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A Single Snowflake

Page 9

by A D Tether

  Ralph viewed Victor, a small man but by no means weak, his sunburnt face was streaked with rivulets of sweat and soil, if it wasn't for his striking blue eyes his features would have been hard to distinguish. 'It is time for home Victor, gather your men and be off, we have left a fair bounty of food too, everyone take some, it is too good to be wasted, and tomorrow is a holiday, I think I have been failing in my duty as a good master, you all need a rest and time for your own families.'

  'That is most kind Sir', replied Victor, 'yes come to think of it I too may have been working everyone too hard, I am indebted to you indeed, you are in all truth a worthy leader'.

  Ralph said good night and returned to his own party, the three friends Ralph, Veronica and Julian strolled slowly back to the house. The gardeners put away their tools, washed their faces and hands in a water tub that was full of soft rain water, shared out the food that had been left for them, and made their way to their homes with little packages of picnic treats.

  The garden fell silent from men's chatting voices, a pink bush rustled in the evening breeze and two white mice helped themselves to the remaining crumbs left behind under the apple tree.


  Marie sat watching television with eleven month old George fast asleep in her arms, she stroked his face and followed the contour of his tiny nose with the tip of her little finger. George stirred, screwed up his face and opened his eyes, he looked at his mother and smiled; Henderson was sitting beside her enjoying the comfort of the heavily cushioned sofa, Sydney was lying on the carpet engrossed in a television programme about a well off couple looking for their ideal home in some back of beyond countryside idyll. To George all was well in the World, his favourite people were around him, and that man that he was told by Henderson to be his father, was out at work.

  'You awake then sleepyhead', whispered Marie.

  George gurgled.

  'Shall we go and see Granddad again on Saturday, well he is your Great Granddad really, Great Granddad George, see you both have the same name; I couldn't resist see, and if you grow up to be anything like your Great Granddad George then you'll be a fine man, but just call him Granddad, because Great Granddad will make him feel ever so old.' Marie continued her rambling, Sydney drew his attention away from the television and listened, Henderson sat in silence, George settled into his mother's arms and closed his eyes, he was not sleeping, but hanging on to every word.

  'You see George, my mom and dad, your grandparents, well I was only five, but I can remember as if it was yesterday, well they didn't have a lot of money and so we were living with Granddad George and Nana Lily, I remember the sun was shining and I was playing with my dolls in the back garden, it had been a lovely day, Nana had made some little ice lollies, oh we used to save our lolly sticks and she'd freeze fruit squash in funny shaped moulds of stars, and use the lolly sticks so we could hold them, I think we used those sticks over and over. It was one of those days that you could not imagine anything being wrong in the whole wide world, Mom and Dad would be back soon, they had only gone out for a little while, it was Dad's birthday and for a treat they had gone into town for a meal. They had won that meal George, won it on a radio show, just a simple question too I was told, but I have forgotten what the question was, don't want to think about it, wish they had got it wrong, but we cannot turn back the clock can we. Oh George, if they could see you now they would be so happy, they wouldn't clear off to Spain and only see you on Skype, that is for sure, no they would be here with you, cuddling and spoiling you, loving you. '

  Marie hesitated and wiped a small tear from her eye, she took a deep breath and continued ' Well it was funny times George, so much trouble around, so many people angry, there was a bomb George, can you imagine that, a bomb. It went off in the street outside the restaurant, if it hadn't have been so warm maybe they would have eaten indoors, but it was so hot, so many people eating at the tables outside, enjoying the summer. Nana had been watching some afternoon soap, when the news flash came on, I heard her scream, I heard her call for Granddad, I ran inside, she was hysterical, she was pointing at the tv screen and just screaming and crying. I didn't understand what was happening, Granddad was on the phone, he kept redialling and shouting that he couldn't get through, I remember about two hours later the police coming to our front door, I can still see that policewoman now, she was crying'.

