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Fate's Fools Box Set

Page 14

by Bell, Ophelia

  “Sing with me,” I said, turning and swinging my knee over his lap and straddling his thighs to face him. I cupped both sides of his face and forced him to look into my eyes, then began the song we’d sang earlier. I didn’t have the guitar, but hoped surrounding him in music of any sort would help strengthen his aura the way my singing had managed to awaken Bodhi that morning.

  At the second verse, he took a breath and picked up where I left off. His aura brightened and his bleeding slowed. For good measure, I released my hold on my newly discovered prismatic power and intentionally pushed a bit of magic through my palms into his skin.

  “Deva, no,” Rohan rasped, tearing my hands from his face. “You aren’t strong enough for that.”

  The world swam again, and Keagan cursed. The car made a sharp turn, and Rohan slipped his arms around me as the force pushed us against the door. Then the car stopped and we waited an interminable amount of time before it moved again. I was only dimly aware of the humming of a motor and a gate sliding shut behind the car. A few seconds later, we stopped once more and Keagan killed the engine.

  The door opened and Keagan wrapped his big hands around my upper arms, oddly gentle as he pulled me off Rohan’s lap. I stumbled barefoot on the cool flagstone driveway, using Keagan’s sturdy frame for support until I finally got my bearings. He held onto me, deep concern filling his brown eyes, then dipped his head.

  “You think you can stand on your own? I’m going to need to help Ro. He’s in pretty bad shape.”

  “Yeah, I think so,” I said, steeling myself and glancing around.

  He’d parked in what looked like a private driveway of a house. Several yards away, a few steps led down to an entryway flanked by short, bushy palms. An enormous wooden door stood in the shadows that seemed almost too big for the low profile of the building it belonged to.

  Keagan reached into the passenger window and brought out my purse, handing it to me. “Here. And here are the house keys. Open the door for me, will you? We’ll be right behind you.”

  I nodded and started forward, but stopped with a gasp when Keagan stooped to help Rohan out of the car. The dragon’s skin was now almost entirely golden scales, though he still held his human shape. But he had to dip his head to clear the car door, a pair of enormous horns emerging before he climbed out.

  “Not doing so hot, man,” he said, clinging to Keagan, who focused resolutely on supporting his friend. Keagan shot me a look and a nod, and I turned and darted forward again, heading for the door.

  Fumbling the keys for a second, I finally got the door unlocked and shoved it open, standing aside for the pair of them to stumble through.



  My breath caught when I rounded the corner from the entryway into the main room of the house. It wasn’t the room itself that captured my attention, but the wide expanse of windows spanning the entire width of the vast, sunken living space.

  Beyond them, all I could see was the breathtaking vista of sky and ocean. I stood enthralled, almost able to believe I’d been transported straight back to the Dragon Glade, one of the four realms where my parents lived and the one that felt the most like home.

  The Dragons’ sacred home had no oceans like this place, but the homes of all the residents were similarly situated, perched atop treacherous cliffs with easy access to an eternity of sky. Being there had both made me long to be able to shift and fly like most of my family could, and made me embrace the realms of earth and water where I could coexist more closely with the residents. At least in the Sanctuary and the Haven, the power available was accessible to an as yet earth-bound creature like me.

  Someday I would fly. I just didn’t know when.

  A strangled roar resonated through the room, loud enough to make the glass panes vibrate. I jerked, my attention snapping back to the pair of men who had preceded me into the room. As if taunting me for my silent wishes, immense golden wings emerged from Rohan’s shoulders and snapped wide, crashing into a pair of lamps and that shattered on the floor.

  Keagan cursed and called over his shoulder, “Deva! We have to do this now!”

  He still held tight to his friend whose body had grown a foot, not counting the majestic horns sprouting from his temples. Rohan’s face contorted with pain, which I knew couldn’t have been from shifting, but from the effort to keep himself from shifting. When a dragon’s well of magic was depleted, they could no longer maintain their human shape, and once reverted to their true form without magic to temper their instincts, they often went feral.

