Game All Night
Page 10
I flip the camera back into selfie mode. “All right, enough of that sexy goofiness. As you can see, I’m traveling with these two ladies. Check out the rest of my SDCC party,” I lean to my right and angle the phone up and out a bit to capture Dex and Morgan.
“Nomad team captain DosDex and his lovely new fiancée.” They both smile and wave. I jump up to walk over and stand right in front of Simon. “This lovely lady is looking pretty lonely,” I point at Gia who rolls her eyes but waves to the camera. She’s right past my shoulder, but Simon pushes me and grumbles to get the fuck out of his lap.
“Oh, and the ever grumpy SezSimon is here too.” I laugh and head back to my seat. I’m noticing the uptick of Likes and Hearts on my live video. My fans love the fact that they get access to the best CoB team there is right now.
“So, while I won’t be posting a lot of game-play videos this week, I will be going LIVE with these yahoos. Also, I’ve got my Race date this week. If you’ve forgotten about that, or have no idea what I’m talking about, let me bring you up to speed. Last November, Team Nomad hosted The Race, you know that 24/7 Race to Prestige that happens every year? Well, we raised a shit ton of money and I gave away a date with myself to one lucky lady. The winner outbid several others to snag some one-on-one time with me for a little more than two grand. I’m humbled by how much my lady fans love me.” I ignore the scoffs and chuckles and comments from the peanut gallery.
“But the winner, Melissa, was attending this week too, so we set up our date for while we’re both here. We will be going LIVE for parts of our evening. And we’ll be giving some shout outs to local businesses throughout the night.”
I continue my LIVE video for several more minutes, interacting with some of the viewers. By the time I flip off the recording and upload to my page, the intercom above is telling us it’s time to board. I don’t take much time off from uploading to my channels. I really can’t because I have to keep them fresh and active, though there are a few times a year that my team and I block for some time off. My video editors mash together archival footage to come up with new, relevant content. They make “best of” videos, and we pre-record several new ones in the weeks before. We are a well-oiled machine.
Even though I’m going to a convention that doesn’t need me to stream any tournaments, or interview any gamers, I still like to go LIVE when I can.
When my PA reached out to Melissa, the winner of The Race date, she provided her with my convention schedule for the year. Once we settled on this week, at the Con, she started planning our evening. While doing so, we got the attention of some businesses who wanted some sponsorships. So, while I was prepared to spend a pretty penny on this date Melissa bought for charity, it’s being completely paid for in exchange for some shout outs and LIVE videos.
We board the plane, the seven of us plus Chuck and Ben, and seem to be pretty spread out throughout the cabin. I find myself in a window seat behind Gia and Simon. Ruby and Bernie are a few rows ahead of us and the nearly married couple is across the aisle and then back a few rows. I think Chuck and Ben are in the very back. They're both the odd guys out. Ben is a pretty cool, quiet dude. But Chuck, he is the stereotypical description of a gamer. Super nerdy, not great in social situations, and absolutely horrible with the ladies.
The one person who isn’t here with us today, who actually threw quite a fit about it was Amber. Especially when I broke things off with her last week. Things just weren’t working out. I hated that she called me by my full first name and for how much of an airhead she pretended to be. I knew she was smarter than she acted, because I would catch her sometimes being, well, smart. Then she would play it off by acting ten times ditzier. Plus, I didn’t actually buy her a ticket to the Con because I honestly didn’t want her ruining my vacation. She lost her mind when I told her that she wasn’t going. Yeah, I’ll admit that I didn’t handle it very well. I just honestly didn’t think about her tagging along until late in the game and then just … kind of purposely forgot to rectify the mistake. At first, I thought I might have needed to look into some restraining orders, but I saw her profile the other day is already showing she’s in a relationship again. Good for her.
