Mate of the Vampire: A Vampire Romance (Blood Brotherhood Book 4)

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Mate of the Vampire: A Vampire Romance (Blood Brotherhood Book 4) Page 17

by ML Guida

  The shadow bolted toward her. She whirled around. “Help me!”

  Strong arms wrapped around her, pressing her against a hard, muscular chest and pinning her arms to her sides. She kicked Palmer in the shins and was rewarded with a curse. “Captain O’Brien, don’t let him take me, please!”

  She slammed her head back and hit her head on muscled wall, wishing ’twas Palmer’s nose splitting in two.

  “Angelica, stop. Stop, lass. You’re safe. Palmer canna hurt you.”

  “What the devil?” Ewan stormed down the corridor, his sword in hand. “Macmillan, what are you doin’ to the poor lass?”

  His words penetrated Angelica’s frantic brain. Rather than dead fish, she inhaled spiciness and sagged against the chest. “Ronan?”

  He turned her around and pushed her hair away. “Aye, lass. What’s wrong?”

  She swallowed. “He’s…he’s…here.” She couldn’t bring herself to say Palmer’s name and burst into tears. Ronan held her close and kissed the top of her head.

  “He canna hurt you. You’re safe.”

  His Irish timbre rumbled in his chest. She didn’t answer, listening to his thumping heart, and clutching his shirt.

  “What’s going on down there?” The captain hollered down the stairwell. “Macmillan?”

  “Come on,” Ronan said. “I’ll take you back to the cabin.”

  “No, no.” She gazed into his hooded eyes. “I need air. I don’t want to be down where he….”

  “Shhh.” He maneuvered her up the stairs, past the frowning captain. His glowering gaze gelled her blood, and she held on to Ronan tightly.

  The sun shone brightly, and rays glistened off the blue sea. She inhaled, filling her lungs with fresh sea air. Her heart stopped thumping. She was safe, whether ’twas the sea or Ronan, her nerves calmed. She glanced up at Ronan again. His right eye was swollen, and he had a cut lip. “What happened?”

  “Naught to worry about. Are you feelin’ better?”

  “Yes.” She looked on the horizon for the dreaded carrack. “Yes, why is he on board, and where is the Fiery Damsel?”

  “William changed into a dragon and kidnapped the bastard. The Damsel’s making repairs somewhere minus their bloody cap’n.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Ronan kissed her half-parted lips, avoiding answering her questions.

  She pulled away and searched his eyes. She knew him well enough to know when something was bothering him—the way his jaw tightened, the vein in his temple throbbed. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  Soft footsteps crept up behind them. Kane stared down Ronan. “Tell her.”

  Angelica pushed on Ronan’s chest and pulled away, her brows furrowed. “Tell me what?”

  He turned away. “Damn it, Cap’n.”

  She looked between the two men. Dread sank all the way to her toes. “Ronan?”

  “I have to leave the Phoenix, Angelica.”

  “What? Why?”

  “In three days, there will be a full moon, and Zuto promised to turn me into a ravagin’ vampire with an unbearable hunger, one that I willna be able to control.”

  Chills skimmed across Angelica’s skin.

  “He’s ordered him to kill Hannah,” Kane said.

  His hard voice sent her calm heart racing faster than a dolphin fleeing from a shark.

  “No!” She gripped Ronan’s shirt tighter. “There must be a way to stop him.”

  “There is.” Kane held her gaze as if he were trying to communicate something. But what? Why all the secrets?

  “Cap’n, I willna do it.” He clasped her hands and pushed them down his shirt. He was trembling—her fierce pirate.

  “Do what?”

  Kane nodded at Ronan. “To—”

  “Silence,” Ronan said. “I told you—”

  “If he…”

  Ronan smashed his fist into Kane’s mouth, flattening him onto the deck. He lunged for Kane.

  Angelica grabbed his arm. “Ronan, no!”

  Men knocked Angelica out of the way and seized Ronan. William rushed over to them. “Ronan, have you gone mad?”

  Kane rubbed his jaw, blood trickled down his chin. “It’s not worthy of you, Ronan. You shouldn’t lie to your woman.”

  Ronan struggled and twisted. “I wilna do it, Cap’n. I told you my decision.”

  Kane flipped his hand. “Take him to the brig.”

  Ronan arched his back and pulled on his arms. “No! Release me.”

