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The Syndicates: A Dark Mafia Romance Collection

Page 19

by Raven Scott

  “Fuck . . . ” Theo’s thunderous growl rattled my bones, and he hoisted my legs around his waist and grabbed my hips with bruising fingers. Tearing his mouth from mine, he leaned back and stuttered a gasp of his own, and I scratched at the wall in an effort to hold on to something. His gaze bored holes into my face as pleasure dropped my jaw, and he pushed my hips down and thrust up in a brutal snap.

  Tensing as a tsunami pulled back my ability to feel anything but where he touched me, I hiccupped a breath as Theo’s cock gyrated against my walls. The clap of skin on skin echoed in my ears, and my eyes nearly popped from their sockets.

  “Jesus fucking Christ . . . Illya . . . ” My eyelids snapped open at the choked call, and I ground my teeth hard at the pure ecstasy playing on Theo’s face. This was so long in coming, so anticipated, and I clamped down on him as pleasure rolled up my spine. My knees clung to his sides, and he flopped his head back as he pulled back to show off the muscles straining in his neck.

  The thick ridge of his cock caressed my inner walls surprisingly gently as he pulled back, and Theo ducked his head to capture my lips in a hot kiss. Powerful hands grappled my ass cheeks, and I choked from the jolt of rapture when he stepped out of his jeans to walk to the sofa.

  “I’m gonna die with you, Illya.” Sitting down, Theo buried his left hand in my hair as the other fell to the side uselessly, and I didn’t resist when he tugged gently. His eyes were black with desire, and they didn’t stray from mine as they shimmered with conviction. “I’m gonna die with you.”

  “I wish I could hug you.” His pupils blew at my murmur, and Theo finally tore his eyes from mine. He turned beet red, like a cartoon, from his shirt neckline up, and I stiffened as expectation gripped me. Leaning back a little, I flexed my fingers, but it didn’t really help the fear that rose up to shadow my thoughts.

  Theo blinked hard, his face an unreadable mix of emotion, but it didn’t really matter when his cock went flaccid inside me. His cheek twitched, and icy prickles swept down my sternum as he covered his mouth with his right hand. Shivers rippled up his arms noticeably, and he went even more red in the face before his eyes met mine for the briefest of seconds.

  “J-just looking at it.” He craned his neck in what my sluggish brain recognized at embarrassment, and my eyes widened in shock. Clearing his throat roughly, Theo rolled his jaw and jerked his shoulders, but he couldn’t get rid of the red in his cheeks. “You’re so beautiful, Illya.”

  “D-do . . . did . . . ” Sputtering stupidly, my jaw dropped when Theo flung his arm over his face, and my brain short-circuited. He hoovered up a shallow breath, and my brows rose when he lowered his arm to meet my gaze with voraciousness. “Do . . . do you need . . . to . . . stop?”

  “No. Turn around.” Theo grumbled illegibly, and I pursed my lips thinly as I carefully stood up. He pumped his cock, and affection blossomed in my chest before he grabbed my hip and sat me on his lap. “Dance.”



  “Shit . . . choke it down, Illya.” I groaned in absolute bliss as Illya’s throat flexed around my cock, and she grabbed my ass to force me deeper. The bulge in her throat was mesmerizing as she hung her head over the side of the sofa, and I growled when she kneaded her hands greedily. Pulling out of her mouth with a gasp, I relished her rasping breaths, and I pumped my cock as she slobbered my balls with hungry, little sounds. “Yes-s-s . . . ”

  “Theo . . . ” Her hoarse call bristled through my curls, and Illya slid down to lay flat on the sofa and spread her legs for me. My need for her raged in an inferno that would never die down, and I rounded the armrest to palm her creamy, sticky thighs. Everything I’d been yearning for in my woman came rushing to the surface, and her tight pussy undulated. Cum leaked down her ass cheeks, and I almost wanted to take a picture, it was such a gorgeous fucking sight.

  But, truth be told, it was the thing she’d tried to hide that turned me on more intensely than I thought was possible. Illya was basically flat-chested from scar tissue. The only part of her breasts she had were the sides, and with her slender profile, she could hide it. What was left of the once large, firm globes folded over her scar tissue a little, and with the bandages, no one could tell.

