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by Norty Schwartz


  Gabriel, Lt. Gen. Charles A., 61–69, 113, 116, 305

  Galloway, Sam, 89, 98

  Galvin, Gen. Jack, 129

  Garner, Gen. Jay, 215

  Gas centrifuges for uranium enrichment, 218–222. see also Libyan nuclear interception

  Gates, Robert

  Air Force "all in" in Iraq, 301

  ensures commanders are provided for, 304

  great vision, drive, support and inspiration of, 310

  on McChystal, 191

  and operational intelligence, 296–298

  and "Option 2A," 263

  resistance to air-to-air superiority spending, 256–260

  as Secretary of Defense, 215, 231, 252–253, 331–332

  and war fighting expenditure priorities, xvii

  Gemini, 4

  General Jerome F. O’Malley and Diane O’Malley Award, 74

  Getty, Col. Ken, 130

  Giambastiani, Adm. Edmund, 183–184, 187, 195, 223

  Glenn, Sen. John, 4

  Global Vigilance, Reach, and Power, 165–168

  Glosson, Gen. Buster, 146

  Goldfein, Gen. David "Hammer 34," 143

  Goldwater, Sen. Barry, 73

  Government Neutrality Regarding Religion, 271–274

  Graham, Sen. Lindsey, 248

  "Great American Satan," 63

  Grenada Invasion, 110–111

  Griffin, Sgt. Dale, 259–260

  Griffith, Maj. Tom, 130–132

  Gropman, Col. Alan, 19, 114

  Guilmartin, Lt. Col. John, 19–20

  Gulf War, 128–138, 185–186, 214. see also DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM; Iraq; Operation ENDURING FREEDOM; Operation IRAQI FREEDOM


  Hadley, Stephen, 199

  Hagee, Gen. Mike, 206

  Hagel, Chuck, 308

  HAHO (High Altitude High Opening), 93–94

  HALO (High Altitude Low Opening), 93–94, 107

  Handy, Gen. John, 231

  Handy, Mickey, 230–231

  Harmon, Mike, 32

  Harris, Franco, 6

  Hayden, Gen. Michael, 200, 236

  Haynes, Jim, 195

  Heckman, Maj. Gary, 120

  Hess, Lt. Col. Lee, 89, 120

  HH-52H, 107

  Hickam AFB, HI, 113

  Highley, Sam, 272

  hijack of KAL 85, 177–178

  HM-53 Pave Low, 138–139

  Hobson, Maj. Gen. James L., 93, 107–109, 111, 171–172, 345–346

  Holland, Gen. Charlie, 139–140, 143, 169, 176

  Holloman AFB, 310

  Hoosier National Forest, 228

  Hornburg, Brig. Gen. Hal, 145–148

  Horner, Gen. Chuck, 115

  hostility toward faith letter, 274

  "Hot Mic," 37

  House and Senate Armed Services Committees, 339

  House Armed Service Committee, 272

  Hunter, Rep. Duncan D., 309

  Hurlburt Field, Elgin Air Force Base, 74, 77–79, 84, 136–141, 345

  Hurricane Katrina, 231

  Hurricane Opal, 155–159

  Hussein, Qusay, 215

  Hussein, Saddam, 19, 217–218

  Hussein, Uday, 215

  Hutto, Rep. Earl, 120

  Hypersonic speeds, 316


  ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile), 254

  IED (improvised explosive device), 235, 257, 259–260

  IFR (in-flight refueling), 95, 107–108

  Incirlik, Turkey - SOCEUR deployed to, 129–136

  Incirlik Joint Operations Center, 130

  Initiative 17, 116–118

  Inouye, Sen. Dan, 340–341

  Inspector General (IG), 265

  Institutional Innovation, 277

  intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), 255

  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 199

  IOC (Initial Operational Capability), 259

  The Iran Crisis: America Held Hostage, 63

  Iranian hostage rescue, 63, 84–85, 88, 345

  Iraq. see also al-Qaeda; DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM; Iranian hostage rescue; Iraqi Kurds; Kurdish refugee exodus; Operation DESERT SCORPION; Operation IVY SERPENT (suboperation of SODA MOUNTAIN); Operation SIDEWINDER; Operation SODA MOUNTAIN; Operation SOUTHERN WATCH