  Marie stopped again, Sydney stretched his arms and rose up, he moved closer to Marie and knelt on the floor by her side and gradually drew himself closer to her, he wrapped his gentle arms around her, he breathed warm air across her heart. Henderson stroked George's head, 'This is so sad little one, so sad', tiny tears fell from each of George's eyes.

  'Then you wouldn't believe what happened next, some horrible woman came to our house, and she wanted to take me away, she said that it was for the best, that there was some couple somewhere that would look after me, she said that she would have to decide if my own grandparents were good enough, if they would pass all the tests that were necessary to look after a child, their own grandchild. I remember her, I hated her George, she smelled of some awful perfume, not a hair out of place, with her smart clothes and haughty voice. They took me away George, I remember getting into that car, yelling for my Granddad and Nana, I just cried and cried, they wouldn't let me take my rabbit, they said it was a health hazard, and that there would be no pets at my new home. I remember the bedroom they had ready for me, it was my prison cell, none of my favourite toys, all my dolls were still at my Grandparents. Why would they do that George, why were they so unkind.'

  Marie took another breath, George snuggled up closer to his mother, he was hungry but he would wait, he needed to hear this through.

  'Well I am not sure how long I was there for, I have blotted so much of it out of my mind, but when I went to sleep at night I just wanted to believe it was all an awful nightmare, and that when I woke up I would be back with my Grandparents. Each morning I remember opening my eyes slowly, thinking maybe I am home, but each morning I was heartbroken, each morning I saw the same horrible yellow wallpaper, the same wooden furniture and the same new teddy bear staring at me from the end of my bed, each morning I cried. Then one morning I was woken from my sleep, the foster mother was standing over my bed, 'Come on Marie, time to get up, today we have to go to court to see where your future lies'. I didn't understand, but I did as I was told, it had become much easier to just be passive, just to say yes please and no thank you.

  Marie smiled, Sydney felt some change in her, Henderson moved from the sofa and sat on the floor next to Sydney, George smiled, as Marie continued her tale.

  'I can remember going to a big building, there was an enormous statue at the centre of a massive hallway, the foster mother said it was of Astrea the Greek goddess of Justice, I walked up to the statue and put my hands on her feet, and do you know what I did, I asked her for help, I can remember whispering to her 'Please lady goddess Astrea, let me go home to Nana and Granddad'. Then I saw them, Nana and Granddad were there, I just ran to them, the three of us held on tight, our arms wrapped around each other. We walked into court, three serious looking men sat behind a desk, I sat down with my Grandparents on one side of me, and the foster mother on the other. The foster father was not there, he was too busy at work, so I was told. Then that woman came in, my heart fell on the floor, her perfume filled my nose, my stomach felt sick, she walked to the people behind the desk and handed them a brown file. Nana squeezed my hand and stared ahead, Granddad shuffled in his seat. I was happy, after all I had asked the goddess for help, she would not desert me. The men behind the desk opened the file and whispered between themselves, they looked up at us a few times then continued their conversation. Finally they stopped talking and the man in the middle spoke, 'Marie, would you like to come over here so we can have a little chat', I hesitated but Nana pushed me forward, I walked slowly over to the desk.

  'My name is Mr Earl, and this is Mr Topliss to my right, and Mr Smithers to my left, now Mar
ie, do you tell the truth'.

  'Yes Sir', I replied.

  'Very good then, now can you tell us where you would like to live, is it with Mr and Mrs Wall who have been your foster parents these past few weeks, or is it with your Grandparents, we need you to think about this before you answer'.

  Marie laughed and cuddled George,

  'Can you imagine that George, what a stupid question really, so the conversation went on like this', Marie leant back on the sofa,

  'With my Nana and Granddad, Sir'

  'Oh and can you tell me why that is'

  'Cos I love them Sir'

  'But they do not have a lot of money to give you everything you might need'

  'Don't care about money Sir'.

  'But you might do, you might want nice things, don't all girls want nice things'

  'Not if they are not happy Sir, the only nice things I want are my Nana and Granddad'

  George stirred again, he was now very hungry but he wanted to hear the end of all of this.

