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The Syndicates: A Dark Mafia Romance Collection

Page 10

by Raven Scott

  “I probably might, but stick it out.” Realization slammed into my gut as it knotted tighter with each pump of my cock, and Illya ground her forehead into my cheek. “The one thing I’ll never do is lie to you, Illya. The other stuff is accidental, but I’ll never lie to you.”

  Every fucking person she ever met had lied to her somehow— her best friend, her family, her coworkers, even the guy checking out her groceries. Reaching to cup the back of her head, a growl built in my chest as her hot breath rolled down my chest under my t-shirt. My lip curled into a snarl at her little, broken hum, and she swiped the seeping head of my cock with her thumb gently.

  “I trust you. A little.” The soft whisper resonated deep in me, and I gasped as Illya’s skin left my face. My right hand— or what was left of it— disappeared into her luscious hair to gather it up, and I palms her back to pull her robe up her hips. Plump lips teased my cock, and she spit to ease the friction as pleasure rattled up my spine. Squeezing her tight ass, I nudged her legs open, and my heart stuttered when she licked the head of my cock thickly.

  “Oh . . . fuck . . . ” I couldn’t remember the last time I’d gotten a blowjob. Most women looked at my hand and decided that I couldn’t deliver that shit right back, so it must not have been worth it. Sucking on my head, Illya squeezed hard as she pumped, and I thrust as a groan escaped me. Heat skittered up my abdomen, and I parted her folds to rub her clit as she gradually took me deeper down her throat.

  Even sucking cock, Illya was graceful, her lips wrapping and releasing until the head hit the back of her throat. Her knees slid outwards, and she popped her ass up even as she tilted her head. Groaning when she swished her tongue along the underside of my shaft, I pushed her head down until her beautiful, little gag shattered the atmosphere.

  “Illya . . . fuck . . . ” I’d had this hard-on all damn morning— since she so politely told me to fuck off at the waffle place— and my breath hitched when she gagged around my head. Pulling back, she sucked in a short breath, and I closed my eyes and let my head fall back in pure bliss. “Yeah . . . ”

  Circling her clit, my fingers slickened with Illya’s juices, and I clenched my jaw as I worked two fingers into her tight channel. Her hot mouth took in my cock again before she set a steady, deep pace, and her moan reverberated up my shaft to bristle the hairs on my abdomen. When I fingered her, it’d been frenzied and quick, but this was slow and savory, and damn, did Illya know her way around a cock.

  The roughness of her tongue along the thick vein under my cock was tantalizing, and I pushed her head down and thrust up. Illya choked harshly but didn’t pull away, her teeth grazing the base of my cock. Her soft palm cupped my balls, and I sputtered a gasp as my heart palpitated in pleasure. Grappling her perky ass with my good hand, I couldn’t do two things at once, and her throat tightened around my head.

  “Shit, Illya . . . I’m gonna cum . . . f-fuck . . . ” My voice shook with need, and she moaned around my cock and squeezed my balls expertly. Clenching my jaw hard, tingles shot up my thighs and down my spine to ball up in my tailbone. “Stay like that . . . stay just like that . . . ”

  And she fucking did. Illya tensed, not moving, and goosebumps swept down her back against my forearm as her ass cheek flexed in my palm. My cock rippled from the base up, and I held my breath as hot cum spurted from my head and down her throat. Only then did she pull back to suck me dry, and she pumped my cock as spasms raced up my legs. Forcing my eyes open, I gulped harshly at the absolutely heavenly sight of her, her slender brows furrowed, eyes glistening, face red. She was so fucking beautiful with her hollowed cheeks and flexing throat as she greedily swallowed my cum.

  That release almost fell to the wayside to Illya’s beauty, and I unhooked my fingers from her ass to caress the sharp line of her jaw. Bright, swirling eyes met mine, blazing with intense need, but I only cupped her face and drew her to my chest. My heart thundered against her cheek, and she curled up with satisfied, ragged pants that seeped through my shirt.

  “You should take a really long, nice bath. Maybe take a nap in a real bed. I’ll order room service. This trip is not gonna be ruined.” My harsh whisper earned me a hiccup of a breath, and I stroked Illya’s face and hair as I sunk into the sofa. Neither of us made any attempt to move, but I was perfectly okay with that. She didn’t rub up against me. In fact, her chest didn’t touch me at all, but she did put her hand on mine.

