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The Mir Chronicles- The Complete Series

Page 41

by Leisa Wallace

“Lena, I think it’s time we get out of this city,” Suki said.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Lena replied.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  They slipped into the streets. Suki leading the way. Tern used the glider to carry Birdee. They heard soldiers beating down the doors of homes the next street over. Patrols and roadblocks covered the streets. Police air-bikes filled the sky, their searchlights scanning the roads. Lena looked back to the safe house where they had left Ollie and Bates. Her shoulders dropped as guilt consumed her. She wanted to go back and get them.

  “They’ll be okay,” Suki assured, reading her thoughts. “They’re sneaky and they’ve been avoiding patrols since they became orphans.”

  Still, as Lena walked forward again, she couldn’t help but feel she was leaving them to die.

  They stopped under an archway covering the road. Lena pushed her back along the stone wall. Gideon next to her. Groups of soldiers were crossing the road in front of them.

  “We need a better cover,” Gideon said, watching the soldiers pass.

  Lena studied the soldiers’ backs. “Well Captain,” she said with half a smile. “The solution is right in front of us.”

  Gideon’s confusion turned into a smile. He raised his eyes at Lena. “Tern, can you get Birdee to the ship unseen?” he asked.

  Tern nodded. “Just Birdee is a much easier task than all of ya,” he answered.

  Gideon nodded. “Go,” he said. Tern didn’t question him as he jumped on the glider with Birdee and rose above them. Lena watched as they disappeared into the sky.

  Lucius had made no noise since following them into the darkened streets. Now he sneered at the group. “You’re going to get us captured,” Lucius snarled.

  “Not if we’re the ones doing the capturing,” Lena answered.

  Suki now grinned. “I like your thinking,” she said. “There’s a group of soldiers coming now.”

  “Everyone disarm someone,” Tarek said, stepping to the side with a formal air. Suki’s grin widened and her eyebrows raised as she looked at him.

  Gideon instructed the group into a formation. Lena and Gideon were sent to one side of the road; Lucius, Suki, and Tarek were sent to the other. As the small band of soldiers passed, Gideon and the others stepped from the shadow. The soldiers had no time to react as the group surrounded and disarmed them.

  “’Give us your clothes,” Gideon instructed.

  The soldiers held their hands above their heads. None of them moved.

  “Give them to us conscious, or unconscious. Either way, we’re taking your uniforms.”

  The soldiers looked alarmed but quickly started taking off their clothes. Lena grabbed a shirt from one of the soldiers’ hands and stripped it into rags to gag the soldiers. They used the soldiers’ own cuffs to bind them together, then dressed in the soldiers’ clothes.

  The uniforms didn’t fit exactly as they should. Lena’s was a little too loose on the shoulders, Gideon’s a little too tight around his chest. Still, they looked like they belonged to the Priestess’ Defenses.

  Gideon turned to the Defense soldiers tied together on the ground. “The Priestess doesn’t forgive those who disappoint her. And you have just crossed that line. I suggest you figure out a way to get out of your binds, find new uniforms, and pretend as if nothing happened.”

  The soldiers gave Gideon a hasty nod of agreement.

  Lena, Suki, Tarek and Lucius all fell in line behind Gideon. Grasping guns to their chest as they walked to the edge of the city. They passed several groups of soldiers, but the only reaction they got was the nod of heads.

  As they neared the gates, the guard stepped in front of the gate. Gideon stepped forward to speak. “We’ve been assigned to patrol the lands between here and the forest,” Gideon explained.

  “I was told no one was to pass the gates,” the guard answered.

  Gideon nodded. “I understand. I’ll have General Merak contact you.” He reached for his com device.

  “General Merak gave you this order?” the soldier asked.

  Gideon nodded again.

  “I had heard the General was no longer in command,” the gate guard said.

  Lena’s heart skipped a beat. She bit her lower lip in an attempt to control her anxiety. They were going to get caught. Gideon didn’t falter, he lifted his com towards his mouth.

  The guard stepped to the side. “I must have heard wrong. There is no need to contact him at this busy time. You may pass,” he said, opening the gate. “I’ll relay your orders to the air patrols.” the guard added.

