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The Mir Chronicles- The Complete Series

Page 3

by Leisa Wallace

  A group of fire dancers stopped in front of them. A crowd quickly gathered to watch. Gideon stared at the dancers, but his thoughts seemed far away. Suddenly, his eyes lit up. Gideon leaned toward Evangeline. “I just realized, there is someone who will have the answers about my father. Will you be okay if I leave you for a while?”

  “I can come with you,” Evangeline said, turning toward him.

  “Actually, this person doesn’t really like people to know who she is,” Gideon said.

  Evangeline raised her eyes skeptically.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be safe,” he added.


  He gave her elbow a quick squeeze and darted through the crowd.

  Chapter Four

  Evangeline walked towards the citadel. The polished quartz stairs of her home gave her a perfect view of the festivities. The bright decorations swirled together with the equally colorful partygoers. Floating light globes circled above the square, waiting for the sun’s dismissal for their turn to light up the night. Entertainers of all kinds filled people with laughter and the smell from food vendors wafted through the air, making Evangeline’s stomach growl. She smiled while looking at a small group surrounding a juggler. He teetered on top of a flying unicycle, tossing his polished orbs into the sky.

  Laying her head against the cold stone quartz of the citadel, she thought of Gideon, trying to piece together a puzzle she didn’t have all the pieces to. Children laughed as they played and ran through the jumble of people, their bright eyes teasing their parents who chased them. Everything seemed normal. Given all that, why were Gideon and Zeke acting so differently? What was going on with them?

  Looking over the crowd, she saw her father walking across the floating platform that had been assembled opposite her home. Its thin crystalline surface was suspended a few feet above the ground. Her mother walked at her father’s side. They looked happy, holding hands, pointing out the different entertainers and laughing. Evangeline waved, trying unsuccessfully to catch their eyes. Wanting to tell them about Gideon and the mystic, she stepped down a stair and immediately stopped as she realized what was going on. Her father walked to the front of the dais to address the crowd. His uniform, washed and pressed, emphasized his strong build and commanding presence. He held up his hand to shush the crowd, and the chatter calmed as everyone turned toward their leader, waiting to hear him speak.

  Evangeline cursed her father’s bad timing.

  “People of Everleigh and surrounding friends,” he started. His loud voice boomed off the surrounding buildings.

  “Our world is a young world. This celebration marks the three hundred and fiftieth year since its creation.” People cheered as the General continued the story of the world Mir.

  “Our creators, a humble group of scientists, engineered this world as an ideal planet for the study of science and the advancements of technology. And though our advances are unmatched, the creators also taught us much about principles of peace, equality, happiness and prosperity.” The crowd cheered and the general waited for them to quiet down. “We came from a world before this one. Our creators gave us much knowledge of how to live to be happy. It was their wish to raise up an unselfish, and honorable people. They wanted a kind of people that would contribute great things to benefit the worlds around us. For hundreds of years, we found honor in living that way.

  “But today, corrupt beliefs have crept into our society. There is one specific to our world who claims that happiness lays with her teachings. Holding herself above all others, her cunning will make you believe she is right. But she takes! With promises she will never keep. By giving power to another you take it from yourself until soon you have nothing at all.

  “The war we wage isn’t a new war or single to our home.” Pausing he looked across the crowd. “It’s an ancient war. The battle between good and evil, freedom and captivity.” He spoke with no fear, unafraid of the truth.

  “We need to keep fighting the darkness sweeping our world. We need to keep fighting for our liberty, our homes and our children. Everleigh is the last stronghold of the resistance. But we will keep fighting. May we always remember what’s worth fighting for.”

  The crowd cheered. Several shouted the General’s name as music began to play. Evangeline loved this party. As worried as she felt about Gideon, she couldn’t help but smile as she watched the happy crowd. Citizens dressed in their finest clothes danced on the square. Her father often told her how lucky Everleigh was that they still had trade with other worlds at The Port. They suffered very little in Everleigh despite the war. She looked down at herself. She still wore her clothes from this morning. Making a sudden decision, she ran inside the citadel towards her room to change. Running up the stairs to the second floor she turned down the hall that housed both her room and Gideon’s. Passing Gideon’s room first, she heard his voice behind the closed doors. Her own room was only a few doors away. She would change and wait for him to go back to the party.