We are sitting on the tarmac, waiting for more passengers to board, so I’m doing one last email check before I switch to airplane mode. It's a five-hour flight, so I’ve got a couple movies I plan to watch, and the newest Shawn Mendes album downloaded to my phone from Spotify. Look, I’m secure enough in my manliness to admit I have a man crush on the dude. His music is damn catchy, and he seems like an all-around great guy. He’s a couple years younger, but I’m thinking he’d be fun to hang with. And if I just happen to find out he enjoyed video games, then you bet your ass I’d have him on the channel. Actually, I need to find this out. I shoot an email off to my PA to do some Sean Mendes sleuthing when someone flicks me in the head.
“Hey,” I grumble as I look up to find Simon leaning over his seat staring at me.
“Dude, I’ve got news,” he says.
“I’ve been with you for the past hour, how do you suddenly have news?”
“It wasn’t like I could just walk over and tell you. We’ve been with people.”
He’s being an idiot.
“So, you couldn’t come and whisper it in my ear?” I ask.
Rolling his eyes, he says “No, you cheesedick, I’m not going to come and whisper shit in your ear. We are fucking adults, man.” I hear Gia’s husky laugh beside him.
“Do you want to know the fucking news or not?” He sounds peeved. If anyone should be peeved, it’s me. For one my forehead still stings from being flicked from short-range and two, he’s apparently got some juicy news that he’s been holding back from me.
“I’m listening,” I say, absentmindedly rubbing my forehead.
“Ruby dumped the sports douche,” he whispers with a huge grin on his face.
I narrow my eyes at him. “When?”
“A couple days ago.”
“Why? ’Cause he was a ball-licking douchecanoe,” he says, and I hear Gia whisper-shout, “Simon, seriously.”
“And I care, why?” I totally care, but I don’t need them all to know I do.
He scoffs at me this time, “Right, man. You care big time. Anyway, just thought you’d want to know.” And with that he turns around and slides back into his seat. I can see through the small space between the seats Gia leans over and punches him in the arm and I hear him grunt. I smirk. Serves him right.
My thoughts immediately bounce back to Ruby though. So, she finally broke up with that gameless schmuck. I know he didn’t treat her all that well. And I know she wasn’t having stimulating conversation with the guy either. Good. Good for her. She needed to dump the trash. She’s better off.
As the plane takes off, I can’t help but wonder again if the play I made on her birthday had anything to do with it.
We made out a few years ago, but she stopped us from doing anything we’d regret. Her words, not mine. She said we were only meant to be friends, nothing more. I agreed to disagree.
She told me not to bring it up; to act like it didn’t happen. And I’ve done as she wished against my better judgement. But I never promised not to think about what happened. Oh, no, I’ve thought about those pouty red lips and what they felt like, where I’d like to feel them, and what they tasted like, so many fucking times until my dick aches nearly every time I see her apply her red glossy lip shit.
I adjust myself discreetly in my seat. Fortunately, my seat mate hasn’t boarded yet.
Last week, after overhearing her conversation with Mason, seeing her hide the tears, then her reaction to the birthday gift I got her, I couldn’t hold back the words.
“He doesn’t deserve you, Ruby. I would try my damnedest to never make you cry.”
I put it out there. I planted the seed. My goal wasn’t to get her to break up with the scumbag, but I can’t say I’m disappointed with the results. Suddenly, I’m looking f
orward to this trip for a whole new reason.
About half way through the flight, I’m listening to some music and staring out the window. My seatmate never showed up, so I’ve got plenty of space to myself. Suddenly, I feel someone beside me.
Lifting my head, I look to my right and can’t help the smile that grows across my face.
Ruby sits next to me and is gesturing to my earbuds.
“You want to listen?” I ask as I offer her the right bud.
“Yeah. I want to know what’s got you bobbing your head like a fool,” she laughs.
She put the earbud in her own ear and the giant grin on her face makes my heart skip a beat.
“Shawn Mendes? I love it,” she tells me without pulling out the earbud.
“Yeah, he’s my jam right now.”
“I can’t get enough of his new album either.”
“Yeah? This is my favorite song on the album right now,” I tell her while he croons about falling in love when it wasn’t expected.
