Mate of the Vampire: A Vampire Romance (Blood Brotherhood Book 4)

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Mate of the Vampire: A Vampire Romance (Blood Brotherhood Book 4) Page 16

by ML Guida

  “Ronan,” she whispered.

  “Aye, my lady?”

  “Please kiss me.”

  He wasn’t sure he’d heard her right. “Kiss you?”

  She rolled over, the blanket falling away revealing her beautiful breasts and curvy body that stole his breath, sending his heart beating at a nervous pace.

  “Don’t make me beg.”

  The plea in her voice and lust in her eyes broke the last of his will.

  Angelica’s heart pounded, afraid Ronan would turn away, but he didn’t disappoint. He lowered his head, capturing her parted lips, kissing her with a thoroughness that left her breathless.

  She needed to lose herself in his lusty kiss. Zuto had said she was pregnant. Mermaids were different in their gestation than humans. Humans would feel a baby moved at fifteen weeks, but she wasn’t human. She’d know after one week, but she couldn’t tell him this, not until she knew. Or should she tell him? He’d made it clear he didn’t want a baby.

  Pushing aside her worries, she put her hand around his neck and pulled him to her. She slipped her hands up his back, running them over his muscles that were as hard as a solid plate of armor.

  “Angelica,” he groaned. “You’re killing me.”

  He stretched out his body on top of hers, centering his flesh in between her thighs. She wanted him inside her again and knew he wanted her. Why would he deny them this wonderful pleasure?

  She returned his kiss. His tongue explored her mouth, probing deep with a bruising force that tickled her insides. Each lavished stroke created a vibrant heat in her feminine core. She cried out when he cupped his palm over her breast. His long fingers stroked her nipples that were hard as pebbles. He groaned again, thick and low, and his lips tilted more vigorously over hers, stealing her breath and making her body a mass of raw, fluttering sensation.

  “God, Ronan!” She said, her voice husky. “I want you inside me.”

  He tensed. “You know, I want to, but I canna, not with you being hurt.”

  She stared into his hooded eyes to see if he was lying, but there was no hesitation in his brown eyes. “I’m not fragile.”

  “I know, but I donna want to give you the slightest bit of pain.”

  If she had begged Ty to take her, he would have. He wouldn’t have cared if she stiffened during their coupling. Ronan was different. He cared more about pleasing her than he did himself.

  He brushed her hair out of her face. “But I’ll bring you pleasure.”

  His promise left her hot and dizzy, a wildness pumping through her veins, the flesh between her thighs swollen, aching with sharp, heavenly sensations. He proceeded to keep his vow. His lips nuzzled the length of her throat from her ear to her shoulder, exploring every sensitive nerve, every shy fluttering pulse beat.

  “Forget about Zuto,” Angelica panted. “I want you.”

  The stubborn man didn’t answer her, but he brought her to new heights of passionate torturing as he suckled her breasts. His hot, wet tongue laved her breast, and she clawed her hands into his thick mane to press him to her. She arched her back, allowing him to take more of her flesh inside his moist mouth. He obliged each gasp, each shuddered cry, each frayed moan, tugging gently on the sensitive peak of her nipple, taunting it, stroking it with his velvet tongue, demonstrating a thoroughness that left her a blubbering mess. The rough stubble on his jaw grazed her soft flesh, building a desperate need inside her. Damn Zuto!

  He skimmed his hand down the length of her thigh in a gentle, but determined, movement, exploring the soft thatch of golden down he found there. Angelica fought to breathe, which only brought his fingers to delve deeper. Quivering spasms, the first rush of expected pleasure, made her squeal with delight. But he wasn’t finished. He brought another sprouting pleasure that lifted her half way off the bed. She arched her back, thrashing her head back and forth, her hair blinding her. She dug her nails into his shoulders to hang on to ride the waves of pleasure.

  When his mouth left her breast and he withdrew his fingers from inside her, she moaned with disappointment, but soon changed her mind. He kissed her mound. Her heart drummed quicker and quicker, and her skin molten hot to the touch. She rocked her hips, and he pinned her to the bed with his hand and elbow, forcing her to not move and endure his luscious agony. She stared at his dark head as he lapped the juncture between her legs. He lifted her hips off the bed, draping her trembling thighs over his shoulders so he could continue his feast.