  But ’twas a losing battle. Ewan held him tight, and Sean gripped his other arm. Ronan was trapped between burly men determined to protect their captain.

  Angelica followed the men, dragging Ronan, but Kane seized her arm. “You need to hear the truth.”

  Ronan dug his boots into the deck and pulled on his arms. “Cap’n, donna do this.”

  Angelica hesitated, not sure whether she should follow Ronan or listen to Kane. “What’s going on, Captain?”

  “You can stop Ronan’s curse.”

  His deadly whisper sent her nerves on edge. She asked, but knew the answer. “How?”

  “The demon says you are with child.”

  “Ronan already told me this. By the way, I’m not pregnant, so there is no reason to leave him on some uncharted island.”

  “Aye, there is. Zuto will turn Ronan into a ravaging vampire, more powerful than any of us, bent on killing everyone on board the Phoenix, starting with Hannah. This is not something I’m willing to risk.”

  She wanted to argue, but at the tightness of his jaw and the glint in his eyes, she knew it was useless. He was the Captain of the Soaring Phoenix. His word was law, and his men would die enforcing it. She’d no allies on board this ship. She wished Penelope was here. She had a way of softening stubborn men’s hearts. Angelica sighed. But in this battle, even Penelope would side with the unyielding captain.

  “Ronan’s a vampire. He can turn into a bat and escape the island and hunt us down. Isn’t that not so?”

  “We’ll have a plan by then. Mariah could develop a spell.”

  She detected doubt in his voice. He was a man desperate to save the woman he loved. “What if you’re wrong?”

  “I’m not.” He clutched her arm tighter. “We’re so close.”

  Hannah hurried over to them. “Kane, why were Ewan and Sean taking Ronan to the brig?” She stared suspiciously at Kane, as if she thought he’d gone mad. “And why is your lip bleeding?”

  Kane dropped his hand and wiped his mouth on his sleeve. “He hit me.”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “So, your pride got the better of you?”

  Kane stood straighter. “I’m the captain.”

  “Yes, I know. Angelica?”


  “She doesn’t need to know.”

  Kane’s stiff voice changed to pleading.

  “How interesting,” Angelica said. “You just chided Ronan for not telling his woman the truth. Yet, you lie to yours.”

  Hannah glowered and crunched Kane’s sleeve as if to yank the truth out of him. “Kane?”

  Clamping his jaw tight, he yanked his arm free.

  “Stiff necked pirate,” Hannah muttered. “I’m getting tired of your overprotectiveness.”

  Kane gave her a steely glare, but didn’t say anything. He wasn’t going to stop. Angelica knew he’d die protecting his Hannah.

  Despite Kane’s warning, Angelica wasn’t going to keep the truth from Hannah. “You know that Zuto’s been visiting Ronan in his dreams?”

  Hannah nodded. “Yes.”

  “If Ronan does not get me with child, then at the next full moon, he will not be able to control his vampire powers, and Zuto’s ordered him to kill you.”

  Hannah’s eyes widened, and her face paled. She looked at Kane. “What do you plan to do?”

  Kane put his hand on Hannah’s cheek. “He’s too dangerous to be a member of my crew.”

  “You’re going to kill your friend?”

e dropped his hand. “No, I’m going to leave him on an uncharted island.”

  “So, like my father, you plan to leave someone cursed on an island, so he can feed on the natives.”

  “That was different. Your father left three men infected with small pox.”

  “Is it?” Hannah lowered her voice. “My father had the same intentions as you claim. I thought you were better than him.”

  Kane winced as if she’d hit him. He opened and closed his mouth, at a loss for words.

  “I’m sorry, Angelica. Kane loses his judgment when it comes to me. He’s done everything he can to keep me safe from Zuto and his god, Maketabori.”

  Angelica couldn’t help but be envious of the love the captain had for his woman. Something she’d never had.

  Hannah rubbed her arm. “What does Ronan want?”

  Angelica stared down at her wringing hands. “He wants to leave the Phoenix and me.”

  “You don’t think he loves you?”

  Angelica had told him she cared for him, but he hadn’t returned her sentiments. She had sacrificed her pride to protect him, and now, he discarded her. She tore a hangnail off her thumb, focusing on the pain, rather than the agony tearing her heart to shreds. “Obviously.”