We listen to the rest of the song and then I pause my playlist because I would much rather talk to her before she heads back to her seat with Bernie than sit listening to music.
“So, what’s up, Rubes?” I ask, and she hands me back my earbud. I pull the other one out of my ear to give her my full attention, because a woman like Ruby deserves no less.
“Oh, I was just stretching my legs and thought I’d come say hey. You got lucky and ended up without a seatmate, I see.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say I’ve gotten lucky yet, but I’m on the road to a happy ending now that you are here.” I smirk.
“Oh my god, you are horrible,” she laughs and pushes my arm.
“Just speaking the truth, Rubes.”
“About not getting lucky or getting a happy ending? ’Cause I can tell you now, neither of those are happening with me involved.”
I narrow my eyes at her. “We’ll see, Rubes,” I say.
“Yeah, okay, Link.” She gives me a playful eye roll in return.
I’ve never been so forward with my flirting before, but she seems to handle it well and isn’t put off by it. I think I’ll push a little more this week, see if I can’t get something going between us. I think it’s about time we move this past the ‘just friends’ stage.
The next day, Comic-Con is in full swing. We like to arrive the day before to get acclimated to the three-hour time difference. The morning is full of attending panels and trying to glimpse as many A-listers as we can. I stick with the group most of the morning, but the team has a signing in the early afternoon. While I normally hang out with them for that, I’ve got to get ready for my date with Melissa.
While I’ve only talked with her once, my PA has done all the communicating over the past several months. Melissa seems nice, but a tad overly enthusiastic. But then again, she did drop two grand to go on a date with me, so she’s a fan.
This morning Ruby tried to give me shit about being prepared for a date with a crazy. Because ‘what sane girl would pay that kind of money to go out with a YouTube star?’ I ignored the others’ thoughtful looks of agreement. Deciding to respond that she’s just jelly that I’m going on a date with someone else. A ridiculously awesome and expensive date. She did a lot of eye rolling and grumbling.
I found a way to drop in the fact that Amber and I are no longer an item. I expected Ruby to ask questions, but she kept them to herself and gave me a pensive look instead.
Truthfully though, I really don’t know what to do with this new information about Ruby being single now. Do I make my play? Or do I wait and bide my time? The realistic side of me thinks I need to wait, simmer on low and gradually make a play to win the girl I’ve been thinking about for two years now. But I’m excited and tempted to make something happen this week.
Vacation sex is always a bonus.
But Ruby is more than vacation sex. She’s someone you want to keep around. Vacation sex, shower sex, car sex, video game sex, I want all the sex with Ruby. I want everything and anything she’ll give me. I also want the girl. I think once she gives me a little, I can convince her to give me the rest.
We also have to tread lightly for the sake of the group. If we start hooking up, we will have to talk about it and keep things clean if it doesn’t work out. I know it will though.
If I want this thing to work with Ruby, I need to be smart about it. No rushing.
It’s settled. I’m going to take the slow approach. Project: Make Ruby Fucking Mine.
It’s early evening and I’m waiting in the large outside seating area between the convention floor and the main hotel. There are still events going on, but most of the crowds have started milling about the town for dinner. The die-hard fans of Comic-Con are all still inside. They don’t leave until they have to.
“Link?” I hear a timid voice come from behind me.
I twist in my seat and see Melissa. She’s tiny. About five-foot-two, she’s got fire-engine red hair, which can’t possibly be her natural color. She’s wearing a super tight black dress that comes to her knees. She looks good, but I’m not drooling. There’s just something about her that seems off though.
“Hey Melissa!” I stand from the table and walk over and give her a hug. Female fans love hugs. Plus, I give good hugs. Her embrace is timid, which is fine. I’m relieved, as I was slightly worried she might be more aggressive and grab my dick. Hey, it’s happened before.
“How are you tonight? Did you have a good first day of Comic-Con?” I ask, stepping back.