  Shudders of sensations reeled through Angelica, and she cried out his name as more and more pleasure surged through her body. He eased her back down onto the bed, gently climbing up her sweating and pulsing body to kiss her on the lips.

  “Did I fulfill my promise?”

  “Yes,” she panted. “But next time, I want you inside me. Promise me?”

  His eyes clouded, and his jaw went tight. “Not until I know you’ll be safe.”

  Angelica lay her head on his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heart. He was so strong and had risked his life for her. A bond was growing between them, one that frightened and excited her. They’d had been through so much together, and she was becoming more and more attached to this man. But the bond was fragile. She’d seen so many heartbroken romances that left women devastated. Ty was legendary in leaving breaking hearts. It was one of the many reasons why she didn’t trust him.

  Ronan had never left her. She was slowly putting her trust in him, but any minute, it could come toppling down, especially if she was pregnant. Shoving her fears away, she snuggled deeper into Ronan’s arms, wanting to enjoy the bliss before the next trial put their bond to the test.

  Ronan cradled Angelica in his arms, her sweet breath blowing onto his chest, stirring his desire to fiery limits. He wished he could shed his clothes and love the lass. She slept naked in his arms, a tempting siren. She knew the danger of becoming with child and the risk of being captured by Zuto, and still she wanted him to lay with her. Maybe she wasn’t pregnant. ’Twas not something he was willing to risk again. She was his shining star to his night, but his darkness was about to propel them into the black depths of hell if he didn’t do what Zuto asked. How could he tell her that he’d become a ravenous vampire bent on killing those he loved?

  He smoothed her blond hair. She’d said she cared for him. Jumbled emotions shifted through him, and he couldn’t tease them out or maybe he was too afraid to admit what he felt. As a pirate and a vampire, he’d lost too many people he loved. All he had left was his honor, and his honor would never hand over Angelica to the foul demon. His only choice was too flee and hide and wait for the curse to consume him. Some place away from the Soaring Phoenix.

  His heart heavy, he slid out from underneath Angelica and pulled the covers over her. Her array of golden silky curls flared out on the white pillow, and he couldn’t resist picking up a strand and kissing it.

  He fled the cabin, afraid if he stayed longer he’d do something stupid like give into the lass’s demands. He wouldn’t do it, even knowing what fate awaited him for defying the demon. When he did turn into a ravenous vampire, despite what Zuto said, the person he’d attack first would be Quinton Palmer. He’d tear his flesh from his bones.

  Sunlight filtered down the steps to the deck. Shouts and cries spurred his slow pace, and he raced out on deck.

  Men crowded to the port side.

  “Look at the devil.”

  “He’ll not be too happy aboard here.”

  “Cap’n should give him some of his own hospitality,” another jeered.

  Ronan squeezed between some of the men, and his heart stopped. High in the blue sky, a dragon held a giant of a man in his talons. Shite! Palmer.

  Thinking of Angelica’s bruised body and fear, he shook with hate. He didn’t have to wait to be a bloody vampire. He pulled out his pistol and aimed, but he stopped. He might hit William, and reluctantly, he stuffed the pistol back into his belt.

  William flew toward the stern. Ronan pushed the jeering men ou
t of his way. Kane, Hannah, and Mariah, were all at the stern.

  Hannah smiled at Ronan, but her smile faded. She clasped the cap’n’s arm. “Kane.”

  Kane stepped in front of Hannah. “Stand down, Ronan.”

  “Out of my way, Cap’n.” He aimed his pistol at Palmer as William flew closer, his wings spread wide. He had a perfect shot, and wouldn’t hit his friend.

  Palmer kicked, and his arms flailed. “Put me down, you damn lizard.”

  William turned his head and breathed fire, singeing the bottom of his boots. Palmer howled and pounded on William’s talons.

  “Let him go, William.” Ronan aimed the pistol at Palmer’s black heart.

  “No.” Mariah stepped in front of Ronan, blocking his shot. “Palmer can help us find Lark.”

  “Get out of my way.” He stepped to the side and cocked his pistol. “I told you where Lark is.”

  “Put your pistol down, Ronan.” Kane reached for the weapon.

  Ronan jerked it away. “No.”

  Kane narrowed his eyes. “That wasn’t a suggestion.”

  Ronan angled the pistol right between Palmer’s eyes. The bastard wouldn’t die, but he’d be in pain, miserable pain, until the next full moon.

