Book Read Free


Page 7

by Casey Odell

  Aeron sat down on a large boulder by the edge of the trees. “Climbing down the side of a cliff gets tricky in the dark.”

  She glanced back at the cliff. She hoped he was joking.

  “Besides, we need to come up with some sort of story or cover. Two elves strolling into town in the middle of the night would be a little suspicious.”

  “He’s right,” Farron said, though he didn’t seem happy about the admission.

  They set up camp a little ways into the forest so the fire didn’t attract any unwanted attention.

  After dinner, Claire wandered through the dark forest to the cliff side overlooking the valley. She stepped carefully through the trees in fear of falling blindly over the edge. When she reached the clearing where the trees stopped and the valley began, she climbed up onto the boulder Aeron had sat on earlier in the day.

  The night sky was crisp and clear, the moon’s bright glow illuminating the valley with a silvery light. Millions of stars peeked out from behind scattered clouds and a cool breeze raised goose bumps down her arms.

  She sat silent on the boulder as she stared out at the valley, and let her mind wander. Her body was too tired and worn out to train with Aeron, lacking the spirit and energy for fighting. He seemed a little disappointed when she’d declined.

  She looked down at Lendon. It glittered like a new set of crystal wine glasses deep in the valley. Claire closed her eyes and made a wish: that she would find her mother in that town or at least some sort of clue. Although none of her wishes have ever come true, she hoped this was the one that stuck. The survivors had to go somewhere.

  After a few moments Claire opened her eyes and gasped.

  Farron leaned back against the edge of the boulder, his back bare of the weaponry he usually carried.

  “You shouldn’t sneak up on people.” Her voice was breathy. She laid back on the rock and clutched at her chest, waiting for her heart to slow its furious beating.

  “I didn’t want to interrupt.” He looked back at her over his shoulder.

  Her hand squeezed the bridge of her nose. “What do you want?”

  He took a deep breath and released it. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean to act like that the other day. I know you’ve been through a lot--”

  “Stop.” She sat up, holding her hand up in front of her. “I’m trying not to think about it; I’ll break down if I do. I didn’t inherit mother’s strong spirit, I’m afraid.”

  He waited quietly.

  “Aeron was right,” she began, “I can’t change the past. There’s nothing I can do about it now, no matter how much I cry. I can only change what I can do now.” She made a fist in the air with her right hand. “And if that means traveling with a pervert and an elf with an attitude, then so be it.”

  Farron climbed up onto the rock next to her. “I’m not as mean as you might think.”

  “I’ll believe it when I see it.” Claire took a deep breath and released it slowly, letting some of the tautness ease from her body. The elf was different from before. The cocky pretense was gone, replaced by a calmer air.

  They sat in silence for a while. Claire looked up at the night sky again, trying to find the star she’d made a wish on. Legends say that if the star went out, then the wish would come true. She’d stopped believing the tale when she was still a small child, but now, she was willing to try anything, no matter how silly it seemed, to get her old life back. It’d only been just over a week since that dreadful night. Somehow, it felt like ages. Her hopes were dashed when she spotted her star, still bright and glowing. It was easy to find, the third brightest from the horizon.

  A deep sigh escaped her. There was a reason she stopped believing in those legends.

  “I just feel so lost,” she said, breaking the silence. She had to glance over to make sure he was still there. “All my life she’s been there by my side. And now she’s gone. Now I have to choose my own path. It’s a little overwhelming. And scary.” She wasn’t sure why she was telling him all of this. Maybe she just needed someone to talk to, and he’d just so happened to be the closest around. Or maybe it was because there was a calm to him-- unexpected, but entirely welcome-- that made it easier to talk to him. “It may have not been much of a life, but I was ... happy.” She straightened up and smiled to try and hide her growing embarrassment. “I must sound so silly.”

  “Not really,” he said. “Some would give up everything for a peaceful life.”

