118, 198;
hits scored by 194, 196, 368, 370, 372, 396;
reliability 401
Silkworm missile 493
Sir Bedivere 395, 438
Sir Galahad xx, 82, 345, 352, 395, 438, 451, 452, 455
Sir Geraint 345, 352, 448
Sir Lancelot 345, 352, 395
Sir Percivale 345, 352, 419, 438
Sir Tristram 82, 345, 352, 438, 448, 452, 455
Skyhawks see A4 Skyhawks
Smith, Lieutenant 396
sonar 211, 222
sonar operators 136, 137
South Georgia 93, 95, 108, 111;
recapture of 147–8, 153
Southby-Tailyour, Major Ewen 125, 126
Spartan HMS 94, 171, 173, 178, 207–8
Special Forces 75, 104, 131, 137, 167, 184, 268, 276
Spee, Vice Admiral Graf von 393
Speed, Keith 81
Splendid HMS 99, 171, 173, 178, 202
‘Springtrain’ exercise 93–4
Squires, Lieutenant ‘Tubby’ 51, 53, 83
Staff Intelligence Cell 111–12
Stanley see Port Stanley
Stevelly Bay 127, 257
Stinger missile 362
stress 111, 161–3, 286–7
Stromness 345, 352, 353, 395
STUFT (ships taken away from trade) 326, 345
Submarines 56–66, 165;
Argentine 197;
British 171–3, 178;
see also under individual names
Suez Canal 84
Suez crisis 466
Sun 230
Sunday Telegraph xvii, 157
Superb 207
Super Etendard: and Exocet 2;
and sinking of Sheffield 3–6, 9–10, 13, 15, 17, 20, 26, 27, 240;
proposed raid on 310–22;
and sinking of Atlantic Conveyor 418–22;
refuelling 427;
range 427
Sussex Mountains 354
TA (transport area) 434, 435, 438
Tait, Admiral Sir Gordon 53
Taranto 35
Taylor, Commander Jim 171, 178
Taylor, Lieutenant Nick 24
Teal Inlet 477;
considered for landing 127, 259;
and assault on Port Stanley 433, 434, 438, 440, 448<
br />
Thatcher, Margaret 74, 80, 187;
determination for war xviii;
names Defence Secretary 79;
sense of urgency 95;
agrees to form Task Force 96–7, 140;
and Belgrano 213, 216;
and the landing 331;
Tinker’s opinion of 465
Thomas, Lieutenant-Commander Neil 367
Thomas, Lieutenant Steve 194, 370
Thompson, Brigadier Julian 124, 125, 261, 328, 329, 345, 461
Threat Reduction 4, 107
3 Commando Brigade 354
Tidepool HMS 345
Tidespring 147
Tierra del Fuego 1, 27, 310, 317
Tigerfish torpedo 210, 221
time codes 2–3
time-frame calculations 129–31, 275–6, 329–31
Times, The xvii
Tinker, Lieutenant David 465–7
Tireless HMS 57–9
Tobin, Nick 390
torpedoes 94, 197, 209, 221–2, 228
Total Exclusion Zone (TEZ) 3, 150, 187–8, 207, 209, 230, 249, 264, 266
Townsend CMEM 373
trade unions 439
Trafalgar, Battle of 35
training 137
TRALA (tug, repair and logistics area) 434–5, 438, 468–9, 469
trawlers, surveillance 269
Trident system 80–2
trust 128
Tumbledown 463, 469
2 Para 353–4, 355, 469
Two Sisters 463
Uganda 409
UHF radio 4
United Nations 256
USA xix, 89, 145, 184;
and the General Belgrano 206;
Navy xviii;
Marines 183
USSR 89, 118–19, 145, 269
Valiant HMS 64, 317
Vallings, George 37
Vazquez, Primer Teniente 430
Veintecinco de Mayo 177, 178, 201, 204–5, 217, 226, 230–1, 234, 398
Victors 186
Virgin Islands 42
Vulcan bomber 139, 184, 185–7, 199
Walpole, Lieutenant Peter 18
War Cabinet 216
Ward, Lieutenant-Commander Nigel 193, 370
Ward, Lieutenant-Commander Sharkey 366–7, 372
Wardle, Geoff 46
Warspite HMS 64–6
Watch and Quarter Bill 42, 43
Waterhouse, Alfred 38
Watson, Lieutenant Mike 193
weather 110, 146, 160–1, 176, 218, 249, 250, 300–2, 304–7, 317–18, 320–1, 323–4, 330, 332–3, 391, 471–3
Weatherall, Captain Jim 400
Webb, Sir Aston 34
Weinberger, Caspar xix, 118, 176, 492–3
Wessex helicopters 146, 327, 415
West, Commander Alan 326, 346;
in ‘Bomb Alley’ 362, 370–1, 372, 380–1
whales 135–6, 250
White, Captain Hugo 430, 462
Williams, Lieutenant Tom 362
Wilson, Harold 73–5
Wireless Ridge 469
Withers, Flight-Lieutenant Martin 186–7
Wood, Mr 33
Woodward, Andrew (son) 106
Woodward, Charlotte (wife) 26–7, 54, 67, 106, 174
See also under McMurtrie and letters home under Woodward, Sandy
Woodward, Jim (brother) 32
Woodward, Liz (sister) 33
Woodward, Captain Peter 166–8, 265, 486
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