Happy Now?

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Happy Now? Page 30

by S M Mala

  ‘What does Mr Sosa say?’ asked Simon.

  ‘He can say what he likes as I left my mobile at home. Anyway, I’m doing him a favour picking up his new sofa.’

  ‘Will Flora mind us leaving the furniture in the study?’ his nephew asked sheepishly. ‘She might have wanted it put somewhere else.’

  ‘Probably up her ex’s backside from the look on her face yesterday.’

  He had wanted to see her and was disappointed she wasn’t there but understood.

  Flora was now probably mad at Matias.

  ‘Why do you like this music?’ Ed said, trying to turn down the volume but was stopped by Simon. ‘It’s just a banging noise.’

  ‘I like it and I’m doing you a favour,’ then he grinned. ‘Is it true she punched him?’

  Ed looked over at Simon before pulling away.

  ‘She was upset.’

  ‘Derek said Mr Sosa wasn't nice.’

  Driving along, he didn’t want to say anything. He still did business with Matias. When he spoke to him the previous night, he could tell he was very upset about what happened. Ed agreed to pick up a sofa for him as a favour but not before getting him to agree to the extra costs.

  ‘And when did we become removal men?’ laughed Simon, looking out of the window as they drove towards Brentford. ‘Does he know your hourly rate?’

  ‘Matias can afford it.’

  As they drove, Ed could hear a banging noise and shook his head, knowing that was the engine or the exhaust pipe. It didn’t take long for them to get to his father’s timber yard and they parked the van outside, both jumping out.

  ‘Do you want a lift?’ Ed asked, seeing they were working on the new flats, the noise rattling his ears. ‘Don’t they ever stop?’

  ‘You can talk,’ smiled Simon walking toward his cycle. ‘I’m going to meet some friends.’

  ‘Be careful on that thing and wear your helmet,’ he said, going to his car and getting in. ‘You know what your mum’s like. And don’t forget, you have to come round to your grandma’s tonight. She wants to discuss her party.’

  ‘But she’s still not well,’ Simon said, his face etched with concern.

  ‘She’s getting better and is planning it for the weekend before my birthday. We can’t stop her from having it. Your granddad even said she booked the pub ‘Hole in the Wall’. Seems she wants to celebrate the big seven zero.’

  ‘What time tonight?’

  ‘Seven thirty and don’t be late.’

  ‘Yes Uncle Edward.’

  Laughing, Ed drove off back to his home.

  ‘I mean, come on,’

  …Flora said to Ed’s answer machine. ‘Your people have locked me in the back of the van. I don’t know where I am and it’s pitch black!’

  Ed wasn’t picking up and there was no one else to phone other than Matias.

  She had no intention of doing that.

  The ride in the back of the van was exceedingly painful as the driver was hurtling around and she was constantly being banged against the side. The only way she could keep from falling over was to sit on the sofa, strapped in. If it wasn’t for the holster, Flora thought she’d be smashed to pieces.

  Her only option was to wait for Ed to pick up the calls.

  The first image that came to her head was that he was spending the lovely summer afternoon with his young woman.


  Her mind was still full of him. She knew there was no hope in ever thinking he would want to spend time with her. Given he’d blown her out twice, made her realise she was just dreaming of a time that could never be repeated.

  And he probably was nice because he felt sorry for her.

  Pity being the only emotion he could give.

  Then the sound from a building site outside could be heard. She realised she might be in Ernie’s timber yard but couldn’t be sure. It was starting to get hot in the van and all she could do was sit it out until Ed picked up.

  If she didn’t hear from him in half an hour, she’d have no choice but to call the police.

  ‘Oh my god!’

  … Ed said, looking at his mobile which had fallen to the ground in the kitchen.

  He glanced at the half drunk glass of wine that Emily left after they’d had a chat and gulped. Ringing the number he waited.

  ‘Hello!’ he heard her say.

  ‘What happened?’

  ‘I don’t know but your men locked up the van and I’m in the back.’