  Kane gestured. “Ewan.”

  Large hands gripped Ronan’s arm. He and Ewan grappled for the pistol. Ronan elbowed Ewan in the chest hard, but ’twas like wrestling a fired up alligator. Pure muscle, Ewan was at least two inches taller than Ronan, and he had more brawn. His hands were twice the size of Ronan’s. Ronan twisted and turned, but Ewan grabbed his wrist, digging his fingers into flesh.

  “Ewan, damn it!”

  “I donna want to hurt you, Ronan.” Ewan pressed harder. “But Cap’n’s orders.”

  “The bastard hurt Angelica.” Ronan puffed and flung his head back, knocking Ewan in his Adam’s apple. “He’s dead.”

  Ewan groaned. He twisted Ronan’s wrist. “I know.”

  Ronan relaxed, and Ewan released his grip, but it was the break Ronan needed. He broke free and fired.

  Palmer yelled and gripped his shoulder, blood dripping down his shirt.

  Kane seized the pistol out of Ronan’s hand. “Damn you, Ronan! You could have killed my brother.”

  William glided toward the ship and released Palmer, who thumped onto the deck. He landed next to him in human form.

  Palmer crawled onto his hands and knees. “I’m going to kill you, you stinking dragon.”

  Before Palmer could move against William, Ronan roared and slammed into him, knocking him onto his side. Palmer kneed Ronan in his groin, doubling him over, and slammed his fist into Ronan’s jaw, snapping his head back. Too angry to feel pain, Ronan fought back, smashing his fist into Palmer’s shoulder, and got a satisfied curse. They circled each other, sizing each other up, looking for weakness. Blood soaked Palmer’s shoulder, and he gasped for breath.

  “Ronan!” Kane ordered. “Stop!”

  Ronan ignored the cap’n. Angelica had suffered because of Palmer. He deserved to have an anchor wrapped around his neck and be thrown off the ship. Releasing a loud war cry, he lunged and knocked Palmer to the ground. He smashed his fist again and again into Palmer’s sneering face, bloodying his nose and lip.

  Palmer wasn’t done yet. He broke his arm free and smashed it into Ronan’s eye, nearly pushing him off him, but Ronan refused to admit defeat.

  Strong hands seized Ronan, but before he was pulled off, he crashed his fist again into Palmer’s mouth. Bits of teeth and blood sailed into the air. Two men seized Palmer and pulled him away from Ronan.

  Breaking loose of the two men, Ronan yanked a dagger out of his belt and wedged it under Palmer’s thick neck. “Let’s try that again, Cap’n.”

  “Put the dagger down.” Kane put his hand on Ronan’s shoulder. “We can’t kill him. Not yet.”

  Panting hard, Ronan glanced at Kane. “Aye, we can.”

  “As if you could,” Palmer said, blood spraying from his mouth. Cockiness reflected in those eyes, and he chuckled.

  Ronan pressed the dagger deeper, wanting to spill Palmer’s blood onto the deck.

  Someone pressed a sword under Ronan’s chin and forced him to remain absolutely still. He couldn’t believe anyone aboard this bloody ship would want to spare such a vile codfish. He carefully shifted his gaze so as not to get his throat ripped out. What the hell?

  He met Kane’s steely glare.

  “I said to put the dagger down, now.”

  Ronan jerked the dagger away and jammed it back into his belt.

  Palmer laughed. “You always were a pasty codfish, Macmillan.”

  Kane grabbed Palmer up by his shirt, although the man was inches taller than him. “Remember. He gave you that eye.”

  Palmer spat, and blood splattered onto Ronan’s boot. “How’s your whore, Macmillan?”

  “Shut up, Palmer.” Ronan fingered his dagger. One more insult, and he’d stab him in his black heart.

  Palmer coughed but managed to talk. “O’Brien, did Ronan tell ye Zuto has been visiting him?”

  “Aye, I told him.”

  Palmer laughed. “So, Captain, you’re willing to risk your bride’s life on this pasty codfish bedding his whore?” He grabbed his crotch. “I’d like to taste her again.”

  Ronan’s resolve broke. He threw the dagger, embedding in it Palmer’s thick neck, blood oozed out of Palmer’s neck, staining his shirt. The man gurgled, his eyes fluttered, and his head tilted back.

