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The Mir Chronicles- The Complete Series

Page 66

by Leisa Wallace

  "That's a heavy topic for a party," Gideon said.

  "I know, I'm just so used to worrying about everyone," Lena said. "On a happy note, I talked to Corgy earlier this week. He couldn't stop talking about how much he loved The Port. He said he was going to stay there for a while. Suki offered him The Port house."

  "Speaking of former prisoners," Gideon said pointing across the crowd, "it seems that Jenna and her dad have found a home in Everleigh.”

  Lena followed Gideon's gaze and saw Jenna standing at the edge of the courtyard, her hands crossed over her chest as she glared at the passing dancers. "She doesn't change much, does she?" she said.

  Gideon chuckled.

  "Oh, I forgot to tell you," Lena said. "I spoke to Dorry this morning. He said as a favor to me, he'd take Evren as an apprentice."

  "Wow," Gideon said. "That was easy." He lead Lena into a spin.

  "Not as easy as you'd think. He sent Evren his location in a coded message. If Evren can break the code, he can join him."

  Gideon's eyes widened then he started laughing. "One of them is going to be very surprised by the others intellect."

  "Or lack of," Lena added.

  "Ah," a familiar voice purred from behind them. "The Angel and the Warrior.”

  Lena spun to see Xenia standing only yards away from them. "Xenia," Lena gasped. "What are you doing here?"

  "I go where I feel pulled," Xenia answered. She grabbed them both by the hand, "You have the necklace," she said. "I can tell you why you're here." She looked at the medallion hanging from Lena's neck.

  Lena's heart jumped as she remembered the months of visions she'd had with the mystic. She paused. "Actually, I've had enough prophecies to last me a lifetime." Lena said. "I'd just like to live life without knowing what's in my destiny."

  "I second that," Gideon said.

  Xenia hummed. "You are a great deal wiser than the last time we met. In that case, since I'm no longer needed, I leave you with these words," she purred. "Live and be happy." She disappeared into the crowd.

  The sun was beginning to fall. Automatically everyone stopped dancing and turned to the lake. Rainbows danced around the broken city, casting their colors upon everyone in the square.

  The square had turned respectfully silent and soon Lena found everyone looking at her.

  Gideon nudged her. "They want you to speak," he said.

  Lena ducked her head and tried to melt into the crowd. "I wouldn't know what to say," she said.

  Suki had found her. "Thank them," she said pulling her towards the dais at one end of the square. The same dais her father had spoken on at the last party held in Everleigh.

  Lena reluctantly ascended the stairs. Gideon and Suki stood to the side. She looked around. Tarek, Birdee and Tern looked on from the front row. What could she possibly say to these people who had lost so much of their life to the Priestess' tyranny? Reaching down she grabbed a broken crystal that had been piled on the edge of the stage. She squeezed it in her palm.

  "When I was a child, my father told me of the scientists who founded this world. They created a world of peace, he told me, and named it Mir, or peace in one of their ancient tongues. Anyone could prosper and be happy here." She held up the broken crystal and took a deep breath to clear her head. "But now, just like this crystal, that world has been broken by the tides of chaos. We have lost those closest to us. We have changed ourselves." She stopped and looked to Gideon hoping to gain some courage.

  Gideon urged her on.

  "But just because something wasn't what it once was, doesn't mean it's any less beautiful or powerful." She held her crystal into the very last rays of the setting sun. "In fact, the more ridges a crystal has, the more rainbows it can make. And that's what I see when I look at you all." Tears had started to form in her eyes as she watched the crystal cast rainbows onto the crowd. "You are broken, and yet you have so much to give." She could barely speak. "Together, we have been through a battle that none of us wished and came out of it with ridges and scars that we can never hide. And yet, we are creating something beautiful. Not only with our city," she gestured to the city around them, "but with our lives."

  The people cheered.

  When they calmed down Lena continued. "Let us always remember. Let us remember those we lost. Let us remember those we loved. But most of all, let us remember how together we united our world. Together, we are the Rise!"

  The End


  Wow, I can’t believe I finished a trilogy. I can’t even begin to describe how great it feels to have accomplished this huge goal of mine. From my first draft of my first book to this very last page, I have learned so much. Writing a book is hard. Revising it is even harder. Then, having an editor go over it and sending back thousands of corrections nearly killed me. There may have been tears along the trail, and points I wanted to give up. But refining my writing craft refined me at the same time. And, in the end, I’m am so grateful for the handful of people who pushed me along the way. To my dad, who has always been my biggest fan, thank you for cheering me on. Emily Hardman-Reading, your beta comments were awesome thank you for telling me where needed more work. Wade Wallace, you always had a different way to look at the story and helped me see things from a different angle. Crystal Boyack, for finding those pesky errors my eyes skipped over. To my writer's group TLC for helping me stick to my goals over a cup of delicious herbal tea. And last to my editor Carol M Vaughn, you helped me draft and re-draft and refine and tear apart and perfect every single sentence. Thank you for not giving up on me.

  To read more about Leisa and the characters she creates,

  visit her website at




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