  She mulled that one over, somewhat surprised at his words. She knew she would, not that she had much to give up these days.

  “May I?” He held his hand out, the black gloves gone.

  It took her a second to realize what he was asking for. She held her right hand out, the intricate mark dark against her skin in the low light. “Be my guest,” she replied, imitating the way he said the words the day before.

  He took her arm gently, but his hands avoided the mark. “It’s strange.” His eyes had the same faraway look from the day before.

  “What is?” she asked.

  “That a magical mark would show up on a human.”

  “But, I thought humans could use magic too.”

  “They could, but not naturally. They only obtained the use of magic through special objects, talismans, things of that sort.”

  “Really?” She looked down at the mark, her brow furrowing in confusion. Aeron forgot to mention that part. If that was the case, then it really was strange that it had appeared on her.

  “Does it hurt?” His hand hovered over her arm just above the skin.

  “No, not now at least.”

  He brought a finger down and traced the design, his touch as light as a feather. Claire gasped lightly and he quickly jerked his hand away. She laughed. She couldn’t believe she actually got him. Revenge certainly was sweet.

  “Why would a magical mark show up on me of all people? Or at all for that matter?” Her voice had a twinge of amusement to it. This whole magic and war thing was new to her and she had a hard time wrapping her mind around it.

  “I do not know.” He didn’t seem as amused as she was. “That’s what we’re going to find out.” He dug a long strip of cloth out of his pocket, took her arm again and started to wrap it around her hand.

  “What are you doing? It doesn’t really hurt, you know.”

  “It’s probably best if we keep this hidden for the time being. We’ll be suspicious enough the way it is,” he said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “What that fool said before was true, although he left out an important fact.” He tied the ends of the cloth together in a bow just before her elbow.

  “Like what?”

  “Humans weren’t just jealous of the fact that the elves could use magic. They were tired of the way they were treated. Most humans were second-class citizens, used and looked down on. The Great War is often called The Revolution.”

  Claire’s mouth dropped open. Aeron had left that part out as well. “Why didn’t he add that to his little story?”

  “He probably didn’t want you to hate him…us.”

  She sighed. “I don’t. It’s not like you’ve hurt me. Not yet, at least.” She looked down at her newly bandaged arm. “Do you think Mother knew?” The thought had bothered her for a while now. Why else would she send her into the forest alone that night?

  “It’s possible.” He looked up at her, then glanced away. “It’s also possible that she just wanted you to survive at any cost. Who knows?” He shrugged. “You can ask her yourself when you find her.”

  The corners of her mouth tugged. She was surprised at his uplifting words. She played with her mother’s bracelet on her left arm, running her fingers over the worn silver. “Why did you come with us?”

  He looked down. “Curiosity,” he said, “and maybe a sense of duty. I feel somewhat responsible for getting you into this mess.”

  “How very noble of you.” Claire laid back down on the boulder and stared up at the night sky. “That
wasn’t so hard, was it? It’s not much of a secret if you don’t really know anything yourself.”

  “I told you there’s not much to tell. Even I don’t know all the details. I’m just the hired help to keep that fool out of trouble.”

  “Why do you hate Aeron?”

  “I don’t hate him. He just drives me crazy. Can you believe he’s my superior?”

  The thought amused her. Their personalities were at the opposite ends of the spectrum. “You should try to get along at least, or else this trip will seem even longer.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” He dismissed her remark with a shrug.

  Claire closed her eyes. The hard rock beneath her was unpleasant but she was too tired to care. Tomorrow they would be in Lendon and one step closer to finding her mother.

  She peeked one last time to check if Farron was still there. The elf remained silent next to her as he stared out across the valley. He looked deep in thought.

  She wondered if he told her everything, but had the feeling that he hadn’t.

  She closed her eyes again and curled up on her side, using her arm as a pillow.

  Maybe he wasn’t so mean after all. Everyone must have their bad days. Even elves.