  That was enough. That was more than enough.



  Stepping into Mateo’s nice, high-security home, I glanced around as an eerie silence met me. He lived the way a spoiled child lived, in a house too big, with furniture that wasn’t used and a living room with a huge flatscreen he’d never turned on. The baby blue walls resonated with the silence, and I shut the front door and locked it.

  More so he couldn’t escape than I could run because, let’s fucking face it, Mateo couldn’t get me on my worst day, and I was most definitely not having a bad day.

  I’d dropped Illya off at her apartment after she spent all day in the lap of luxury, and I glanced down at my phone to scan the screen. The time read two a.m. on the dot, and a scowl twisted my lips because I would rather been passed out with her curled up against my side. She slept all bunched up— I knew it was because of that damn cot, but I couldn’t do anything about it.

  The hairs on the back of my neck bristled in threat, tearing me from my reverie, and I acted before my eyes focused in the gloom. Whipping to the side, I shoved my body, and a terrified squeak echoed in my ears as I held a body to the wall by the throat. Blinking hard, a ghostly white face became sharper, and Julie sniffled hard when I released her as gently as I could.

  “Don’t sneak up on me like that, Julie— I could’ve hurt you.” In the faint light from the backyard light that seeped through the curtained sliding doors, a glint on her face drew my gaze. Frowning, I reached to wiped the spot with my thumb, and the metallic scent of blood blossomed with her pained whimper. “What happened?”

  “Mateo happened. I was just the first person he saw.” Her voice shook wildly, and I scowled darkly as she took a rattling sigh. “I’m taking a few days off— let him know. He won’t try anything with you, Theo.”

  “Oh, I’ll let him know, alright.” There was a reason Mateo paid his employees an obscene amount of money, after all— to Julie and her mopping floors that weren’t dirty. “Did Mateo lash out at anyone else?”

  “He’s been upset all day. He locked himself in his room. That poor girl— she needs a doctor. She’s not doing okay.” Only grunting at that, I shuffled back and opened the door for her just to make sure Julie got outside and to her car alright. “I’ll see you later, Theo.”

  Glancing around, my eyes narrowed into tight points, and my stubble bristled at the utter lack of security. Normally, Mateo had two or three bodyguards inside his house, more if I wasn’t around. They were nowhere to be seen, and yet, Julie was lingering around despite getting off at ten p.m. She must’ve been hiding or something— or waiting for me so she didn’t get caught by Mateo again.

  Only when Julie got in her car and was out of the driveway did I shut and lock the door again, and I turned on my heel to storm towards the stairs. All the fury I’d suppressed today came welling up to the surface, and I clenched and released my fist by my side. My gut rotted as the silence rang in my ears, broken only by my heavy footfall and hot, harsh pants.

  I was getting sick and fucking tired of Mateo, and being around Illya, well, I’d gotten a taste of the good life. Why would I be okay continuing to settle with this asshole that couldn’t tie his own fucking shoes?

  “Mateo!” Exhaling fire as I headed down the hall, my irritated bellow echoed through the house, and a faint thump sounded in reply. I stopped in front of his door only to tense, and I unceremoniously kicked open the barrier as hard as I could. The wood splintered and flew as the lock busted through the frame, and the knob sailed across the room right into Mateo’s computer scr

  Really, I may be his bodyguard, and he may be a criminal— no matter how ineffectual— but I had some loose morals. Hitting anyone that hadn’t done shit to deserve it was one of them.

  My narrowed vision tinged red as I glanced around, and Mateo stood at the foot of his king-sized bed trying to size me up. He didn’t work out. He didn’t go to the range. He didn’t do anything that made him even slightly capable of dealing with me, bum hand or not. Grinding my teeth, my lip curled in a snarl, and he blanched despite the strangely blank look on his pretty-boy face.

  “You were supposed to be back hours ago with the roommate.” I didn’t know what the fuck possessed Mateo to open his mouth, but something in my brain switched off. Stalking across the room, I clenched my fist tight and sent it sailing for his nose. My jab was too fast for him to follow. He let out a girly squeal and crumpled like wax paper with a hard thud, and my toes curled in my shoes with the urge to kick him.