  Entering her room, she walked toward the wall adjacent to the door where her dress hung. She loved the lace party dress she and her mother had picked out earlier that week. With a full skirt that landed just below her knee, its square neck and quarter length sleeves left her feeling elegant and classy. The pale pink ribbon wrapped around her waist gave it the finishing touch. Evangeline studied her reflection in the mirror. She felt grown up in the sophisticated dress and a lot more feminine than in the loose pants and shirts she usually wore. She raised her hands to her hair, trying to tame the kinks poking out at odd angles. Finding a headband, she pushed the sun bleached frizz away from her face and smoothed it down. Smiling at the result, she slipped her feet into her pink flat shoes and slid out her bedroom door.

  As she walked down the hall to Gideon’s room, angry voices of Gideon and his dad resonated from behind the door. The intensity of the conversation stopped her mid-step.

  “Dad, they’re our family.”

  “No, I’m your family.” His angry voice echoed. “Don’t lose everything over your boyhood love for a little girl.”

  “Are you even listening to yourself, Father?”

  “This matter is done Gideon. Don’t become a consequence of your own stupidity.”

  Footsteps approached the other side of the door. Shuffling backward, Evangeline pretended to just arrive, and as the door opened she still stood a few strides away.

  Captain Merak eyed Evangeline with a look that froze her in her tracks. He yelled back to Gideon. “You leave tomorrow. The Academy is awaiting your arrival.” As he marched past her, she felt cold oozing from his soul. A shiver slid down her spine.


  Her eyes whipped toward Gideon. He stood, arms crossed over his chest, staring at the empty space his father had just left.

  “Gid,” her worried voice chimed.

  Gideon readjusted his eyes to where she stood. Walking toward her he grabbed her hand, and without a word started walking down the hall.

  “Military Academy? He’s sending you away?” Evangeline’s eyes filled with tears. “Off planet?”

  His steps stretched long and Evangeline found herself skipping every few steps to keep pace with him as they made their way down the main stairs to the entry. The silence was killing her. Why wasn’t he answering?

  “Gideon,” she plead. “Talk to me.”

  Gideon stopped. “Eves, listen to me,” he snapped. He looked fierce, like a warrior ready for battle. Grabbing both of her shoulders, he turned her so they faced each other. “I can’t tell you. Eves, I can’t talk about what’s going on or me leaving or anything, so please don’t ask.”

  Evangeline took a step back. Tears threatened to fall. Looking down at her feet she regained her composure. “Okay.”

  “Okay?” Gideon questioned.

  “I don’t understand what’s going on with you, Gideon.” She took his hand. “But I trust you, and if you say you can’t talk about it, I won’t ask you again.”

  Gideon didn’t reply
. She studied him from the corner of her eye as they walked back to the celebration. Whatever had happened in his short absence had changed him.

  “Gideon,” Evangeline whispered. “If you’re really leaving for the Academy tomorrow, I’m going to miss you.”

  Gideon’s step faltered, and he gave her hand a squeeze. “I’m going to miss you too.”

  Chapter Five

  They walked in silence to the square. Shadows of wavy movement caught Evangeline’s eye. Her heart leapt as she saw the alley filled with darkly dressed bodies, each pressing itself into the shadows.

  “Hey, Gid, what are they doing?” She turned toward Gideon in time to see his face fall flat. Wild with apprehension, he started scanning the square. She matched his actions. Something didn’t feel right. Where was her father? Turning away from Gideon, Evangeline searched the crowd for her father.

  Turning back towards Gideon, the spot where he’d been standing was empty. Gideon was gone. Dread grabbed at her as images from her recent vision flooded her memory. She needed to find Gideon. To find Gideon, then tell her father. Running over to a hidden alcove cushioned deeply in the side of her citadel home, Evangeline climbed on a bench. Turning, she skimmed the crowd for Gideon. Her heart pounded. She forced herself to keep her breathing even.