  ‘Are you all right?’ he said, feeling the relief on hearing Flora’s voice. ‘Why didn’t you shout or bang?’

  ‘I did but there was music playing loudly and the person who was driving steered like a maniac,’ she said, sounding pissed off. ‘I bet I’m covered in bruises but I can’t see a bloody thing other than a strip of light. And it’s really noisy. Can you get someone to get me out?’

  ‘I’ll be there in less than an hour.’

  ‘But that’s ages!’ she shouted out. ‘I’ll die in here.’

  ‘Flora, just calm down. I’ll be with you soon.’

  ‘Okay,’ she said and hung up.

  ‘Fuck,’ Ed said, putting his phone firmly into his pocket before running out of the house.

  Driving like a maniac, and nearly getting into a collision, he got to the timber yard, parking by the van. He ran to the back and opened it up.

  There was Flora lying on the sofa before squinting at him and putting her hand over her face.

  ‘As you know, I like your vans but not like this,’ she said before smiling. ‘But they’re getting larger.’

  ‘It comes with time.’

  ‘It’s been ages since someone took me for a ride in the back of their white van. The last time, I remember, I ended up in vaguely the same spot. But on this occasion, it was different and bumpier.’

  Ed looked up at her. She’d taken her shoes off and looked a little flustered, her hair messed up.

  Then they started to laugh.

  Jumping up into the back, he looked at her waving her hand in front of her face to fan herself down as she went up to him. He walked closer and blew her forehead, trying to cool her skin.

  She smiled.

  Out of nowhere, they kissed.

  ‘It’s dark,’

  … Flora said, realising Ed had shut the doors while their lips were attached. Prising her mouth away, she couldn’t see him. All she could feel was her heart beating fast. ‘I take it you’re relieved I’m still alive.

  ‘Yes,’ she heard him say before feeling his arms wrap tightly around her, pulling her in for another kiss.

  Flora didn’t know what to think.

  She just went with the flow and kissed him back.

  It wasn’t the same as she remembered.

  This felt better.

  His mouth was caressing her lips and then their tongues met. Flora tried not to gulp when she felt him move in her mouth. The rhythm she recalled hadn’t changed much but it was now done with more passion.

  Then she felt his hands move down her back and her mind raced to what would happen if he touched her breasts. Taking a deep breath she gently pushed him away, unable to make out his face in the darkness of the van.

  ‘Where’s this going?’ she asked quietly, feeling his breath on her face.

  ‘I don’t honestly know.’

  ‘Are you reminiscing something?’

  ‘Are you?’

  ‘I’m not sure,’ she replied, wanting to feel his lips against her own.

  There was a need to be held by him, to be touched but within reason.

  Their kissing started to get frantic and she managed to stumble backwards and felt the plastic of the sofa underneath her body. It’s when Ed slid on top it started to heat up.

  He pushed his groin between her legs and it felt very hard. Or it was his zip?

  Flora knew she was getting turned on. It had been years since anyone had touched her but all the time, she kept thinking about her breasts, his reaction and if he’d be appalled.r />
  ‘Please don’t touch my chest,’ she whispered into his ear. ‘If that’s okay.’

  ‘If you don’t want me to, I won’t,’ Ed gently said then started kissing her face.


  But Ed’s hands seemed to want to touch her everywhere else. He managed to let one ride up the back of her leg and was now gently caressing her bottom. Flora wanted to feel his skin so pulled off his t-shirt, inhaling his scent and touching his body.

  He was a little heavier and his skin felt very firm. It wasn’t the boy she was within the back of the van but it was. She knew this because when Ed kissed her neck, it made her tingle throughout her body.

  Only he had ever managed to do that.

  ‘Flora,’ she heard him pant. ‘Are you okay?’

  ‘It’s a bit sticky,’ she replied, feeling the plastic sticking to her bum. ‘Are you all right?’

  ‘I’m great,’ he laughed.

  Placing her hands either side of his face, she examined his features with her fingers, wishing she could see him and then thankful he couldn’t see her.

