Carried Away
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Carried Away
(Baby, I Do Book 2)
Kayla Kelly
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2019 Kayla Kelly – All rights Reserved
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication / use of the trademarks is not authorized, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owners.
Other Works by Kayla Kelly
What If (Baby, I Do Book 1)-FREE ON AMAZON
Table of Contents
Other Works by Kayla Kelly
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
About the Author
Chapter One
Arnold was not sure of what to make of Angela’s jubilation. He knew that she was genuinely excited about his encounter with Mrs. Rhodes, especially as she was now a part and parcel of Arnold’s Autos. But could there be more to her suggestions about them celebrating?
Arnold rubbed his chin and thought about her remark again.
He had only just met Mrs. Rhodes. Even though she had alluded to giving him some referrals, there were no guarantees at all. He knew that most people said such things simply to get the best service from a service provider like him. It was normal.
But apparently, Angela was seeing beyond what he deemed as normal.
He pulled out his phone and began to dial Angela’s number. A second thought occurred to him and he stopped. He remembered that she was still going to be driving. Perhaps a text message would be better.
Celebrations, you say? But we haven’t yet gotten any big referrals from Mrs. Rhodes. What is there to celebrate? he typed.
He sent the message and did not think about it.
His phone beeped and he checked to see what it was.
Angela had replied: You don’t know her, that is why you cannot understand. When I come I will tell you more. And trust me we are surely going to celebrate. I promise you that.
Arnold had a smirk on his face as he typed: Really? What are we going to celebrate with?
Angela’s reply took its time. Arnold was already smiling at himself when she responded. He glanced at her text message: No bras, no panties, just you and me in the flesh.
Arnold was sure that his jaw must have dropped. He checked his phone again as if not believing what he had just read.
No bras, no panties, just you and me in the flesh.
Just you and me in the flesh.
No, it was not that Arnold didn’t believe what he had just read. Was there anything too difficult about that message? It was straight-forward and explicit enough for even a moron to understand, he mused.
No, what was getting to him was the implication of the message that Angela had just sent to him.
The implication was that maybe, just maybe he could get down with her finally, in a physical and sensual manner.
He rubbed his chin and realized that his heartbeat was racing like an accelerating car.
He then recalled how he had first felt when he met her at the amusement park. And how he had always felt each day that she resumed for work in his auto-mechanic shop.
As much as he tried to act normal and be the boss that he was supposed to be to her, Arnold could not deny the way he felt whenever she was around him. He was excited, happy, and joyful, so many good feelings all rolled into one like a delicious three-course meal served in some exquisite restaurant.
As he stood there looking at his phone, he could not help but break out into a wide grin. He was sure that if any of his assistants saw him at that moment, they would be confused at why their boss was smiling so broadly to himself.
But Arnold could not blame himself for the happy feelings coursing through his being at that moment. It was Angela. She always made him excited.
For the past couple of weeks that she had been working there, he had to control himself from saying or doing the wrong thing when he was around her. His heart always skipped several beats and he was sure that he made silly mistakes when she was near.
It made him feel silly. But then, wasn’t it normal? he mused.
When one was feeling the way that he felt about someone as charming as Angela, one was bound to do lots of silly things.
How he felt about Angela?
He deliberately felt his chest and rubbed it, hoping to see if he could feel his heart. Of course, it was still there. Where else would it have gone to? he wondered.
How he felt about Angela.
It reminded him a little of the way he used to feel about his ex-wife, Jenny. But that was before she did what she did and shattered everything he had once held dear.
Even though he had sworn never to have anything to do with another woman again, Angela had made him rescind his vow. He could not understand it. It was not as if she was the hottest woman he had ever come across. He had met so many other women before, including breathtakingly beautiful ladies for that matter. Tall, white, black, brunettes, blondes… All sorts of women.
But none had been able to do what Angela had done: she had made him see things differently. She had succeeded in breaking down his barriers and breaking open the icebox in which his heart had resided ever since he moved into this new town.
Arnold sighed. How he felt about Angela.
Well, his feeling for her were clear. It must’ve been love that was affecting him the way it always did.
What he should be concerned about was if she felt the same way about him.
Why shouldn’t she? he wondered. He pulled out his phone and went over the message again.
Of course she was just as infatuated with him as he was with her. Words never lie. She was being very upfront and explicit and Arnold knew that women would never be that way with someone they did not have feelings for, especially not someone they were not in love with.
He rubbed his hands together and smiled again.