  “Let’s get one fucking thing clear . . . kid!” Grabbing Mateo by his silky soft, prized hair, I jerked his head back and bent to glare at him. “I’m not your fucking errand boy. I’m not obligated to come when you call like some fucking dog. I don’t have to do fucking shit for you but keep you from dying, and right now you’re fucking pushing it.”

  Snarling nastily, spittle flew into Mateo’s face, and a primitive satisfaction blazed across my chest when he flinched. He paled, his lips thinning, and uncertainty flashed in his eyes as they widened in the reflection of a lamp on his desk.

  “We’re not fucking friends. You’re a spoiled bitch, and I’m babysitting you for a fortune. Don’t ever expect me to do anything else.” Throwing Mateo on the floor, I straightened to wipe my hand on my jeans with a disgusted sound. “And . . . if you ever hit Julie again, I’ll cut your hand off. Trust me, it’s not a pleasant experience.”

  Just like a child, I took Mateo’s door privileges away, and I closed my eyes to take a few deep breaths. I shouldn’t have left Illya. My eyelid twitched in agitation as the thought flashed behind my eyes, and I strode out of the room and across the hall into my own. Leaning against the door, I rubbed my face and neck harshly, and my knuckles ached ever so slightly.

  That was the problem with rich kids— they thought everyone was obligated to serve them in every way because they had money. Mateo paid me, so what right did I have to deny him? In this moment, I’d bet all the money in my wallet that he was thinking exactly that, and a sudden wash of icy cold swept down my torso.

  I had no money in my wallet— Illya took it all last night before I drove her home.

  “Jesus Christ.” Recently, I’d made a lot of threats to Mateo, and I was fucking itching to make good on them. For some reason, he was pissing me off more than usual, and it was sticking to me worse. Maybe, it was meeting Illya and seeing how much she struggled that made me so intolerant of Mateo. “Shit.”

  Blowing out a hot breath, I shook my head viciously and rolled my shoulders in a semi-successful attempt to ease the tension in my body. The heat in my chest died down, and I walked over to my bed to sit down and kick off my shoes.

  “Hopefully, that bitch won’t scream the second I close my eyes.” Sylvie must’ve been passed out from the effects of her withdrawal— if she was even going through it yet. Rubbing my face, I laid back on my bed with my legs dangling off the end, and the ceiling swirled mesmerizingly. “What a way to end the day.”

  When I closed my eyes, I could see Illya’s face after she got out of the bath with crystal clarity. She looked so happy, smiling almost ear to ear with a little pep in her step. I didn’t know a simple bath could make someone so damn happy. I’d asked if she liked it, and she hit me with one of those phrases that started off great and just ended in a blazing dumpster fire. She was so relaxed— but I haven’t taken a bath since before my parents died, only showers.

  What the actual fuck? How much did her life have to suck that she couldn’t enjoy something so mundane?

  Glancing around through unfocused eyes, I realized my bedroom here was bigger than her entire apartment. Frowning darkly, I held up my mangled hand and clenched my jaw.

  “I really don’t have it bad, do I?” Which was, frankly, dumb as fuck because I had told Illya that she shouldn’t feel invalidated by people who had it worse or better than her. “Shit.”

  Flopping my arm down, I exhaled a heavy breath as the day’s events flickered through my mind’s eye like a movie reel being sped up. Illya was lost, and I was generally fucking stupid and didn’t know how to help her up to this point. No wonder she went back and forth the way she did.



  “Theo.” Leaning on the door frame, Theo smirked at me, and I pursed my lips thinly as I hid my hand behind the door. “What’s up? I have to go to work in a little.”

  “I came by to see if you were hungry. It worked out pretty well before, so I thought I’d try again.” Surprise rose my brows, and I tightened my grip on the can in my hand as he scanned me through narrowed eyes. “You haven’t dyed your hair yet.”

  “Um . . . not yet. I was just about to start.” Rocking back on my heels when Theo leaned towards me, I held my breath, and suspicion flitted across his expression. “It’s a bit of a process, so . . . ”

  Trailing off, I saw the exact second he decided something was up, and Theo leaned in uncomfortably close to my neck and sniffed. His narrowed pupils tightened, and the can in my hand started to cramp my palm even as I flexed my fingers around it.

