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Mate of the Vampire: A Vampire Romance (Blood Brotherhood Book 4)

Page 10

by ML Guida

  Ronan pulled her against him and lowered his head. He ran his warm tongue over her skin. His tongue teased her taut nipple, suckling her, stroking, and caressing until she drowned in pleasure. Her blood heated and pooled. She couldn’t breathe. Tremors raced to her belly, and the skin across her breast tightened with each careful suck. She threaded her fingers through his hair, indulging in the silky wet strands.

  Her recklessness nearly faltered when he slid a hand up her thigh, his long fingers brushing against her feminine curls. He slid a finger inside her, probing deeper and deeper. Her thumping heart skipped a beat. She gasped and clutched his shoulders. Lord, she wanted him, wanted more than his fingers delving into her core.

  “You’re as smooth as velvet.” He murmured against her ear. “I want to know every inch of you, taste you, inhale you.”

  He lifted her out of the water and carried her to the edge of the waterfall, lowering her onto a smooth boulder. Water splashed over her skin, and she shivered. He stood and stared. Heat filled her at his lusty gaze.

  “When you blush, your flesh turns a tempting pink.”

  The scorching heat paralyzed her, fanning down her body with alarming precision, as if he knew his bold stare would render her powerless. She wanted to say something but her words died in her throat.

  He cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushing her nipples. “So perfect.”

  He moved his hand down her hips and leaned forward, his mouth capturing her budded nipple, suckling and licking. She leaned her head back and offered more of her flesh into his mouth, then his mouth was everywhere, discovering every sensitive area on her trembling body. ’Twas not just his mouth, but his skilled hand roaming over her body—a warrior hand that could easily steal what it wanted without her consent.

  He squeezed her buttock and inched her closer to the edge of the rock, his long hair skimming over her flesh, until she didn’t know if she could handle this much sensation.

  “Now, for a taste.” He gave her a dazzling smile and parted her shaking thighs.

  “What?” She finally managed to utter.

  He nestled his head in between her thighs and kissed her soft mound. She couldn’t breathe, talk, or cry out.

  His tongue penetrated deeper, stroking a fiery passion inside her. He pushed her legs wider, driving her over the edge of sanity. His ravenous intensity increased, sending her body twisting and pulsing with life. She splintered into tiny fragments, waves of pleasure sweeping over her. She finally found her voice. “Please Ronan, please.”

  “My pleasure,” he said.

  He stood, his cock erect, then and lifted her chin. “I’ll not hurt you. I only want to please you. Now, will you trust me?”

  Unable to speak, she nodded, her body still pulsating.

  “Put your arms around my neck.”

  She stood, but her legs shook and faltered. “I can’t stand.”

  He laughed, “You wonna be.”

  She slid her hands up his chest and he groaned. Glad she could illicit a sexual response from him, she clasped her fingers behind his neck. He wrapped her legs around his hips, and she instinctively locked her legs, tightening her muscles.

  He kissed the nape of her neck. “Your pleasure is what I desire most.”

  The lust in his voice sent tremors through her.

  His eyes grew darker, and flickering with hunger. She tensed. The black magic was swelling inside Ronan.

  “Fight it,” she said. “Don’t give into the darkness.” She kissed him on the mouth, hoping her essence would diminish the evil.

  He buried face into her hair and held her close. His rapid heartbeat matched her own, and she tried to concentrate on the rhythm, pushing her magic into him. She wanted him to take her like a lusty pirate, a man used to having his way. She played with his hair. “Ronan? You’re trembling.”

  He kissed her neck. “’Tis naught.”

  He leaned his forehead against her and panted hard. They clung to each other and weathered the storm riding in Ronan.

  “Believe in the water, Ronan. Believe in me.”

  Ronan shuddered and took a deep breath. He raised his head. The raging, angry emotions in his eyes were gone.

  But she knew differently. He was fighting it, trying to protect her again.

  “I’ll be gentle.” His husky voice was strained.

  “You keep forgetting I’m not a virgin.”