  Her voice was so low she wasn’t even sure Hannah heard her.

  Hannah wrapped her arm around her and hugged her. “He’s a stubborn pirate, but a man with honor. ’Tis his way of protecting you. He wouldn’t be risking turning into monster if he didn’t care for you.”

  “I’m not so sure.”

  Hannah laughed. “I think ’tis time to for us women to show our men how to foil a demon.”

  Ronan paced in his cell that was next to Palmer’s. The maggot was still slumped over on the ground. He wished he still had his dagger so he could cut the bastard’s head off, but he was weaponless, thanks to Ewan and Sean.

  Palmer groaned. Ronan smiled and leaned against the bars. Good, he was in pain.

  Ronan couldn’t believe Kane had betrayed him and told Angelica about Zuto turning him into a ravaging vampire. All to protect Hannah. The woman he loved. Why couldn’t the cap’n see he was trying to protect Angelica? Hell, Kane should chain him to a tree on the island to keep him away from Hannah.

  Kane walked into the brig, sporting a cut lip. “Palmer’s still out?”

  “Aye. What do you want, Cap’n? Plan on throwin’ Angelica in here so I can take her, all to protect your precious Hannah.”

  “I’m not that callous, Macmillan.”

  “Aye, you are.” Ronan looked around his cell. “Otherwise, I wouldna be locked in here.” He turned his back on Kane and strolled over to the bench. He put his arms behind his head and stretched out his legs. “Go away, Cap’n. You can keep me in here all you want. But in three days, I’ll change.”

  “You’re not giving me many choices, are you?”


  “What is it that you want?”

  “I want you to drop me off at the nearest island and leave me there.”

  “You’ll be able to fly.”

  “Then chain me to a tree.”

  “You’ll go mad with the thirst.”

  “But Angelica and Hannah will be safe.”

  A chortle came from the next cell, and Ronan stiffened. He lowered his arms, fisting his left hand. Maybe he should wear a hook on his right hand and rip out Palmer’s good eye.

  Palmer pushed himself off the floor and smiled at both men. “How touchin’? Tryin’ to protect both of your whores.”

  Ronan forced himself to remain seated and not lunge at the cell.

  “You think Zuto won’t know where you’re hiding, ye bloody fool?” Palmer pressed his palm against the oozing wound on his chest. He winced with a slight movement.

  Usually Ronan took pity on any wounded prisoners, but he had none for Palmer. “He canna leave his island.”

  Palmer scooted to sit against the bars facing Ronan. “Aye, but he has others to do his work.”

  “Not you. Not anymore. You’re my guest aboard the Phoenix.” Kane slightly bowed.

  Palmer glared. “The Damsel was almost finished makin’ repairs when that bloody lizard snatched me. She’ll sail, mates. Aye, she’ll sail. Zuto will order my men to find you, Ronan. You can’t hide. You’re marked. You’ll do his biddin’ one way or another, mate. There’s no escapin’ that bastard.”

  Ronan lowered his arms. His options had run out. He was immortal, but not invulnerable. If Palmer would decapitate him, he’d be dead. He didn’t want to die, but he needed to protect those he loved. “Then kill me.”

  “No!” Angelica walked into the brig. “You can’t do this. I won’t let you.”

  Ronan hurried over to the bars. “Angelica, were you listenin’?”

  She covered his bruised knuckles with her soft hand. “Does it matter?”

  He jerked his hand away, trying to ignore how her slightest touch sent desire pumping through his veins. “What the devil are ye doin’ down here? Get out of here.”

  “Couldn’t stay away from me, could you, my little whore? Soon you’ll be mine.” Palmer grabbed his crotch.

  Angelica cringed. Kane clasped her arm and pulled her to him. “Don’t listen to him. You’re safe.”

  “Palmer, you slime.” Ronan walked over to the bars between their two cells. “Leave her alone. Or I’ll—”

  “Or you’ll do what?” Palmer lowered his hand from his wound. “You’re in no position to do anything.” He was fighting to breathe and his chest heaved.

  “Neither are you,” Ronan said.

  Kane stepped in front of Angelica and pointed at Palmer. “Another outburst from you, and I’ll have you flogged.”

  “You wouldn’t dare. You don’t torture your prisoners.”

  Kane lowered his arm. “With you, I’ll make an exception. Come with me, Angelica.”