  “Why are you nervous?” Without letting me take a breath in preparation, Theo shouldered past me, and I shut the door quickly to lean against it. The spoon in my can rattled slightly, and my heart jumped into my throat when he braced both his palms on either side of my head. “What are you hiding?”

  The fine hairs on the back of my neck stood up as he scanned me again, slowly, and I clamped my mouth shut. I got the sense Theo didn’t think something stupid— like I had a guy in my apartment— but he knew something was up. Reaching down to grab my wrist, he squeezed almost threateningly, and that action sucked the fight from me.

  Blustering out a sigh, I unveiled the can from behind my back, and Theo tensed as embarrassment engulfed my face in flames. The little can burned my palm, and I ducked my head as confusion welled up in my chest. Why was I ashamed? I wasn’t doing anything wrong.

  “I— is that . . . cat food? Were you eating that?” Disgust roughened Theo’s tone, and I nodded dully as his muscles played under his shirt out of the top of my field of vision. He recoiled with a harsh grunt, and shock jolted through me when he smacked the can out of my hand. The metal and plastic clattered to the floor loud and abrasive, and I gasped when he wrapped his good hand in my hair.

  Suddenly, his finger was in my mouth, and my stomach flipped when Theo held down my tongue. Gagging harshly, tears sprung to my eyes, but he just held down my head until my teeth banged against his single, lonely knuckle. Slapping at his chest, panic fueled my racing heart, and I arched sharply when bile sloshed up my throat.

  I’d nearly finished that can, and it all came spewing out onto the floor as weakness shook my knees. Saliva dribbled from my mouth, a dazed sort of panic gripping my lungs in a vice, and the sounds of my gagging filled my apartment. Theo ripped his hand from down my throat, and I grappled his t-shirt as I threw up on his shoes.

  “That’s fucking disgusting!” His gruff snarl rippled across my hallowed face, and I pushed him hard enough to knock myself back. Hitting the floor hard, my scalp ached from his grip, and I scooted back as my watery eyes wandered until they met his. His gaze shimmered with conviction and disgust and all manner of nasty things, and I hiccupped as he ran his good hand over his head in agitation. “What the fuck, Illya!”

  Theo took a step towards me, and I whipped over to crawl towards the bathroom as harsh pants dried my throat. Whimpering pathetically, I tried to wrap my head around what just happened as I slammed the door shut and blocked it with my body. Suddenly, I wa
s kinda glad that my bathroom was small, and I braced myself against the door with my feet flat against the low rim of the shower.

  “Illya, open the damn door.”

  “No!” Covering my face with violently trembling hands, I croaked out from beneath my palms, and he banged on the door hard. My heart stuttered with each impact, and my breath hitched at the notion that he could just kick the barrier in. “S-stop . . . stop . . . why would you do that?”

  He really just made me throw up. It didn’t even really hurt despite the acid gnawing through my throat. My rasp was met with silence, and I struggled to fill my lungs as my heart gorged on adrenaline. Tears ran in rivers down my face and between my fingers, and I shivered against the door as short, hot breaths whistled through chattering teeth.

  “The fuck kind of question is that? You were eating cat food! What the fuck is wrong with you, Illya!” Theo punched the door, but his words hurt more than the rattling of my spine from the impact. “Why the fuck would you do that, huh? Open the damn door!”

  Why would I do that? Because I was hungry, and I had no food in my house, and I didn’t want to buy something. I simply didn’t have money this week, but I did have cat food because they were twenty cents a can. Two or three, here and there, wasn’t a huge deal, and they held me over when I was in a pinch.

  Plus, I’d been eating them for a long enough time that it tasted good— not just not bad. When I had nothing else, I could always, always, afford a can of cat food.

  “Go away, Theo. I’m not coming out.” My shaky declaration only earned the poor door another punch, and I winced when my knee bent awkwardly from the pressure. There was no lock— I had to use my whole body to keep the barrier closed, and I sniffled hard from behind my hands. I hadn’t seen Theo in a few days. I’d assumed that he was dealing with Mateo and Sylvie, and I just went about my business as usual.


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