  “Oh, no. I am not doing that!” Claire pointed back at the cliff. She thought they were just kidding last night. “Can’t we just find another way, like a road or a path? Steps even?”

  The valley below looked much more real in the bright morning light. And deeper. And wider.

  Farron unraveled a long rope, the end pooling at his feet.

  Silently, she cursed her decision to sleep on a boulder. Bruises were already forming on her back and she was not looking forward to adding more.

  “You are not afraid of heights, are you, my lady?” Aeron asked with a thinly veiled look of amusement.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never dangled over the side of a cliff before.” She took a step towards the edge and peered down. It was a steep drop, leveling out after twenty feet or so. The valley made it seem deeper than it was.

  “It’s the fastest way down. We’ll have a straight shot to Lendon down the valley. We’d have to back track in order to reach the pass,” Farron said, straight to the point. He tied one end of the rope around a tree and yanked on it to check for any weaknesses. He gathered the loose end up and threw it over the edge. “Besides, it’s not that far down.”

  Claire’s mouth gaped open. She couldn’t believe they were making her do this. The last seconds of her life started to count down.

  “Do not worry. You will be fine.” Aeron put his hands on her shoulders. “I hope.”

  She watched as Farron leaned back over the edge, rope in hand. Then he rappelled swiftly down the face of the cliff, making the task look easy.

  A cold sweat broke out over her skin.

  “Do I have to do it like that?” She turned to Aeron with a pleading look on her face.

  “Well, maybe not as showy, but you get the basic idea, right?” He led her to the edge and put the rope in her hands. “Just hold on for dear life and let your feet walk you down.”

  He had to be kidding. She sighed. That was advice from Aeron. She gripped the rope in her hands so hard it threatened to become a part of her and peered over the edge. Farron stood at the bottom and motioned for her to come down.

  “I think I’ll just take the pass and meet you two in Lendon.”

  Aeron grabbed her by the shoulders. “You can do this. I know you can. Think of it as training. It will build strength and courage.” He talked like a father trying to convince a child.

  “Fine.” Claire took a deep breath. “I better get to sleep in a nice soft bed after this.”

  Aeron helped her down over the ledge. Claire’s feet struggled to find a foothold on the steep rock wall.

  “Lean back a little, push with your feet.”

  She followed his instructions and her feet felt a little more solid against the steep wall. Her descent was slow and torturous as she began to slide down the rope. She refused to look behind her. Instead, she kept her focus forward, concentrating on each step she took and the rough rope in her hands.

  “Just a little bit further.”

  Farron’s voice broke her concentration. Immediately, she froze and started to panic. She looked behind her and her vision spun; the valley below seemed to swallow her up. Farron stood a couple feet below her and motioned for her to hurry up with his hands.

  “I can’t.” She closed her eyes for a second to stop the spinning.

  “Just let go.”

  “What?” Her voice was shrill. “You’re insane!”

  “I’ll catch you.”

  “No!” She clamped her eyes shut and began her descent again. She took slow, careful steps, until her foot slipped on a loose rock and sent her dangling from the rope.

  “Just let go!”

  This time she did, putting her trust in the elf. She fell, crashing into Farron and onto the ground.

  “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” He got up, dusted himself off and offered his hand.

  She took it and the elf pulled her up with ease. “Well, at least I know I’m afraid of heights now.” She looked up to the top of the now looming cliff. Aeron had begun his descent and finished in a quarter of her time. “Show off,” she murmured.

  The rest of the trek into the valley was easy. The gentle slope proved to be a much more pleasant journey. Claire stepped carefully among the boulders that jutted out of the side of the mountain. The only vegetation consisted of shrubs and grass, with the occasional small twisted tree.

  Claire caught up to Aeron. Farron walked ahead as usual, although the distance seemed less, she noted.

  “So tell me,” she began, “what exactly do the elves think I can do for them? I mean, why the showy send off?”