  Her dad stood on the podium with Gideon’s father behind him. Turning toward his friend, his face went pale. Captain Merak started walking toward her father, his hands behind his back.

  Then she saw Gideon pushing his way through the crowd towards the podium.

  A terror-filled shriek pierced the crowd. Evangeline started shaking and she strained to see the cause.

  A reflection of light drew her eye towards the Captain, and Evangeline watched in horror as Zeke plunged a knife into her father’s heart.

  Her Father collapsed onto the podium. Zeke raised his left foot, putting his heavy boot on top of the body. Giving the body a sharp kick, he pulled the knife from the lifeless body.

  “You are my General no longer,” his cold voice declared.

  The shadows Evangeline saw moments before materialized as a great infestation from the alleyways, forming a tight noose-like ring around the frightened citizens. They wore the uniform of the Priestess. Her insignia shone blood red upon their shoulders, circles within circles. They all pointed guns toward the group of helpless citizens.

  Jumping from the bench, Evangeline slinked into the darkness of the alcove, watching in panic as two soldiers restrained her mother. Fighting against them her mother kicked and screamed. Zeke walked toward her, hitting her hard across the face. She slumped between the two soldiers, barely conscious.

  “And where is your pretty little daughter?” Zeke asked.

  Evangeline’s heart knotted. Swallowing hard, Evangeline looked at her mother hanging from the arms of her two captors.

  “I do not know,” Evangeline’s mother gasped, tears running down her beautiful face. Her mother lifted her eyes, searching across the square. “Where is your son Commander?” Her eyes stopped at Evangeline’s hiding place. “Isn’t she with him?”

  Without another word, Zeke lifted a pistol and issued her mother’s fatal shot.

  “Mother,” Evangeline gasped. Horror shot through her. She collapsed on the bench, shaking.

  “Citizens of Everleigh, you are now under the command of The Most Honored Priestess,” Zeke yelled across the square. “Resist and you’ll be terminated.” Turning towards a group of soldiers he added, “Find Evangeline and bring her to me.”

  Evangeline froze, her breath sucked away by his words. Trembling, she pressed herself into the shadows. Shots rang in the air as the citizens of Everleigh started fighting back. The carnage surrounding her made her stomach convulse in pain, and she pressed her head against the wall, refusing to look.

  “Evangeline,” a whispered voice sounded. “Evangeline, look at me.”

  “Suki?” Evangeline turned her head toward the voice.

  “You have to get out of here,” Suki whispered sharply.

  Evangeline readjusted her gaze. Migel stood next to Suki facing the crowd his body hiding Evangeline.

  “I can’t.” Hot tears streamed down her cheeks as the image of her mother’s death flashed through her mind.

  “Evangeline, stop it,” Suki’s said sharply. Shocked by Suki’s tone, Evangeline sat up straight. “Don’t tell me you can’t. You’ve been top of the class in everything since we were babies. You certainly can figure this out. You must survive this, Evangeline.”

  “Hurry,” Migel whispered.

  Evangeline blinked back the tears. Suki was right. She could figure a way for them to get out. Years of escape drills under her father’s watchful care went into overdrive. Evangeline started scanning the abominable sight for an escape route. Corralled in the square, the whole town of Everleigh stood imprisoned, every exit from the square patrolled by men with guns. The few citizen of Everleigh with guns were forming a barricade in the center of the square but she knew it was a hopeless cause.

  As if divinely guided, Evangeline eyed the towering prisms of the citadel and saw her escape.

  “Okay, stay close and follow me.” Turning back to Suki and Migel, she saw their expressions looking sad yet determined.

  Suki stepped forward and enveloped her in a hug. “You’re meant to survive, Evangeline.” Without another word, she and Migel started running in the opposite direction, screaming and pointing, drawing the guards’ attention away from her.