  “Theo . . . ” Tearing my eyes off the huge, rectangular blotch of red and purple and pale, I nestled between Illya’s open legs as she wrapped her trembling hands around my jaw. Her mossy green eyes glowed, almost blindingly bright, and my heart threatened to burst from behind my ribs as I ground against her slippery folds. Capturing her lips in a heated kiss, I groaned as the burn lines on her thighs ruffled my leg hairs.

  “You ready for me, you fucking sexy bitch?” Pressing my forehead against hers, I reached my good hand between us, and a sharp, prickly ache shot down my right side. Cracking open my eyes, memories floated in my glazed, blurry vision. At the club, when I’d grabbed Illya’s chest, I knew now why it hurt so much.

  Just the tiniest bit of pressure, and the whole fucking mass of tissue shifted. That was agonizing . . . agonizingly hot.

  “Yes . . . ” Sinking into her glorious heat at her breathless affirmation, I shuddered violently as Illya writhed in pleasure beneath me. She gasped, her slender brows furrowing, mouth open, but she was so damn quiet as her walls hugged my cock so nice. Grinding my hips against hers, I clenched my jaw as tingles assaulted my tailbone.

  “Shit . . . ” Pulling back, I rammed Illya’s cervix with a snap of my hips, and she mewled softly as she threw her head to the side. Her nails scraped my stubble, and I set a hard pace as my balls tightened. She was such a good fucking lay, and I teetered on the edge as I thrust viciously. Ducking my head to smash my mouth on hers, I savored her taste, and she melted under me in unwavering submission.

  Her throat couldn’t compare to her pussy, and pressure tightened my abdominal muscles as her walls rippled and shivered around my cock.

  “Fucking cum . . . fuck . . . cum on my cock, Illya . . . t-tight . . . ” I couldn’t last, and I sputtered stupidly through clenched teeth as I sucked in a breath through my nose. Sweat dripped down my arms and neck, and I thrust hard with a grunt as my balls drew up. Hot ropes of cum spurted up my shaft, and spasms attacked my muscles as stars burst behind my shuttered lids.

  “Oh fuck, yes-s-s . . . ” Every ounce of energy I had left kept me from just collapsing on Illya, and I gripped the armrest with clammy, trembling hands. Despite dying down, the waves of euphoria— the almost religious fever of finally obtaining a goddess of my very own— ripped up my sternum, and icy prickles followed. Soft palms caressed up my chest, and I somehow managed to open my eyes to find her smiling at me.

  A divine gift.

  “You’re so beautiful, Illya.” Her smile widened, the redness in her cheeks darkening I ducked to kiss her with a low, pleased groan. “How could you be anything less?”

  “You’re probably the only one in the world that thinks having no nipples is sexy, Theo.” Pushing myself heavily back on my knees, I grabbed her arms— gently, this time— to pull Illya with me. She seemed so easy now, and I sprawled on my back to let her settle against my chest. Her sweat-slickened skin stuck to mine, and I glanced down the ruined plane of her chest with a stirring ache in my abdomen.

  True, she didn’t have nipples, but that was fine. Her scars were sexier, anyway.

  Cupping Illya’s face with my bad hand, I stroked her cheek with my thumb, and I reached to swipe the television controller from the coffee table. Her weight was comfortable against me, and I buried my nose in her hair to take deep breaths of her.

  “Tomorrow is gonna be different, Theo.” The murmur twinkled with a promise in my ears, and I grumbled lowly in response when my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. “I’m gonna try to be better.”

  “I know you can, Illya. Nothing worth doing is effortless.” Just as the television blinked on, a soft beep echoed from the hallway to the front door, and Illya tensed against me. Tightening my grip on her face, I held her where she was, and her jaw
worked under my palm. Carlyle appeared around the corner, hand covering his eyes like he didn’t want to catch his sister naked or something, and I snorted roughly.

  “Put a blanket on or something, please.” Illya was only too happy to oblige, grabbing the throw that hung over the back of the sofa, and I frowned against her crown. “I have guests coming on Tuesday, and both of you need to be there. This affects them, too, so I want you to hear everything everyone has to say about this whole mess.”