  Gideon ordered the group through the gates and into formation. Tarek, Lena, and Lucius obeyed with the precision of a soldier. Suki followed their movements with ease. As the gates closed behind them, Gideon ordered them forward, searching the lands as they went.

  Overhead lights shone on them periodically, but all search patrols would have seen was a group of soldiers searching the barren land surrounding the city. Once they reached the trees, they ran to where Druinn and Myri had hidden the ship.

  Gideon opened his arm, beckoning everyone inside before him. Gideon silhouetted the doorway as he scanned the darkened night for soldiers following. When he was satisfied that they were alone, he closed the door and called for Druinn to start the ship.

  “I don’t need to tell you to stay out of sight,” Gideon said.

  “No sir,” Druinn replied. “But if it makes you feel better to say, I don’t mind hearing it.”

  Gideon slapped him on the shoulder as Druinn and Myri climbed into the cockpit .

  Lena surveyed the room. Tern was already there, with Birdee. She lay on a bunk, built in the ships walls.

  “Took ya long enough,” Birdee said, smiling and winking.

  Well, Lena thought she was winking, but her eye was so bruised and swollen it was hard to tell for sure.

  Lucius snorted at the comment as he threw himself on a bunk opposite of Birdee.

  Druinns voice sounded over the speakers. “Buckle up, you never know when you’ll be chased by a group of greedy soldiers controlled by a narcissistic Priestess.” He paused, and Lena heard Myri’s indecipherable whispers over the intercom. Druinn cleared his throat. “Ahhh, sorry Gideon. I didn’t mean to say that about your mother.”

  The room went deathly silent. Everyone looked at Gideon who stood silently in the center of the ship. Lena felt her heart beat once. Then, Gideon started chuckling. His shoulders bouncing up and down before he broke out in laughter. Tarek joined him. Soon the whole group laughed at the irony of the situation. It felt good to laugh. To relieve all the pressure and anxiety that had built up inside of her. Lena looked at the group around them. They had made it. They had rescued Birdee.


  Suki and Tarek buckled into the seats at the table. Gideon climbed into the cockpit with Druinn and Myri. Birdee sat up in her bed and Tern carried her to a chair at the table and buckled her into it. She leaned her head on Tern’s shoulder as he buckled himself in next to her. Lucius was lying in his bunk staring at the ceiling looking annoyed. He didn’t buckle up. Lena didn’t care. Lena chose a seat between Tarek and Tern. As Lena buckled in, she felt the ship vibrate as it rose into the sky.

  Suki pulled out a deck of cards. Signaling to the others, she dealt them a hand and started teaching them a new game. Birdee and Tern only watched. Birdee kept her head against Tern’s shoulder. He stroked her hair with his fingers and whispered into her ear. Suki slapped her hand on top of the deck of cards. Lena didn’t know how Suki could act so calm after what had just happened, but her calmness was contagious. Lena relaxed and even found herself laughing as they played together.

  After about a half hour of flying, Myri informed them that they weren’t being followed and that they were beyond any of the Priestess’ radars. Suki put her cards down and unbuckled herself. Stepping to the closet, she pulled out another outfit. Lena thought it looked like a shirt Azara would wear. Turning her back to the group she removed her Defense unif
orm. She pulled Azara’s shirt over her head and belted it at her waist, forming a tunic-like dress. Its skirt fell in a diagonal down her leg.

  Lena had never realized how tiny Suki was. She would never be able to wear one of Azara’s shirts as a dress. Luckily she didn’t have to. Suki had packed both of them several outfits before leaving Arc. Suki threw one to Lena. Lena went into the bathroom and changed into the jumpsuit. It reminded her of the uniform she wore as a servant, but when she looked in the mirror she couldn’t help but feel beautiful. Her servant’s outfit had been baggy and a dull gray. The outfit Suki had packed flattered her. The blue brought out the color of her eyes. She loved how the cargo pockets accentuated her hips. She was glad Suki had an eye for fashion. She’d never have picked this for herself.

  Walking from the bathroom, and saw Birdee. She looked awful. Dirt and grime streaked her bruised face. Her once wildly curly hair hung in matted knots around her face.

  “We have a few hours. Let’s get you cleaned up,” Lena said.

  Birdee suddenly looked more alert than before. She blushed as Tern carried her towards the ship’s bathroom. “Ya think you’re going ta help me?”