  Lena stared after them at first shocked, and then determined. Slipping off her shoes, her sticky bare feet stuck to the quartz surface of her citadel home. Wedging herself between two pillars, she shimmied to the second floor then again to a third floor window until she could reach the roof. It took a good minute before someone noticed her swinging herself to the roof, and she heard shots fired.

  “Don’t kill her! Capture her!” Zeke’s enraged voice screamed from his place on the podium.

  Jumping to her feet she burst across the rooftops and into a service door that exited at the back of the citadel. Tripping down the stairway and afraid to look back, she descended as quickly as possible and out the exit on the backside of the citadel.

  She turned toward the trees by the lake and started running. Bombs exploded behind her. Ash filled her eyes, blocking her sense of direction. She slowed to a stop.

  Wiping the greyness from her vision she gazed around to catch her bearings. The once manicured lawns now lay beneath the bombed citadel. Her home. Everleigh, the last town of the resistance fell to pieces around her. Smoke choked her breath. Nearby screams shattered her thoughts.

  She turned in a circle. The cave should be through the trees. The trees should be ahead of her. A breeze cleared the air in front of her. Confirming her thoughts, she noticed the circle of lush trees.

  She saw him, eyes scanning the dusty horizon looking for her.

  “Gideon!” The air around her was filled with dust and ash, and when she opened her mouth it entered her throat making her voice sound weak. Her voice failed to reach him. She needed to get his attention.

  Drawing all her strength, she lifted one foot then the other. Soon she found herself tumbling through the broken ground toward him. Relief consumed her as his eyes locked with hers. He ran forward meeting her halfway. She felt his arms tighten around her small waist as she buried her face into his chest.

  “They’ve attacked!” Terror shook her as she lifted her head looking at him with disbelieving eyes. “Your...your father... attacked.”

  Holding her closer, his forehead tipped down to touch hers. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to find comfort in his eyes. Leaning back, her mind started registering everything at once. Gideon wore black. The red insignia stood where Evangeline had just rested her head.

  “Gideon!” Her eyes wide open, filled with betrayal. “What have you done?” She stepped away from him.

  “Eves, I’m so, so sorry.” He grabbed her arms.

  Mistrust w
elled inside her. Fear mixed with it. “Let go of me,” she said, her voice just above a whisper. “He sent you, didn’t he?” Tears now ran down her face as she backed away from him. “You are the danger that I couldn’t see right in front of me.”

  They both stood staring at each other, as thick smoke swirled around them. Gideon did not deny her statement.

  The fierce shouts of soldiers grew closer. Looking to her left, she saw a small band of Everleighans fighting off advancing soldiers. Her mind scrambled to find a way to get to them.

  “Eves?” Gideon’s voice sounded miserable and she turned her head back toward him. He had a gun pointed at her chest. “I’m so sorry.”

  A blast sounded in her ears. Then everything went dark.

  Chapter Six

  The Priestess’ icy eyes stared at the men seated at the conference table. As she sat on her throne, steps above them, they shifted uncomfortably under her watch, deliberately avoiding her gaze. They focused instead on the holographic maps projected on the table in front of them. Six men sat at the table, and one stood by her side.

  “Report,” her toneless voice demanded.

  A broad shouldered man sitting in the first chair adjusted in his seat and started the report.

  “The resistance is silenced, Most Honored Priestess,” the deep voice declared with a conceited air. The voice belonged to Nagar, one of her first and most fierce followers. “There have been no signs of resistant outbreaks since Everleigh fell. Active soldiers patrol all cities and towns demanding order in your honored name.”

  Then, in a voice more charming he added, “Your hold on this world is unmatched, Priestess. You have won the war, Most Honored.” Nagar stood and raised his strong arms to his chest then in a deep bow he added, “You alone are ruler of this world!”

  The coldness in her enchanting eyes melted into fire. A serpent-like grin formed on her perfect lips. Her cold beauty demanded the admiration of all in the room. One by one each man rose from his chair and bowed, all bringing their hands to their chests. All but the one who stood unfazed next her. Her first in Command, once Captain of the Resistance but now General of her Defenses. Zeke Merak. His arms remained at his sides, his brow furrowed, as he watched the scene before them.


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