  “I’m decent.” Well, not really, considering the cum dripping down your hair. Carlyle still lowered his hand, seemingly unaffected by Illya’s red, blotchy face and obvious roughed-up-ness, and he nodded firmly. “Who are they?”

  “My father and brother.” Surprise rocketed through me, and Illya shot up with a squeak before I could even process Carlyle’s declaration. “They’ll be here in about thirty-seven hours. You have that long to go through everything.”

  “You have another brother?” Carlyle grunted, and I inhaled a calming breath as my mind whirred furiously, trying to keep up with the conversation. “Well, that’s just great, isn’t it? I thought this was a personal problem. It’s not? You should’ve told me that earlier. I— ”

  “I wanted to see what you’d suggest before mentioning it. I know what you’re thinking, why would I need you if this is a huge, company-wide thing? The answer to that is simple, Illya. You’re unaffiliated and can look at everything with fresh eyes. Also, you have experience in the dirt that I thought would be helpful.” The skin on Illya’s back rippled, and I covered the spot with my palm to feel her lungs shudder in a huff. “Not to mention, it’s all happening to all three of us at the same time. We need someone outside the situation for clarity, but also because we can’t trust our own people, apparently.”

  “You trust me, though.” The accusation earned Illya a scowl, and I rubbed the smooth, porous skin on her back with my right hand. I could feel the fine hairs that she didn’t have on her chest, and the muscles rippled so regularly, without the bumpy clumps of scar tissue above them.

  “Don’t make me regret it.” Carlyle turned on his heel, and Illya sat straight until the door lock clicked into place before flopping back against me. Her groan of frustration shot straight to my cock, and I reached over her thigh to circle her clit. She threw the blanket off her in a fury, her knees bending high, and grumbling as hunger gnawed at my gut.

  “How long do you think it’ll take you to get through everything he piled up in your kitchen?” Dripping with cum from the both of us, Illya’s hot cunt flexed as I eased inside, and she gasped softly. When she came, she didn’t make any sounds. She barely made any sounds anyway, but I thought it was cute. Leisurely curling my finger against her quivering walls, I thrust my hard cock between her ass cheeks. “I wanna keep going.”

  “A couple hours, at least five.” Smirking broadly against her cheek, I sucked in a sharp breath when Illya rolled her hips eagerly.



  “You need to get down here. Now.” Carlyle didn’t respond, simply hanging up at the graveness that roughened my tone, and I sat back in the kitchen chair to sigh heavily as I set down my phone. “Do you think I can talk to you about this shit?”

  “Who cares. What’s up?” Standing over the stove, lording over sizzling bacon and eggs, Theo twisted to frown at my under furrowed brows. “Did you really have to call Carlyle down here? He always ruins the mood.”

  For a second, I debated what to say and waved my sheath of papers around absently. I’d gone through about half of the boxes of translations and hard transcripts, and I nodded at Theo’s second question.

  “These are all wrong, Theo. How come no one saw this? The translations are off. There’s no way these mistakes should happen.” Scanning the page, I held my forehead on my palm, and Theo grunted softly as he turned back to the stove. “I don’t get what’s going on. No one with a grasp of the language would make these mistakes . . . unless they were deliberate. These aren’t regional dialect mistakes. They’re just . . . mistake mistakes. Slight ones, but obvious. To me, at least.”

  “Well, you’ve never met these guys. Maybe they’ve got their quirks.” Maybe, but no. That objection was reasonable to a point, but it didn’t account for the blatant mistranslations of simple words in simple context. My mind churned, and I flipped over to the next page before a shrill beep echoed out from the front door. Carlyle was leaning over my shoulder within a second, and I didn’t hear the door shut, but that didn’t matter.

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and I licked my suddenly dry lips with a thick tongue before parting them.

  “These conversations are all translated by different people, right?” Reaching to grab the sheet of paper I’d been scribbling on as Carlyle nodded curtly, I held it up for him. “I wrote down all the wrong translations, and this is what I found.”

  “What is it?” To be honest, I didn’t expect to find anything so incredibly brazen in these records, and I twisted as Carlyle rocked back on his heels. “These are just mistakes made in translation. It happens all the time.”

  “Read every third, first, and second word, in that order.” Now, this was the troubling part, and I held my breath as Carlyle’s expression tightened with irritation. His eyes narrowed before snapping to mine, and my heart stuttered under the force of his glare. “It’s a code. The people doing your translations are working together through the transcripts. They all have access to it, right? From anywhere they’re called to work.”