  With one deep stroke, he thrust hard, driving deep into her. There was too much sensation, too much pain, but the pain dissipated as fast as it had been.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered. He kissed her gently on the lips. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No. I want you.” She spread her legs wider, taking him deeper.

  “Such a temptress,” he whispered.

  She matched his motion slow and steady, but she needed more and increased her pace. Her hips thrust harder, taking him deeper, wanting more and more. He kneaded her buttocks, and held her to him, his flesh plunging deeper inside her, wildly filling her. His kiss deepened. He tasted spicy like Ronan.

  His drive was wild and primitive, but she was surprised how much she liked it. She matched his fervor and locked her legs around his hips. Their rhythm rocked higher and higher to a crescendo of passion.

  Ronan’s hot seed spilled into her womb. Unbridled sensations surged through her, her nipples tightened, and blood thumped through her, pooling between her thighs. Her heart quickened, and she tried to breathe. A storm of passion flushed over her, and she cried out his name again and again.

  She held tight to Ronan, barely aware that he roared out her name. She laid her head against his chest, and he continued to pulse inside her. He caressed her back as she kissed his chest.

  “Ever since I saw you sunnin’ yourself on that rock, I wanted you.”

  She froze. “You could see me?”

  He bent his dark head to kiss her neck and suckled her neck. “Aye, I donna understand why no one else could, not even Kane.”

  Angelica’s heart thundered, and she broke out in a cold sweat. “This can’t be happening.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Only someone with selkie or undine blood would have been able to see me.”

  His cheek twitched. “Zuto showed me a seal skin in my dream. He said it was my grandfather’s. I thought the bloody bastard was lyin’.”

  Her mouth went dry, and her throat closed. She couldn’t believe she’d been so foolish. She’d just betrayed her mother’s memory. Angelica curled her fingers into a tight fist and leaned her forehead against Ronan’s chest to hide her tears. But something flashed in the corner of her eye like an animal.

  She jerked her head up and scanned the pool. Only water lapped on the shore. Something wasn’t right.

  Cold chills swirled around her, and she froze, listening. The birds had ceased cawing and singing, and a dark cloud blocked out the sun. The delicate fern leaves surrounding the pool rustled as if someone or something moved behind them. Something darted behind the bushes, fast enough that the ferns rustled and shifted, despite the lack of a breeze. Then they stopped, leaving an eerie silence.

  She clasped Ronan tight. “Ronan, stop. Please.”

  He lifted his head, and his mischievous smile instantly faded. “What’s wrong?”

  She unlocked her legs around his firm buttocks. “We’re being watched.”

  A muscle shuddered in his right cheek, and he slowly eased out of her.


  “Hush,” he said. He turned around, pressing her against the rocks.

  A quick shadow flew past the waterfall.

  “Ronan,” she whispered. “The crown. ’Tis gone. It couldn’t have moved on its own. The water never would have released the crown. Someone had to have taken it.”

  Chapter 13

  Ronan scanned their little waterfall paradise for the crown. Angelica was right. Bloody hell. ’Twas gone. The wind blew the palm trees, bending their limbs. Uneasiness crept up his spine. Angelica trembl
ed behind him, and he braced his shoulders, using his body to shield her naked body from prying eyes.

  Black clouds formed overhead that hadn’t been there before. Something was amiss. He’d been so concentrated on Angelica’s luscious body, he’d forgotten about their enemies. They were naked and still in the pool. He had no weapons, naught to defend himself or her. Where is William? Right now he could use the bloody dragon.

  On the other side of the pool, the leaves parted and his loathing enemy appeared—Quinton Palmer. His long red hair whisked behind him. He stared at Ronan with his watery eye. When Ronan had been held prisoner aboard the Fiery Damsel, he’d managed to stab Palmer in the left eye. For some reason, his eye had never healed. Ronan suspected Zuto had something to do with it.

  Palmer motioned with his hand, and more men emerged from the jungle, surrounding them, weapons drawn. He recognized two of them, Alfred Johnson and Leif Black. Johnson was a lecherous fool, but Leif wasn’t a pirate to underestimate. He rivaled Ethan in size and muscle.

