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by Norty Schwartz

  Sanchez, Taco, 89

  Sanders, Kerry, 223

  Sanders, Skip, 30

  Schmitt, Eric, 182

  Scholtes, Maj. Gen. Dick, 84, 169, 293

  Schoomaker, Gen. Peter, 99, 169, 173–176

  Schwartz, Gen. Norton A. "Norty"

  Academy admission, training and skills, 6–14

  Academy military component, 17–19

  academy photo, 27–28

  and Academy staff, 19–20

  accepts Special Ops transfer, buys house, 76–79

  ad Director Joint Staff, 224–227

  AF "all in" in Iraq, 255–256

  AF as mistress, xix–xxii

  Air Force standards - religion, 271–274

  and aircraft malfunction, 55

  air-sea battle doctrine, 294

  assigned Thirty-Sixth Tactical Airlift Squadron at McChord, 120–128

  assigned to Alaskan Command, NORAD, 11th Air Force, 176–179

  back to Hurlburt as wing commander, 149–155

  back to WA as Deputy Director of Operations, 144–148

  on back-channel maneuvering and politics, 118–120

  boxing after the Academy, 47

  boxing at the Academy, 14–17

  building the bench (general office management), 341–342

  and Center for Low Intensity Conflict (CLIC), 114–116

  changes, 293–294

  and changes in technology, 295–300

  childhood, first job, bar mitzvah and school sports, 1–3

  China incursions into South China Sea, 294

  chosen to be Chief of Staff, xviii

  Christmas at Warren AFB, 140

  classes, volunteering and life lessions, graduation, 26–30

  and CREDIBLE SPORT II, 94–99

  deployed to Special Operations Task Force in Kuwait, 140–144

  as director of strategic planning, 164–168

  Europe rotation, 54–55

  on family and teamwork, 344–347

  fighting cancer, 242–246

  first mission as C-130 crew at Tan Son Nhut, 38–42

  flight training, 20–26

  on future tech, 311–328

  on giving back, 342–343

  graduation from flight school, 32–34

  and Haiti, 222–224

  hearings for Air Force Chief of Staff, 247–253

  Initiative 17, resistance to, 116–118

  interviews for Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), director of operations, 179–191

  J-3 and preparations for war, 192–197

  and Korea, 198–201

  leadership and Col. Baginski change of command ceremony, 44–47

  leadership and suicide prevention, 159–160

  Leon Pannetta on, xv–xvi

  and Libyan nuclear interception, 218–222

  at Little Rock AFB, 47–53

  under Maj. Gen. Schultes at AFSOC, 84

  marriage to Suzie, 79–84

  and Marvel Exodus, 107–108

  meets Suzie Ptak, 56–61

  on mentors, 343

  mishaps, letters to the families, 264–270

  move to Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk VA, 110–112

  North Korea, 294

  and nuclear debacle, mis-loaded warheads, 253–255

  NVGs flight training, 92–93

  and Ocean Venture 81, 107

  and Ocean Venture 82, 108

  and Operation NIGHT March, 102–107

  and Operation NIGHT March Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR), 128–138

  Operation PROVIDE COMFORT, 132–136

  as OUE on CREDIBLE SPORT II, 98–99

  Pentagon assignment and ASTRA program, 61–66

  Philippines assignment aboard C-130, 35–38

  photo of, viii, 32

  pins on 4th star, assigned to TRANSCOM, 227–242

  promotion to 3 stars, transferred to Deputy Commander of Special Operations Command at MacDill AFB, 169–175

