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by Lynda Filler

  “Movie? Frothen?” Her lisp was most pronounced when she got excited. Alice jumped up and down on the wooden pier.

  Tears for her mother were momentarily forgotten.

  “Yes Frozen!” Lorena laughed out loud. They’d seen this movie on Netflix so many times she’d stopped counting.

  “Kithy también?

  “Yes, we will go to Hello Kitty Store and buy you something special!”

  “Dolly come too?”

  “I’ll carry Dolly in my knapsack. She needs a nap.”

  The little dark girl, her sadness forgotten, snuggled into Lorena’s arms.

  “Okay baby, let’s go get ready.”

  Alice struggled in her arms and declared: “I’m not a baby! Big girl now!” She scrambled down to belligerently stand beside Lorena.

  “Yes Alice, you’re a big girl now!”

  Hand-in-hand Lorena and Alice went into the villa to prepare for the Panga ride into Boca de Tomatlán and on to Puerto Vallarta.


  Guadalajara, Mexico

  “I KNOW, I KNOW, but I don’t have the answers. I don’t want to sell while everything is so chaotic.”

  Gabriel paused at the entrance to his father’s study. He was still smiling, reliving last night’s fantastic party for Allegra. The joy on her face had been worth the hefty amount his father had paid for the diamond. She looked so perfect. And she is mine, he mused.

  “Look. I’m trying to figure another way to get you your money. Yes. Yes. Let me look at what else can I do.” Gabriel waited. His father had not yet noticed his presence.

  “Leave it with me. Yes, I know there will be consequences. Please. Don’t do anything crazy. Yes, I will be there tonight and see you tomorrow.”

  Gabriel watched his father nodding, overcome with anxiety.

  “Yes, we are delighted. Thank you. Yes, Allegra is everything I dreamed of in a daughter-in-law. My son is thrilled. Tomorrow then.”

  The Contador dropped the cell phone on his desk and grasped the bottle of pills in front of him. He struggled to open the bottle of Perrier.

  Gabriel rushed in from the doorway.

  “Papa, you need a doctor?”

  He looked up to his only son with sadness in his dark eyes. “I’m so very sorry Gabriel. Stanford was very expensive. I couldn’t say no to them.”

  “What are you talking about Papa? What’s going on? Who was that on the phone?”

  The accountant was gasping for air.

  “Son…need to talk. I must explain…the company. The client …”

  The Contador pulled on the collar of his shirt; his face wet with sweat. He struggled to breathe. His head fell sideways, and his body slumped against the desk.

  Gabriel shouted for help, but everyone had left for the evening.

  He dialed 911 on his phone.

  In a panic, he tried mouth-to-mouth. But it was no use. He was gone.

  “Oh papa, I love you so. What have you done? What has upset you so much to take you away from me?” He was overwhelmed with sadness and dread.

  He grabbed his father’s cell phone as the Paramedics raced through the office doorway.

  They tried paddles, electric shock, but Gabe could tell from the look on their faces that it was over.

  Tears streamed down Gabriel’s face. Whoever his father had been talking to was responsible for his heart attack. Gabriel swore revenge.


  Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit

  “ALLEGRA, COME, HAVE some more champagne and watch the sunset.” The girlfriends were having a blowout party in Puerto Vallarta to celebrate their graduation from UNAM in Guadalajara. Daddy gave Allegra a penthouse condo in Peninsula Nuevo as her grad gift.

  “I’ll be there soon.”

  Miss Jalisco blew-dry her long chestnut hair. She applied smoky shadow to her already dazzling hazel eyes. Her parents loved to tease her about her origins. A Viking perhaps, her dad said. A warrior for sure, she thought.

  She admired her sparkler as it danced in the lights of her vanity mirror. She struggled with her emotions. She loved her ring and the “idea” of marriage, but she was not ready. It had nothing to do with Gabriel. He was a great guy. And she did love him. But not enough to marry, not yet.

  Paris beckoned. As did Milan and Florence. The art, the culture, the design, there was a world out there. Being tied down at twenty-two seemed wrong. Maybe the fairytale was for some girls but not for Allegra, not at this time.