  Birdee’s voice was barely audible, but the teasing behind it caused Tern to blush. He sat her down on a chair that pulled out of the shower wall. Birdee caught his hand. Her eyes softened as she met his.

  “Thank you for finding me,” she said.

  Tern tucked his chin, he didn’t need to reply. The love on his face explained everything.

  Lena shut the door behind him and turned to Birdee. Carefully she helped Birdee remove her dirty clothes and started the shower. Lena dabbed a washcloth at Birdee’s back. Birdee hissed between her teeth.

  “I’m so sorry Birdee,” Lena said, looking over the bruising and cuts that covered Birdee’s back. “I think you might have some broken ribs.”

  “Figured I did. Hurts somethin’ fierce,” Birdee answered. “Those and my knee,” she added. Lena looked down at her leg. The purple of her knee was only less shocking than the swelling around it. It looked over double the size it should have been. Lena quickly finished helping Birdee wash, then wrapped a towel around her.

  Lena tried to straighten Birdee’s knee to splint it. Birdee arched her back and screamed. Lena ended up stabilizing it still bent. They remained quiet for a few minutes while Lena did the best she could to treat her cuts.

  “Ya ever gunna tell me what happened ta Jonah?” Birdee asked.

  Lena’s hands stopped dabbing antiseptic on Birdee’s back. So many images and feeling swarmed her mind. Lena felt herself biting down on her lip to stay calm. Tasting blood, she relaxed her jaw. She couldn’t bring herself to look at Birdee.

  “He died,” Lena finally said. She kept her hands busy by wrapping and rewrapping a bandage in her hand.

  Birdee’s head fell and silence filled the space between them. Birdee waited until Lena slowly started recounting the story the best she could, from the time they left the facility, until he died on the cliff.

  “I’d never have suspected,” Birdee said, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Jonah was my friend. Lena, I’m so sorry.”

  Lena wiped her own tears away. “I’m sorry too,” Lena said. A knock at the door caused Lena to shake her head clear and force a smile.

  “Suki found ya some clothes,” Tern said, opening the bathroom door. “They migh’ not be pretty, but better than wha’ ya had on.”

  Birdee pulled the towel she held closer to her chest. Tern blushed and diverted his eyes towards the mirror where Birdee’s bruised back was reflected. Terns blush turned to a scowl. He opened the door wide and walked in.

  “She did this to you,” Tern growled, maneuvering in the small bathroom to examine her back. He brushed his fingers across her bruises. “She can’ do this anymore,” Tern said.

  “I know,” Birdee replied.

  Gideon stood in the open doorway. On seeing Birdee’s back reflected in the mirror, his face matched Terns. “Do you think you can get your people to take a stand against the Priestess?” Gideon asked Tern.

  “I don’ know,” Tern said. “Are ya formin’ a resistance, Gideon?”

  Gideon kept his lips pressed together for a moment before speaking. “I’m gathering information. Seeing what allies we might have if we did take a stand against Selene.”

  “My people like to keep to themselves. They take pride in standin’ away from the technology that surrounds Mir. They like rulin’ themselves. Though, they all have a great respect fer Birdee. Maybe if they see what’s been done ta her...”

  “Well, everyone here is getting’ a hootin’ good look.” Birdee attempted to laugh, but it quickly turned into a cough.

  Gideon and Tern both blushed. Issuing their apologies, the boys left the bathroom while Lena helped Birdee put on the clothes Tern had given her.

  “Do ya think ya can beat the Priestess?” Birdee asked as Lena tenderly helped Birdee on with the shirt she’d been given.

  “I’m not sure,” Lena replied. “But you remember that explosion we analyzed at Defense training?”

  “I remember. We tracked the bombers.”

  “Yes, and the last image we saw was of Thora standing on the lake shore of Everleigh. She has some type of server that has information on it about what’s controlling Gideon’s father. I think if we can see what technology Selene has, we can counteract it. And maybe even hinder Selene’s power. At this point, we don’t know much, though. Gideon’s right when he says we need to gather more information. Hopefully, Thora will know more as well,” Lena said.

  “We’re really going to Everleigh?” Birdee asked.