  They kissed again, very slowly and it was sexier than before. His hips were grinding into her pubic bone but she was in two minds what to do.

  She wondered if he just needed a leg over with an old school friend or he was seeing how far Flora would go.

  In her head, she knew she had nothing to lose.

  There was a great possibility she’d never see him again and then it would be over.

  Suddenly a light shone into her eyes.


  … Ed said, looking down at her, using the light from his mobile phone. ‘I just wanted to see you weren’t sweltering.’

  He smiled.

  Ed couldn’t help it.

  He knew exactly how she’d look and noticed her grin before stroking her face.

  Flora’s hair was splayed across the plastic cover and the straps of her dress had come down, revealing her sports bra. He glanced down and noticed her bottom half had ridden up, revealing bare legs.

  ‘Do you want to stop?’ he asked, hoping she wouldn’t.

  ‘No but…’ Flora looked pensive. ‘Why are you doing this?’

  ‘Because I want to.’

  ‘Well, you’re wasting precious time. Come on.’ Flora outstretched her arms. ‘Let’s get stuck in.’

  Ed laughed before doing what he was told.

  The kissing was tender but he knew it was getting heated. He felt her hands travel up and down his back before squeezing his backside.

  This was making him hot.

  He desperately wanted to get her naked and kiss every part of her body but knew Flora was so aware of what he was touching. When he held her rib cage, she placed her hand on top if his to make sure he didn’t move up. Then as his lips traced down her chest plate, she gently grabbed his chin and led him back towards her mouth.

  She was certainly guarded about her breasts and he didn’t want to upset her

  Sweat was starting to drip down his back. He knew they’d have to stop.

  ‘I think we need some air,’ he said, letting his tongue touch hers, feeling the desire to push it deep into her mouth. ‘I’m getting sweaty which means I’ll start to smell.’

  ‘Okay but I always thought you smelt good. You still do.’

  Ed got up and tried desperately to compose himself, seeing his hard on was protruding through his jeans. Putting on his t-shirt, he tidied up his hair and walked to the van doors.

  ‘Are you ready?’ he asked, not turning around.


  He flung open the doors and jumped out of the van, a cool breeze hitting his face then he turned.

  It was if something had belted him hard in the heart.

  Flora was standing in the back of the van, wearing her summer dress and sandals, her hair dishevelled and he was completely hooked.

  ‘You’re gorgeous Flora,’ he whispered, grinning madly at her before laughing.

  ‘You think I look funny, don’t you?’ She pretended to scowl and then grinned. ‘I bet I look a mess.’

  ‘Trust me, you don’t. Come on, jump down.’

  She bent down and he grabbed her by the waist, helping her back down to the ground but stopped when they were eye to eye.

  ‘Hello Flo,’ he whispered.

  ‘Hi Ed.’

  They kissed again in the bright sunshine, her arms wrapped firmly around his shoulders. When they stopped she let out a massive sigh. Ed couldn’t stop kissing her face.

  ‘What happens next?’ she asked, looking at him.

  ‘I take you home.’

  ‘Then what?’

  ‘I have to leave as I’ve got dinner round my mum’s tonight.’

  ‘Alright,’ she said, releasing him and landing firmly on the floor. ‘I’ve got my travelcard so I can easily get a bus back home if you’re in a rush.’

  ‘It’s not a problem,’ he smiled, stroking her hair until he reached the middle of her back where it stopped. ‘It goes without saying, I’d like to do this again.’

  ‘What? Lock me in the back of your white van.’

  ‘My dad’s van.’ Ed grinned. ‘This is a little complicated, you know.’

  ‘As you once told me, ‘go with the flow, Flo’.’

  ‘If I recall, I was talking about something else,’ he grinned, knowing what they were doing at the time.

  ‘And if I recall, that was a long time ago so your memory of me will probably be shattered.’

  ‘Stop it, Flora,’ Ed said, trying not to frown. ‘There’s nothing wrong with you.’