  She was annoyed with Gabriel and her father for using the occasion of her crowning as a pre-planned surprise engagement party. How wrong. Why hadn’t her mother told her? Maybe if her mother would do less shopping, fewer lunches with the girls, the two of them could connect. She loved her father, but it was not the same as having a mother she could confide in. There was distance there, and Allegra had no idea why.

  “Come on Allegra, our reservation at La Leche is for nine pm. Then we hit La Santa and party! I can’t wait. Girls night out!”

  Allegra smiled. She really needed this break. She turned off her cell phone and placed it in a drawer in her bedroom.

  “Cell-free night right. No evidence!”

  Tonight, would be her night. No thoughts to the future, just champagne, good food, good friends, and fun.

  She slipped into a shimmery gold strapless mini-dress. The girls insisted she wear her crown. Why not, she thought. It would be a great conversation piece.

  “Vamonos Chicas! Let’s party!”


  Paris, France

  MME ANJOU ARRIVED at the Georges V at precisely four pm. The Bellman opened the doors and greeted her as if she was a returning guest. She was, in a manner of speaking, but he didn’t know this.

  “I am expecting Monsieur Woo. Has he arrived yet?”

  “Oui, Madame. He is in the lounge. Your suite is ready. I will take your things up. Would you like to freshen up first or go straight to the lounge?”

  Mme Anjou placed a one hundred Euro note in the bellhop’s hand and glided through the entrance of the hotel. Her impeccable six-piece Louis Vuitton luggage trailed behind her. She snapped her fingers at the concierge, while discreetly dropping a two hundred Euro note on his desk and requested a private reception room for her meeting with Mr. Woo.

  “Certainly, Mme. Right this way. I will tell Mr. Woo you have arrived.”

  Adrienne Anjou removed her white calfskin Chanel gloves, took the cheetah print silk scarf from her hair and placed her ebony Prada sunglasses on the table.

  Her black silk suit from Stella McCartney clung to her from neck to thigh. She crossed her legs seductively, a sling-back Louboutin swayed precariously as she waited.

  Mr. Woo knocked respectfully and then opened the antique French door. A medium height, very slim Asian man, eyes cast down, bowed as he entered the suite.

  “Good day, Mr. Woo.”

  Woo stopped, stunned. He knocked his John Lennon glasses off his face. Woo stumbled picking them up from the carpet. He didn’t recognize the woman who sat before him, but he would know that voice anywhere.

  “Oh my God, Sying! You look amazing. We thought you were dead.” He rushed to shake her hand, confused yet pleased that his mentor had returned from the dead.

  “I have been dealing with Mr. Chang for the last few months. I assumed he had instructions should anything happen to act on your behalf. I hope it was the right thing to do.”

  “No problem, Woo. I am Mr. Chang. You don’t need an explanation, but I will tell you this. After my home was invaded and destroyed, I was attacked in the underground of the Jin Mao Tower. Tasha stabbed me but missed my heart thanks to a rib that took the damage instead.

  My loyal bodyguard arrived from the top floor as Tasha and her cohorts were escaping. He knew what to do if anything happened. He followed protocol completely, and let’s say, because of him I am alive today.

  I chose life over revenge, but now I will complete what I started. I am sure that the attacker was Luke Raven. I will destroy Raven by
obliterating his investments in China. And then I will go after everyone in his organization until they are all dead!”

  “Sying, I will now call you Mme Anjou. Are you responsible for the crash of the Chinese markets and the devaluation of the Yen?”

  Adrienne smiled. Then poured two glasses of Veuve Clicquot.

  “Let’s toast to global market domination!”


  “NOW TELL ME, Woo, how is the relationship with our relatively new partner in Mexico, Mr. Guapo?”

  “We’ve arranged for our first shipment of Afghan heroin to arrive in the Port of Manzanillo, Mexico shortly. We are using an unconventional means of shipping and expect to have a full container on the return route.”

  “And Tariq, has ISIS sworn revenge?”