  Lena nodded. “We really are.” She smiled. It was good having her friend back.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Suki pointed to the mountains ahead. They rose like a giant wall rising directly from the valley floor. Peaking through the ridges of dry, barren ground, spots of white crystals sparkled in the sunlight of the new day. The mountain terrain looked rough and very few trees scattered the mountainside. Snow dusted the topmost peaks.

  Lena’s eyes squinted as she leaned in her chair towards the window.

  “Not the mountains you remember, are they?” Gideon asked.

  Lena turned her seat towards him. “I’ve just never seen them from this side,” Lena answered. “I remember them being so much greener. And trees. Where are the trees?” Lena swiveled back towards the window.

  Staring at the mountains, she envisioned what they looked like from the Everleigh side. She remembered evergreens and maples and how in the fall, the whole mountain would glow with the leaves' bright orange and yellow colors. And most of all she remembered the crystals and how the sun would hit them, sending dancing rainbows to the ground.

  Gideon chuckled. “The Monmark side of the mountains has a drier climate than the Everleighan side,” Gideon said. “Where you see rocks here, you’ll see vegetation in Everleigh. Don’t you worry, as soon as we fly over this ridge, you’ll see the mountains you remember.”

  “Do you think it’ll be worse than we remember?” Lena asked.

  “Some things aren’t the same as we remember them to be,” Gideon said.

  Lena’s heart dropped as she turned to Gideon.

  He was smiling. “Some things are even better.” Gideon gazed at her, his eyes sparkling with second meaning. Lifting his hand, he gave her a child-like punch to the shoulder.

  Lena smiled back. Having Gideon with her was better than she ever remembered.

  Lena turned her attention to the town of Monmark settled at the base of the mountains. From where they flew, the town was only a dark shadow on the desert ground below. Even as a child, Monmark was a wild, ill-educated city. A stark contrast to the booming city of Everleigh on the other side.

  A jerk of the ship caused Lena to grab the edge of the table. “What is happening?” Lena yelled. Gideon jumped to his feet and ran up the ladder into the cockpit. Lena undid her seatbelt and ran after him.

p; “We’ve lost power,” Druinn yelled, as he frantically searched the gauges. “Fuel is fine. Gauges are correct. Everything is fine. What is going on?”

  The ship lurched, its nose falling in front of them. Lena lost her footing and fell into the back of Myri’s seat. Gideon grabbed a handhold on the wall. His arms jerked as the ship dove. Druinn pulled at the controls straightening out the nose.

  “What’s wrong with it?” Lena asked, grabbing Myri’s seat.

  Gideon’s eyes widened. He looked down into the cabin. “Luicius,” he said. Releasing his handhold, Gideon jumped down from the cockpit, ignoring the ladder.

  Lena pulled herself to the ladder and made her way down as the ship lurched again. Gideon had already stepped to where Lucius was buckled in a seat against the wall. Gideon grabbed his shirt and pulled him up. Lucius’ belt dug into his legs keeping him from rising to a stand. He floundered under Gideon’s grip.

  “What have you done?” Gideon yelled.

  The ship lurched again. Lena grabbed hold of the bunk. She looked at Gideon. His countenance was brimming with anger.

  Lucius' lips curled into a snarl. “You didn’t think I’d let you get to Everleigh,” he chortled. “Oh, you did.” He shoved Gideon away. “Then you’re even dumber than I thought.”

  Gideon clenched his jaw. Flexing his hands at his side, he took a breath that filled his chest.

  Lucius smiled. His face was filled with conceit as he started to chuckle. “The Cimmerians are coming for you,” Lucius said.

  At his words, Gideon balled his fist and hit Lucius square in the nose. Blood splattered the walls as his nose bled freely.

  Lucius grabbed at his face and screamed. Gideon turned his back on Lucius and climbed back up the ladder. Lena looked at Lucius grabbing his nose and scrunched over in pain. He glared as he inclined his head and rested it against the wall behind him. Lena followed after Gideon. The ship lurched once more knocking her off the ladder. Her arms pulled her to a stop as her feet scrambled for a solid wrung. Regaining control she climbed after Gideon into the cockpit. Placing herself behind Myri, she widened her stand to keep her balance against the dying ship. Suki climbed the ladder behind her and now stood between the seats, studying the landscape.


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