  Kane yanked out the dagger.

  Palmer moaned, slumped over, and passed out.

  “Take him below.” Kane gestured to his men. He turned to Ronan and shoved his shoulder hard. “You bloody fool. Now, we have to wait for the bastard to heal before we can find out how to rescue Lark. What the devil did Palmer mean about Hannah? Have you told me everything?”

  Kane’s voice faded. A glint of fear flickered in his eyes. If Kane suspected that Ronan was lying and putting his beloved Hannah in danger, he’d slit Ronan’s throat.

  Ronan wasn’t ready to tell Kane the truth yet, at least not now. His heart pounding hard, he braced his shoulders and met Kane’s suspicious stare. “You’re going to take Palmer’s word over mine?”

  His voice was shakier than he’d intended. Kane rubbed his chin and glanced at his crew. He grabbed Ronan’s arm. “Come with me.”

  Ronan shook his arm free. “You donna believe me?”

  “Ronan, we need to talk now. Alone.”

  He reluctantly followed Kane to the stern, away from the women and the rest of the crew. Ronan stared ahead at the ocean, wishing there was an uncharted island where he could be left. Alone. Damn Palmer.

  “Palmer’s a liar and a cheat.” Kane leaned against the railing. “But he’s in the know with Zuto. I’m not a fool, Ronan. He’d only know that Zuto was visiting you in your dreams unless the demon told him. Now, I’m asking you again. Is there something that you’re not telling me? He said Hannah was danger. She’s my life. What will happen if you don’t get Angelica with child?”

  Ronan sighed. He gripped the railing, and a hole of despair bore a heart. “Zuto says she’s pregnant, but Angelica doesn’t think she is. If she’s with child and it’s a lass, Zuto wants the babe. But if it’s not, he’ll kill my son. He wants me to feed on Angelica. Based on the blood, he can tell the sex. If I donna, he’ll make the hunger worse, and I’ll not be able to control it.” He hung his head. “He said the first person I would kill is Hannah.”

  Kane gave him a hard stare. “I won’t let you kill her.”

  “Drop me off on an uncharted island.”

  He nodded. “I suggest you say good-bye to Angelica.”

  Ronan turned and headed back toward Kane’s cabin. His heart heavy and a loneliness swelling up in his throat, he maneuvered between busy crewmen. He bumped into someone.

  “Hey, watch it.”

  Ronan kept going. He didn’t even register who it was and didn’t care. All he wanted to do was to caress Angelica
’s silky hair and taste her sweet lips one last time before he was marooned on an island and destined to become a monster.

  Chapter 19

  Angelica woke and reached her arm across the bed to find a warm, muscular body, but her hand skirted over a comforter. She raised her head. “Ronan?” She was met with silence. “Ronan?”

  She tossed the blanket away and crawled out. Emptiness filled the cabin, and a chill gripped her. A purple gown was laid across a chair with a pair of matching slippers. She quickly donned the gown, not wanting to be in the cabin without Ronan. She’d deprived the captain and Hannah their chamber for far too long.

  Heavy footsteps and grunts were outside the door. She opened the door and froze. Ewan and another pirate dragged the last person she ever thought she’d see alive aboard the Phoenix—Quinton Palmer.

  Terror and revulsion shot through her veins, and she fought to not lose the bile threatening to burst through her lips. Palmer was unconscious, or at least pretending to be. She inhaled his vile stench of dead fish and shuddered. Her breath sucked out of her. The dampness and the closeness of the corridor closed in around her, and a fear of being trapped with Palmer again, feeling his mouth on her lips and his hands poking and mauling her body swept over her.

  Air. She needed air.

  Her heart thumping wildly, she rushed up the stairs and stumbled, falling onto her palms. Pain gripped her, and she clutched the edge of the step. She couldn’t breathe. Palmer was on this ship. The Soaring Phoenix shrank in size. Tears blurred her vision. She was trapped. Walls closing in on her, she clawed her way up the stairs, toward the opening where sun, air, and water—her beloved water—waited. She should have never left the sea.

  A long shadow blocked the doorway. She jerked over her shoulder. Palmer. He’d escaped. How did he get up on deck so fast and gotten away from Ewan Kelley? The man was a giant. Palmer was going to drag her back to the cabin and make good on his promise. She screamed.


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