  “No Mme Anjou. I have been able to placate him with precious cargo that he wants more than anything. Human cargo, brides. So, our business with Mr. Guapo coincides with the needs of Tariq.”

  “Gregorki is dead. And North Korea is too busy on ‘War Alert’ status with South Korea to care what we are up to.” Woo added.

  “And the Saudi Prince, I see, has mysteriously disappeared.” Mme Anjou laughed. “He should have known better. After I leaked his intentions to take control of the Royal House, it seems our problems evaporated.”

  “Now Woo, what have you found out about Luke Raven?”

  “Not much Mme. We couldn’t reconstruct the videos from the garage at Jin Mao. They were all blocked. But there seems to be some connection with Mexico and Seattle. We will make it a priority again now that you are back!”

  “We will look at that! I also want to know about the women at Versailles. There must be a connection. Our reservations are confirmed at Restaurant Le Meurice. Let’s celebrate my new face, shall we? I’ve missed you, Woo!”

  Woo glowed.

  “And please, when we are alone do not use Sying, you may call me Adrienne.”

  “Of course, Adrienne.”


  Los Ranchos, Punta de Mita, Mexico

  A SECLUDED TEN million-dollar villa perched on the top of a hill, overlooked the crystal blue Bay of Banderas and the Four Seasons Hotel in Nayarit, Mexico. The owner employed twenty-four-hour armed private security. Although surrounded by coconut palms and lush flowering Hibiscus, it was hazardous terrain if you were an uninvited guest.

  “Jorge, come in here.”

  Alejandro, known to most as El Guapo, tucked his crisp white Armani shirt into his Boss black jeans. He admired his black velvet Tom Fords, perfect for the club, La Santa, in Puerto Vallarta. Alejandro caught a quick look in the mirrors surrounding the room and decided he liked his vice-squad-scruff. He’d leave it, even if the girls complained of whisker burn.

  “Did you take care of the problem we had with Ernesto?”

  “Yes, boss. We went fishing fifty miles off the coast. Juan prepared the bait. We watched five sharks feast on Ernesto’s drug-infested meat.”

  “No one lives to cross El Guapo. Make sure you spread the word, Jorge. Did you make a video for our website?”

  Jorge nodded.

  “Good, we will watch it at dinner!” At that moment the depths of his evil surfaced. Jorge shivered. Alex smiled.

  “What’s up with the shipment coming into Manzanillo?”

  “All’s well, on time.” Jorge strode downstairs to the living area of the multi-level Hacienda Encanto eating a churro. “Want one Alex?”

  “No, and you shouldn’t either. You’re going to get fat.”

  “How is that possible? We work out daily. Who beat you on the mat today? Huh?”

  Jorge and Alex had grown up together in Zihuatanejo. They had been part of a massive cartel but eventually took over all the drug business up the West Coast of Mexico. Ruthless and good looking, they were a deadly combination both on the docks and in the Clubs.

  “I want to know if we have met the quota for the return trip from Manzanillo. I don’t care where it’s going, only if we’ve met the needs of Mr. Woo.”

  “Don’t worry Alex. You take care of the incoming product, and I’ll take care of the outgoing. The boys are working as we speak. It’s summer, and Mexico is busy with school breaks.”

  “Okay, I trust you. Listen I have a problem with some investments. The markets in Asia are in meltdown. The Contador is not doing his job. He’s also not answering my texts tonight. Have you heard anything?”

  “No. So about tonight.” Both men laughed.

  “Looking for action! Yes?” Jorge questioned.

  “Yes, but first I want to check into the staff at my Club. I think some of the cash coming in from the bar is being siphoned off. If so, you need to set an example. Watch what’s happening tonight. Also, watch the party favors. Don’t use. Stay aware. I need you. Bring a couple of the good-looking guys with us. They call me El Guapo for a reason.”

  “Let’s hit La Leche first. Call and let them know to keep our room for us.”