  AF "all in" in Iraq, 255–256

  battle casualties during, 241–242

  battles in, xx

  CAOC provides command and control of airpower, 303

  death of Hussein's sons in Mosul, 215

  Joint Special Operations Task Force, 355

  Joint Staff on, 224

  National Guard mobolized for, 195

  pilot rescue in, 129–132

  Pres. Bush resolution for action in, 192

  reduced military footprint in, 293–294

  Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz push for attack, 185–186

  Senate testimony, 249–250

  the surge, 232–235

  Iraqi Kurds, 132–134

  Iraqi Republican Guards, 207

  ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance), xv–xvi, 302, 304

  ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance) networks, 315–320


  Jackson, Col. Joe, 337

  Jamerson, Maj. Gen. Jim, 132–136

  Johnson, Pres. Lyndon, 337

  Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), 16, 332, 341. see also Schwartz, Gen. Norton A. "Norty"

  Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) interview, 179–191

  Joint Requirements Oversight Council, 187

  Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), 51

  Joint Special Operations Task Force, 355

  Joint Strike Fighter, xvi

  Joint Task Force Express Care/Joint Task Force Alpha (JTF-A), 132–136

  Joint Test Directorate, 84–85

  "Jolly Green Giants" MH-53x, 130–132

  Jones, Gen. Bill, 146

  Jones, Gen. Jim, 219, 260

  JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command), 84, 108, 139, 169–170


  Judaic principals, importance of, 62

  Jumper, CSAF Gen. John P., 13–14, 181


  Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, 65

  Karzai, Pres. Hamid, 290

  KC-135, 163

  Keane, Jack, 195–196

  Kelly, Lt. Gen. Chris, 50

  Kelly, Lt. Gen. Tom, 213

  Kennedy, Sen. Edward, 9

  Kerver, Chief MSgt. Michael, 231

  Keys, Gen. Ron, 191, 246

  Keys, Valerie, 191

  Kham Duc, Vietnam, 337

  Khan, Abdul Qadeer, 220–221

  Kim Jong Un, 294

  Kirkland AFB, 255

  Klotz, Lt. Gen. Frank, 254

  Knag, Sammy, 335

  Koppel, Ted, 63

  Korea, 198–201

  Korean Air Flight 85, 177–178

  Korean nuclear bomb threat, 200

  Korean War, 9

  Krepinevich, Andy, 116

  Krieg, Ken, 184

  Kube, Courtney, 268–269

  Kurdish refugee exodus, 132–136

  Kuwait International Airport, 140–141

  Kyle, Col. James, 89, 105


  Lajes Field, Azores, 108

  Lakehurst Naval Air Station, 4

  Lames, Deborah Lee, 259

  Langley AFB, 115, 144

  The Last Goodbye, 126

  Laughlin AFB, 31

  Laushine, Ma. Stephan J., 142–143

  "Lead Formation" certification, 52–53

  Lebit, Chief MSgt. Jimmy, 339

  LeLong, Lt. Gen. Michael "Rifle," 206

  Levin, Sen. Carl, 203, 248, 250, 339–340

  Libyan nuclear interception, 218–222

  Little Rock AFB, 36, 160

  Lockerbie bombing, Libya accepts responsibility, 222

  Long-Range Strike Bomber (LRS-B) (B-21), 259

  low-altitude parachute extraction system (LAPES), 51–52, 59–60
  Loyal Wingman, 316