  Rohan’s jeans strained around his hips, the seams beginning to split, and panic filled his wild eyes. His mouth formed barely audible words as though his throat was too constricted to speak, but I recognized the lyrics to the song we’d shared.

  Rushing forward, I reached up and gripped his the sides of his head, holding on so his attention was fixed on me as I began to sing once more. Keagan released him and moved behind me, tentatively gripping my waist.

  “How do you want me to give it to you?” he asked in a low voice.

  I faltered halfway through the lyrics, my entire body tingling with awareness of the big ursa behind me. Rohan’s aura fluctuated wildly, the song no longer making any difference in the steady flow of power from his soul. If he’d been human, I had no doubt he’d be dead by now.

  “Just . . . do it yourself. I can absorb your Nirvana as long as we’re in contact.”

  I didn’t want to force him into an intimate situation he wasn’t comfortable with, though I supposed neither of us really had much of a choice if we wanted to keep Rohan from going feral.

  Keagan snorted softly. “You want me to just jerk off next to you? You know that’s not the most efficient way to draw power, right? I’ve been shacked up with a dragon for the last two years, Deva. We can do better, for his sake.”

  Rohan’s already oversized body rippled and his fingers morphed into enormous talons. The seams of his jeans gave out with a rending sound and he fell to his knees, head rearing back as he roared again. His teeth gnashed and he stared at me once more, his eyes pleading.

  “Can’t stop . . . don’t want . . . to hurt . . . Please!”

  “I know you don’t want me,” I murmured over my shoulder.

  “What I want or not doesn’t really matter, does it?” Keagan said, and I couldn’t help but sense a deeper subtext that stalled any further objections. But before I could say anything else, Rohan let out another deafening roar and his body exploded in size.

  His elongated golden head crashed into my chest like a boulder, knocking the wind from me and pushing me back. Behind me Keagan let out a grunt and staggered, pulling me with him. My feet flew out from under me and I found myself toppled onto my back, the ursa’s muscular bulk cushioning my fall. Enormous taloned claws crashed down on either side of us, smashing the furniture like toothpicks and sending tufts of stuffing and feathers into the air.

  A hot gust of dragon breath billowed over me, and when I regained my senses, I looked up into a scaled snout and golden eyes the size of dinner plates struck through with with bottomless black slits.

  More sounds of breaking furniture surrounded me as the dragon situated himself and tilted his head. His pupils widened to almost full orbs as he nudged my bare thigh with his snout, making me acutely aware of my relative lack of clothing.

  “Can you get up?” Keagan grunted beneath me.

  I moved my foot to try to gain purchase, but sank into a pillow and slipped beyond, getting caught inside whatever broken piece of furniture we’d landed on. Rohan tilted his head the other way and nudged his snout higher up my thigh, inhaling deeply.

  A low, seismic rumble filled the room as he caged my already trapped leg with a claw and darted out his forked tongue. I glanced around, but we were boxed in by smashed furniture, Rohan’s forelegs blocking any escape.

  “I think we’re stuck,” I said, gasping when Rohan’s tongue flicked close to my core.

  Keagan squeezed my wa
ist. “Then we’d better make the most of it. Trust me, Deva. This isn’t the first time I’ve dealt with him in this state. He’s kind of an irresponsible jackass, but I love him anyway.”

  “Does he usually destroy the house?”

  Keagan’s chest shook with a low laugh against my back. “This is a first. The Maestro’s going to be livid, but we’ll deal with him later. First things first.” He slipped his hands down to my hips and grazed the naked skin beneath the hem of Rohan’s shirt. “I’m going to take this off you. Naked . . . ah . . . female flesh is better than clothed, yeah? I’m hoping he’s as enthralled with your tits uncovered as he was when you were dressed.”

  “He was enthralled?” I managed to squeak just as a big claw hooked the collar of my shirt and swiped down, preempting Keagan’s undressing of me by slicing the fabric straight down the center. An interested rumble echoed through the room as Rohan nuzzled between my breasts, inhaling softly.

  Keagan snorted. “Case in point. You do have fantastic breasts.”

  I breathed in sharply when Rohan’s tongue flicked across my nipples, eliciting a flood of heat between my thighs.