  promotion to Colonel, 136

  promotion to Colonel and back to Hurlburt, 136–141

  proposes to Suzie, 76

  and public affairs, 212–218

  questions on size of the Air Force, 270–271

  quote, vii

  Raptor F-22 Raptor program and long-range strike bombers, 256–259

  redemption - nonmetallic weapons for B-2, 260–262

  reflections, 275–284

  and Roughen Turf, 108–110

  on RQ-170 Sentinel, 300–311

  school sports, 5–6

  second mission and Operation FREQUENT WIND, 42–44

  secret of success, 329–331

  steps down as Air Force Chief of Staff, UAS controversy, 320–328

  the surge, Iraqi, 259–260

  Suzie and McPeak, 146–148

  Suzie comes to WA for summer, 67–75

  Suzie's accomplishments, 285–292

  Talon School at Hurlburt Field, 88–94

  team photo, 6

  transfered back to Pentagon Plans Directorate, 112–114

  transition to SOCPAC, 161–164

  and troop strength testimony, 201–205

  undergraduate flight training, 31–32

  on WAMI and WAAS, 315–320

  war council and Iraq, 205–212

  work Lt. Gen. Gabriel at Ops and Plans, 61–74

  working with bosses, 331–341

  Schwartz, Joel, 79–80

  Schwartz, Si, 2, 7–9, 44, 79–80, 106

  Schwartz, Suzie Ptak

  accomplishments at Hyatt, return to WA temporarily, 136–137

  in Afghanistan, 288–290

  air conditioners at Hurlburt, 285–286

  on Air Force culture, 115

  as career AF wife, xviii

  Dover/mishap, 262–264, 270

  first year separations and CREDIBLE SPORT aircraft, 95–97

  as general's wife, 241

  and Grenada invasion, 110–111

  on Hurricane Opal, 155–159

  and Initiative 17 resistance, 118

  joins Norty in FL, 140

  joins Norty in WA for summer, 67–75

  marriage to Norty, 79–84

  and martial teamwork, xix–xxii

  meets Norty Schwatz, 56–61

  message to Maj. Gen. Hobson, 109–110

  on mix and match seating at dinners, 237–240

  move to McChord AFB, 120–128

  and Norty's cancer operation, 243–246

  Norty's promotion and move to MacDill AFB, 169–173

  and Norty's retirement, 344–347

  proposal from Norty, 76

  response to AF Chief of Staff hearings, 250, 252

  response to Alaska move, 176–177

  on Rumsfield and war planning meeting, 196–197

  in Saudi Arabia, 290

  self-description of passion, 285–286

  she kept her word, 290–291

  Special Ops transfer and house in FL, 77–79

  spouses never forget, 287–288

  trip to Scott AFB, 228–229

  SCIF (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility), 210

  Sciolino, Elaine, 182

  Scott, Ron, 30

  Scott AFB, 227–242

  SDMA (secretary of defense military advisor), 195

  SDVs (SEAL delivery vehicles), 173

  SECDEF (secretary of defense), xvii, 117, 179–181, 193–194, 223, 301–3111

  Secretaries of Defense, working with, 331–332

  Secretary of Defense Operations Book (the book), 193–194, 197

  Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, 341

  Senate Armed Services Committee, 201–205

  Senate Armed Services Committee hearing room, SD-G50, 346

  Senate Russell Office Building/Kennedy Caucus Room, 248

  Sesame Workshop, 346

  7th SOS (Special Operations Squadron), 85

  Shaffer, Maj. Gen. Glen, 191

  Shalikashvili, Lt. Gen. John
, 132–136

  Shani, Brig. Gen Joshua, 35

  Shaud, Maj. Gen. John A., 113–116

  Shaw AFB, 268

  Shelton, Gen. Hugh, 16, 162–164, 183–185

  Shinseki, Gen. Eric, 186, 196, 203, 206, 250

  Sholtes, Maj. Gen. Dick, 169

  Shrike rocket motors, 85

  SIGINT ( signals intelligence), 315

  Signorino, Ron, 5–7

  Silver Stars, 342

  16th SOW, 144

  60 Minutes, 317

  Smith, L. Col. Les, 90–91

  SOCEUR (Special Operations Command Europe), 128–138

  SOCOM (Special Operations Command), 169–170

  SOCPAC (Special Operations Command, Pacific), 161–164

  "SOF Mafia," 120

  South Vietnamese Air Force, 39

  Special Forces, 120, 138

  Special Forces camp, Kontum, 11

  Special Operation Command, Europe, 128–138

  Special Operations Command (SOCOM), 99

  Special Operations Joint Task Force, 128–138

  Special Ops, 53, 162–164. see also Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)

  Spencer, Gen. Larry, 341–342

  The Sporting News, 6


  Academy, 14–17

  school, 1–8

  Squadron Officers' School (SOS), 47

  SR-71 Blackbird, Top Secret, 65, 145–148

  Starr, Barbara, 216

  STARS (Fulton surface-to-air recovery systems), 51, 88–89, 160–161, 345

  stealth technology, aviation, 63–64

  Stevens, Sen. Ted, 340

  Stewart, Lt. Gen. Vincent, 200–201

  Stiner, Carl, 169

  STOL (short take-off and landing), 95–96

  Strategy, 277

  Sullivan, Col. John, 114

  “Super STOL” (Short Takeoff and Landing), 85–88

  Superferry 14, 222–223

  Surge, The (Afghanistan, Arghandab River Valley), 259–261

  Suvante, Staff Sgt. Arne, 37


  TACAN, 105

  Tactical Airlift Command, 76, 114

  Tactical Airlift Command/Air Combat Command, 254

  Taliban, 207. see also bin Laden, Usama/Osama (UBL)