He knew what he was going to do. While he waited for her to arrive, he was going to work on the vehicle that he had been working on before the arrival of the eccentric Mrs. Rhodes. He still had a business to run and that entailed ensuring that his customers got their vehicles back when due.
With a grin on his face, he returned to the car and began to look it over. He then pulled the trolley, climbed on it and slid under the car to continue making repairs.
It wasn’t until about an hour later before Angela arrived. He could tell that she had come because the entire atmosphere in the workshop appeared to have become energized and electrified. And then he could hear her cheerful banter with his assistants Paul and Cyril. Arnold could guess that his assistants would be glad she had returned from the school runs because she would have brought them all lunch in brown paper bags. It was a habit she had formed right from the first day when she resumed there. Apart from offering to pick up his son Thomas from the school that she had enrolled him into, she made it a point of duty to always get everyone lunch while on her way back
Before Angela had resumed there as their clerical assistant, it had been an unwritten rule that they never went for
lunch breaks of any kind. But since she arrived, she now made it her own new rule that they must always have some food whenever they were working. She had been wondering how they could go for long hours without any form of refreshments while handling such tedious tasks as automobile repairs.
Even Arnold’s excuse about them being used to working hard did not go down well with her. And when he tried to explain how they wanted to catch up and make enough clients, she equally punctured his argument by insisting that they should start having lunch even if it meant doing so on-site.
And so, she began bringing them lunch to take in the workshop. No one could have been more excited than Paul and Cyril.
From where he was under the sedan he was working on, Arnold heard his stomach rumble. He could easily tell that he was also quite hungry at that moment. He wondered how he and his assistants had been coping all this while before Angela came along. He was starving and he did not need another rumble from his tummy to confirm it.
As he rolled out from under the car, he met Angela standing over him. She was smiling down at him while he grinned up at her.
“Do you know you are a god-sent?” Arnold asked, still lying on the trolley and looking up at her.
Her smile widened. The two brown paper bags rustled under her fingers. He knew they would be for him and her. “If by god-sent you mean because I brought some well-deserved food for everyone then you have it all wrong. A simple call to any of the numerous fast-food eateries around would have given you what you wanted.”
Arnold nodded. “Yes, that is true. But I still insist that you are a god-sent.”
“God-sent, god-sent,” she repeated, teasingly. “Why all this talk about me being a god-sent, Arnold?”
“I’ll tell you later,” he said as he pushed himself off the trolley. That was when he spotted Thomas, his son. He was seated on a nearby chair munching away. He waved at him. “How was school today, son?”
“Just perfect as always, Dad,” Thomas replied as he continued to eat his meal.
“Just perfect?” Arnold’s brows arched. “Since when did that become a response about how the school is? When I was your age school was never ‘just perfect.’”
“What do you want me to say, Dad?” Thomas asked.
“At least you could tell me what happened. And I am sure ‘just perfect’ would not be what you are going to say about the school.”
Arnold felt a hand on his arm. It was Angela. She was shaking her head at him. “You know what, I think you need to take some rest and have your own meal as well, just as everybody else is doing. It would do you some good, you know?”
Thomas glanced at his son. He was nodding at him. “I think she is right, Dad. You really should have some lunch and rest at the same time.”
“Okay, okay, I agree. But that does not mean that I have forgotten this discussion, Thomas. I want to know how school went today when I am through with my meal.”
“Sure, no problem, Dad. I’m going to tell you all about it later.”
In his office, Arnold settled down to eat. Angela sank down into the sofa next to him. “You know that I would have already asked him that same question while picking him up from school. Why do you have to ask him all over again when you could easily ask me?”
“Well, he should be able to talk to me, his father.”
“No one said that he shouldn’t. But you know children today are smart and they know when someone is trying to make them look like younger kids.”
Arnold made a face at her. “Making them look like younger kids? How?”
“You know he is not a toddler or a small kid anymore, Arnold. Or don’t you?”
“Sure. I know he has grown up.”
“So, you should not expect him to give you an answer he knows you are going to get from me.”
“But that doesn’t mean he should sound evasive with responses like ‘just perfect.’”
“Okay, what would you prefer he said then?”
“I don’t know, maybe something like ‘maths was terrible,’ or “I made an A in English test’ or something else that is more specific.”
“So, no generalizations?”
“No, no generalizations because it only shows that one is being evasive.”
“Okay. Noted. Maybe I would let him know this.”
“That is going to be so sweet of you.”
“And you are always welcome.”
Arnold nodded and looked around before lowering his voice. “But enough about me. Let us talk about you and your messages.”
Angela frowned at him. “Me and my messages? What are you talking about?”