  Luck, Gary, 169

  Lunger, Ted, 120


  M1 Abrams tank, 141–142

  M-121 "Earthquake," 38

  MAC (Military Airlift Command), 76

  MAC (multi-aircraft control), 314

  MacDill AFB, 173–175

  Mackey Award, 111

  Margolick, David, 183

  Marshal, Gen. George, 182

  Marvel Exodus, 107–108

  Mattis, Gen. Jim "Mad Dog," 200

  Maxwell, Capt. Reed, 21–26, 41

  MC-130E, 88, 107

  MC-130E Combat Talon, 345

  MC-130H Combat Talon II, 138, 163

  MC-130P, 163

  McAdoo, Col. Lowell "Mac," 66, 69

  McCain, Sen. John, 346

  McCalmont, Jack, xi

  McCaskill, Sen. Clair, 266–268, 287–288, 340

  McChord AFB, 342

  McChrystal, Maj. Gen. Stanley, 169, 194–195, 206, 210–218, 223–224, 260

  McNabb, Gen. Duncan, 287–288

  McPeak, Gen. Merrill "Tony," xviii, 144, 146–148

  McQuiston, Chief MSgt. Kenneth, 249–251, 289

  Medal of Honor, 340

  MEF (Marine Expeditionary Force), 224

  Melde, Erna, 3–4, 44

  Meller, Bob, 89, 105, 345

  Mentemeyer, Maj. Gen. Rich, 50

  Metherell, Dave, 98

  MH-53 "Jolly Green Giant," 132–133

  MH-53H Pave Low helicopter, 108

  MH-53J, 163

  MH-60 Pave Hawk, 138–139

  MH-60G Pave Hawk crash, 142–143

  Micire, Mark, 315

  Miklaszewski, Jim, 213, 268

  Military Airlift Command (MAC), 51

  Military Order of the Purple Heart, 309

  Military Spouse, 346

  Military Spouse Programs, 346

  Military Times, 182

  Minutemen ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile), xvii

  Mitchell Hall, AF Academy, 11

  MK-56 rocket motors, 85

  Mobley, Vice Adm. Joseph, 163

  Moffit, Brig. Gen. Mike, 50

  Montgomery, J.M., 212

  Moreno, Luis, 224

  Moseley, Gen. Walter, 231, 256–257

  Moseley, Jennie, 231

  Mount Arayat, 37

  Mount Pinatubo, 37

  Mountel, Col. Bob, 50–51

  MQ-1 Predator, 298, 301–311

  MQ-1/MQ-9 comparison, 298

  MQ-9 Reaper, 299, 301–311

  MRAPs (mine resistant ambush protected), 257

  Muhammad Ali, 47

  Mullen, Adm. Mike, xviii, 250, 260, 333

  Muller, Bob, 185

  Munson, Bob, 26–27, 30

  Murphy, Rep. Tim, 309

  Myers, Gen. Dick, 191–196, 206, 210, 231, 292, 332–333, 341

  Myers, Mary Jo, 231, 237–240, 292, 333


  NADA, 317

  National Defense University (NDU), 220

  National Guard, 179, 194–195, 207, 209, 266, 270, 303

  National Guard Bureau, 266

  National Journal, 300

  National Military Family Association, 346

  National Nuclear Strike Command, 254

  National Security Council (NCS), 179

  NATO, 318–319

  Naval Special Warfare Command, 99, 170

  Navas, Barbara, 46, 75, 80–81

  Navas, Col. Al, 36, 45–46, 62, 66, 75, 80–81

  Navy SEALs, 120, 138, 162–164, 173–175, 224, 336

  NCO of the Year, 342

  NCOs, working with, 333–339

  Nelson, Sen. Bill, 248–250, 287, 340

  New START treaty, 255

  New York Times, 182, 186, 200

  Newberry, Dee, 98, 105

  Newbold, Gen. Greg, 183

  Next-Gen systems, 314

  Next-Generation Bomber (NGB), 257–259

  Niggemeyer, Col. Chuck, 122–123

  "Night of the Generals," 183

  Nightline, 63

  9/11/2001, 177–178, 187, 190

  19-ship, 126–127

  Nixon, Pres. Richard, 221

  NMCC (National Military Command Center), 206

  NMCC DDO [National Military Command Center Deputy Director of Operations], 187

  NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command), 12

  Noriega, Manuel, 345

  Norrad, Wayne, 335–336

  North Korea, 294

  "North Korea May Be Preparing Its 6th Nuclear Test" New York Times, 200

  Northrup Grumman, 174, 259

  NPR Morning Edition, 320

  NSA (National Security Administration), 236–237

  Nuclear Enterprise, 276–277

  nuclear triad (B-52s, B-2s, ICBMs, submarine launched missiles), 254

  nuclear warheads mis-loading incident, xvii, 253–255

  Nuclear Weapons Center, 254–255

  NVG (night vision goggle) landings, 89–90, 108

  NVG/blackout landing techniques, 96


  Obama, Michele, 291

  Obama, Pres. Barack, xx, 201, 213, 221, 236, 260, 300, 309, 331–332

  Objective Wing concept, 144

  Ocean Venture 81, 107

  Ocean Venture 82, 108

  Office of Special Counsel, 264

  Officer of the Month, 342

  Ogden Air Logistics Center, 261

  Oh, Gen. Chang Hwan, 164

  Olds, Col. Robin, 11–12, 30

  Olson, Adm. Eric, 99, 169–170

  O'Malley, Diane, 64, 71–73, 83, 113

  O'Malley, Maj. Gen. Jerome F.

