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DEAD SET: Detective Jack Creed Mysteries - The Complete Short Stories Collection: 7 Book Box Set (Detective Jack Creed Murder Mystery Books Series 9)

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by C T Mitchell

  “I'd do the same thing you and your wife are doing,” Jack assured him. “Sometimes people are just broken, but no matter how hard we try to fix them, it’s really up to them to fix themselves.” Jack looked at Charles with understanding.


  The Weatherby house was eerily quiet. Jack and Jo led the team to Nicholas's basement bedroom. “Dust for prints,” Jack ordered. “Based on interviews with his parents, we might be looking for a second person as well.”

  “Just what we need. Two women haters running loose.” Jo crouched down and shined a flashlight under the bed. “This guy should have just accepted that no means no and moved on. Instead, he goes out and kills three girls.”

  “Maybe it's not that they said no but how they said it,” Constable Jenkins, one of the cops dusting for prints, said. “I mean, what makes ladies so above the law? You lot walk around thinking your shit don't stink and we're supposed to be okay when you push us aside without any valid reason?”

  “Oh, don't even tell me you're standing up for the little punk!” Jo pulled several boxes out from under the bed. “He asked the girls to coffee, and they said no. That should be the end of the discussion. He could have found someone that said yes eventually. There's always someone desperate enough to date emotional cripples, especially if they're loaded like this kid is.”

  “So you think he should have flashed his trust fund when he asked the girls out?” Jenkins argued. “Would that have changed their answers? Would that have saved their lives?”

  Boston-Wright shrugged. “Maybe, but we'll never know now, will we? There's no point arguing about it and there's definitely no point in you sticking up for the creep.”

  “If that were us – if I walked up to you and asked you to coffee – what would you say, Jo?” Constable Jenkins asked. “And be honest. If you're all about a woman's right to choose and not be afraid to speak her mind, you'll be honest and not try to let me down easy.”

  “See, if you go into it thinking I'm going to shoot you down, what's the point?” she asked. “You're doing the same thing this Nicholas kid did. You're going in expecting the worst and, when it happens, you blame the victim. No one likes to be harassed. I doubt he just asked any of these girls out for coffee once and was done with it. No, this has all the hallmarks of obsession. He was obsessed with tearing down these girls, maybe all girls on campus, and this is the result.”

  “So how about that cup of coffee, Jo?”

  “In your dreams, Constable.”

  “Let's just get what we came for,” Jack warned. “Jo, can you turn on Nicholas's laptop? Perfect. Leave it to the kid to not password protect his stuff. Didn't he think he was going to get to caught?”

  “They never do,” Jo said. “It's the entitlement factor, remember?”

  “Well, our entitled mass murderer left quite the video trail.” Jo double clicked on the video with the earliest created on date. Nicholas's face instantly popped up on screen.

  “Hi all. This is Nicholas and you're watching Nic Says. I know a lot of you are going to say 'so what's up with all this whining? Just suck it up and move on, dude,' but I can't. How would you feel if your heart got ripped out and stomped on by someone you used to think was so nice? Steph, this is for you. You acted so nice in chemistry class, but the second I make a move and ask you out, you turn into a total bitch. What gives? How can you lead someone on like that? I thought you liked me. You acted like you did. I guess you were just playing games. I don't like being toyed with. I'm not something to bat around and discard when you're bored or when things aren't going your way. Do you like being in control? Well, guess what? You can't always be in control. I'm in control and you're going to get what's coming to you. You heard it here first, Steph. You're going to get what's coming to you. Either you die or I die, and it's not going to be me.”

  “And that's why we've been trailing the kid for months,” Jack said. Jo clicked on the next video. Nicholas's face filled the screen again.