  She rushed over to the bars and clutched them. “No, I want to stay here.”

  “Get out of here, Angelica.” Ronan forced himself to sit on the bench and not to go to her. “’Tis no place for you.”

  Kane pried her fingers off the bars. Angelica tried to duck away from him, but he managed to grab her wrist, forcing her to go with him. He had his hands full trying to control a fighting and scratching wild cat.

  “She’s quite a handful, Macmillan,” Palmer said.

  “Shut up.”

  “She’s too much woman for you. Deserves a real man.”

  Ronan hurled his shoulder against the bars separating him and Palmer. “Will you cease!”

  Palmer struggled to stand on his wobbly legs. “Such fire for a whore.”

  “She’s not a whore.”

  “Should I tell you what she did for me? Didn’t even balk at doing it.”

  “I’ll tell Kane to have Ewan slice the skin off your back.”

  Palmer lost his sneering smile, and for the first time, fear reflected in his eye. Even among the Fiery Damsel, Ewan was feared and respected. With his whip, he could flick a fly. His aim was priceless.

  Heavy footsteps came down the corridor. Palmer crouched in the back of the cell, his fists closed. Kane walked back into the brig with Ewan, holding a whip in his hand.

  Ewan gave Palmer a deadly smile. “Palmer, I hear you’ve been a bad boy.”

  “I haven’t been a boy for a long time.”

  Ewan cracked the whip. “Aye, you’ll be cryin’ like a lad when I get done with ye.”

  Palmer glared. “Go to hell.”

  “Have been there.”

  “Palmer.” Kane grabbed the keys off the wall and unlocked the door. Two burly men waited on either side.

  “You don’t need to hold him,” Ewan said. “He’s not goin’ anywhere.”

  Kane pushed the door open and slightly bowed. “He’s all yours.”

  Although weak, Palmer was a wounded animal and charged. Kane slammed the door shut and locked it. Ewan stepped aside and slashed the whip, hitting Palmer on the side of the face.

  He grabbed his cheek, blood seeping between his fingers. “Ye bastard.”

  “Kill him, Ewan.” Ronan sat on the edge of the bench, wishing he was wielding the whip. He wanted blood.

  Palmer growled and lunged. Ewan raised the whip and snapped it again and again, slicing through Palmer’s shirt, slashing his flesh.

  “Now that Ewan has your attention,” Kane said. “I want some answers.”

  “What answers?” Palmer stumbled and leaned against the bars. Sweat rolled down his smudge face.

  “Where’s Lark?”

  Palmer laughed, lumbering over to the bench. “So, O’Brien, you think by whipping me, I’ll betray Zuto? No offense, Ewan, but your little whip is nothing compared to the pain and torture Zuto can inflict.”

  He appeared to be cocky, but Ronan detected fear in his voice. He rubbed his chin. “So, Lark’s in Salem, England?”

  Palmer jerked his head around. “England? No.”

  “Ah, I see. So, Zuto didn’t care to tell you where he sent Lark. I can see that. You’re his slave, and slaves aren’t privileged to their master’s plots.”

  “I’m no one’s slave.” Palmer stood straight but swayed on his feet. “Zuto tells me everything.”

  Ronan shrugged. “Except, apparently, where Lark is.”

  Kane banged the keys on the bars. “Palmer, if he’s not in England. Is he in The Colonies?”

  “I told ye, I’ll never tell.”

  Ronan cast his gaze over Palmer. “You might as well believe him, Cap’n. He doesna know.”

  “Of course I know, ye bloody codfish.”

  Ronan gestured. “Look at him. He’s shakin’ in his boots. Why would Zuto trust him with his deepest secrets?”

  Palmer folded his arms across his chest. “You’re daft.”

  Kane unlocked the door and nodded. “Ewan.”

  Startled, Ewan lowered his whip. “Cap’n, I’m not finished.”

  “Aye, you are. The bastard doesn’t know.”

  Palmer flicked his hands. “Aye, run along, Ewan with your little whip.”

  Ewan slashed his whip, lashing Palmer’s hands.

  Palmer screamed and yanked his hands. “Damn you!”

  “Taunt me again, an’ I’ll take your other eye out.”

  Palmer glared but clamped his mouth shut while Ewan backed out of the cell, not taking his eyes off him. Kane shut the door, locked it, and returned the keys to the wall.


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