  He seemed startled by her sudden question. “Well…” he paused and took a deep breath. “You see--”

  “I already know about the mark,” she said.

  “You told her?” he asked the elf walking ahead of them.

  Farron shrugged. “It’s better if she knows. Besides, it’s easier to keep a secret if you actually know the secret to be kept.”

  Aeron sighed and mumbled a few words under his breath in his native tongue as he ran his hands through his hair. “The King will have my head for sure. Never follows orders…” he muttered more to himself than her. “Well, now that you know, are you going to abandon the mission? The King wants to use you to help the elves.”

  “I don’t think that it will be in my best interest, or humanity’s,” she said with a slight grin.

  His face fell. “You told her that too?”

  Farron just shrugged again. “It’s a part of history, she’d find out sooner or later.”

  Aeron’s shoulders slumped, distress clear on his face.

  Claire smiled. How dramatic. “It’s alright, I don’t hate you. It’s not like you were there, you can’t control the past any more than I can. I’m just upset that you left that part out.”

  Aeron lightened up a bit. “Really?”

  “Yeah. Besides, I really don’t have anywhere else to go at the moment. I’m quite curious about this thing myself.” She held up her bandaged arm.

  Aeron smiled and looked ahead into the distance. “They think that you can save them. They have been huddled in that forest for years, and then all of a sudden you showed up. The girl with the magic mark.” He glanced down at her. “Even though you were just escaping from your town, they look at it as destiny, like you were sent to us for a reason. That is the way we think. Our belief. Most of us anyway. Eaven has fe á reanno. Everything happens for a reason. Magic disappeared as a punishment to us. But now we have repented enough. Have hidden away from the world enough. It is time to return to the world. That is why they came to see you off.”

  “But why do you need me to return to the world? Why not just do it?” She had a feeling he wasn’t telling the whole truth again.

you are our hope. Whether you were sent to us for a reason or not, you are the first spark of life we have had in years, decades even. Already there has been talk of change. If magic has chosen a human, then they cannot be that bad, can they? You have caused quite the stirring, mon lainí.” He glanced at her. “There are those that wish to take back what is ours, and then there are others that believe we can reason peacefully. But all are waiting for your return. Our little yaederrí.”

  The weight of his words sat heavily on her shoulders. She didn’t like the idea of the elves placing so much responsibility and hope in her. She was just a girl from a small town who knew nothing of the world until a few days ago. “It’s foolish to put all your hopes in me. We don’t even know what this is yet. What can I do that you two can’t? I can’t fight, I’m not worldly, and I’m not very brave.”

  A hint of sadness touched his face. “We shall see.” He stretched his arms out in a flourish. “Meanwhile, just relax and take in the sights. Let me be your guide!”

  Claire sighed. Honestly, Aeron’s emotional ups and downs were very tiring. “By the way, where’s the stick you were carving?”

  Aeron took a deep breath and crossed his arms. “That thing just was not suitable for you, my lady.”

  “Meaning he overestimated his carving abilities,” Farron chimed in.

  Claire smiled and looked at Aeron. He had an annoyed look on his face.

  “Yes, well, we cannot be good at everything now, can we?” he said and turned to Claire, “I will search the markets endlessly for a suitable sword for you, my lady.” He bowed to her as they walked.

  “Please do, kind sir.” She bowed back, giving in to his flamboyant behavior. “And what about our disguise?”

  “I was so distressed over the ruined sword I completely forgot.” He sighed rather theatrically.

  “Also meaning that he drank too much and passed out in front of the fire.”

  Claire looked up at Aeron surprised.

  “Well, you cannot deny an elf his simple pleasures now, can we?”

  Claire laughed. She was starting to wonder how he’d managed climb up the ranks. Scenarios raced through her mind. Maybe he had some dirt on someone high up, or maybe he had had an affair. She studied the tall blonde elf. There had to be something he was hiding.


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