  “Hi all. This is Nicholas from Nic Says. Today's video is dedicated to Kate. I bet you thought I'd still be crying over Stephanie, right? Wrong. Steph is not worth my time and I definitely didn't cry over her. She's just a bitch like all her friends in that damn women's studies class that I took to try to understand you bitches better. That's right. I thought I could learn a thing or two, but it turns out it's just a bunch of stuck up femnazis that want to bash men and then cry about gender inequality. Here's an idea. Stop being the double standard. You can't cry about being underrepresented or whatever and then turn around and make me feel like shit in class ‘cause I dared challenge your view or perspective. That's why we have debates, dumbass. There are two sides to every story, and this is mine. Kate, you think you're all high and mighty and would rather – and I quote – 'drink antifreeze' than date me? Well, here's a little tip for you. Death is pain. I'm going to make sure you feel as much terror and fear as I felt when you and your minions jumped all over my shit in class. You may lord over them, but you're not going to lord over me. Payback is a bitch and you'll get what's coming to you.”

  “Jesus, that kid is troubled.” Jo combed through the box she pulled from under the bed. It was like a treasure chest of anti-feminism literature. “Why take a women's studies class if you hate women?”

  “I don't think he started out hating women.” Jack clicked on the next video. “I think what he saw as the constant rejection and hypocrisy pushed him over the edge.”

  “Not everyone goes to that extreme when they're pushed over the edge,” Jo reminded Jack.

  “Not everyone is Nicholas Weatherby.”

  “Yeah, thankfully.”

  Nicholas's face filled the screen again. “Hi all. This is Nicholas from Nic Says. Today's video blog is brought to you courtesy of Michaela. Michaela, you need no introduction, but I'll set the scene anyway. Remember when you asked me to be your study partner? Remember when you set up all those late night meetings in the library and coffee shop? You said it was just for school, but why did you call and text so much if you were just interested in school related things? I thought there was more, but you thought you could just use me for a male perspective on the project and then drop me faster than your pants at a frat party. But whatever. I didn't judge. I thought it was a one-time deal and that you were still a good person. How wrong I was. You, Michaela, proved time and time again the meaning of the word tease. I hope you're happy with your behavior. I'm the last guy you'll ever treat with such disrespect.”

  “Those are the big ones,” Jack said. “We can use the other video blog entries to show a pattern of how he felt repeatedly disrespected and led on by these girls until he took matters into his own crazy hands.”

  “What about phone, text, and instant messenger records?” Jo asked. “I know we'll have to put in a request for the phone and text message records, but what about IM? Did he save any of those logs on his computer?”

  Jo searched through all the files and folders till she found what they were hoping for. “Bingo. Let's see who Nicholas was talking to leading up to the crime.”


  Jack crowded close to read the chat transcript over Jo's shoulder. It started out innocently enough. Nicholas, under the internet handle Nsez, was talking to someone who went by the handle BigGuns. They exchanged, “Hey, how are you,” and, “Good, man, you?” before it delved into more sinister territory.

  Nsez: Did you get the guns?

  BigGuns: I always get the guns. It's easy when you know where to look and I know where to look.

  Nsez: We can't keep them here. I can't have anyone get suspicious that I'm planning more than just an internet rant.

  BigGuns: I know a place. You can pick it up on your way to campus.

  Nsez: Me? I thought we were in this together.

  BigGuns: We are, but if someone tips the cops off, we need to be able to finish the job. We can't go in together. Those bitches have probably already blabbed to campus security about how 'threatened' you mak
e them feel. The cops will be expecting you to do something. They won't think twice about me.

  Nsez: So I go in first and then you follow?

  BigGuns: Not the same day.

  Nsez: But what's the point if we don't take care of all the bitches at once? We need to hit them while everyone is scared. There's more confusion that way. You'll be able to blend with the crowd.

  BigGuns: What we need is to keep the element of fear. If they know you didn't act alone, the bitches will be freaked morning, noon and night. That's payback till we bring the curtain down on the final act with a BANG.

  Nsez: No one will overlook me ever again.

  BigGuns: Trust me, you'll be legendary.

  Nsez: So, same time/place as we talked about?

  BigGuns: Definitely. See you there.

  “The parents were right.” Jack set his mouth in a firm, grim line that most people just called his 'regular expression.' “We're dealing with two offenders here. Constable Jenkins, call the university and let them know to be on high alert. Get a copy of his cell phone records while you're at it. See if he's called or texted anyone more than usual. Check for patterns. Jo, read through these chat transcripts and look for any clues as to BigGuns’ identity. Call me if you find anything. I'm going to campus to see if our second suspect is as cocky as our first.”