  Tan Son Nhut, South Vietnam, 11, 38–42

  Tangney, Col. Bill, 133

  teamwork, importance of, xx–xxi

  Tenet, George, 185, 187

  Tenoso, Col. Ed, 123, 126

  Tester, Sen. Jon, 266

  TF/TR ( terrain-following/terrain-avoidance), 95

  THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) antiballistic missile system, 201

  Thigpen, Col. Jerry, 89–91, 105, 345

  3rd Infantry Division, 207

  3rd Tactical Fighter Wing, 37

  "31 initiatives," 116, 120

  Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines, 4

  352nd wing, 130

  314th TAW, 42

  325th Fighter Wing, 340

  "Thrilla in Manila" (Muhammad Ali), 47

  "Thuds" F-105, 12

  Tilelli, Gen. John, 164

  Time, 183

  Toms River Indians, 6

  Toms River, New Jersey, 1

  Toncontin Airport, 125

  Tonight Show, 63, 213

  Tornado PA-200, 318

  Townsend, Fran, 210, 261

  Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, 346

  TRANSCOM (US Transportation Command), xv–xvi, 227–242, 257

  troop strength testimony, 201–205

  Truman, Harry, 269

  Turczynski, Ray, 89

  Turkey, 129–136, 192

  20th Special Operations Squadron, 90–91

  24th Marine Expenditionary Unit (24th Meu), 135

  24th MEU (SOC) Forward, 132–136

  Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, 340


  U-2 Dragon Lady, 302

  UAS (unmanned aircraft systems), 312

  UAS (unmanned aircraft systems) civilian controversy, 320–328

  UH-1 Huey helicopters, xvii

  Uncle Sam and WW I, 212–213

  undergraduate pilot training, 31–32

  Underwood, Buff, 89

  Unified Combatant Commands, 169

  United Synagogue Youth, 5


  "Unmanned Aircraft Systems Flight Plan," 312

  U.S. Air Force EA (Executive Airlift), 230

  U.S. Southern Command, 50

  USAF 39th SOW, 132–136

  USAF UAS Flight Plan, 312–313

  USAFA, 277

  USS Abraham Lincoln, 207

  USS Constellation, 207

  USSOCOM (United States Special Operations Command), 84, 162

  Utapao Air Base, Thailand, 37

  Uttaro, Maj. Jerry, 93–99, 105, 107–108, 345–346


  V Corps, 11th Attack Helicopter Regiment, 207

  Vagabond Warrior, 108


  Vandenberg AFB, 319

  Vandenberg Hall, AF Academy, 12

  Vanity Fair, 183

  Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), 309

  Victory Media, 346

  “Vietnam Moratorium,” 9

  Vietnam War, 7–9, 11, 47


  WAAS (wide area airborn surveillance), 315–320

  Wall Street Journal, 182

  Wallace, Chris, 110–111

  WAMI (wide area motion imagery), 315

  War Council, SECDEF, 205–212

  "War on Terror," 260–261

  Warner, Sen. John, 201–205, 249–251

  Washington Post, 182, 257, 300

  Watt, Lt. Gen. Angus Watt, 177–178

  Weikel, Col. Gary, 111, 120

  Welch, Gen. Larry, 116, 341

  Welsh, Gen. Mark, 272, 275

  White House dinners, 236–237

  White House Situation Room, 206, 260

  Wicker, Col. Thomas J., 105

  Wickham, Gen. John A., Jr., 116

  "Wild Thing" MC-130E Combat Talon, 345–346

  Wilkes-Barre Scranton International Airport, 73

  Williams, Gen. Nick, 110

  Williams, Mary Ann, 110

  Wilson, Rep. Heather, 250

  "Wing Commander/Base Commander" to "one base-one boss," 144

  Wing Director of Operations, 138–139

  Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an American Warrior, 185

  WMD (weapons of mass destruction), 210

  WMD program, Libya, 220

  Wolfenbarger, Gen. Janet C., 341–342

  Wolfowitz, Paul, 184–186, 195, 206

  working spouses and AF culture, 120–123

  World Trade Center, 177–178

  Wynne, Sen. Mike, 256–257, 297


  X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (Boeing), 319–320

  Xuan Loc, South Vietnam, 42


  YMC-130, 99

  YMC-130H, 99

  Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center, 198–199


  Zakho bombment, 132

  Zinni, Maj. Gen. Tony, 131, 173




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