  'So to cut a long story short, that was that, Mr Earl was a lovely man, he agreed that I could go home with Nana and Granddad, and that they would be my legal Guardians. On our way out of court I ran to Astrea's statue, I blew her a kiss and said thank you.'

  George could wait no longer, he let out a little cry, it was definitely now time for a feed.


  In a different house on the same day Stella stretched her long legs out in front of her and looked down at her slender body; she had worked hard to regain her figure and was now pleased with what she saw. Joni sat in her pushchair staring idly at the television, Belle sat on the floor next to her, 'This is so boring isn't it', she whispered into Joni's tiny ears.

  Joni gurgled back, more of a grumpy gurgle, agreeing with Belle's observation.

  Rupert too was bored, but he couldn't say so, to criticise Stella too harshly would be against the Grafflin rules, but Belle knew how he felt, but she was yet to find out about the whole sorry mess that lay ahead.

  Stella looked at Joni, looked back to the television and then back to Joni.

  'Right look here Joni, I may as well tell you now, that I am not sticking around, you and that father of yours will have to learn to look after yourselves. I am telling you this today as he is out at the office and it has given me enough breathing space to sort it all out in my head.'

  Belle's attention took hold, 'Rupert, just what is going on, come on tell me'.

  'Shssss' replied Rupert, 'wait and see what she says'.

  Belle nodded, sat back and listened.

  'To tell you the truth Joni, I should never have agreed to come back here, I was happy see back in the city, I had left all this behind me, so you see it is all your father's fault not mine.'

  Joni was only half listening, her mothers voice always droned on and on, she was forever moaning about this and that, internet too slow, the lousy local shops that didn't sell any of the food that she liked, it was never ending.

  'Joni, there you go again, well ignore me if you like, see if I care, but of course when your precious Daddy comes home you will be all smiles won't you.'

  Joni shot a glance at her mother, then turned back to Belle and grinned.

  'Now what are you looking at, I swear you are the weirdest child, always looking into thin air and putting on that stupid half-baked grin of yours.'

  'Listen to your mother Joni, I think she is getting slightly mad, come on I want to hear this' pleaded Belle.

  Joni gave her mother a fixed stare and settled back into her pushchair, she would of course rather have been crawling around the floor, but her mother had just tidied up and couldn't be doing with chasing after a curious baby.

  'Right now I seem to have your attention I will continue. I am going to leave, I have it all worked out, now whether Jack comes with me or not, I am still going to leave. I shall take half of the money that is in the bank with me, then you and your father will have to find somewhere else to live, because this house is going to be sold. Full stop, I never wanted kids in the first place, so sorry but there is no way on this Earth that you are coming with me.'

  Joni carried on staring, Stella could have sworn that she saw Joni shrug her shoulders, then a car pulled up in the drive, Pete was back, Joni threw her arms in the air, 'Da da da', she threw her head back and laughed.


  Steps and Paintings

  The Lady Veronica rose early, she had been restless all night, her head was filled with images of Albion Brightly, that beautiful being whose body was growing weaker each passing day. Last night Julian had tried his best not to worry his hosts, but he could not hide his grief and deep concern for his leader and mentor.

  Those that inhabit Grafflin remain in bodily form for many more than your own earth years, but after time even those beautiful bodies grow tired and weary. Some Grafflinians have been known to take to their beds and remain there for several more years, their minds alert and bright, able to pass on wisdom to younger citizens. But in the end they too expire, their spirits combine with those who have gone before them, each one a tiny star in their own heaven, a reminder of who they once were.

  'I fear he may not return to Shenka, but his heart is with us all, he has instructed me to come and go between our worlds, and if need be to visit Earth as well' said Julian.

  We will hold him in our prayers', said Ralph.

  'I will light a candle for him', added the Lady Veronica.