  “Got it.” Jo turned her attention back to the chat transcript.

  Nsez: Man, I am so tired of those bitches always thinking they're so above everyone else. Women's studies? It should be called Male Bashing 101. That would be more accurate.

  BigGuns: Tell me about it. If that's how they talk when we are around, think about what they say when we're not there. I bet they all hang out together and bash, bash, bash nonstop.

  Nsez: They deserve what's coming to them.

  BigGuns: Payback's a bitch.

  Nsez: lol. Just like them.

  Were they planning to take down the entire women's studies class? Jo skimmed the transcript looking for answers. She had a horrible feeling they were running out of time. “Come on, Jack. You stopped one offender; I need to find you enough info to do it again.”

  Nsez: The professor should have called today's lesson 'Gang up on Nicholas.' I say one little thing against their idea of what's 'right' and 'fair' and they jump all over my shit.

  BigGuns: Dumb bitches don't know they are marked. They'd be nicer if they knew not to mess with you. Pretty soon everyone will know not to mess with you.

  Nsez: Damn straight. Sometimes I want to tell them what's coming just to see their reaction. I want to see the fear. I want to look them in the eye and tell them they're going to die.

  BigGuns: The less you say the better. We need to keep everyone guessing.

  Nsez: I'm tired of waiting.

  BigGuns: Not long now. Pretty soon everyone will know your name.

  Nsez: And the bitches will be dead.

  BigGuns: Bang, bang, bang.

  Clearly, the second suspect shared Nicholas's opinions and goaded him on just as much – if not more – than the girls in class. But who were they? Jo needed to find more clues before it was too late.

  Nsez: So you know a lot about me, but you've never really told me much about you. We leave things at the drop location but are never there at the same time. What gives?

  BigGuns: It's not a good idea if we're seen together. It's better this way.

  Nsez: But how can we plan if I don't know anything about you?

  BigGuns: You know plenty about me. You just don't need to know everything.

  Nsez: Is this a setup? Are you going to get me to do your dirty work and then back out?

  BigGuns: Of course not.

  Nsez: Then tell me who you are.

  BigGuns: You know who I am.

  Nsez: No, I don't! If I did, I wouldn't be asking.

  BigGuns: You know who I am. We're in class together.

  Nsez: Women's studies?

  BigGuns: Bingo. I hate those bitches just as much as you do. They deserve to know as much fear and terror as we can squeeze out of them. Don't back out on me now, Nicholas. We need to see this through.

  Nsez: From here, it looks like you plan for me to take the fall and you to walk away with no one knowing any differently.

  BigGuns: That's not true. Watch the TV screens. I'll be up there with you before long.

  Nsez: Are you sure?

  BigGuns: Positive. Now, do you remember the drop location?

  Nsez: The storm drain next to the campus cafe.

  BigGuns: Bingo. What you need will be waiting for you there.

  Nsez: What about you?

  BigGuns: I'll be ready for round two on Friday. Two 'events' in one week. Those bitches won't know what hit them.

  Nsez: Make sure you follow through, okay? I don't want to take the fall.

  BigGuns: I'll show you mine if you show me yours. ;)

  Nsez: Just promise you'll go through with it.

  BigGuns: You first.

  Nsez: I promise.

  BigGuns: Me too.

  Nsez: Say you promise. Say the words.

  BigGuns: I promise.

  “Jenkins, any luck with those phone and text message logs?” Jo called.

  “No good,” the Constable said. “His cell phone company sent me e-copies of the records and there's no pattern. He didn't talk to anyone that stands out as suspicious. It must all be online.”

  “That's what I was afraid of.” Jo punched Jack's number into her cell phone. “Jack, are you at the university yet?”

  “Just got here.”

  “Good. The drop location is in the storm drain by the campus cafe. Check if our second suspect left anything incriminating. The only other clues we've been able to find is that they're in the women's studies class and that's the big finale – taking out everyone in class.”