“Oh, I’m great. I’m really excited about our date. I went to The CW panels today so that was fun.” She offers a shy smile and I relax a little.
“That's great. My friend went to several of those as well,” I tell her. Gia is having a field day at the con. Her job at Weekly Entertainment paid for all her travel expenses to be here this week, and she has several interviews lined up with the stars of all our favorite shows.
“Okay, as you know, we have a lot of sponsors tonight. So, we have to go live a few times throughout the next couple hours. We won’t be live long each time, but just enough to let people know what we are doing and where we are. Sound good?” I ask, digging my phone out of my pocket.
“Absolutely.” She nods. And I’m wondering where all the enthusiasm is. My PA warned me that Melissa was excited about this date.
“Great, let’s kick off our date with an intro, shall we?” She nods some more, and I hit the LIVE button.
“Hello from SDCC people! I’m here with Melissa, my date from The Race event. Say hi, Melissa.” And next to me, Melissa comes alive. Her arm goes around my waist and she snuggles in and opens her mouth.
“Hey everybody! How are you guys tonight? I’m so excited to be on this special date with Link.”
I continue to talk to my phone, telling my viewers our itinerary, and I answer a few questions as they come in. But mostly the comments are shout-outs, telling us they love where we are going, and commenting about how sexy I am. Melissa is getting some confidence-boosting compliments as well. After a few more minutes, I end the video and have to practically remove myself from Melissa’s hold. I tell her we will be walking to the sushi place we are going to first and as we start to walk that way, she swats my ass and giggles.
Well, shit. Maybe I need to guard my dick after all.
Chapter Fourteen
I hate Melissa.
I hate how she can’t keep her hands off of Link. I hate her laugh. I hate her hair. And I hate the skin-tight, leave-nothing-to-the-imagination dress she is wearing.
I’m practically growling at my phone when I feel a light touch on my shoulder. I look up to see Morgan and Dex are sitting to my right and it’s Morgan’s comforting hand that gives my shoulder a squeeze.
“Rubes, you’re going to break your phone if you hold it any tighter,” she offers.
Ugh. She’s right. I’m dangerously close to throwing it across the hotel
lobby Starbucks. But after the four Facebook LIVE videos I’ve just watched over the past two hours of Link and his The Race date, Melissa, I’m thoroughly annoyed.
But I slide my phone into my clutch to try to forget about Link, Melissa and the uber fun date they seem to be having.
Dex has other ideas.
“You seem aggravated, Ruby.” He rests his elbows on his knees and leans over to look at me.
“You think?” I snap.
His eyebrows shoot up and a grin appears. I narrow my eyes at him.
“Are you telling me you guys don’t find her freaking annoying as well?” I challenge the lovebirds.
Morgan nods in agreement and Dex chuckles.
“I don’t find her any more annoying than Amber. She drove me nuts. Melissa seems fun.” Morgan’s head snaps his way and I can’t see the look on her face, but I’m guessing it’s a look of warning. He chuckles again.
“Don’t worry about it, Rubes. Their date is almost done. Your boy will be back with us before you know it.”
“He’s not my boy. I’m just saying I don’t like her. There’s something about her I find annoying.”
We are sitting on a bench waiting for the rest of the gang to meet us for dinner. After that, we will be heading over to a Visionwave party that the team is required to attend tonight. Link is supposed to meet us there whenever he is done with Melissa.
“We know … you said no less than five times over the past two hours that you hate her,” Morgan says carefully.
I didn’t realize I had said that out loud.
“What if he doesn’t end the date and brings her back to the party with him. Can we get her name on a ‘do not permit’ list?” I mutter.
“He’s not going to bring her back,” Morgan replies.
“You don’t know that. They looked pretty cozy on the last video he did.” Which is true. They had just stopped at this popular ice cream bar and they were sitting in a booth, on the same side — because who does that — and she was pressed up to his side. She was practically giving her ice cream cone a blow job, and he didn’t look fazed by it at all. I’m pretty sure I saw her free hand go to his lap.