  That was last night, and now the Lady busied herself preparing an early breakfast of bacon, eggs and thick buttered toast. She had left her own kitchen behind some months earlier, it had taken her several weeks to organise Ralph's haphazard kitchen quarters, but now everything was in it's place and the larders restocked. Her old home had been converted to a day school for the farmers children, her trusty aide Josie had stayed there as Chief Administrator, it had all worked out well.

  Ralph and Julian rose and joined the Lady in the bright kitchen, 'Mm the smell of bacon can always get me out of my bed', laughed Ralph.

  'Me too', replied Julian, 'it must be in the blood, what could be better than this'.

  'Well come and eat then, don't let this food go cold', grinned the Lady, 'we have a busy day ahead, I am quite excited.'

  A little time later they arrived at the foot of the tall tower, between them they carried food and cold drinks, torches, ropes, pencils, paper, knives and a small telescope, it would be too bad if they reached to top of the tower then found they needed something. The Lady Veronica was dressed in loose trousers, a simple cotton short sleeved top and flat walking shoes, she had tied her long hair into a neat plait and had foregone make-up. 'Well' she said, now I feel I can keep up with you men, come on let's go inside, I do so love adventures.'

  'How many times have you been here since finding Garian's notebook', Julian asked Ralph.

  'Oh let me think, two or three times, yes I have been here three times but only made it to the top twice, the first time I came I was a little under the weather so to speak and only climbed a few of the steps' replied Ralph.

  'Give me a minute or two then will you' said Julian, 'I just want to check out some dimensions.'

  Julian started to pace around the perimeter of the tower, one stride, two strides, three strides, he came back from his starting point and took a small notebook from a deep pocket of his jacket and with a black pencil drew a square, marking each side as ten strides. 'I will check once more, just to be sure' panted Julian, and he once more strode around the tower. 'Yes I had it right, each side of the tower is ten of my strides, now I must check the thickness of the tower walls.' He stood at the doorway entrance and took one stride into the tower opening, turned around and took another stride, he was now outside the tower. 'Well I estimate the thickness of these walls to be one half of my stride, so if my mathematics are correct the inside perimeter of the tower is nine strides by nine strides', Julian drew a smaller square inside the first square and shaded in the walls, he then turned
the pencil around and using an orange eraser rubbed out a gap of one stride for the entrance doorway. 'One last thing before we start, I need to measure out the supporting column at the centre of the tower, see the steps wind around it.' Ralph and Veronica watched on as Julian paced around the column, he could only walk around three sides as the steps blocked the fourth side, he walked back and forth, counting and re-counting. Once again he drew another square in the very centre of the diagram, the column he estimated to be five of his strides on each side. 'Thanks for your patience, I have worked out that the steps are going to be roughly two of my strides wide or a maybe a little less, is that what you found Lord Ralph?'

  'To be honest I didn't really notice, they did seem a little narrower at the top, but I was out of breath and anxious to get to the room, and of course I had forgotten to bring a drink with me' laughed Ralph.

  'You men' sniggered the Lady Veronica, 'come on then let's climb, you go first then Ralph', she said as she gently pushed him towards the stone steps, 'and Julian you go behind me, so if I fall backwards you can catch me and if I fall up the steps I can grab hold of Ralph'.

  'And what if I fall backwards', laughed Ralph.

  'Well I guess we would be in deep trouble', Julian laughed back, 'so just take care and do not trip.'

  They started the climb, the same kind of lights that lit the tunnel from the small house, when Lord Albion Brightly and Julian Speaksafe came to visit on that cold winter's night many months ago, lit the way ahead; and as before the lights turned off as they passed them by.

  'Don't look back', called Ralph, 'it is as black as pitch below.'

  On and on they climbed, the steps were steep and straight,but after every thirty steps they reached a small landing where they could take a breath, the steps then took a sharp right angle and carried on up. Eventually they reached the end, the steps opened up into the small room where Garian had discovered the secret of the garden and found the old manuscript. Ralph slowly walked to the window and pushed it open, light flooded into the room casting a beam across the floor, they breathed in the sweet fresh air sat down on the cool floor and each took a drink from the water bottles they were carrying.


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