  Angelica gripped his arm. “Ronan.” Her voice trembled.

  “Hush,” Ronan said.

  Palmer was taller than any of his men, a brute of a man. He wore his signature long coat, and Ronan knew beneath were daggers and pistols of every length, but what stilled his heart was what Palmer held in his hand. The crown. “Lovely day isn’t it, Macmillan.”

  “Go to hell.” Ronan looked for a log or sharp shell to fight them, but their little paradise didn’t even have a rock.

  Palmer held up the crown. “You forgot this. Shouldn’t allow it to be in water. Isn’t that right, mermaid?”

  “Her name’s Angelica.”

  “Bring them aboard,” Palmer said, as he flicked his hand.

  Ronan clenched his single fist. He didn’t even have two hands to fight them. Where the devil was William? And where was the Soaring Phoenix?

  He braced his legs, ready to attack.

  “Zuto was clear.” Palmer walked toward them. “He wants both of you.”

  Fear pooled into Ronan’s gut. ’Twas bad enough to be brought a prisoner aboard the Fiery Damsel, but to be dragged to the demon Zuto sealed their fate.

  He glanced over his shoulder. “Angelica transform.”

  “I can’t,” she whispered.

  He whirled around and clutched her arm. “Aye, you can. You need to leave me. They canna kill me.”

  She wiped her cheek. “You don’t understand.” Her voice choked. “I thought you were just a vampire, but you have selkie blood. My powers have diminished. I can’t transform.”

  A splash of water dripped onto Ronan. He clenched his fist and jerked around. Sneering pirates waded toward them. Alfred was the closest. Ronan lunged, smashing his fist into his face, hitting his nose.

  “Ye bastard,” Alfred cried, as he smeared the blood from his broken nose and pulling out his sword.

  Ronan dove into the pool and yanked at Alfred’s leg, tumbling him backward. Strong hands grabbed Ronan’s arms, hauling him out of the water. Across from him, three men grunted and cursed. Angelica fought as fiercely as an Amazon, kicking, scratching, and punching her surprised captors. One man fell backward into the lagoon, his nose bloody. Another put his hand over her mouth, but he jerked it away, blood spurting.

  “Bitch!” He slapped her, and two other pirates dragged her out of the water.

  “Leave her alone.” Ronan wrestled his captors, kicking, and struggling to get to Angelica. It was all his fault that she’d lost her powers. He should have told her about Zuto’s taunts. She would have been able to escape.

  Leif pulled out his sword and put it under his throat. “You’re coming with us. Whole or in pieces. The choice is yours.”

  Angelica’s terrified shrieks tore at his insides. This was his fault. He should have been thinking clearer. He never should have lain with her. Thanks to his lust, she was at the mercy of the most vile pirates in the Caribbean.

  The men escorted him out of the pool to where Palmer waited, holding the crown in his hand.

  “I’ll come with you,” Ronan said. “I wonna fight you, but—”

  Palmer lifted the crown and approached Ronan.

  He jerked. “Keep that thin’ away from me.”

  “Afraid of this are you?”

  “No, please,” Ronan begged, hating himself for it. Showing weakness to Palmer only meant more pain, but the crown blocked out his reason. He didn’t want to hurt Angelica. Losing his pride was worth the price.

  Palmer smiled. “Zuto’s command.”

  Ronan twisted his head and kicked, but Palmer chuckled as if he were a naughty boy. In a desperate attempt, Ronan lifted his legs off the ground, and with all his strength, hit Palmer in the gut.

  Palmer staggered and fell onto his back. Leif and another brute lost their grip, and Ronan swung his fist. He smashed Leif square in the jaw. Leif released Ronan, and he broke free. Drawing on his vampire speed, he burst into the jungle.

  Behind him, Palmer yelled, “Seize him!”

  Angelica’s cries spurred him on as he followed her. He grabbed a fallen branch and raced after her. Out of the jungle, he halted to a stop on the beach. Angelica was naked, caught between two pirates. One man aimed at her, right between her terrified eyes. William lay on the ground near her feet unconscious. Blood tricked down his temple, pooling in the sand. A pirate held a sword to his throat.