  Seattle, Washington

  LUKE RAVEN STRODE through the door of the very private, insulated meeting room. He’d selected the Four Seasons PH floor for his headquarters in Washington State. No one would notice his hi-tech protection systems placed strategically within a mile radius of the building. Nothing came in or went out of his bubble without his tech people knowing exactly what was up.

  He designed the spaces to provide protection for a team of security experts most of whom were ex-Navy SEALs. Being part of the high-profile takedown of Osama Bin Laden had ended a once promising career for the best-of-the-best.

  A gym and a kitchen with a Michelin trained chef and assistants, catered to all tastes and needs of the elite Raven Group operatives. He’d made a decision to hide in plain sight. It worked.

  He knew his team called him Cowboy behind his back and super-brain when they wanted to annoy him. His mom named him Luke after a movie. She teased him about being the spitting image of Paul Newman. They could call him anything they wanted. The truth of the matter was, his intelligence measured off the charts. His grasp of math and science and all things technical was without parallel. He was in his mid-thirties and had been designing hi-tech stuff since high school. If it was fantastic and out of this world, Luke had probably engineered it.

  A few years at Caltech had satisfied his need to feed the best and the brightest minds. That’s where he met a vile woman named Sying. And then he’d lost his wife and daughter three years ago, to a diving accident in the Bahamas.

  His life went in a completely different direction. He became known as an elusive, almost reclusive, billionaire. He went into a zone where he had to be the best at everything. When he was nineteen, he’d used his formidable influence to get into BUDS training. He met Zach in Coronado and kept each other alive during Hell Week. George and RB came later. Luke could have stayed with the military; he was the best sniper the military had ever seen. Luke went on to do classified work on a contract basis, for the government. He made a decision while still in his teens that no one and no government would ever own his mind. He’s stuck with that and made millions and eventually billions in the process. He mourned the death of his wife and daughter and disappeared for months. When he came back, he did some classified work for Israel, and in return, he trained with the most secret group within the Mossad. That’s when he met Luci.

  He closed himself off from relationships and mourned the deaths of his family for years. But recently, with the return of Samaar into his world, he felt the possibility that he might one day have a normal life again.

  He looked around the assembled group content with what he saw. Zach and George, both brothers from the SEALs, helped Osama bin Laden meet his virgins. And RB, his super geek, a man whose intelligence came close to Raven’s, was in charge of logistics for the team. RB was always working on something brilliant or playing war games.

  Luci had agreed to stay on after their success in taking down Sying in China. They had thwarted Sying’s plans to sell the information from the
hack into the Office of Personnel Management of the United States Government. And beefed up the government security systems. But until Washington passed a bill through Congress, the real work would not be done on their old security. The entire welfare of the USA was in the hands of equipment that teenagers could hack. All Raven could do is advise. He couldn’t force them to fix what they didn’t understand and couldn’t see.

  After a tense stand-off at the Jin Mao tower in Shanghai, Maggie, and Tasha from the NYC office went on vacation to an undisclosed island location. Tasha got the last word on her mistress Sying, by knifing her in the heart before the women escaped from Sying’s crumbling empire. Akaarn, another key player in the battle with Sying, was in Sedona, probably doing peyote on a retreat with the Elders.

  “Hey Samaar, I think you should wear a Katching Kittens Mask around the office. Hot!”

  “STF up Zach!” Luci blushed through her tawny Middle Eastern complexion. But her piercing jade eyes lit up when she looked at Luke. It was hard to stand near him and keep her mind on business. She’d been avoiding intimacy with Luke, ever since the night they decided to save water and shower together. Luke gave her a knowing look. How does he do that? But Samaar had made a decision. She couldn’t afford to be distracted on the job.

  “Hey, thanks, RB for your brilliant design for Alice’s necklace. Lorena sent a text. Alice loves it!”

  “Yep, checked the computer, all is up and running. Feel better now Luci?”

  “Yeah, I do.” It wasn’t comfortable leaving her four-year-old daughter with Lorena in Yelapa, Mexico but The Raven Group needed Luci and Raven had saved her life. And Samaar would do anything to make life safe for her and Alice even if it meant becoming Luci—the ex-Mossad MI6 assassin, again.


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