  ‘I’m old and not the perfect state I used to be. Once upon a time I wished I was thinner and better looking, that was when I was a teenager. What I’d give to have the body and cellulite, stretch and scar free skin.’ Flora let out a little groan. ‘That was sweet of you, kissing me like that. It’s been a long time. I won’t mention it to anyone.’

  He just grabbed her around the waist and kissed her, tasting her lips and mouth, wanting to show her it wasn’t a one off.

  ‘I want to spend some time with you,’ he said, watching her grin. ‘We might not get along after all these years and this could all go completely wrong but I don’t mind. It’s been a while.’

  ‘But we never arrange to meet up anywhere as you have a habit of not turning up.’

  ‘Flora, I explained.’

  ‘Ed, you did. But I like to bear a grudge. It’s something I do. And please don’t say ‘typical woman’ because men bear a grudge too, you know.’

  ‘I know.’ Ed just gazed at her then shook his head. ‘I can’t believe we met again.’

  ‘I can believe you tried it on with me in the back of a van. Who said romance was dead?’

  ‘How am I going to do this?’

  … she mumbled to herself a few hours later.

  Ed had dropped her home but all they did was giggle every time they looked at each other until he got to her door. They didn’t say anything but she kissed him gently on the lips before walking into the house.

  They hadn’t arranged to meet or call.

  The pair simply didn’t say anything.

  As the evening slowly progressed, Flora’s euphoria was then replaced with dread, knowing he would probably be embarrassed.

  It was because she was locked in the van which made him laugh.

  Flora knew she was the one who kissed him, not the other way round.

  ‘Tart,’ she mumbled to herself, looking into her fridge then shaking her head. ‘He’s got a girlfriend young enough to be my daughter.’ Her cheeks went red and now she was mortally embarrassed. ‘I do have the slut gene after all.'

  After eating her healthy salmon, rice and salad combination but desperately craving chocolate, Flora got hold of her phone and realised she’d have to apologise for her behaviour and hope he’d still come and finish the work.

  Mobile in hand, she started to text then stopped.

  ‘He’s probably forgotten what happened,�
�� she said, nodding to herself. ‘No point dragging it up.’

  Rushing to her cupboard, she pulled out her secret stash of chocolate and ate a bar within seconds, before mellowing into her sugar rush. She sat on the sofa, the television her only company and drank a glass of wine.

  Now she felt miserable.

  It had been years since she’d let a man touch her and it was Ed.

  The boy who she’d given her virginity to. Without realising, she was touching her own breasts through her clothing, wincing at the idea he could see them.

  An image of Matias’s disgusted expression came into her mind and she wanted to cry. There was no way she could move on with any man. Flora simply didn’t have the confidence to trust someone seeing her naked, to examine her scars and watch them think it looked awful.

  Especially Ed.

  That was the last thing she wanted.

  ‘What do you mean you have to go?’

  … Noreen asked. Ed smiled shiftily at her while the rest of the family were sat around the dining table. The patio windows were open which meant his father just spent all evening trying to keep any stray flies away from the food. ‘It’s only coming up to nine and I wanted to discuss the party.’

  ‘I really have to go,’ he said, reaching for his car keys which were beside him. ‘You don’t need to talk to me about it. I know you’ve arranged the whole thing.’

  ‘Is it past your girlfriend’s bedtime?’ asked his mother, totally unimpressed.

  ‘That’s not nice, mother,’ Siobhan said, laughing out loudly. ‘It is funny.’

  ‘Leave dad alone,’ said Amelia, squeezing her father’s arm. ‘If he has to go, he has to go.’

  ‘But not before pudding!’ said Noreen loudly. ‘I’ve got a lovely black forest gateau and some fancy ice cream. You have to stay.’ Then she hesitated. ‘So you’re not going to see this Emily?’

  ‘Will you please stay for pudding?’ his father said, standing up and trying to swat a fly with a paper napkin.

  ‘Where are you going Uncle Ed? Can I get a lift?’ asked Simon.

  ‘I’m leaving the car here and going by foot,’ he said, avoiding his mother’s inquisitive eye. ‘I said I’d meet some old school friends tonight.’


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