  Carlyle’s light eyes flashed almost reptilian as he reset them against the page, and he cupped his chin even as his foot tapped rapidly. After I started cataloging the mistranslations, it became obvious that the people doing the translating were trying to do some clandestine bullshit. Who mispronounces the word ‘money’ in any language?

  Especially considering that they were working for Carlyle’s family, they had to be good.

  “This is all you’ve found so far?” I nodded mutely, and he tapped his cheek as he turned the paper over, his eyes bouncing from word to word in rhythm. “How many transcripts have you gone through?”

  “A little less than half, but I have a feeling that your father’s and brother’s records contain a majority of the conversations. There’s definitely not enough here, and you speak Spanish fluently, which cuts out your need for a translator for most of your business.” Even though it’d been months, I had no knowledge of what that ‘business’ actually was, although I assumed it was illegal. Nodding with a troubled crease between his brow, Carlyle turned the paper to the front to read it again. “I suppose it doesn’t matter what they say— this is enough to do something about the translators that are doing this.”

  “It is. I didn’t expect this. It’s actually pretty sophisticated. Now . . . ” Carlyle palmed my crown thoughtfully, and heat crept up my neck when he started stroking my hair. His hand was warm and hard, and I watched him stare into space for a long moment before speaking up again. “What to do? I hadn’t planned on you figuring this problem out so quickly, Illya.”

  Pride thickened his tone, and my face flamed as Carlyle’s gaze flickered to mine ever so briefly. Despite what he’d done to Mateo, I found it hard to believe he had such a soft spot for me. The genuinity in his eyes said differently, though, and I blushed fiercely as my scarred chest tightened.

  “Wait a minute. ” Turning to Theo, momentarily forgotten by the stove, my face flamed at the amusement that glimmer in his dark orbs as they trained on me. “What do you mean ‘what to do’? Isn’t it obvious? Fucking shoot them and get it over with.”

  “That’s boring.” Carlyle scratched my scalp even as he shot down the idea, and Theo grimaced darkly. “I have something much, much more satisfying in mind. Although I’m sure you’ll enjoy it just as much, Theo. Speaking of satisfying, have either of you heard the maids talking about Mateo today?”

  “He’s all they ever talk about since word got around that your father’s coming. They
’re placing bets about what’ll happen.” Speaking up as Theo busied himself flipping the bacon, I scrunched up my face in distaste as Carlyle’s fingers flexed against my crown. “I feel kinda bad for him, but . . . ”

  “Don’t. He’s been locked in there for weeks because of his own inadequacy. As usual.” Taking his hand off my head, Carlyle pulled a chair out and twirled it around to straddle the back with a heavy sigh. “Illya, you’ll need to finish this another time. As you said, the rest doesn’t matter. This is more than enough to implicate, which is more than enough for me. I’ll inform my father and brother about sending me their records, but it’ll be a while before we can set something up to deal with this. So, for now, I have another job for you. I was going to wait, but seeing as you’re truly exceptional . . . ”

  “You lay it on thick for a dude who thinks I’m disgusting.” My cheekiness earned me a smirk, but it didn’t last before Carlyle shook his head. “What’s the job?”

  “Technically, it’s a job for you both.” Gesturing to Theo, his eyes didn’t leave me, and my brows rose in surprise. “I’ve told you why you’re here. You’re going to infiltrate a party hosted by the Italian Mafia and drug someone for me.”

  “Infiltrate?” Nodding firmly, Carlyle gripped the low back of the chair to lean away from it, and I gulped down the dense lump that formed in my throat. “I mean, okay. What does that entail, exactly?”

  “I’ll give you the details after my dad and Oran leave. It’s not for another few weeks, but it’ll probably happen before we can set up the translators. You said it before, we can’t arouse suspicion. The next planned function between us all that requires all the translators is around Christmas. I thought you’d appreciate a heads up.” Gnawing on my inner cheek, I only nodded at that, and Carlyle tapped the flat top run of the chair. I could see the cogs working in his eyes, and he cocked his head back a little. “Make yourselves presentable. We’ll talk more during lunch.”


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