  “Move, and they’re dead,” Alfred said, as he yanked on Angelica’s arm. Tears welled in those eyes, pleading with him to save her.

  Ronan lowered the branch and dropped it onto the beach. On the horizon, there was no sign of the Soaring Phoenix. Even if they’d escaped, there’d be nowhere to hide on this cursed island. The Fiery Damsel was anchored offshore. He stared at the dreaded hull, remembering the brig, the stench, the torture devices, the pain. Always the pain.

  Despair nearly consumed him when he was aboard. The last thing he wanted was for Angelica to fall down that black hole. He had to find a way to free her.

  Someone shoved him from behind. He fell flat onto his stomach, the sand crushed against his lips. “You bastard,” Palmer said. “You’ll pay for that, Macmillan.”

  He kicked Ronan in the side. Ribs cracked. Pain seized Ronan, and he bit back a cry, refusing to fuel Palmer’s sick delight.

  Palmer yanked Ronan’s hair, and using his vampire strength, lifted him off the ground. “You should remember I don’t tolerate disobedience.” He released him. “Bring them aboard and lock them in the brig.”

  All three of them were shoved into the dingy. So far, the pirates hadn’t raped Angelica. Why? ’Twasn’t like the crew. He turned to Palmer. “Why haven’t your men harmed Angelica?”

  “Ordered not to.” He patted Ronan’s knee. “’Tis your job.”

  “What the hell are you blabbin’ about?”

  “Zuto’s orders,” he said. “We’re not to touch the lusty lass. He said to put the crown on your head. And you’ll rape her until she’s ready for the rest of us.” He chuckled. “Giving us a good show.”

  His heart pounding hard, Ronan struggled, sweat dripped into his eyes, but his wrists were bound, and he was powerless to save Angelica. He wished he could push her into the sea, so she could swim back to her family and escape this madness.

  The bastards forced Angelica to climb up the ladder first. Her blond hair clung to her naked body. The crew jeered as she approached. A leering pirate grabbed her arm and dragged her onto the ship, scraping her on the edge of the rail.

  Ronan stood and wrestled to get free. The boat rocked side to side, water sloshing into the dinghy.

  Palmer smacked Ronan hard in the face, and he fell on top of William, his head ringing from the blow.

  “Stop it, you fool,” Palmer said. “Or ye’ll topside us.”

  The men hauled William up the ladder. His arms and legs were bound. Blood dripped down his temple and arm. He was hurt badly, but the pirates feared him. When he awoke, he’d be one enraged dragon.

er cut Ronan’s bindings. “Make a false move, and you’ll lose your other hand.”

  Ronan gritted his teeth and gripped the ladder and climbed. His beating heart sent anger and hate surging through his veins and he swore he could take on the whole crew, but he forced himself to be calm. If he’d went off half cracked, he’d put both William and Angelica in danger.

  Once on board, Ronan rushed to Angelica, but men grabbed him, twisting his arm, forcing him to stumble away.

  Palmer strutted on board. He nodded at William. “Take him below and chain him. I don’t want that bloody dragon appearing.”

  Lord, the misery was happening again. William would be bound just like Lark—tortured, humiliated, and Ronan would be powerless to help him.

  “Aye,” men said. Fear flickered in their eyes. They carefully lifted William and carried him down below.

  “Now,” Palmer said. “Your crown, your majesty.”

  His captors forced Ronan to kneel. He twisted his head, but Palmer forced the crown on his head. Pain shot through Ronan’s skull, and he couldn’t breathe. The men released him, and Ronan fell onto his hands and knees. He panted and tried to push back the pain. ’Twas as if mallets were pounding into him.

  “Ronan,” Angelica called.

  There was no fear in her voice. He raised his head.

  Men surrounded her, lust forming in their eyes. Some of them grabbed their cocks, and others licked their lips.

  “Suck her nipples,” one cried.


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