  “And you smell fucking amazing,” Keagan said, pressing his face into my neck. He squeezed my hip with one hand and slipped his other beneath my back. I tried to move to give him room to maneuver, but Rohan’s enormous head had me trapped. I couldn’t find purchase with my feet enough to leverage my hips up, so I reached up and grasped Rohan’s horns again.

  “Don’t do that . . . oh, fuck . . .” Keagan warned, but it was too late.

  When my hands tightened around the dragon’s horns, a tremor seemed to pass through him. His wings stretched out, knocking into more furniture and breakable objects. On one side, glass shattered, and I was sure one of the big windows had just bit the dust.

  Rohan tipped his head down, shoving his snout between my legs in a way that was oddly gentle for his size. The hot flood of his breath passing over my core made me moan, and again as his tongue met my slick heat and parted my folds.

  “Dragon horns are an erogenous zone,” Keagan murmured into my ear. “Touching them can be an invitation. Don’t encourage him too much or he’ll try to fuck you. And while you may be part ursa, you don’t exactly look like you’re ready for a fully shifted dragon cock. Here . . .” He hooked an arm across my chest just beneath my breasts. “Brace your free foot on my thigh.”

  I did as he suggested, releasing Rohan’s horns and exhaling in relief when he withdrew his tongue. As amazing as it felt, I couldn’t concentrate enough to help him when he was teasing me.

  “Lift up,” Keagan said, tapping my hip.

  With my foot braced on his thigh and my shoulders pressed back against his chest, I was able to lift my hips. Rohan returned his tongue to my naked core and I gasped, biting my lip and forcing myself to hold still so Keagan could open his jeans. He needed to climax while in contact with me; then I could channel that magic into Rohan using my newly discovered Prismatic talent.

  The second Keagan’s cock grazed my low back, Rohan responded. His lips curled back from his teeth and his pupils constricted, a small gout of flame blasting from his nostrils.

  “Chill, dude, she’s yours,” Keagan said. “Or are you pissed because I’m hiding this from you?”

  Keagan shoved his jeans farther down until his hot skin seared my ass. Then he gripped me behind my thigh and hoisted me a little higher until my hips were just above his pelvis. He released his cock and it slipped between my legs, the thick, half-hard length coming to rest along the top of my thigh mere inches from my core.

  Rohan’s pupils sprang wide again and he rumbled, dipping his snout once more. This time his twin tongue-tips tickled along my thigh, and I looked down to see him slowly licking up the entire length of Keagan’s cock. Keagan groaned and pushed his hips against my ass.

  “Are you close?” I gasped, hoping this would be enough and I’d be able to channel the magic to Rohan to help him shift.

  “Not even,” Keagan said. “But neither are you. He’s going to need a lot more than one orgasm from me, so hold tight. You ever been serviced by an ursa male before, princess? You said your mom’s the Summer Shaman, so you must know what we can do.”

  I swallowed, aroused to distraction by Rohan’s teasing licks, even though he was focused on Keagan’s cock. His tongue occasionally drifted close to my core, tickling my outer folds, but Keagan slipped his hand between my thighs and teased gently, stroking my slick flesh and lightly tapping my clit.

  I’d only heard secondhand what male ursa were capable of when requested to service a female through her estrous. The males of the race of earth shifters typically formed a bond with another male, and the pair would service an unmated female through the ordeal of her fertile period. Intercourse wasn’t allowed, due to how potently fertile a female tended to be, and an unmated female getting pregnant could be catastrophic. She was so filled with magic during that time it required at least two males to help her safely channel the magic back to Gaia.

  This was where the bonded bachelor pairs came in. Since they weren’t allowed to fuck the females, they were known to be some of the most creative lovers. They would perform this . . . service . . . until one of the females chose the pair as her mates.

  I was only part ursa and had yet to hit estrous, if I ever would. I had no idea which part of my makeup would govern my fertility. All I knew was that right now, my core ached for more than just the casual, accidental flicks of Rohan’s tongue and Keagan’s tormenting fingertips.