  “I'll check the class roster and see if anyone has been missing class since the incident,” Jack promised. “You'll be giving a lot more media briefings after this, Ms Boston-Wright.”

  She laughed humorlessly. “Let's just hope it's for the right reason.”

  “Send back up, just in case.”

  “I'm on my way now.”


  Jack found the storm drain near campus cafe and jumped down into the dry runoff area. Someone had removed the metal grate over the tunnel; the better to hide things inside. Jack snapped on his flashlight and crept inside.

  “Jesus,” he muttered when his flashlight illuminated hate speech graffiti all over the walls.

  Kill the bitches!

  The only good girl is a dead girl.

  Shotgun says...dead!

  Kiss kiss bang bang.

  No means no, and dead means dead.

  He needed to check that class roster list and he needed to check it now.


  “You know, I know a lot of people will say differently, but I actually feel safer since the incident on campus.” The clerk in the registrar office chatted amiably as Jack waited for her to print out a copy of the Women's Study class roster. “The constant police presence and media attention is rather comforting.”

  “Glad someone feels that way.” Jack made a 'wrap it up' motion with his hand. “I really need that list of names, so if you can hurry it up, I'd appreciate it. Also, crosscheck it with any absences since Wednesday.”

  “That's not my job. You'll have to check with the professor that teaches the course if you want class attendance.”

  “I'll be sure to do that.”

  The clerk handed over the class roster. “There you go. Hot off the press.”

  Jack looked down at the list. Nicholas was one of only five guys in the class. He'd bet big money that BigGuns was one of those guys. Should he find them or go talk to the professor about attendance? There was no time to track down five guys with the clock ticking on another attack. He needed to go straight to the source: the Professor.

  Professor Jennifer Whitman’s office was in the second floor of the humaniti
es building. Jack walked there as quickly as he could without looking panicked or suspicious. As far as anyone knew, he was just a guy in a dark suit, not a cop, not press, and not anyone to concern themselves with. If the suspect knew they were on to him, would that bump the crime up? Would he aim to take out the cops instead of the girls in class? Or would something else entirely go down if he couldn't get there in time? Jack didn't want to even think about how many people were on campus. They were all in danger. No one was safe.

  Jack took the stairs two at a time. Class was set to begin in ten minutes. He hoped he could still catch Professor Whitman in her office. “Professor?” Jack knocked once on the door.

  “Detective Jack Creed, Kingscliff Police Department. I need to speak to you.” He waited for an answer. When none came, he opened the door himself. The office was empty. But the dry erase boards were not. Scrawled in red marker wherever there was space were the same words from the storm drain:

  Kill the bitches!

  The only good girl is a dead girl.

  Shotgun says...dead!

  Kiss kiss bang bang.

  No means no, and dead means dead.

  Their second suspect wasn't another angry male. It was an angry female. Their second suspect is Professor Jennifer Whitman.


  Jack didn't give himself time to think. He just ran. He ran down the stairs to the first floor where the women's study class was held.

  “Please don't let me be too late. Please don't let me be too late,” he chanted under his breath. As he ran, he pulled his gun out of the holster hidden under his jacket. He was going to need it. It could be the difference between one casualty and thirty-five.

  As Jack neared the door, he could see Professor Whitman through the window of the classroom door. She was standing in front of class smiling as if it were just any other regular day. Her words filtered out into the hallway.

  “Class, I know you've been spooked by the events that happened Wednesday. Three of our own are no longer with us and one is locked up. It's a true tragedy. I am truly shocked that no one put the pieces together and followed the trail to Nicholas sooner. That boy was crying out for attention and no one heard. What's even more of a tragedy is that no one will hear you either. No one will hear your screams before it's too late. You call yourself feminists. You say you are interested in gender equality, but you’re just spoiled children, playing at an ideal that used to stand for something. It used to mean more than just debating in a classroom. It used to mean taking the ideas out into the world and doing something about it. The world has grown soft. You have grown soft. I refuse to watch all my life's hard work, blood, sweat, and tears be destroyed by a classroom full of wannabes. I always wanted to be remembered and now no one will ever forget my name.”


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