  as Blackbird pilot and mentor to Norty, 63–73

  counsel on leadership, 138

  death of, 73–74

  as deputy AF/XO, 62–69

  as example, 118–120

  as mentor, 305

  missions at Udorn Royal Thai Air Force, 63–64

  photo of, 64, 72

  Operation ALLIED FORCE, 16

  Operation CREDIBLE SPORT, 84–88, 94

  Operation CREDIBLE SPORT II, 94, 100–104

  Operation DESERT SCORPION, 216

  Operation EAGLE CLAW, 66–67, 84, 105, 109, 345

  Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, 332, 345

  Operation Homefront, 346

  Operation HONEY BADGER, 84–88. see also Operation EAGLE CLAW

  Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, 205, 332

  Operation IVY SERPENT (suboperation of SODA MOUNTAIN), 216

  Operation JUST CAUSE, 213–214, 345, 354

  Operation NEPTUNE SPEAR, 261, 300

  Operation NIGHT MARCH, 100–104, 113

  Operation PROVIDE COMFORT, 132–136. see also Kurdish refugee exodus

  Operation SIDEWINDER, 216

  Operation SODA MOUNTAIN, 216

  Operation SOUTHERN WATCH, 140–144, 185–186

  Operation STARDUST, 20–21

  Operational Utility Evaluation (OUE), 94


  Operations Directorate, 181

  OPLAN 1003V, 192–193

  Ops and Plans (Plans and Operations), 61–74

  OPTEMPO (operating tempo), 108, 301

  "OSD Cables" area, 205–206

  Otto, Chris, 343

  Otto, Gen. Bob, 250, 343


  Pace, Gen. Pete

  daily JCS wrap up sessions, 226

  and McChrystal request, 223–224

  and Norty's cancer operation, 244–245

  relationship to Schwartz family, 292

  updates to Oval Office, 210

  as vice chairman of Joint Chiefs, 183, 191, 194–196, 206, 332

  Pace, Lynne, 292

  PACOM (United States Pacific Command), 169

  Panama, 213–214

  Panetta, Leon, xv–xvi, 268, 308–309, 332

  Patch Barrack, Stuttgart, Germany, 129

  Paves (MH-53 and MH-60 helicopters), 108, 129–131, 138–139, 142�

  Pearl Harbor, 162–164

  Peck, Maj. Al "Herc Driver," 36, 52–53

  Pentagon, work at, 61

  Pentagon Plans Directorate, 111–118

  Pentagon's Hall of Heroes, 343

  People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan, 290

  Perdix mini-drone, 316–318

  Persian Gulf, 293. see also Hussein, Saddam; Iraq

  Peshmerga fighters, Kurdish, 132

  PNAF (Primary Nuclear Airlift Force), 124–125

  PNG event," 197

  Point Salines, 111

  Pope AFB, 107–109, 111, 342

  Potter, Brig. Gen Dick, 128–138

  The Praetorian STARShip: The Untold Story of the Combat Talon, 90–91

  Predator Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAs), 255, 295–300

  Presidental Medal of Freedom, 340

  Presidents, working with, 331

  press briefings, 212–218

  private sector job, Schwartz, 322–328

  Project Delta, 162

  promotion ceremony at Hurlburt, 170–172

  PRP (Personal Reliability Program), 124

  Prueher, Adm. Joe, 162–164

  Ptak family, 79–80

  public affairs, 212–218

  Public Law 94-106, Oct. 7, 1975, 13

  Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site, 200

  Purple Heart, 342

  Putin, Vladimir, 222

  PVS-5 NVGs, 90–92, 97, 111


  Ralston, Gen. Joe, 174

  "Random Steep," 40

  Readiness Subcommittee, House Armed Services Committee, 120

  Reagan, Pres. Ronald, 88

  "Red Crown," 42

  "red switch" phone, 198

  Rehnquist, Chief Justice William, 231

  Reinartz, MSgt., 334

  remotely piloted aircraft (RPAs), xvi

  Reno, Gen. Loren, 343

  Renuart, Maj. Gen. Gene, 192–193

  rescue flights, 143

  Reynolds, Frank, 63

  Rhyner, Staff Sgt. Zachary, 342

  Rice, Condoleezza, 199, 210

  RIM-66 Standard missile (SAM), 85

  Rio Hato AB, 345

  Risner, James Robinson "Robbie," 33

  Roberson, Cheryl, 343

  Roberson, Gen. Darryl, 343

  Roche, James, 13

  Rogers, Rep. Mike, 248, 250–251

  Rooney, Rep. Tom, 309

  Roughead, Adm. Gary, 294–295, 314

  Roughen Turf, 108–110

  Roy, Chief MSgt. Jim, 345

  "RPA Vector" report, 312

  RPAs (Remotely Piloted Aircraft), 300–311

  RQ-4 Global Hawk, 300, 302

  RQ-170 Sentinel (Lockheed Martin), 300–311

  Ruenuart, Gene, 202

  Rumsfeld, Donald, xx, 179–191, 203–204, 213–214, 231, 239–240, 257, 331

  Rumsfeld, Joyce, 231

  Rumsfeld Rules, 182

  Russell Senate Office Building, 201–205

  Ryan, Gen. Mike, 16, 143–144, 165–168, 171–173, 176


  SA-7 Grail (SAM), 39

  SACEUR (NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe), 129, 135

  Saddam Hussein, 132, 185

  Saigon, 39

  SAMs (surface-to-air missiles), 40


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