Arnold punched her playfully on her arm. “Come on, you know what I mean. Those messages you were sending to me earlier, about us celebrating getting Mrs. Rhodes as our client.”
“Celebrating? Are you sure?”
“Angela, why don’t you quit the games and tell me about the celebrations.”
Angela flicked some hair away from her face and frowned. “Are you serious? I mentioned celebrations?”
He sighed and pulled out his phone. “In case you have forgotten here is what you wrote to me while you were away.” He began to read it all out to her. When he got to the part where she had said ‘You don’t know her that is why you cannot understand. When I come I will tell you more. And trust me, we are surely going to celebrate. I promise you that,’ Angela snapped her fingers.
“Yes, I remember that. I remember why I said it. Let me tell you.”
But Arnold did not want to be interrupted. “No, that is not even the fun part, Angela.”
“The fun part?” she repeated. “What are you driving at? What other thing could be more exciting than knowing the real person who just came to your workshop a while ago?”
“I asked you how we were going to celebrate and do you know what your response was?”
She shook her head with a very straight face. “No, maybe you could tell me.”
“You said, and I quote, “No bras, no panties, just you and me in the flesh,” Arnold whispered with a grin on his face.
Angela frowned at him. “What?”
He nodded at her with a smirk on his lips. “You know, just seeing that message was enough to get me thinking and all worked up,” he said while licking his lips. He reached over and flicked away a strand of her hair from her face that was still in a frown. To Arnold, it was as if she was thinking too deeply when there was no need to do so.
He suddenly felt emboldened to go further. He reached for her thighs and began to squeeze. She looked ravishing as usual in the tight blue jeans trouser she had on. He particularly liked how rounded her thighs appeared as she was seated and he just could not take his hands off them at the moment.
“So, what do you say? Can we confirm if really there are no bras and panties on this lovely body of yours?”
Suddenly, Angela dropped the packet of food she was eating from and then pushed his hands away. Her reaction was not one he expected. “Please, Arnold. I think there is a mistake here.”
He was taken aback. “Mistake? What mistake? You sent those messages to me, didn’t you?”
“Yes, I know but I think it was wrongly sent to you,” she said. As she reached for her phone, Arnold realized that this was the first time she was doing so all through their discussion. He wondered why she had not thought to do so in the first place as he had done.
He saw her quickly checking through her messages and then frowning as if she had discovered something wrong.
“Well? What is it? Have you not seen the same message you sent to me?”
She nodded. “I have. I really have to apologize for leading you on like that, Arnold.”
He rubbed his chin. “It’s no problem. I like being led along, especially by someone as good looking as you,” he said reaching for her thighs again.
But she knocked his hand off and moved further away from him on the couch. “No, Arnold. I am serious. It was a mistake.”
“What do you mean by
“It was meant for someone else, not you.”
Arnold’s jaw dropped as he stared at her. He couldn’t tell what was more unbelievable and heartbreaking — that she had sent someone else’s sexy message to him or that she was not interested in him as he was in her.
He suddenly felt like someone that had missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime. He could see himself being dropped off at a highly charged competition that he was tipped to win. Now he was the loser, the one who never won the crown.
Disappointed, Arnold’s shoulders slouched. His ego was deflated and his heart was shattered. He smiled at her and as he did so, feelings of foolishness flooded through his being. He began to play with his meal because at the sudden loss of appetite.
“So, it wasn’t meant for me? The messages you sent?” he asked when he found his voice.
“Seriously, it wasn’t for you, Arnold. You know I was driving and typing with one hand.”
“Driving and texting? Do you know that I had actually wanted to call you but I thought that it would be better to text you instead?”
“Maybe you should have called then.” Angela reached forward to hold his arm. He pushed it away.
“Why would you drive and text for goodness sake? Don’t you know that is quite dangerous?”
“I felt that I had to respond to you as quickly as possible.”
“Really? And in the process place my son under avoidable risk?”
Angela starred at him agape. “Your son? But he wasn’t alone in the vehicle. I was there too.”
“Okay then. That meant that you were putting two people’s lives at risk by acting so foolish.”
“I’m sorry, Arnold. I just wanted to communicate with you, that’s all.”
“No, it was not me that you were communicating with. It must have been the person on the other line that you felt pressured to respond to.”
“Yes, it had to be him. After all, you were already on your way here so there was no urgency in wanting to tell me anything. And from your actions now, you were not having any hot pants for me. It must have been for that other man. My goodness. That means you were not just driving and texting, but you were driving and texting to two different people at the same time.”