  “Please show me,” I begged, twisting my hips in an effort to gain more contact with either of them.

  The arm that was clamped across my chest like a vise loosened, and Keagan dragged his other hand across my breasts in a coarse caress. Then he cupped one in his hand, simply holding it. With his other hand, he cupped my sex, covering me completely with his palm.

  “You need my Nirvana the way a dragon does. Does that mean you have the endurance of a dragon? How long can you last without coming, Deva?” He pressed the heel of his hand against my clit, making me shudder. At the same time, he pushed two fingers into me, and I groaned at the relief that simple penetration gave me.

  Grazing his lips over my ear, he chuckled low and rough. “That’s what I thought. You could probably take Rohan’s giant dragon dick as wet as you are, couldn’t you? I’d love to see him filling you up, fucking you so slowly you beg for him.”

  My eyelids fluttered in ecstasy as he pumped his fingers into me at the same time as he rubbed his palm against my clit. I hadn’t felt this amazing in weeks, but I snapped myself back into focus with an effort of will, because just like last time, this wasn’t about me.

  I hazarded a glance past the dragon’s big head and down his belly. My stomach somersaulted at the sight of the enormous erection bobbing between Rohan’s thighs, long and thick and curved with glistening fluid gathered at his tip. Despite the terrifying size, my core clenched around Keagan’s fingers at the idea of taking something that big into me.

  He pinched my nipple and laughed. “Are you a dirty dragon whore, Deva? You are, aren’t you?”

  The word whore snapped me out of my lust-drunk reverie and I stiffened. “Don’t call me that. I was a virgin until three weeks ago.”

  Keagan’s movements stilled and he drew his hand away to rest it on my belly. With a contrite huff, he said, “I’m sorry. Dirty talk usually works best when it’s filthy as fuck. Um . . . let me try again.”

  His chest rose and fell beneath me as he took a breath and nuzzled my ear. The cloud of his aura that surrounded me flared with a greenish glow, betraying his uncertainty tangled with an overwhelming need to please.

  “I can see why he’s so into you. Your sweet pussy wrapped around my fingers felt like heaven. Gaia’s tears, I wish I could fuck you.”

  I bit my lip, a fresh surge of warmth flooding my core at the utter sincerity that tinged his words. That was so much better than his attempt at dirty talk.

>   “Have you ever fucked a female before?” I asked tentatively.

  “No. Just other ursa males, then Rohan. Mostly Rohan . . . never like this, though.” He snorted. “Though the fucker is magnificent, isn’t he? That cock would tear me in half. You . . . I bet you could take him.”

  My teeth dug into my lip as I stared at the rod of flesh the size of a bedpost arced up beneath the dragon’s belly. I was both terrified and tempted. I’d lost my virginity only three weeks earlier to a satyr in full primal shift, so I knew how it felt to be filled with a cock that should have frightened me, but Llyr was not nearly as well-endowed in his native satyr form as Rohan was in his dragon form.

  Rohan’s attention to his friend’s cock had slowed, and I realized he was regarding me with his heated golden gaze as though he still grasped some of our conversation. He dipped his head again and slid his tongue between my folds, rumbling as he savored my flavor. Then he wrapped his tongue around Keagan’s thick shaft and nudged the ursa’s cockhead closer to my entrance.

  Keagan tightened his grasp on my breast and hissed, tilting his hips back beneath mine in an attempt to retreat.

  “Dude, don’t go there,” Keagan warned.

  Rohan puffed out hot breath and lifted his claw, gripping Keagan’s hip beneath mine.

  “I think he wants you to fuck me,” I breathed, my gaze fixed on the dragon’s. “That’s a good sign . . . it means he’s at least not completely feral yet.”

  “We can’t,” Keagan said. “Too dangerous.”

  “Maybe for a normal ursa female, but I’m not normal. I’m pretty sure the higher races can’t get pregnant without a soul.”

  Keagan tightened his arm around my chest, the thumb of his other hand drifting across one erect nipple. Rohan emitted a low-pitched hum of agreement and Keagan groaned. “Our kind conceive when our souls merge to create a new one. Maybe you’re right.”


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